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import warnings
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import torch
from interpolator import Interpolator
def translate_state_dict(var_dict, state_dict):
for name, (prev_name, weight) in zip(state_dict, var_dict.items()):
print('Mapping', prev_name, '->', name)
weight = torch.from_numpy(weight)
if 'kernel' in prev_name:
# Transpose the conv2d kernel weights, since TF uses (H, W, C, K) and PyTorch uses (K, C, H, W)
weight = weight.permute(3, 2, 0, 1)
assert state_dict[name].shape == weight.shape, f'Shape mismatch {state_dict[name].shape} != {weight.shape}'
state_dict[name] = weight
def import_state_dict(interpolator: Interpolator, saved_model):
variables = saved_model.keras_api.variables
extract_dict = interpolator.extract.state_dict()
flow_dict = interpolator.predict_flow.state_dict()
fuse_dict = interpolator.fuse.state_dict()
extract_vars = {}
_flow_vars = {}
_fuse_vars = {}
for var in variables:
name =
if name.startswith('feat_net'):
extract_vars[name[9:]] = var.numpy()
elif name.startswith('predict_flow'):
_flow_vars[name[13:]] = var.numpy()
elif name.startswith('fusion'):
_fuse_vars[name[7:]] = var.numpy()
# reverse order of modules to allow jit export
# TODO: improve this hack
flow_vars = dict(sorted(_flow_vars.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].split('/')[0], reverse=True))
fuse_vars = dict(sorted(_fuse_vars.items(), key=lambda x: int((x[0].split('/')[0].split('_')[1:] or [0])[0]) // 3, reverse=True))
assert len(extract_vars) == len(extract_dict), f'{len(extract_vars)} != {len(extract_dict)}'
assert len(flow_vars) == len(flow_dict), f'{len(flow_vars)} != {len(flow_dict)}'
assert len(fuse_vars) == len(fuse_dict), f'{len(fuse_vars)} != {len(fuse_dict)}'
for state_dict, var_dict in ((extract_dict, extract_vars), (flow_dict, flow_vars), (fuse_dict, fuse_vars)):
translate_state_dict(var_dict, state_dict)
def verify_debug_outputs(pt_outputs, tf_outputs):
max_error = 0
for name, predicted in pt_outputs.items():
if name == 'image':
pred_frfp = [f.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).detach().cpu().numpy() for f in predicted]
true_frfp = [f.numpy() for f in tf_outputs[name]]
for i, (pred, true) in enumerate(zip(pred_frfp, true_frfp)):
assert pred.shape == true.shape, f'{name} {i} shape mismatch {pred.shape} != {true.shape}'
error = np.max(np.abs(pred - true))
max_error = max(max_error, error)
assert error < 1, f'{name} {i} max error: {error}'
print('Max intermediate error:', max_error)
def test_model(interpolator, model, half=False, gpu=False):
time = torch.full((1, 1), .5)
x0 = torch.rand(1, 3, 256, 256)
x1 = torch.rand(1, 3, 256, 256)
x0_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(x0.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy(), dtype=tf.float32)
x1_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(x1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy(), dtype=tf.float32)
time_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(time.numpy(), dtype=tf.float32)
tf_outputs = model({'x0': x0_, 'x1': x1_, 'time': time_}, training=False)
if half:
x0 = x0.half()
x1 = x1.half()
time = time.half()
if gpu and torch.cuda.is_available():
x0 = x0.cuda()
x1 = x1.cuda()
time = time.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
pt_outputs = interpolator.debug_forward(x0, x1, time)
verify_debug_outputs(pt_outputs, tf_outputs)
with torch.no_grad():
prediction = interpolator(x0, x1, time)
output_color = prediction.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).detach().cpu().numpy()
true_color = tf_outputs['image'].numpy()
error = np.abs(output_color - true_color).max()
print('Color max error:', error)
def main(model_path, save_path, export_to_torchscript=True, use_gpu=False, fp16=True, skiptest=False):
print(f'Exporting model to FP{["32", "16"][fp16]} {["state_dict", "torchscript"][export_to_torchscript]} '
f'using {"CG"[use_gpu]}PU')
model = tf.compat.v2.saved_model.load(model_path)
interpolator = Interpolator()
import_state_dict(interpolator, model)
if use_gpu and torch.cuda.is_available():
interpolator = interpolator.cuda()
use_gpu = False
if fp16:
interpolator = interpolator.half()
if export_to_torchscript:
interpolator = torch.jit.script(interpolator)
if export_to_torchscript:
else:, save_path)
if not skiptest:
if not use_gpu and fp16:
warnings.warn('Testing FP16 model on CPU is impossible, casting it back')
interpolator = interpolator.float()
fp16 = False
test_model(interpolator, model, fp16, use_gpu)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export frame-interpolator model to PyTorch state dict')
parser.add_argument('model_path', type=str, help='Path to the TF SavedModel')
parser.add_argument('save_path', type=str, help='Path to save the PyTorch state dict')
parser.add_argument('--statedict', action='store_true', help='Export to state dict instead of TorchScript')
parser.add_argument('--fp32', action='store_true', help='Save at full precision')
parser.add_argument('--skiptest', action='store_true', help='Skip testing and save model immediately instead')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', action='store_true', help='Use GPU')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.model_path, args.save_path, not args.statedict, args.gpu, not args.fp32, args.skiptest)