name: Bug Report description: Create a bug issue for RAGFlow title: "[Bug]: " labels: [bug] body: - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Is there an existing issue for the same bug? description: Please check if an issue already exists for the bug you encountered. options: - label: I have checked the existing issues. required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: "Please provide the following information to help us understand the issue." - type: input attributes: label: RAGFlow workspace code commit ID description: Enter the commit ID associated with the issue. placeholder: e.g., 26d3480e validations: required: true - type: input attributes: label: RAGFlow image version description: Enter the image version(shown in RAGFlow UI, `System` page) associated with the issue. placeholder: e.g., 26d3480e(v0.13.0~174) validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Other environment information description: | Enter the environment details: value: | - Hardware parameters: - OS type: - Others: render: Markdown validations: required: false - type: textarea attributes: label: Actual behavior description: Describe what you encountered. validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Expected behavior description: Describe what you expected. validations: required: false - type: textarea attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: Steps to reproduce what you encountered. render: Markdown validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional information description: | Log, error message, or any other information can help find the root cause. validations: required: false