{ | |
"common": { | |
"actions": { | |
"cancel": "Cancel", | |
"confirm": "Confirm", | |
"continue": "Continue", | |
"goBack": "Go Back", | |
"reset": "Reset", | |
"submit": "Submit" | |
}, | |
"status": { | |
"loading": "Loading...", | |
"error": { | |
"default": "An error occurred", | |
"serverConnection": "Could not reach the server" | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"auth": { | |
"login": { | |
"title": "Login to access the app", | |
"form": { | |
"email": { | |
"label": "Email address", | |
"required": "email is a required field" | |
}, | |
"password": { | |
"label": "Password", | |
"required": "password is a required field" | |
}, | |
"actions": { | |
"signin": "Sign In" | |
}, | |
"alternativeText": { | |
"or": "OR" | |
} | |
}, | |
"errors": { | |
"default": "Unable to sign in", | |
"signin": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"oauthSignin": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"redirectUriMismatch": "The redirect URI is not matching the oauth app configuration", | |
"oauthCallback": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"oauthCreateAccount": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"emailCreateAccount": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"callback": "Try signing in with a different account", | |
"oauthAccountNotLinked": "To confirm your identity, sign in with the same account you used originally", | |
"emailSignin": "The e-mail could not be sent", | |
"emailVerify": "Please verify your email, a new email has been sent", | |
"credentialsSignin": "Sign in failed. Check the details you provided are correct", | |
"sessionRequired": "Please sign in to access this page" | |
} | |
}, | |
"provider": { | |
"continue": "Continue with {{provider}}" | |
} | |
}, | |
"chat": { | |
"input": { | |
"placeholder": "Type your message here...", | |
"actions": { | |
"send": "Send message", | |
"stop": "Stop Task", | |
"attachFiles": "Attach files" | |
} | |
}, | |
"speech": { | |
"start": "Start recording", | |
"stop": "Stop recording", | |
"connecting": "Connecting" | |
}, | |
"fileUpload": { | |
"dragDrop": "Drag and drop files here", | |
"browse": "Browse Files", | |
"sizeLimit": "Limit:", | |
"errors": { | |
"failed": "Failed to upload", | |
"cancelled": "Cancelled upload of" | |
} | |
}, | |
"messages": { | |
"status": { | |
"using": "Using", | |
"used": "Used" | |
}, | |
"actions": { | |
"copy": { | |
"button": "Copy to clipboard", | |
"success": "Copied!" | |
} | |
}, | |
"feedback": { | |
"positive": "Helpful", | |
"negative": "Not helpful", | |
"edit": "Edit feedback", | |
"dialog": { | |
"title": "Add a comment", | |
"submit": "Submit feedback" | |
}, | |
"status": { | |
"updating": "Updating", | |
"updated": "Feedback updated" | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"history": { | |
"title": "Last Inputs", | |
"empty": "Such empty...", | |
"show": "Show history" | |
}, | |
"settings": { | |
"title": "Settings panel" | |
}, | |
"watermark": "Built with" | |
}, | |
"threadHistory": { | |
"sidebar": { | |
"title": "Past Chats", | |
"filters": { | |
"search": "Search" | |
}, | |
"timeframes": { | |
"today": "Today", | |
"yesterday": "Yesterday", | |
"previous7days": "Previous 7 days", | |
"previous30days": "Previous 30 days" | |
}, | |
"empty": "No threads found", | |
"actions": { | |
"close": "Close sidebar", | |
"open": "Open sidebar" | |
} | |
}, | |
"thread": { | |
"untitled": "Untitled Conversation", | |
"menu": { | |
"rename": "Rename", | |
"delete": "Delete" | |
}, | |
"actions": { | |
"delete": { | |
"title": "Confirm deletion", | |
"description": "This will delete the thread as well as its messages and elements. This action cannot be undone", | |
"success": "Chat deleted", | |
"inProgress": "Deleting chat" | |
}, | |
"rename": { | |
"title": "Rename Thread", | |
"description": "Enter a new name for this thread", | |
"form": { | |
"name": { | |
"label": "Name", | |
"placeholder": "Enter new name" | |
} | |
}, | |
"success": "Thread renamed!", | |
"inProgress": "Renaming thread" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"navigation": { | |
"header": { | |
"chat": "Chat", | |
"readme": "Readme" | |
}, | |
"newChat": { | |
"button": "New Chat", | |
"dialog": { | |
"title": "Create New Chat", | |
"description": "This will clear your current chat history. Are you sure you want to continue?", | |
"tooltip": "New Chat" | |
} | |
}, | |
"user": { | |
"menu": { | |
"settings": "Settings", | |
"settingsKey": "S", | |
"apiKeys": "API Keys", | |
"logout": "Logout" | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
"apiKeys": { | |
"title": "Required API Keys", | |
"description": "To use this app, the following API keys are required. The keys are stored on your device's local storage.", | |
"success": { | |
"saved": "Saved successfully" | |
} | |
} | |
} |