import type {} from '@redux-devtools/extension'; import { humanId } from 'human-id'; import differenceWith from 'lodash/differenceWith'; import intersectionWith from 'lodash/intersectionWith'; import lodashSet from 'lodash/set'; import { Connection, Edge, EdgeChange, Node, NodeChange, OnConnect, OnEdgesChange, OnNodesChange, OnSelectionChangeFunc, OnSelectionChangeParams, addEdge, applyEdgeChanges, applyNodeChanges, } from 'reactflow'; import { create } from 'zustand'; import { devtools } from 'zustand/middleware'; import { immer } from 'zustand/middleware/immer'; import { Operator, SwitchElseTo } from './constant'; import { NodeData } from './interface'; import { duplicateNodeForm, generateNodeNamesWithIncreasingIndex, getNodeDragHandle, getOperatorIndex, isEdgeEqual, } from './utils'; export type RFState = { nodes: Node[]; edges: Edge[]; selectedNodeIds: string[]; selectedEdgeIds: string[]; clickedNodeId: string; // currently selected node onNodesChange: OnNodesChange; onEdgesChange: OnEdgesChange; onConnect: OnConnect; setNodes: (nodes: Node[]) => void; setEdges: (edges: Edge[]) => void; setEdgesByNodeId: (nodeId: string, edges: Edge[]) => void; updateNodeForm: ( nodeId: string, values: any, path?: (string | number)[], ) => Node[]; onSelectionChange: OnSelectionChangeFunc; addNode: (nodes: Node) => void; getNode: (id?: string | null) => Node | undefined; addEdge: (connection: Connection) => void; getEdge: (id: string) => Edge | undefined; updateFormDataOnConnect: (connection: Connection) => void; updateSwitchFormData: ( source: string, sourceHandle?: string | null, target?: string | null, ) => void; deletePreviousEdgeOfClassificationNode: (connection: Connection) => void; duplicateNode: (id: string, name: string) => void; deleteEdge: () => void; deleteEdgeById: (id: string) => void; deleteNodeById: (id: string) => void; deleteEdgeBySourceAndSourceHandle: (connection: Partial) => void; findNodeByName: (operatorName: Operator) => Node | undefined; updateMutableNodeFormItem: (id: string, field: string, value: any) => void; getOperatorTypeFromId: (id?: string | null) => string | undefined; updateNodeName: (id: string, name: string) => void; generateNodeName: (name: string) => string; setClickedNodeId: (id?: string) => void; }; // this is our useStore hook that we can use in our components to get parts of the store and call actions const useGraphStore = create()( devtools( immer((set, get) => ({ nodes: [] as Node[], edges: [] as Edge[], selectedNodeIds: [] as string[], selectedEdgeIds: [] as string[], clickedNodeId: '', onNodesChange: (changes: NodeChange[]) => { set({ nodes: applyNodeChanges(changes, get().nodes), }); }, onEdgesChange: (changes: EdgeChange[]) => { set({ edges: applyEdgeChanges(changes, get().edges), }); }, onConnect: (connection: Connection) => { const { deletePreviousEdgeOfClassificationNode, updateFormDataOnConnect, } = get(); set({ edges: addEdge(connection, get().edges), }); deletePreviousEdgeOfClassificationNode(connection); updateFormDataOnConnect(connection); }, onSelectionChange: ({ nodes, edges }: OnSelectionChangeParams) => { set({ selectedEdgeIds: =>, selectedNodeIds: =>, }); }, setNodes: (nodes: Node[]) => { set({ nodes }); }, setEdges: (edges: Edge[]) => { set({ edges }); }, setEdgesByNodeId: (nodeId: string, currentDownstreamEdges: Edge[]) => { const { edges, setEdges } = get(); // the previous downstream edge of this node const previousDownstreamEdges = edges.filter( (x) => x.source === nodeId, ); const isDifferent = previousDownstreamEdges.length !== currentDownstreamEdges.length || !previousDownstreamEdges.every((x) => currentDownstreamEdges.some( (y) => y.source === x.source && === && y.sourceHandle === x.sourceHandle, ), ) || !currentDownstreamEdges.every((x) => previousDownstreamEdges.some( (y) => y.source === x.source && === && y.sourceHandle === x.sourceHandle, ), ); const intersectionDownstreamEdges = intersectionWith( previousDownstreamEdges, currentDownstreamEdges, isEdgeEqual, ); if (isDifferent) { // other operator's edges const irrelevantEdges = edges.filter((x) => x.source !== nodeId); // the added downstream edges const selfAddedDownstreamEdges = differenceWith( currentDownstreamEdges, intersectionDownstreamEdges, isEdgeEqual, ); setEdges([ ...irrelevantEdges, ...intersectionDownstreamEdges, ...selfAddedDownstreamEdges, ]); } }, addNode: (node: Node) => { set({ nodes: get().nodes.concat(node) }); }, getNode: (id?: string | null) => { return get().nodes.find((x) => === id); }, getOperatorTypeFromId: (id?: string | null) => { return get().getNode(id)?.data?.label; }, addEdge: (connection: Connection) => { set({ edges: addEdge(connection, get().edges), }); get().deletePreviousEdgeOfClassificationNode(connection); // TODO: This may not be reasonable. You need to choose between listening to changes in the form. get().updateFormDataOnConnect(connection); }, getEdge: (id: string) => { return get().edges.find((x) => === id); }, updateFormDataOnConnect: (connection: Connection) => { const { getOperatorTypeFromId, updateNodeForm, updateSwitchFormData } = get(); const { source, target, sourceHandle } = connection; const operatorType = getOperatorTypeFromId(source); if (source) { switch (operatorType) { case Operator.Relevant: updateNodeForm(source, { [sourceHandle as string]: target }); break; case Operator.Categorize: if (sourceHandle) updateNodeForm(source, target, [ 'category_description', sourceHandle, 'to', ]); break; case Operator.Switch: { updateSwitchFormData(source, sourceHandle, target); break; } default: break; } } }, deletePreviousEdgeOfClassificationNode: (connection: Connection) => { // Delete the edge on the classification node or relevant node anchor when the anchor is connected to other nodes const { edges, getOperatorTypeFromId, deleteEdgeById } = get(); // the node containing the anchor const anchoredNodes = [ Operator.Categorize, Operator.Relevant, Operator.Switch, ]; if ( anchoredNodes.some( (x) => x === getOperatorTypeFromId(connection.source), ) ) { const previousEdge = edges.find( (x) => x.source === connection.source && x.sourceHandle === connection.sourceHandle && !==, ); if (previousEdge) { deleteEdgeById(; } } }, duplicateNode: (id: string, name: string) => { const { getNode, addNode, generateNodeName } = get(); const node = getNode(id); const position = { x: (node?.position?.x || 0) + 50, y: (node?.position?.y || 0) + 50, }; addNode({ ...(node || {}), data: { ...duplicateNodeForm(node?.data), name: generateNodeName(name), }, selected: false, dragging: false, id: `${node?.data?.label}:${humanId()}`, position, dragHandle: getNodeDragHandle(node?.data?.label), }); }, deleteEdge: () => { const { edges, selectedEdgeIds } = get(); set({ edges: edges.filter((edge) => selectedEdgeIds.every((x) => x !==, ), }); }, deleteEdgeById: (id: string) => { const { edges, updateNodeForm, getOperatorTypeFromId, updateSwitchFormData, } = get(); const currentEdge = edges.find((x) => === id); if (currentEdge) { const { source, sourceHandle } = currentEdge; const operatorType = getOperatorTypeFromId(source); // After deleting the edge, set the corresponding field in the node's form field to undefined switch (operatorType) { case Operator.Relevant: updateNodeForm(source, { [sourceHandle as string]: undefined, }); break; case Operator.Categorize: if (sourceHandle) updateNodeForm(source, undefined, [ 'category_description', sourceHandle, 'to', ]); break; case Operator.Switch: { updateSwitchFormData(source, sourceHandle, undefined); break; } default: break; } } set({ edges: edges.filter((edge) => !== id), }); }, deleteEdgeBySourceAndSourceHandle: ({ source, sourceHandle, }: Partial) => { const { edges } = get(); const nextEdges = edges.filter( (edge) => edge.source !== source || edge.sourceHandle !== sourceHandle, ); set({ edges: nextEdges, }); }, deleteNodeById: (id: string) => { const { nodes, edges } = get(); set({ nodes: nodes.filter((node) => !== id), edges: edges .filter((edge) => edge.source !== id) .filter((edge) => !== id), }); }, findNodeByName: (name: Operator) => { return get().nodes.find((x) => === name); }, updateNodeForm: ( nodeId: string, values: any, path: (string | number)[] = [], ) => { const nextNodes = get() => { if ( === nodeId) { let nextForm: Record = { }; if (path.length === 0) { nextForm = Object.assign(nextForm, values); } else { lodashSet(nextForm, path, values); } return { ...node, data: {, form: nextForm, }, } as any; } return node; }); set({ nodes: nextNodes, }); return nextNodes; }, updateSwitchFormData: (source, sourceHandle, target) => { const { updateNodeForm } = get(); if (sourceHandle) { if (sourceHandle === SwitchElseTo) { updateNodeForm(source, target, [SwitchElseTo]); } else { const operatorIndex = getOperatorIndex(sourceHandle); if (operatorIndex) { updateNodeForm(source, target, [ 'conditions', Number(operatorIndex) - 1, // The index is the conditions form index 'to', ]); } } } }, updateMutableNodeFormItem: (id: string, field: string, value: any) => { const { nodes } = get(); const idx = nodes.findIndex((x) => === id); if (idx) { lodashSet(nodes, [idx, 'data', 'form', field], value); } }, updateNodeName: (id, name) => { if (id) { set({ nodes: get() => { if ( === id) { = name; } return node; }), }); } }, setClickedNodeId: (id?: string) => { set({ clickedNodeId: id }); }, generateNodeName: (name: string) => { const { nodes } = get(); return generateNodeNamesWithIncreasingIndex(name, nodes); }, })), { name: 'graph' }, ), ); export default useGraphStore;