# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import re import json from copy import deepcopy from uuid import uuid4 from api.db import LLMType from flask import request, Response from api.db.services.dialog_service import ask from agent.canvas import Canvas from api.db import StatusEnum from api.db.db_models import API4Conversation from api.db.services.api_service import API4ConversationService from api.db.services.canvas_service import UserCanvasService from api.db.services.dialog_service import DialogService, ConversationService, chat from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService from api.utils import get_uuid from api.utils.api_utils import get_error_data_result from api.utils.api_utils import get_result, token_required from api.db.services.llm_service import LLMBundle @manager.route('/chats//sessions', methods=['POST']) @token_required def create(tenant_id,chat_id): req = request.json req["dialog_id"] = chat_id dia = DialogService.query(tenant_id=tenant_id, id=req["dialog_id"], status=StatusEnum.VALID.value) if not dia: return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the assistant.") conv = { "id": get_uuid(), "dialog_id": req["dialog_id"], "name": req.get("name", "New session"), "message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hi! I am your assistant,can I help you?"}] } if not conv.get("name"): return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.") ConversationService.save(**conv) e, conv = ConversationService.get_by_id(conv["id"]) if not e: return get_error_data_result(message="Fail to create a session!") conv = conv.to_dict() conv['messages'] = conv.pop("message") conv["chat_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id") del conv["reference"] return get_result(data=conv) @manager.route('/agents//sessions', methods=['POST']) @token_required def create_agent_session(tenant_id, agent_id): req = request.json e, cvs = UserCanvasService.get_by_id(agent_id) if not e: return get_error_data_result("Agent not found.") if cvs.user_id != tenant_id: return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the agent.") if not isinstance(cvs.dsl, str): cvs.dsl = json.dumps(cvs.dsl, ensure_ascii=False) canvas = Canvas(cvs.dsl, tenant_id) conv = { "id": get_uuid(), "dialog_id": cvs.id, "user_id": req.get("usr_id","") if isinstance(req, dict) else "", "message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": canvas.get_prologue()}], "source": "agent", "dsl":json.loads(cvs.dsl) } API4ConversationService.save(**conv) conv["agent_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id") return get_result(data=conv) @manager.route('/chats//sessions/', methods=['PUT']) @token_required def update(tenant_id,chat_id,session_id): req = request.json req["dialog_id"] = chat_id conv_id = session_id conv = ConversationService.query(id=conv_id,dialog_id=chat_id) if not conv: return get_error_data_result(message="Session does not exist") if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value): return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the session") if "message" in req or "messages" in req: return get_error_data_result(message="`message` can not be change") if "reference" in req: return get_error_data_result(message="`reference` can not be change") if "name" in req and not req.get("name"): return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.") if not ConversationService.update_by_id(conv_id, req): return get_error_data_result(message="Session updates error") return get_result() @manager.route('/chats//completions', methods=['POST']) @token_required def completion(tenant_id, chat_id): req = request.json if not req.get("session_id"): conv = { "id": get_uuid(), "dialog_id": chat_id, "name": req.get("name", "New session"), "message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hi! I am your assistant,can I help you?"}] } if not conv.get("name"): return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.") ConversationService.save(**conv) e, conv = ConversationService.get_by_id(conv["id"]) session_id=conv.id else: session_id = req.get("session_id") if not req.get("question"): return get_error_data_result(message="Please input your question.") conv = ConversationService.query(id=session_id,dialog_id=chat_id) if not conv: return get_error_data_result(message="Session does not exist") conv = conv[0] if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value): return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the chat") msg = [] question = { "content": req.get("question"), "role": "user", "id": str(uuid4()) } conv.message.append(question) for m in conv.message: if m["role"] == "system": continue if m["role"] == "assistant" and not msg: continue msg.append(m) message_id = msg[-1].get("id") e, dia = DialogService.get_by_id(conv.dialog_id) if not conv.reference: conv.reference = [] conv.message.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "", "id": message_id}) conv.reference.append({"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}) def fillin_conv(ans): reference = ans["reference"] temp_reference = deepcopy(ans["reference"]) nonlocal conv, message_id if not conv.reference: conv.reference.append(temp_reference) else: conv.reference[-1] = temp_reference conv.message[-1] = {"role": "assistant", "content": ans["answer"], "id": message_id, "prompt": ans.get("prompt", "")} if "chunks" in reference: chunks = reference.get("chunks") chunk_list = [] for chunk in chunks: new_chunk = { "id": chunk["chunk_id"], "content": chunk["content_with_weight"], "document_id": chunk["doc_id"], "document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"], "dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"], "image_id": chunk.get("image_id", ""), "similarity": chunk["similarity"], "vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"], "term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"], "positions": chunk.get("positions", []), } chunk_list.append(new_chunk) reference["chunks"] = chunk_list ans["id"] = message_id ans["session_id"]=session_id def stream(): nonlocal dia, msg, req, conv try: for ans in chat(dia, msg, **req): fillin_conv(ans) yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" ConversationService.update_by_id(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) except Exception as e: yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e), "data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e),"reference": []}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" if req.get("stream", True): resp = Response(stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream") resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache") resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive") resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no") resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8") return resp else: answer = None for ans in chat(dia, msg, **req): answer = ans fillin_conv(ans) ConversationService.update_by_id(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) break return get_result(data=answer) @manager.route('/agents//completions', methods=['POST']) @token_required def agent_completion(tenant_id, agent_id): req = request.json e, cvs = UserCanvasService.get_by_id(agent_id) if not e: return get_error_data_result("Agent not found.") if cvs.user_id != tenant_id: return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the agent.") if not isinstance(cvs.dsl, str): cvs.dsl = json.dumps(cvs.dsl, ensure_ascii=False) canvas = Canvas(cvs.dsl, tenant_id) if not req.get("session_id"): session_id = get_uuid() conv = { "id": session_id, "dialog_id": cvs.id, "user_id": req.get("user_id", ""), "message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": canvas.get_prologue()}], "source": "agent", "dsl": json.loads(cvs.dsl) } API4ConversationService.save(**conv) conv = API4Conversation(**conv) else: session_id = req.get("session_id") e, conv = API4ConversationService.get_by_id(req["session_id"]) if not e: return get_error_data_result(message="Session not found!") canvas = Canvas(json.dumps(conv.dsl), tenant_id) messages = conv.message question = req.get("question") if not question: return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.") question = { "role": "user", "content": question, "id": str(uuid4()) } messages.append(question) msg = [] for m in messages: if m["role"] == "system": continue if m["role"] == "assistant" and not msg: continue msg.append(m) if not msg[-1].get("id"): msg[-1]["id"] = get_uuid() message_id = msg[-1]["id"] stream = req.get("stream", True) def fillin_conv(ans): reference = ans["reference"] print(reference,flush=True) temp_reference = deepcopy(ans["reference"]) nonlocal conv, message_id if not conv.reference: conv.reference.append(temp_reference) else: conv.reference[-1] = temp_reference conv.message[-1] = {"role": "assistant", "content": ans["answer"], "id": message_id} if "chunks" in reference: chunks = reference.get("chunks") chunk_list = [] for chunk in chunks: new_chunk = { "id": chunk["chunk_id"], "content": chunk["content_with_weight"], "document_id": chunk["doc_id"], "document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"], "dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"], "image_id": chunk["image_id"], "similarity": chunk["similarity"], "vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"], "term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"], "positions": chunk["positions"], } chunk_list.append(new_chunk) reference["chunks"] = chunk_list ans["id"] = message_id ans["session_id"] = session_id def rename_field(ans): reference = ans['reference'] if not isinstance(reference, dict): return for chunk_i in reference.get('chunks', []): if 'docnm_kwd' in chunk_i: chunk_i['doc_name'] = chunk_i['docnm_kwd'] chunk_i.pop('docnm_kwd') if not conv.reference: conv.reference = [] conv.message.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "", "id": message_id}) conv.reference.append({"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []}) final_ans = {"reference": [], "content": ""} canvas.add_user_input(msg[-1]["content"]) if stream: def sse(): nonlocal answer, cvs try: for ans in canvas.run(stream=stream): if ans.get("running_status"): yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": {"answer": ans["content"], "running_status": True}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" continue for k in ans.keys(): final_ans[k] = ans[k] ans = {"answer": ans["content"], "reference": ans.get("reference", [])} fillin_conv(ans) rename_field(ans) yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "id": message_id}) canvas.history.append(("assistant", final_ans["content"])) if final_ans.get("reference"): canvas.reference.append(final_ans["reference"]) conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) except Exception as e: conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e), "data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e), "reference": []}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" resp = Response(sse(), mimetype="text/event-stream") resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache") resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive") resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no") resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8") return resp for answer in canvas.run(stream=False): if answer.get("running_status"): continue final_ans["content"] = "\n".join(answer["content"]) if "content" in answer else "" canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "id": message_id}) if final_ans.get("reference"): canvas.reference.append(final_ans["reference"]) conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas)) result = {"answer": final_ans["content"], "reference": final_ans.get("reference", [])} fillin_conv(result) API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict()) rename_field(result) return get_result(data=result) @manager.route('/chats//sessions', methods=['GET']) @token_required def list_session(chat_id,tenant_id): if not DialogService.query(tenant_id=tenant_id, id=chat_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value): return get_error_data_result(message=f"You don't own the assistant {chat_id}.") id = request.args.get("id") name = request.args.get("name") page_number = int(request.args.get("page", 1)) items_per_page = int(request.args.get("page_size", 30)) orderby = request.args.get("orderby", "create_time") if request.args.get("desc") == "False" or request.args.get("desc") == "false": desc = False else: desc = True convs = ConversationService.get_list(chat_id,page_number,items_per_page,orderby,desc,id,name) if not convs: return get_result(data=[]) for conv in convs: conv['messages'] = conv.pop("message") infos = conv["messages"] for info in infos: if "prompt" in info: info.pop("prompt") conv["chat_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id") if conv["reference"]: messages = conv["messages"] message_num = 0 chunk_num = 0 while message_num < len(messages): if message_num != 0 and messages[message_num]["role"] != "user": chunk_list = [] if "chunks" in conv["reference"][chunk_num]: chunks = conv["reference"][chunk_num]["chunks"] for chunk in chunks: new_chunk = { "id": chunk["chunk_id"], "content": chunk["content_with_weight"], "document_id": chunk["doc_id"], "document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"], "dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"], "image_id": chunk.get("image_id", ""), "similarity": chunk["similarity"], "vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"], "term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"], "positions": chunk["positions"], } chunk_list.append(new_chunk) chunk_num += 1 messages[message_num]["reference"] = chunk_list message_num += 1 del conv["reference"] return get_result(data=convs) @manager.route('/chats//sessions', methods=["DELETE"]) @token_required def delete(tenant_id,chat_id): if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value): return get_error_data_result(message="You don't own the chat") req = request.json convs = ConversationService.query(dialog_id=chat_id) if not req: ids = None else: ids=req.get("ids") if not ids: conv_list = [] for conv in convs: conv_list.append(conv.id) else: conv_list=ids for id in conv_list: conv = ConversationService.query(id=id,dialog_id=chat_id) if not conv: return get_error_data_result(message="The chat doesn't own the session") ConversationService.delete_by_id(id) return get_result() @manager.route('/sessions/ask', methods=['POST']) @token_required def ask_about(tenant_id): req = request.json if not req.get("question"): return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.") if not req.get("dataset_ids"): return get_error_data_result("`dataset_ids` is required.") if not isinstance(req.get("dataset_ids"),list): return get_error_data_result("`dataset_ids` should be a list.") req["kb_ids"]=req.pop("dataset_ids") for kb_id in req["kb_ids"]: if not KnowledgebaseService.accessible(kb_id,tenant_id): return get_error_data_result(f"You don't own the dataset {kb_id}.") kbs = KnowledgebaseService.query(id=kb_id) kb = kbs[0] if kb.chunk_num == 0: return get_error_data_result(f"The dataset {kb_id} doesn't own parsed file") uid = tenant_id def stream(): nonlocal req, uid try: for ans in ask(req["question"], req["kb_ids"], uid): yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" except Exception as e: yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e), "data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e), "reference": []}}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n" resp = Response(stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream") resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache") resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive") resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no") resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8") return resp @manager.route('/sessions/related_questions', methods=['POST']) @token_required def related_questions(tenant_id): req = request.json if not req.get("question"): return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.") question = req["question"] chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT) prompt = """ Objective: To generate search terms related to the user's search keywords, helping users find more valuable information. Instructions: - Based on the keywords provided by the user, generate 5-10 related search terms. - Each search term should be directly or indirectly related to the keyword, guiding the user to find more valuable information. - Use common, general terms as much as possible, avoiding obscure words or technical jargon. - Keep the term length between 2-4 words, concise and clear. - DO NOT translate, use the language of the original keywords. ### Example: Keywords: Chinese football Related search terms: 1. Current status of Chinese football 2. Reform of Chinese football 3. Youth training of Chinese football 4. Chinese football in the Asian Cup 5. Chinese football in the World Cup Reason: - When searching, users often only use one or two keywords, making it difficult to fully express their information needs. - Generating related search terms can help users dig deeper into relevant information and improve search efficiency. - At the same time, related terms can also help search engines better understand user needs and return more accurate search results. """ ans = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": f""" Keywords: {question} Related search terms: """}], {"temperature": 0.9}) return get_result(data=[re.sub(r"^[0-9]\. ", "", a) for a in ans.split("\n") if re.match(r"^[0-9]\. ", a)])