NO_SENTENCES_ERROR = "No sentences were found for these terms. Please enter OpenAI key and use ChatGPT to generate new test sentences or change bias specification!" OPENAI_INIT_ERROR = "Incorrect OpenAI key, got error from API: <ERR>." OPENAI_KEY_WRONG = "The OpenAI key appears incorrect." OPENAI_KEY_EMPTY = "You need to provide a valid OpenAI key to enable generation. Rest assured, we do not store the key you provide." NO_TERMS_ENTERED_ERROR = "Please first enter some terms to specify social bias to test." BIAS_SENTENCES_MISMATCH_ERROR = "Terms from bias specification don't correspond to test sentences. Please make sure to find/regenerate test sentences after changing bias specification!" MODEL_NOT_LOADED_ERROR = "Tested Model [M] did not lead correctly. Please try reploading the space."