import streamlit as st from apify_client import ApifyClient # Initialize the ApifyClient with your API token client = ApifyClient("apify_api_uz0y556N4IG2aLcESj67kmnGSUpHF12XAkLp") # Streamlit UI st.title("Places Information") website_name = st.text_input("Enter the type of place (e.g., restaurant, cafe):", "restaurant") location = st.text_input("Enter the location:", "New York, USA") button = st.button("Fetch Information") def fetch_places_from_google_maps(website_name, location): try: run_input = { "searchStringsArray": [website_name], "locationQuery": location, "maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 1, # Fetching only one record for simplicity # Other input parameters can be added as per your requirements } # Update the actor call run ="compass~crawler-google-places").call(run_input=run_input) items = list(client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items()) if items: return items[0] except Exception as e: st.write(f"Error: {str(e)}") return None if button: place_data = fetch_places_from_google_maps(website_name, location) if place_data: st.write(place_data) else: st.write("No data found!")