import { useSetModalState } from '@/hooks/common-hooks'; import { useFetchFlow, useResetFlow, useSetFlow } from '@/hooks/flow-hooks'; import { IGraph } from '@/interfaces/database/flow'; import { useIsFetching } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import React, { ChangeEvent, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react'; import { Connection, Edge, Node, Position, ReactFlowInstance } from 'reactflow'; // import { shallow } from 'zustand/shallow'; import { variableEnabledFieldMap } from '@/constants/chat'; import { ModelVariableType, settledModelVariableMap, } from '@/constants/knowledge'; import { useFetchModelId } from '@/hooks/logic-hooks'; import { Variable } from '@/interfaces/database/chat'; import { useDebounceEffect } from 'ahooks'; import { FormInstance, message } from 'antd'; import { DefaultOptionType } from 'antd/es/select'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import { humanId } from 'human-id'; import { get, isEmpty, lowerFirst, pick } from 'lodash'; import trim from 'lodash/trim'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useParams } from 'umi'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { NodeMap, Operator, RestrictedUpstreamMap, SwitchElseTo, initialAkShareValues, initialArXivValues, initialBaiduFanyiValues, initialBaiduValues, initialBeginValues, initialBingValues, initialCategorizeValues, initialConcentratorValues, initialCrawlerValues, initialDeepLValues, initialDuckValues, initialExeSqlValues, initialGenerateValues, initialGithubValues, initialGoogleScholarValues, initialGoogleValues, initialInvokeValues, initialJin10Values, initialKeywordExtractValues, initialMessageValues, initialNoteValues, initialPubMedValues, initialQWeatherValues, initialRelevantValues, initialRetrievalValues, initialRewriteQuestionValues, initialSwitchValues, initialTemplateValues, initialTuShareValues, initialWenCaiValues, initialWikipediaValues, initialYahooFinanceValues, } from './constant'; import { BeginQuery, ICategorizeForm, IRelevantForm, ISwitchForm, } from './interface'; import useGraphStore, { RFState } from './store'; import { buildDslComponentsByGraph, generateNodeNamesWithIncreasingIndex, generateSwitchHandleText, getNodeDragHandle, replaceIdWithText, } from './utils'; const selector = (state: RFState) => ({ nodes: state.nodes, edges: state.edges, onNodesChange: state.onNodesChange, onEdgesChange: state.onEdgesChange, onConnect: state.onConnect, setNodes: state.setNodes, onSelectionChange: state.onSelectionChange, }); export const useSelectCanvasData = () => { // return useStore(useShallow(selector)); // throw error // return useStore(selector, shallow); return useGraphStore(selector); }; export const useInitializeOperatorParams = () => { const llmId = useFetchModelId(); const initialFormValuesMap = useMemo(() => { return { [Operator.Begin]: initialBeginValues, [Operator.Retrieval]: initialRetrievalValues, [Operator.Generate]: { ...initialGenerateValues, llm_id: llmId }, [Operator.Answer]: {}, [Operator.Categorize]: { ...initialCategorizeValues, llm_id: llmId }, [Operator.Relevant]: { ...initialRelevantValues, llm_id: llmId }, [Operator.RewriteQuestion]: { ...initialRewriteQuestionValues, llm_id: llmId, }, [Operator.Message]: initialMessageValues, [Operator.KeywordExtract]: { ...initialKeywordExtractValues, llm_id: llmId, }, [Operator.DuckDuckGo]: initialDuckValues, [Operator.Baidu]: initialBaiduValues, [Operator.Wikipedia]: initialWikipediaValues, [Operator.PubMed]: initialPubMedValues, [Operator.ArXiv]: initialArXivValues, [Operator.Google]: initialGoogleValues, [Operator.Bing]: initialBingValues, [Operator.GoogleScholar]: initialGoogleScholarValues, [Operator.DeepL]: initialDeepLValues, [Operator.GitHub]: initialGithubValues, [Operator.BaiduFanyi]: initialBaiduFanyiValues, [Operator.QWeather]: initialQWeatherValues, [Operator.ExeSQL]: initialExeSqlValues, [Operator.Switch]: initialSwitchValues, [Operator.WenCai]: initialWenCaiValues, [Operator.AkShare]: initialAkShareValues, [Operator.YahooFinance]: initialYahooFinanceValues, [Operator.Jin10]: initialJin10Values, [Operator.Concentrator]: initialConcentratorValues, [Operator.TuShare]: initialTuShareValues, [Operator.Note]: initialNoteValues, [Operator.Crawler]: initialCrawlerValues, [Operator.Invoke]: initialInvokeValues, [Operator.Template]: initialTemplateValues, }; }, [llmId]); const initializeOperatorParams = useCallback( (operatorName: Operator) => { return initialFormValuesMap[operatorName]; }, [initialFormValuesMap], ); return initializeOperatorParams; }; export const useHandleDrag = () => { const handleDragStart = useCallback( (operatorId: string) => (ev: React.DragEvent) => { ev.dataTransfer.setData('application/reactflow', operatorId); ev.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; }, [], ); return { handleDragStart }; }; export const useGetNodeName = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); return (type: string) => { const name = t(`flow.${lowerFirst(type)}`); return name; }; }; export const useHandleDrop = () => { const addNode = useGraphStore((state) => state.addNode); const nodes = useGraphStore((state) => state.nodes); const [reactFlowInstance, setReactFlowInstance] = useState>(); const initializeOperatorParams = useInitializeOperatorParams(); const getNodeName = useGetNodeName(); const onDragOver = useCallback((event: React.DragEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; }, []); const onDrop = useCallback( (event: React.DragEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); const type = event.dataTransfer.getData('application/reactflow'); // check if the dropped element is valid if (typeof type === 'undefined' || !type) { return; } // reactFlowInstance.project was renamed to reactFlowInstance.screenToFlowPosition // and you don't need to subtract the reactFlowBounds.left/top anymore // details: const position = reactFlowInstance?.screenToFlowPosition({ x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY, }); const newNode = { id: `${type}:${humanId()}`, type: NodeMap[type as Operator] || 'ragNode', position: position || { x: 0, y: 0, }, data: { label: `${type}`, name: generateNodeNamesWithIncreasingIndex(getNodeName(type), nodes), form: initializeOperatorParams(type as Operator), }, sourcePosition: Position.Right, targetPosition: Position.Left, dragHandle: getNodeDragHandle(type), }; addNode(newNode); }, [reactFlowInstance, getNodeName, nodes, initializeOperatorParams, addNode], ); return { onDrop, onDragOver, setReactFlowInstance }; }; export const useShowFormDrawer = () => { const { clickedNodeId: clickNodeId, setClickedNodeId, getNode, } = useGraphStore((state) => state); const { visible: formDrawerVisible, hideModal: hideFormDrawer, showModal: showFormDrawer, } = useSetModalState(); const handleShow = useCallback( (node: Node) => { setClickedNodeId(; showFormDrawer(); }, [showFormDrawer, setClickedNodeId], ); return { formDrawerVisible, hideFormDrawer, showFormDrawer: handleShow, clickedNode: getNode(clickNodeId), }; }; export const useSaveGraph = () => { const { data } = useFetchFlow(); const { setFlow, loading } = useSetFlow(); const { id } = useParams(); const { nodes, edges } = useGraphStore((state) => state); useEffect(() => {}, [nodes]); const saveGraph = useCallback( async (currentNodes?: Node[]) => { const dslComponents = buildDslComponentsByGraph( currentNodes ?? nodes, edges, data.dsl.components, ); return setFlow({ id, title: data.title, dsl: {, graph: { nodes: currentNodes ?? nodes, edges }, components: dslComponents, }, }); }, [nodes, edges, setFlow, id, data], ); return { saveGraph, loading }; }; export const useHandleFormValuesChange = (id?: string) => { const updateNodeForm = useGraphStore((state) => state.updateNodeForm); const handleValuesChange = useCallback( (changedValues: any, values: any) => { let nextValues: any = values; // Fixed the issue that the related form value does not change after selecting the freedom field of the model if ( Object.keys(changedValues).length === 1 && 'parameter' in changedValues && changedValues['parameter'] in settledModelVariableMap ) { nextValues = { ...values, ...settledModelVariableMap[ changedValues['parameter'] as keyof typeof settledModelVariableMap ], }; } if (id) { updateNodeForm(id, nextValues); } }, [updateNodeForm, id], ); return { handleValuesChange }; }; const useSetGraphInfo = () => { const { setEdges, setNodes } = useGraphStore((state) => state); const setGraphInfo = useCallback( ({ nodes = [], edges = [] }: IGraph) => { if (nodes.length || edges.length) { setNodes(nodes); setEdges(edges); } }, [setEdges, setNodes], ); return setGraphInfo; }; export const useFetchDataOnMount = () => { const { loading, data, refetch } = useFetchFlow(); const setGraphInfo = useSetGraphInfo(); useEffect(() => { setGraphInfo(data?.dsl?.graph ?? ({} as IGraph)); }, [setGraphInfo, data]); useEffect(() => { refetch(); }, [refetch]); return { loading, flowDetail: data }; }; export const useFlowIsFetching = () => { return useIsFetching({ queryKey: ['flowDetail'] }) > 0; }; export const useSetLlmSetting = ( form?: FormInstance, formData?: Record, ) => { const initialLlmSetting = pick( formData, Object.values(variableEnabledFieldMap), ); useEffect(() => { const switchBoxValues = Object.keys(variableEnabledFieldMap).reduce< Record >((pre, field) => { pre[field] = isEmpty(initialLlmSetting) ? true : !!initialLlmSetting[ variableEnabledFieldMap[ field as keyof typeof variableEnabledFieldMap ] as keyof Variable ]; return pre; }, {}); let otherValues = settledModelVariableMap[ModelVariableType.Precise]; if (!isEmpty(initialLlmSetting)) { otherValues = initialLlmSetting; } form?.setFieldsValue({ ...switchBoxValues, ...otherValues, }); }, [form, initialLlmSetting]); }; export const useValidateConnection = () => { const { edges, getOperatorTypeFromId } = useGraphStore((state) => state); // restricted lines cannot be connected successfully. const isValidConnection = useCallback( (connection: Connection) => { // node cannot connect to itself const isSelfConnected = === connection.source; // limit the connection between two nodes to only one connection line in one direction const hasLine = edges.some( (x) => x.source === connection.source && ===, ); const ret = !isSelfConnected && !hasLine && RestrictedUpstreamMap[ getOperatorTypeFromId(connection.source) as Operator ]?.every((x) => x !== getOperatorTypeFromId(; return ret; }, [edges, getOperatorTypeFromId], ); return isValidConnection; }; export const useHandleNodeNameChange = ({ id, data, }: { id?: string; data: any; }) => { const [name, setName] = useState(''); const { updateNodeName, nodes } = useGraphStore((state) => state); const previousName = data?.name; const handleNameBlur = useCallback(() => { const existsSameName = nodes.some((x) => === name); if (trim(name) === '' || existsSameName) { if (existsSameName && previousName !== name) { message.error('The name cannot be repeated'); } setName(previousName); return; } if (id) { updateNodeName(id, name); } }, [name, id, updateNodeName, previousName, nodes]); const handleNameChange = useCallback((e: ChangeEvent) => { setName(; }, []); useEffect(() => { setName(previousName); }, [previousName]); return { name, handleNameBlur, handleNameChange }; }; export const useGetBeginNodeDataQuery = () => { const getNode = useGraphStore((state) => state.getNode); const getBeginNodeDataQuery = useCallback(() => { return get(getNode('begin'), 'data.form.query', []); }, [getNode]); return getBeginNodeDataQuery; }; export const useSaveGraphBeforeOpeningDebugDrawer = (show: () => void) => { const { saveGraph, loading } = useSaveGraph(); const { resetFlow } = useResetFlow(); const handleRun = useCallback( async (nextNodes?: Node[]) => { const saveRet = await saveGraph(nextNodes); if (saveRet?.code === 0) { // Call the reset api before opening the run drawer each time const resetRet = await resetFlow(); // After resetting, all previous messages will be cleared. if (resetRet?.code === 0) { show(); } } }, [saveGraph, resetFlow, show], ); return { handleRun, loading }; }; export const useReplaceIdWithName = () => { const getNode = useGraphStore((state) => state.getNode); const replaceIdWithName = useCallback( (id?: string) => { return getNode(id)?; }, [getNode], ); return replaceIdWithName; }; export const useReplaceIdWithText = (output: unknown) => { const getNameById = useReplaceIdWithName(); return { replacedOutput: replaceIdWithText(output, getNameById), getNameById, }; }; /** * monitor changes in the data.form field of the categorize and relevant operators * and then synchronize them to the edge */ export const useWatchNodeFormDataChange = () => { const { getNode, nodes, setEdgesByNodeId } = useGraphStore((state) => state); const buildCategorizeEdgesByFormData = useCallback( (nodeId: string, form: ICategorizeForm) => { // add // delete // edit const categoryDescription = form.category_description; const downstreamEdges = Object.keys(categoryDescription).reduce( (pre, sourceHandle) => { const target = categoryDescription[sourceHandle]?.to; if (target) { pre.push({ id: uuid(), source: nodeId, target, sourceHandle, }); } return pre; }, [], ); setEdgesByNodeId(nodeId, downstreamEdges); }, [setEdgesByNodeId], ); const buildRelevantEdgesByFormData = useCallback( (nodeId: string, form: IRelevantForm) => { const downstreamEdges = ['yes', 'no'].reduce((pre, cur) => { const target = form[cur as keyof IRelevantForm] as string; if (target) { pre.push({ id: uuid(), source: nodeId, target, sourceHandle: cur }); } return pre; }, []); setEdgesByNodeId(nodeId, downstreamEdges); }, [setEdgesByNodeId], ); const buildSwitchEdgesByFormData = useCallback( (nodeId: string, form: ISwitchForm) => { // add // delete // edit const conditions = form.conditions; const downstreamEdges = conditions.reduce((pre, _, idx) => { const target = conditions[idx]?.to; if (target) { pre.push({ id: uuid(), source: nodeId, target, sourceHandle: generateSwitchHandleText(idx), }); } return pre; }, []); // Splice the else condition of the conditional judgment to the edge list const elseTo = form[SwitchElseTo]; if (elseTo) { downstreamEdges.push({ id: uuid(), source: nodeId, target: elseTo, sourceHandle: SwitchElseTo, }); } setEdgesByNodeId(nodeId, downstreamEdges); }, [setEdgesByNodeId], ); useEffect(() => {'xxx'); nodes.forEach((node) => { const currentNode = getNode(; const form = currentNode?.data.form ?? {}; const operatorType = currentNode?.data.label; switch (operatorType) { case Operator.Relevant: buildRelevantEdgesByFormData(, form as IRelevantForm); break; case Operator.Categorize: buildCategorizeEdgesByFormData(, form as ICategorizeForm); break; case Operator.Switch: buildSwitchEdgesByFormData(, form as ISwitchForm); break; default: break; } }); }, [ nodes, buildCategorizeEdgesByFormData, getNode, buildRelevantEdgesByFormData, buildSwitchEdgesByFormData, ]); }; // exclude nodes with branches const ExcludedNodes = [ Operator.Categorize, Operator.Relevant, Operator.Begin, Operator.Note, ]; export const useBuildComponentIdSelectOptions = (nodeId?: string) => { const nodes = useGraphStore((state) => state.nodes); const getBeginNodeDataQuery = useGetBeginNodeDataQuery(); const query: BeginQuery[] = getBeginNodeDataQuery(); const componentIdOptions = useMemo(() => { return nodes .filter( (x) => !== nodeId && !ExcludedNodes.some((y) => y ===, ) .map((x) => ({ label:, value: })); }, [nodes, nodeId]); const groupedOptions = [ { label: Component Output, title: 'Component Output', options: componentIdOptions, }, { label: Begin Input, title: 'Begin Input', options: => ({ label:, value: `begin@${x.key}`, })), }, ]; return groupedOptions; }; export const useGetComponentLabelByValue = (nodeId: string) => { const options = useBuildComponentIdSelectOptions(nodeId); const flattenOptions = useMemo( () => options.reduce((pre, cur) => { return [...pre, ...cur.options]; }, []), [options], ); const getLabel = useCallback( (val?: string) => { return flattenOptions.find((x) => x.value === val)?.label; }, [flattenOptions], ); return getLabel; }; export const useDuplicateNode = () => { const duplicateNodeById = useGraphStore((store) => store.duplicateNode); const getNodeName = useGetNodeName(); const duplicateNode = useCallback( (id: string, label: string) => { duplicateNodeById(id, getNodeName(label)); }, [duplicateNodeById, getNodeName], ); return duplicateNode; }; export const useCopyPaste = () => { const nodes = useGraphStore((state) => state.nodes); const duplicateNode = useDuplicateNode(); const onCopyCapture = useCallback( (event: ClipboardEvent) => { if (get(event, 'srcElement.tagName') !== 'BODY') return; event.preventDefault(); const nodesStr = JSON.stringify( nodes.filter((n) => n.selected && !== Operator.Begin), ); event.clipboardData?.setData('agent:nodes', nodesStr); }, [nodes], ); const onPasteCapture = useCallback( (event: ClipboardEvent) => { const nodes = JSON.parse( event.clipboardData?.getData('agent:nodes') || '[]', ) as Node[] | undefined; if (Array.isArray(nodes) && nodes.length) { event.preventDefault(); nodes.forEach((n) => { duplicateNode(,; }); } }, [duplicateNode], ); useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('copy', onCopyCapture); return () => { window.removeEventListener('copy', onCopyCapture); }; }, [onCopyCapture]); useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('paste', onPasteCapture); return () => { window.removeEventListener('paste', onPasteCapture); }; }, [onPasteCapture]); }; export const useWatchAgentChange = (chatDrawerVisible: boolean) => { const [time, setTime] = useState(); const nodes = useGraphStore((state) => state.nodes); const edges = useGraphStore((state) => state.edges); const { saveGraph } = useSaveGraph(); const { data: flowDetail } = useFetchFlow(); const setSaveTime = useCallback((updateTime: number) => { setTime(dayjs(updateTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')); }, []); useEffect(() => { setSaveTime(flowDetail?.update_time); }, [flowDetail, setSaveTime]); const saveAgent = useCallback(async () => { if (!chatDrawerVisible) { const ret = await saveGraph(); setSaveTime(; } }, [chatDrawerVisible, saveGraph, setSaveTime]); useDebounceEffect( () => { saveAgent(); }, [nodes, edges], { wait: 1000 * 20, }, ); return time; };