import Image from '@/components/image'; import SvgIcon from '@/components/svg-icon'; import { useSelectFileThumbnails } from '@/hooks/knowledge-hooks'; import { IReference } from '@/interfaces/database/chat'; import { IChunk } from '@/interfaces/database/knowledge'; import { getExtension } from '@/utils/document-util'; import { InfoCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { Button, Flex, Popover, Space } from 'antd'; import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'; import { useCallback } from 'react'; import Markdown from 'react-markdown'; import reactStringReplace from 'react-string-replace'; import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-syntax-highlighter'; import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'; import { visitParents } from 'unist-util-visit-parents'; import styles from './index.less'; const reg = /(#{2}\d+\${2})/g; const curReg = /(~{2}\d+\${2})/g; const getChunkIndex = (match: string) => Number(match.slice(2, -2)); // TODO: The display of the table is inconsistent with the display previously placed in the MessageItem. const MarkdownContent = ({ reference, clickDocumentButton, content, }: { content: string; reference: IReference; clickDocumentButton?: (documentId: string, chunk: IChunk) => void; }) => { const fileThumbnails = useSelectFileThumbnails(); const handleDocumentButtonClick = useCallback( (documentId: string, chunk: IChunk, isPdf: boolean) => () => { if (!isPdf) { return; } clickDocumentButton?.(documentId, chunk); }, [clickDocumentButton], ); const rehypeWrapReference = () => { return function wrapTextTransform(tree: any) { visitParents(tree, 'text', (node, ancestors) => { const latestAncestor =; if ( latestAncestor.tagName !== 'custom-typography' && latestAncestor.tagName !== 'code' ) { node.type = 'element'; node.tagName = 'custom-typography'; = {}; node.children = [{ type: 'text', value: node.value }]; } }); }; }; const getPopoverContent = useCallback( (chunkIndex: number) => { const chunks = reference?.chunks ?? []; const chunkItem = chunks[chunkIndex]; const document = reference?.doc_aggs?.find( (x) => x?.doc_id === chunkItem?.doc_id, ); const documentId = document?.doc_id; const fileThumbnail = documentId ? fileThumbnails[documentId] : ''; const fileExtension = documentId ? getExtension(document?.doc_name) : ''; const imageId = chunkItem?.img_id; return ( {imageId && ( } > )}
{documentId && ( {fileThumbnail ? ( ) : ( )} )}
); }, [reference, fileThumbnails, handleDocumentButtonClick], ); const renderReference = useCallback( (text: string) => { let replacedText = reactStringReplace(text, reg, (match, i) => { const chunkIndex = getChunkIndex(match); return ( ); }); replacedText = reactStringReplace(replacedText, curReg, (match, i) => ( )); return replacedText; }, [getPopoverContent], ); return ( renderReference(children), code(props: any) { const { children, className, node, } = props; const match = /language-(\w+)/.exec(className || ''); return match ? ( {String(children).replace(/\n$/, '')} ) : ( {children} ); }, } as any } > {content} ); }; export default MarkdownContent;