import { GitHubIcon, KeywordIcon, QWeatherIcon, WikipediaIcon, } from '@/assets/icon/Icon'; import { ReactComponent as AkShareIcon } from '@/assets/svg/akshare.svg'; import { ReactComponent as ArXivIcon } from '@/assets/svg/arxiv.svg'; import { ReactComponent as baiduFanyiIcon } from '@/assets/svg/baidu-fanyi.svg'; import { ReactComponent as BaiduIcon } from '@/assets/svg/baidu.svg'; import { ReactComponent as BeginIcon } from '@/assets/svg/begin.svg'; import { ReactComponent as BingIcon } from '@/assets/svg/bing.svg'; import { ReactComponent as ConcentratorIcon } from '@/assets/svg/concentrator.svg'; import { ReactComponent as CrawlerIcon } from '@/assets/svg/crawler.svg'; import { ReactComponent as DeepLIcon } from '@/assets/svg/deepl.svg'; import { ReactComponent as DuckIcon } from '@/assets/svg/duck.svg'; import { ReactComponent as EmailIcon } from '@/assets/svg/email.svg'; import { ReactComponent as ExeSqlIcon } from '@/assets/svg/exesql.svg'; import { ReactComponent as GoogleScholarIcon } from '@/assets/svg/google-scholar.svg'; import { ReactComponent as GoogleIcon } from '@/assets/svg/google.svg'; import { ReactComponent as InvokeIcon } from '@/assets/svg/invoke-ai.svg'; import { ReactComponent as Jin10Icon } from '@/assets/svg/jin10.svg'; import { ReactComponent as NoteIcon } from '@/assets/svg/note.svg'; import { ReactComponent as PubMedIcon } from '@/assets/svg/pubmed.svg'; import { ReactComponent as SwitchIcon } from '@/assets/svg/switch.svg'; import { ReactComponent as TemplateIcon } from '@/assets/svg/template.svg'; import { ReactComponent as TuShareIcon } from '@/assets/svg/tushare.svg'; import { ReactComponent as WenCaiIcon } from '@/assets/svg/wencai.svg'; import { ReactComponent as YahooFinanceIcon } from '@/assets/svg/yahoo-finance.svg'; // 邮件功能 import { variableEnabledFieldMap } from '@/constants/chat'; import i18n from '@/locales/config'; // DuckDuckGo's channel options export enum Channel { Text = 'text', News = 'news', } import { BranchesOutlined, DatabaseOutlined, FormOutlined, MergeCellsOutlined, MessageOutlined, RocketOutlined, SendOutlined, } from '@ant-design/icons'; import upperFirst from 'lodash/upperFirst'; import { CloudUpload, ListOrdered, OptionIcon, TextCursorInput, ToggleLeft, WrapText, } from 'lucide-react'; export enum Operator { Begin = 'Begin', Retrieval = 'Retrieval', Generate = 'Generate', Answer = 'Answer', Categorize = 'Categorize', Message = 'Message', Relevant = 'Relevant', RewriteQuestion = 'RewriteQuestion', KeywordExtract = 'KeywordExtract', Baidu = 'Baidu', DuckDuckGo = 'DuckDuckGo', Wikipedia = 'Wikipedia', PubMed = 'PubMed', ArXiv = 'ArXiv', Google = 'Google', Bing = 'Bing', GoogleScholar = 'GoogleScholar', DeepL = 'DeepL', GitHub = 'GitHub', BaiduFanyi = 'BaiduFanyi', QWeather = 'QWeather', ExeSQL = 'ExeSQL', Switch = 'Switch', WenCai = 'WenCai', AkShare = 'AkShare', YahooFinance = 'YahooFinance', Jin10 = 'Jin10', Concentrator = 'Concentrator', TuShare = 'TuShare', Note = 'Note', Crawler = 'Crawler', Invoke = 'Invoke', Template = 'Template', Email = 'Email', } export const CommonOperatorList = Object.values(Operator).filter( (x) => x !== Operator.Note, ); export const operatorIconMap = { [Operator.Retrieval]: RocketOutlined, [Operator.Generate]: MergeCellsOutlined, [Operator.Answer]: SendOutlined, [Operator.Begin]: BeginIcon, [Operator.Categorize]: DatabaseOutlined, [Operator.Message]: MessageOutlined, [Operator.Relevant]: BranchesOutlined, [Operator.RewriteQuestion]: FormOutlined, [Operator.KeywordExtract]: KeywordIcon, [Operator.DuckDuckGo]: DuckIcon, [Operator.Baidu]: BaiduIcon, [Operator.Wikipedia]: WikipediaIcon, [Operator.PubMed]: PubMedIcon, [Operator.ArXiv]: ArXivIcon, [Operator.Google]: GoogleIcon, [Operator.Bing]: BingIcon, [Operator.GoogleScholar]: GoogleScholarIcon, [Operator.DeepL]: DeepLIcon, [Operator.GitHub]: GitHubIcon, [Operator.BaiduFanyi]: baiduFanyiIcon, [Operator.QWeather]: QWeatherIcon, [Operator.ExeSQL]: ExeSqlIcon, [Operator.Switch]: SwitchIcon, [Operator.WenCai]: WenCaiIcon, [Operator.AkShare]: AkShareIcon, [Operator.YahooFinance]: YahooFinanceIcon, [Operator.Jin10]: Jin10Icon, [Operator.Concentrator]: ConcentratorIcon, [Operator.TuShare]: TuShareIcon, [Operator.Note]: NoteIcon, [Operator.Crawler]: CrawlerIcon, [Operator.Invoke]: InvokeIcon, [Operator.Template]: TemplateIcon, [Operator.Email]: EmailIcon, }; export const operatorMap: Record< Operator, { backgroundColor?: string; color?: string; width?: number; height?: number; fontSize?: number; iconFontSize?: number; iconWidth?: number; moreIconColor?: string; } > = { [Operator.Retrieval]: { backgroundColor: '#cad6e0', color: '#385974', }, [Operator.Generate]: { backgroundColor: '#ebd6d6', width: 150, height: 150, fontSize: 20, iconFontSize: 30, color: '#996464', }, [Operator.Answer]: { backgroundColor: '#f4816d', color: '#f4816d', }, [Operator.Begin]: { backgroundColor: '#4f51d6', }, [Operator.Categorize]: { backgroundColor: '#ffebcd', color: '#cc8a26', }, [Operator.Message]: { backgroundColor: '#c5ddc7', color: 'green', }, [Operator.Relevant]: { backgroundColor: '#9fd94d', color: '#8ef005', width: 70, height: 70, fontSize: 12, iconFontSize: 16, }, [Operator.RewriteQuestion]: { backgroundColor: '#f8c7f8', color: '#f32bf3', width: 70, height: 70, fontSize: 12, iconFontSize: 16, }, [Operator.KeywordExtract]: { width: 70, height: 70, backgroundColor: '#6E5494', color: '#6E5494', fontSize: 12, iconWidth: 16, }, [Operator.DuckDuckGo]: { backgroundColor: '#e7e389', color: '#aea00c', }, [Operator.Baidu]: { backgroundColor: '#d9e0f8', }, [Operator.Wikipedia]: { backgroundColor: '#dee0e2', }, [Operator.PubMed]: { backgroundColor: '#a2ccf0', }, [Operator.ArXiv]: { width: 70, height: 70, fontSize: 12, iconWidth: 16, iconFontSize: 16, moreIconColor: 'white', backgroundColor: '#b31b1b', color: 'white', }, [Operator.Google]: { backgroundColor: 'pink', }, [Operator.Bing]: { backgroundColor: '#c0dcc4', }, [Operator.GoogleScholar]: { backgroundColor: '#b4e4f6', }, [Operator.DeepL]: { backgroundColor: '#f5e8e6', }, [Operator.GitHub]: { backgroundColor: 'purple', color: 'purple', }, [Operator.BaiduFanyi]: { backgroundColor: '#e5f2d3' }, [Operator.QWeather]: { backgroundColor: '#a4bbf3', color: '#a4bbf3', }, [Operator.ExeSQL]: { backgroundColor: '#b9efe8' }, [Operator.Switch]: { backgroundColor: '#dbaff6', color: '#dbaff6' }, [Operator.WenCai]: { backgroundColor: '#faac5b' }, [Operator.AkShare]: { backgroundColor: '#8085f5' }, [Operator.YahooFinance]: { backgroundColor: '#b474ff' }, [Operator.Jin10]: { backgroundColor: '#a0b9f8' }, [Operator.Concentrator]: { backgroundColor: '#32d2a3', color: '#32d2a3', width: 70, height: 70, fontSize: 10, iconFontSize: 16, }, [Operator.TuShare]: { backgroundColor: '#f8cfa0' }, [Operator.Note]: { backgroundColor: '#f8cfa0' }, [Operator.Crawler]: { backgroundColor: '#dee0e2', }, [Operator.Invoke]: { backgroundColor: '#dee0e2', }, [Operator.Template]: { backgroundColor: '#dee0e2', }, [Operator.Email]: { backgroundColor: '#e6f7ff' }, }; export const componentMenuList = [ { name: Operator.Retrieval, }, { name: Operator.Generate, }, { name: Operator.Answer, }, { name: Operator.Categorize, }, { name: Operator.Message, }, { name: Operator.Relevant, }, { name: Operator.RewriteQuestion, }, { name: Operator.KeywordExtract, }, { name: Operator.Switch, }, { name: Operator.Concentrator, }, { name: Operator.Template, }, { name: Operator.Note, }, { name: Operator.DuckDuckGo, }, { name: Operator.Baidu, }, { name: Operator.Wikipedia, }, { name: Operator.PubMed, }, { name: Operator.ArXiv, }, { name: Operator.Google, }, { name: Operator.Bing, }, { name: Operator.GoogleScholar, }, { name: Operator.DeepL, }, { name: Operator.GitHub, }, { name: Operator.BaiduFanyi, }, { name: Operator.QWeather, }, { name: Operator.ExeSQL, }, { name: Operator.WenCai, }, { name: Operator.AkShare, }, { name: Operator.YahooFinance, }, { name: Operator.Jin10, }, { name: Operator.TuShare, }, { name: Operator.Crawler, }, { name: Operator.Invoke, }, { name: Operator.Email, }, ]; const initialQueryBaseValues = { query: [], }; export const initialRetrievalValues = { similarity_threshold: 0.2, keywords_similarity_weight: 0.3, top_n: 8, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialBeginValues = { prologue: `Hi! I'm your assistant, what can I do for you?`, }; export const variableCheckBoxFieldMap = Object.keys( variableEnabledFieldMap, ).reduce>((pre, cur) => { pre[cur] = true; return pre; }, {}); const initialLlmBaseValues = { ...variableCheckBoxFieldMap, temperature: 0.1, top_p: 0.3, frequency_penalty: 0.7, presence_penalty: 0.4, max_tokens: 256, }; export const initialGenerateValues = { ...initialLlmBaseValues, prompt: i18n.t('flow.promptText'), cite: true, message_history_window_size: 12, parameters: [], }; export const initialRewriteQuestionValues = { ...initialLlmBaseValues, loop: 1, }; export const initialRelevantValues = { ...initialLlmBaseValues, }; export const initialCategorizeValues = { ...initialLlmBaseValues, message_history_window_size: 1, category_description: {}, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialMessageValues = { messages: [], }; export const initialKeywordExtractValues = { ...initialLlmBaseValues, top_n: 1, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialDuckValues = { top_n: 10, channel: Channel.Text, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialBaiduValues = { top_n: 10, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialWikipediaValues = { top_n: 10, language: 'en', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialPubMedValues = { top_n: 10, email: '', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialArXivValues = { top_n: 10, sort_by: 'relevance', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialGoogleValues = { top_n: 10, api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY (obtained from', country: 'cn', language: 'en', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialBingValues = { top_n: 10, channel: 'Webpages', api_key: 'YOUR_API_KEY (obtained from', country: 'CH', language: 'en', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialGoogleScholarValues = { top_n: 5, sort_by: 'relevance', patents: true, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialDeepLValues = { top_n: 5, auth_key: 'relevance', }; export const initialGithubValues = { top_n: 5, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialBaiduFanyiValues = { appid: 'xxx', secret_key: 'xxx', trans_type: 'translate', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialQWeatherValues = { web_apikey: 'xxx', type: 'weather', user_type: 'free', time_period: 'now', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialExeSqlValues = { db_type: 'mysql', database: '', username: '', host: '', port: 3306, password: '', loop: 3, top_n: 30, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialSwitchValues = { conditions: [] }; export const initialWenCaiValues = { top_n: 20, query_type: 'stock', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialAkShareValues = { top_n: 10, ...initialQueryBaseValues }; export const initialYahooFinanceValues = { info: true, history: false, financials: false, balance_sheet: false, cash_flow_statement: false, news: true, ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialJin10Values = { type: 'flash', secret_key: 'xxx', flash_type: '1', contain: '', filter: '', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialConcentratorValues = {}; export const initialTuShareValues = { token: 'xxx', src: 'eastmoney', start_date: '2024-01-01 09:00:00', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialNoteValues = { text: '', }; export const initialCrawlerValues = { extract_type: 'markdown', ...initialQueryBaseValues, }; export const initialInvokeValues = { url: 'http://', method: 'GET', timeout: 60, headers: `{ "Accept": "*/*", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "keep-alive" }`, proxy: 'http://', clean_html: false, }; export const initialTemplateValues = { content: '', parameters: [], }; export const initialEmailValues = { smtp_server: '', smtp_port: 587, email: '', password: '', sender_name: '', to_email: '', cc_email: '', subject: '', content: '', }; export const CategorizeAnchorPointPositions = [ { top: 1, right: 34 }, { top: 8, right: 18 }, { top: 15, right: 10 }, { top: 24, right: 4 }, { top: 31, right: 1 }, { top: 38, right: -2 }, { top: 62, right: -2 }, //bottom { top: 71, right: 1 }, { top: 79, right: 6 }, { top: 86, right: 12 }, { top: 91, right: 20 }, { top: 98, right: 34 }, ]; // key is the source of the edge, value is the target of the edge // no connection lines are allowed between key and value export const RestrictedUpstreamMap = { [Operator.Begin]: [Operator.Relevant], [Operator.Categorize]: [ Operator.Begin, Operator.Categorize, Operator.Answer, Operator.Relevant, ], [Operator.Answer]: [ Operator.Begin, Operator.Answer, Operator.Message, Operator.Relevant, ], [Operator.Retrieval]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.Generate]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Relevant], [Operator.Message]: [ Operator.Begin, Operator.Message, Operator.Generate, Operator.Retrieval, Operator.RewriteQuestion, Operator.Categorize, Operator.Relevant, ], [Operator.Relevant]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Answer, Operator.Relevant], [Operator.RewriteQuestion]: [ Operator.Begin, Operator.Message, Operator.Generate, Operator.RewriteQuestion, Operator.Categorize, Operator.Relevant, ], [Operator.KeywordExtract]: [ Operator.Begin, Operator.Message, Operator.Relevant, ], [Operator.Baidu]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.DuckDuckGo]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.Wikipedia]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.PubMed]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.ArXiv]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.Google]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.Bing]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.GoogleScholar]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.DeepL]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.GitHub]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.BaiduFanyi]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.QWeather]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Retrieval], [Operator.ExeSQL]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Switch]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.WenCai]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.AkShare]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.YahooFinance]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Jin10]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Concentrator]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.TuShare]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Crawler]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Note]: [], [Operator.Invoke]: [Operator.Begin], [Operator.Template]: [Operator.Begin, Operator.Relevant], [Operator.Email]: [Operator.Begin], }; export const NodeMap = { [Operator.Begin]: 'beginNode', [Operator.Categorize]: 'categorizeNode', [Operator.Retrieval]: 'retrievalNode', [Operator.Generate]: 'generateNode', [Operator.Answer]: 'logicNode', [Operator.Message]: 'messageNode', [Operator.Relevant]: 'relevantNode', [Operator.RewriteQuestion]: 'rewriteNode', [Operator.KeywordExtract]: 'keywordNode', [Operator.DuckDuckGo]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Baidu]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Wikipedia]: 'ragNode', [Operator.PubMed]: 'ragNode', [Operator.ArXiv]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Google]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Bing]: 'ragNode', [Operator.GoogleScholar]: 'ragNode', [Operator.DeepL]: 'ragNode', [Operator.GitHub]: 'ragNode', [Operator.BaiduFanyi]: 'ragNode', [Operator.QWeather]: 'ragNode', [Operator.ExeSQL]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Switch]: 'switchNode', [Operator.Concentrator]: 'logicNode', [Operator.WenCai]: 'ragNode', [Operator.AkShare]: 'ragNode', [Operator.YahooFinance]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Jin10]: 'ragNode', [Operator.TuShare]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Note]: 'noteNode', [Operator.Crawler]: 'ragNode', [Operator.Invoke]: 'invokeNode', [Operator.Template]: 'templateNode', [Operator.Email]: 'emailNode', }; export const LanguageOptions = [ { value: 'af', label: 'Afrikaans', }, { value: 'pl', label: 'Polski', }, { value: 'ar', label: 'العربية', }, { value: 'ast', label: 'Asturianu', }, { value: 'az', label: 'Azərbaycanca', }, { value: 'bg', label: 'Български', }, { value: 'nan', label: '閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú', }, { value: 'bn', label: 'বাংলা', }, { value: 'be', label: 'Беларуская', }, { value: 'ca', label: 'Català', }, { value: 'cs', label: 'Čeština', }, { value: 'cy', label: 'Cymraeg', }, { value: 'da', label: 'Dansk', }, { value: 'de', label: 'Deutsch', }, { value: 'et', label: 'Eesti', }, { value: 'el', label: 'Ελληνικά', }, { value: 'en', label: 'English', }, { value: 'es', label: 'Español', }, { value: 'eo', label: 'Esperanto', }, { value: 'eu', label: 'Euskara', }, { value: 'fa', label: 'فارسی', }, { value: 'fr', label: 'Français', }, { value: 'gl', label: 'Galego', }, { value: 'ko', label: '한국어', }, { value: 'hy', label: 'Հայերեն', }, { value: 'hi', label: 'हिन्दी', }, { value: 'hr', label: 'Hrvatski', }, { value: 'id', label: 'Bahasa Indonesia', }, { value: 'it', label: 'Italiano', }, { value: 'he', label: 'עברית', }, { value: 'ka', label: 'ქართული', }, { value: 'lld', label: 'Ladin', }, { value: 'la', label: 'Latina', }, { value: 'lv', label: 'Latviešu', }, { value: 'lt', label: 'Lietuvių', }, { value: 'hu', label: 'Magyar', }, { value: 'mk', label: 'Македонски', }, { value: 'arz', label: 'مصرى', }, { value: 'ms', label: 'Bahasa Melayu', }, { value: 'min', label: 'Bahaso Minangkabau', }, { value: 'my', label: 'မြန်မာဘာသာ', }, { value: 'nl', label: 'Nederlands', }, { value: 'ja', label: '日本語', }, { value: 'no', label: 'Norsk (bokmål)', }, { value: 'nn', label: 'Norsk (nynorsk)', }, { value: 'ce', label: 'Нохчийн', }, { value: 'uz', label: 'Oʻzbekcha / Ўзбекча', }, { value: 'pt', label: 'Português', }, { value: 'kk', label: 'Қазақша / Qazaqşa / قازاقشا', }, { value: 'ro', label: 'Română', }, { value: 'ru', label: 'Русский', }, { value: 'ceb', label: 'Sinugboanong Binisaya', }, { value: 'sk', label: 'Slovenčina', }, { value: 'sl', label: 'Slovenščina', }, { value: 'sr', label: 'Српски / Srpski', }, { value: 'sh', label: 'Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски', }, { value: 'fi', label: 'Suomi', }, { value: 'sv', label: 'Svenska', }, { value: 'ta', label: 'தமிழ்', }, { value: 'tt', label: 'Татарча / Tatarça', }, { value: 'th', label: 'ภาษาไทย', }, { value: 'tg', label: 'Тоҷикӣ', }, { value: 'azb', label: 'تۆرکجه', }, { value: 'tr', label: 'Türkçe', }, { value: 'uk', label: 'Українська', }, { value: 'ur', label: 'اردو', }, { value: 'vi', label: 'Tiếng Việt', }, { value: 'war', label: 'Winaray', }, { value: 'zh', label: '中文', }, { value: 'yue', label: '粵語', }, ]; export const GoogleLanguageOptions = [ { language_code: 'af', language_name: 'Afrikaans', }, { language_code: 'ak', language_name: 'Akan', }, { language_code: 'sq', language_name: 'Albanian', }, { language_code: 'ws', language_name: 'Samoa', }, { language_code: 'am', language_name: 'Amharic', }, { language_code: 'ar', language_name: 'Arabic', }, { language_code: 'hy', language_name: 'Armenian', }, { language_code: 'az', language_name: 'Azerbaijani', }, { language_code: 'eu', language_name: 'Basque', }, { language_code: 'be', language_name: 'Belarusian', }, { language_code: 'bem', language_name: 'Bemba', }, { language_code: 'bn', language_name: 'Bengali', }, { language_code: 'bh', language_name: 'Bihari', }, { language_code: 'xx-bork', language_name: 'Bork, bork, bork!', }, { language_code: 'bs', language_name: 'Bosnian', }, { language_code: 'br', language_name: 'Breton', }, { language_code: 'bg', language_name: 'Bulgarian', }, { language_code: 'bt', language_name: 'Bhutanese', }, { language_code: 'km', language_name: 'Cambodian', }, { language_code: 'ca', language_name: 'Catalan', }, { language_code: 'chr', language_name: 'Cherokee', }, { language_code: 'ny', language_name: 'Chichewa', }, { language_code: 'zh-cn', language_name: 'Chinese (Simplified)', }, { language_code: 'zh-tw', language_name: 'Chinese (Traditional)', }, { language_code: 'co', language_name: 'Corsican', }, { language_code: 'hr', language_name: 'Croatian', }, { language_code: 'cs', language_name: 'Czech', }, { language_code: 'da', language_name: 'Danish', }, { language_code: 'nl', language_name: 'Dutch', }, { language_code: 'xx-elmer', language_name: 'Elmer Fudd', }, { language_code: 'en', language_name: 'English', }, { language_code: 'eo', language_name: 'Esperanto', }, { language_code: 'et', language_name: 'Estonian', }, { language_code: 'ee', language_name: 'Ewe', }, { language_code: 'fo', language_name: 'Faroese', }, { language_code: 'tl', language_name: 'Filipino', }, { language_code: 'fi', language_name: 'Finnish', }, { language_code: 'fr', language_name: 'French', }, { language_code: 'fy', language_name: 'Frisian', }, { language_code: 'gaa', language_name: 'Ga', }, { language_code: 'gl', language_name: 'Galician', }, { language_code: 'ka', language_name: 'Georgian', }, { language_code: 'de', language_name: 'German', }, { language_code: 'el', language_name: 'Greek', }, { language_code: 'kl', language_name: 'Greenlandic', }, { language_code: 'gn', language_name: 'Guarani', }, { language_code: 'gu', language_name: 'Gujarati', }, { language_code: 'xx-hacker', language_name: 'Hacker', }, { language_code: 'ht', language_name: 'Haitian Creole', }, { language_code: 'ha', language_name: 'Hausa', }, { language_code: 'haw', language_name: 'Hawaiian', }, { language_code: 'iw', language_name: 'Hebrew', }, { language_code: 'hi', language_name: 'Hindi', }, { language_code: 'hu', language_name: 'Hungarian', }, { language_code: 'is', language_name: 'Icelandic', }, { language_code: 'ig', language_name: 'Igbo', }, { language_code: 'id', language_name: 'Indonesian', }, { language_code: 'ia', language_name: 'Interlingua', }, { language_code: 'ga', language_name: 'Irish', }, { language_code: 'it', language_name: 'Italian', }, { language_code: 'ja', language_name: 'Japanese', }, { language_code: 'jw', language_name: 'Javanese', }, { language_code: 'kn', language_name: 'Kannada', }, { language_code: 'kk', language_name: 'Kazakh', }, { language_code: 'rw', language_name: 'Kinyarwanda', }, { language_code: 'rn', language_name: 'Kirundi', }, { language_code: 'xx-klingon', language_name: 'Klingon', }, { language_code: 'kg', language_name: 'Kongo', }, { language_code: 'ko', language_name: 'Korean', }, { language_code: 'kri', language_name: 'Krio (Sierra Leone)', }, { language_code: 'ku', language_name: 'Kurdish', }, { language_code: 'ckb', language_name: 'Kurdish (Soranî)', }, { language_code: 'ky', language_name: 'Kyrgyz', }, { language_code: 'lo', language_name: 'Laothian', }, { language_code: 'la', language_name: 'Latin', }, { language_code: 'lv', language_name: 'Latvian', }, { language_code: 'ln', language_name: 'Lingala', }, { language_code: 'lt', language_name: 'Lithuanian', }, { language_code: 'loz', language_name: 'Lozi', }, { language_code: 'lg', language_name: 'Luganda', }, { language_code: 'ach', language_name: 'Luo', }, { language_code: 'mk', language_name: 'Macedonian', }, { language_code: 'mg', language_name: 'Malagasy', }, { language_code: 'ms', language_name: 'Malay', }, { language_code: 'ml', language_name: 'Malayalam', }, { language_code: 'mt', language_name: 'Maltese', }, { language_code: 'mv', language_name: 'Maldives', }, { language_code: 'mi', language_name: 'Maori', }, { language_code: 'mr', language_name: 'Marathi', }, { language_code: 'mfe', language_name: 'Mauritian Creole', }, { language_code: 'mo', language_name: 'Moldavian', }, { language_code: 'mn', language_name: 'Mongolian', }, { language_code: 'sr-me', language_name: 'Montenegrin', }, { language_code: 'my', language_name: 'Myanmar', }, { language_code: 'ne', language_name: 'Nepali', }, { language_code: 'pcm', language_name: 'Nigerian Pidgin', }, { language_code: 'nso', language_name: 'Northern Sotho', }, { language_code: 'no', language_name: 'Norwegian', }, { language_code: 'nn', language_name: 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)', }, { language_code: 'oc', language_name: 'Occitan', }, { language_code: 'or', language_name: 'Oriya', }, { language_code: 'om', language_name: 'Oromo', }, { language_code: 'ps', language_name: 'Pashto', }, { language_code: 'fa', language_name: 'Persian', }, { language_code: 'xx-pirate', language_name: 'Pirate', }, { language_code: 'pl', language_name: 'Polish', }, { language_code: 'pt', 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country_code: 'sl', country_name: 'Sierra Leone', }, { country_code: 'sg', country_name: 'Singapore', }, { country_code: 'sk', country_name: 'Slovakia', }, { country_code: 'si', country_name: 'Slovenia', }, { country_code: 'sb', country_name: 'Solomon Islands', }, { country_code: 'so', country_name: 'Somalia', }, { country_code: 'za', country_name: 'South Africa', }, { country_code: 'gs', country_name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', }, { country_code: 'es', country_name: 'Spain', }, { country_code: 'lk', country_name: 'Sri Lanka', }, { country_code: 'sd', country_name: 'Sudan', }, { country_code: 'sr', country_name: 'Suriname', }, { country_code: 'sj', country_name: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', }, { country_code: 'sz', country_name: 'Swaziland', }, { country_code: 'se', country_name: 'Sweden', }, { country_code: 'ch', country_name: 'Switzerland', }, { country_code: 'sy', country_name: 'Syrian Arab Republic', }, { country_code: 'tw', country_name: 'Taiwan, Province of China', }, { country_code: 'tj', country_name: 'Tajikistan', }, { country_code: 'tz', country_name: 'Tanzania, United Republic of', }, { country_code: 'th', country_name: 'Thailand', }, { country_code: 'tl', country_name: 'Timor-Leste', }, { country_code: 'tg', country_name: 'Togo', }, { country_code: 'tk', country_name: 'Tokelau', }, { country_code: 'to', country_name: 'Tonga', }, { country_code: 'tt', country_name: 'Trinidad and Tobago', }, { country_code: 'tn', country_name: 'Tunisia', }, { country_code: 'tr', country_name: 'Turkiye', }, { country_code: 'tm', country_name: 'Turkmenistan', }, { country_code: 'tc', country_name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', }, { country_code: 'tv', country_name: 'Tuvalu', }, { country_code: 'ug', country_name: 'Uganda', }, { country_code: 'ua', country_name: 'Ukraine', }, { country_code: 'ae', country_name: 'United Arab Emirates', }, { country_code: 'uk', country_name: 'United Kingdom', }, { country_code: 'gb', country_name: 'United Kingdom', }, { 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'Slovak sk', value: 'sk' }, { label: 'Slovenian sl', value: 'sl' }, { label: 'Spanish es', value: 'es' }, { label: 'Swedish sv', value: 'sv' }, { label: 'Tamil ta', value: 'ta' }, { label: 'Telugu te', value: 'te' }, { label: 'Thai th', value: 'th' }, { label: 'Turkish tr', value: 'tr' }, { label: 'Ukrainian uk', value: 'uk' }, { label: 'Vietnamese vi', value: 'vi' }, ]; export const DeepLSourceLangOptions = [ { label: 'Arabic [1]', value: 'AR' }, { label: 'Bulgarian', value: 'BG' }, { label: 'Czech', value: 'CS' }, { label: 'Danish', value: 'DA' }, { label: 'German', value: 'DE' }, { label: 'Greek', value: 'EL' }, { label: 'English', value: 'EN' }, { label: 'Spanish', value: 'ES' }, { label: 'Estonian', value: 'ET' }, { label: 'Finnish', value: 'FI' }, { label: 'French', value: 'FR' }, { label: 'Hungarian', value: 'HU' }, { label: 'Indonesian', value: 'ID' }, { label: 'Italian', value: 'IT' }, { label: 'Japanese', value: 'JA' }, { label: 'Korean', value: 'KO' }, { label: 'Lithuanian', value: 'LT' }, { label: 'Latvian', value: 'LV' }, { label: 'Norwegian Bokmål', value: 'NB' }, { label: 'Dutch', value: 'NL' }, { label: 'Polish', value: 'PL' }, { label: 'Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties mixed)', value: 'PT' }, { label: 'Romanian', value: 'RO' }, { label: 'Russian', value: 'RU' }, { label: 'Slovak', value: 'SK' }, { label: 'Slovenian', value: 'SL' }, { label: 'Swedish', value: 'SV' }, { label: 'Turkish', value: 'TR' }, { label: 'Ukrainian', value: 'UK' }, { label: 'Chinese', value: 'ZH' }, ]; export const DeepLTargetLangOptions = [ { label: 'Arabic [1]', value: 'AR' }, { label: 'Bulgarian', value: 'BG' }, { label: 'Czech', value: 'CS' }, { label: 'Danish', value: 'DA' }, { label: 'German', value: 'DE' }, { label: 'Greek', value: 'EL' }, { label: 'English (British)', value: 'EN-GB' }, { label: 'English (American)', value: 'EN-US' }, { label: 'Spanish', value: 'ES' }, { label: 'Estonian', value: 'ET' }, { label: 'Finnish', value: 'FI' }, { label: 'French', value: 'FR' }, { label: 'Hungarian', value: 'HU' }, { label: 'Indonesian', value: 'ID' }, { label: 'Italian', value: 'IT' }, { label: 'Japanese', value: 'JA' }, { label: 'Korean', value: 'KO' }, { label: 'Lithuanian', value: 'LT' }, { label: 'Latvian', value: 'LV' }, { label: 'Norwegian Bokmål', value: 'NB' }, { label: 'Dutch', value: 'NL' }, { label: 'Polish', value: 'PL' }, { label: 'Portuguese (Brazilian)', value: 'PT-BR' }, { label: 'Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties excluding Brazilian Portuguese)', value: 'PT-PT', }, { label: 'Romanian', value: 'RO' }, { label: 'Russian', value: 'RU' }, { label: 'Slovak', value: 'SK' }, { label: 'Slovenian', value: 'SL' }, { label: 'Swedish', value: 'SV' }, { label: 'Turkish', value: 'TR' }, { label: 'Ukrainian', value: 'UK' }, { label: 'Chinese (simplified)', value: 'ZH' }, ]; export const BaiduFanyiDomainOptions = [ 'it', 'finance', 'machinery', 'senimed', 'novel', 'academic', 'aerospace', 'wiki', 'news', 'law', 'contract', ]; export const BaiduFanyiSourceLangOptions = [ 'auto', 'zh', 'en', 'yue', 'wyw', 'jp', 'kor', 'fra', 'spa', 'th', 'ara', 'ru', 'pt', 'de', 'it', 'el', 'nl', 'pl', 'bul', 'est', 'dan', 'fin', 'cs', 'rom', 'slo', 'swe', 'hu', 'cht', 'vie', ]; export const QWeatherLangOptions = [ 'zh', 'zh-hant', 'en', 'de', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'ru', 'hi', 'th', 'ar', 'pt', 'bn', 'ms', 'nl', 'el', 'la', 'sv', 'id', 'pl', 'tr', 'cs', 'et', 'vi', 'fil', 'fi', 'he', 'is', 'nb', ]; export const QWeatherTypeOptions = ['weather', 'indices', 'airquality']; export const QWeatherUserTypeOptions = ['free', 'paid']; export const QWeatherTimePeriodOptions = [ 'now', '3d', '7d', '10d', '15d', '30d', ]; export const ExeSQLOptions = ['mysql', 'postgresql', 'mariadb'].map((x) => ({ label: upperFirst(x), value: x, })); export const SwitchElseTo = 'end_cpn_id'; export const SwitchOperatorOptions = [ { value: '=', label: 'equal' }, { value: '≠', label: 'notEqual' }, { value: '>', label: 'gt' }, { value: '≥', label: 'ge' }, { value: '<', label: 'lt' }, { value: '≤', label: 'le' }, { value: 'contains', label: 'contains' }, { value: 'not contains', label: 'notContains' }, { value: 'start with', label: 'startWith' }, { value: 'end with', label: 'endWith' }, { value: 'empty', label: 'empty' }, { value: 'not empty', label: 'notEmpty' }, ]; export const SwitchLogicOperatorOptions = ['and', 'or']; export const WenCaiQueryTypeOptions = [ 'stock', 'zhishu', 'fund', 'hkstock', 'usstock', 'threeboard', 'conbond', 'insurance', 'futures', 'lccp', 'foreign_exchange', ]; export const Jin10TypeOptions = ['flash', 'calendar', 'symbols', 'news']; export const Jin10FlashTypeOptions = new Array(5) .fill(1) .map((x, idx) => (idx + 1).toString()); export const Jin10CalendarTypeOptions = ['cj', 'qh', 'hk', 'us']; export const Jin10CalendarDatashapeOptions = ['data', 'event', 'holiday']; export const Jin10SymbolsTypeOptions = ['GOODS', 'FOREX', 'FUTURE', 'CRYPTO']; export const Jin10SymbolsDatatypeOptions = ['symbols', 'quotes']; export const TuShareSrcOptions = [ 'sina', 'wallstreetcn', '10jqka', 'eastmoney', 'yuncaijing', 'fenghuang', 'jinrongjie', ]; export const CrawlerResultOptions = ['markdown', 'html', 'content']; export enum BeginQueryType { Line = 'line', Paragraph = 'paragraph', Options = 'options', File = 'file', Integer = 'integer', Boolean = 'boolean', } export const BeginQueryTypeIconMap = { [BeginQueryType.Line]: TextCursorInput, [BeginQueryType.Paragraph]: WrapText, [BeginQueryType.Options]: OptionIcon, [BeginQueryType.File]: CloudUpload, [BeginQueryType.Integer]: ListOrdered, [BeginQueryType.Boolean]: ToggleLeft, };