# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xgboost as xgb from io import BytesIO import torch import re import pdfplumber import logging from PIL import Image import numpy as np from rag.nlp import huqie from collections import Counter from copy import deepcopy from rag.cv.table_recognize import TableTransformer from rag.cv.ppdetection import PPDet from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download logging.getLogger("pdfminer").setLevel(logging.WARNING) class HuParser: def __init__(self): from paddleocr import PaddleOCR logging.getLogger("ppocr").setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=False, lang="ch") self.layouter = PPDet() self.tbl_det = TableTransformer() self.updown_cnt_mdl = xgb.Booster() if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.updown_cnt_mdl.set_param({"device": "cuda"}) self.updown_cnt_mdl.load_model(hf_hub_download(repo_id="InfiniFlow/text_concat_xgb_v1.0", filename="updown_concat_xgb.model")) """ If you have trouble downloading HuggingFace models, -_^ this might help!! For Linux: export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com For Windows: Good luck ^_- """ def __char_width(self, c): return (c["x1"] - c["x0"]) // len(c["text"]) def __height(self, c): return c["bottom"] - c["top"] def _x_dis(self, a, b): return min(abs(a["x1"] - b["x0"]), abs(a["x0"] - b["x1"]), abs(a["x0"] + a["x1"] - b["x0"] - b["x1"]) / 2) def _y_dis( self, a, b): return ( b["top"] + b["bottom"] - a["top"] - a["bottom"]) / 2 def _match_proj(self, b): proj_patt = [ r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+章", r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[条节]", r"[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[、是 ]", r"[\((][零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[)\)]", r"[\((][0-9]+[)\)]", r"[0-9]+(、|\.[ ]|)|\.[^0-9./a-zA-Z_%><-]{4,})", r"[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+(、|\.[ ])", r"[⚫•➢①② ]", ] return any([re.match(p, b["text"]) for p in proj_patt]) def _updown_concat_features(self, up, down): w = max(self.__char_width(up), self.__char_width(down)) h = max(self.__height(up), self.__height(down)) y_dis = self._y_dis(up, down) LEN = 6 tks_down = huqie.qie(down["text"][:LEN]).split(" ") tks_up = huqie.qie(up["text"][-LEN:]).split(" ") tks_all = up["text"][-LEN:].strip() \ + (" " if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z0-9]+", up["text"][-1] + down["text"][0]) else "") \ + down["text"][:LEN].strip() tks_all = huqie.qie(tks_all).split(" ") fea = [ up.get("R", -1) == down.get("R", -1), y_dis / h, down["page_number"] - up["page_number"], up["layout_type"] == down["layout_type"], up["layout_type"] == "text", down["layout_type"] == "text", up["layout_type"] == "table", down["layout_type"] == "table", True if re.search( r"([。?!;!?;+))]|[a-z]\.)$", up["text"]) else False, True if re.search(r"[,:‘“、0-9(+-]$", up["text"]) else False, True if re.search( r"(^.?[/,?;:\],。;:’”?!》】)-])", down["text"]) else False, True if re.match(r"[\((][^\(\)()]+[)\)]$", up["text"]) else False, True if re.search(r"[,,][^。.]+$", up["text"]) else False, True if re.search(r"[,,][^。.]+$", up["text"]) else False, True if re.search(r"[\((][^\))]+$", up["text"]) and re.search(r"[\))]", down["text"]) else False, self._match_proj(down), True if re.match(r"[A-Z]", down["text"]) else False, True if re.match(r"[A-Z]", up["text"][-1]) else False, True if re.match(r"[a-z0-9]", up["text"][-1]) else False, True if re.match(r"[0-9.%,-]+$", down["text"]) else False, up["text"].strip()[-2:] == down["text"].strip()[-2:] if len(up["text"].strip() ) > 1 and len( down["text"].strip()) > 1 else False, up["x0"] > down["x1"], abs(self.__height(up) - self.__height(down)) / min(self.__height(up), self.__height(down)), self._x_dis(up, down) / max(w, 0.000001), (len(up["text"]) - len(down["text"])) / max(len(up["text"]), len(down["text"])), len(tks_all) - len(tks_up) - len(tks_down), len(tks_down) - len(tks_up), tks_down[-1] == tks_up[-1], max(down["in_row"], up["in_row"]), abs(down["in_row"] - up["in_row"]), len(tks_down) == 1 and huqie.tag(tks_down[0]).find("n") >= 0, len(tks_up) == 1 and huqie.tag(tks_up[0]).find("n") >= 0 ] return fea @staticmethod def sort_Y_firstly(arr, threashold): # sort using y1 first and then x1 arr = sorted(arr, key=lambda r: (r["top"], r["x0"])) for i in range(len(arr) - 1): for j in range(i, -1, -1): # restore the order using th if abs(arr[j + 1]["top"] - arr[j]["top"]) < threashold \ and arr[j + 1]["x0"] < arr[j]["x0"]: tmp = deepcopy(arr[j]) arr[j] = deepcopy(arr[j + 1]) arr[j + 1] = deepcopy(tmp) return arr @staticmethod def sort_R_firstly(arr, thr=0): # sort using y1 first and then x1 # sorted(arr, key=lambda r: (r["top"], r["x0"])) arr = HuParser.sort_Y_firstly(arr, thr) for i in range(len(arr) - 1): for j in range(i, -1, -1): if "R" not in arr[j] or "R" not in arr[j + 1]: continue if arr[j + 1]["R"] < arr[j]["R"] \ or ( arr[j + 1]["R"] == arr[j]["R"] and arr[j + 1]["x0"] < arr[j]["x0"] ): tmp = arr[j] arr[j] = arr[j + 1] arr[j + 1] = tmp return arr @staticmethod def sort_X_firstly(arr, threashold, copy=True): # sort using y1 first and then x1 arr = sorted(arr, key=lambda r: (r["x0"], r["top"])) for i in range(len(arr) - 1): for j in range(i, -1, -1): # restore the order using th if abs(arr[j + 1]["x0"] - arr[j]["x0"]) < threashold \ and arr[j + 1]["top"] < arr[j]["top"]: tmp = deepcopy(arr[j]) if copy else arr[j] arr[j] = deepcopy(arr[j + 1]) if copy else arr[j + 1] arr[j + 1] = deepcopy(tmp) if copy else tmp return arr @staticmethod def sort_C_firstly(arr, thr=0): # sort using y1 first and then x1 # sorted(arr, key=lambda r: (r["x0"], r["top"])) arr = HuParser.sort_X_firstly(arr, thr) for i in range(len(arr) - 1): for j in range(i, -1, -1): # restore the order using th if "C" not in arr[j] or "C" not in arr[j + 1]: continue if arr[j + 1]["C"] < arr[j]["C"] \ or ( arr[j + 1]["C"] == arr[j]["C"] and arr[j + 1]["top"] < arr[j]["top"] ): tmp = arr[j] arr[j] = arr[j + 1] arr[j + 1] = tmp return arr return sorted(arr, key=lambda r: (r.get("C", r["x0"]), r["top"])) def _has_color(self, o): if o.get("ncs", "") == "DeviceGray": if o["stroking_color"] and o["stroking_color"][0] == 1 and o["non_stroking_color"] and \ o["non_stroking_color"][0] == 1: if re.match(r"[a-zT_\[\]\(\)-]+", o.get("text", "")): return False return True def __overlapped_area(self, a, b, ratio=True): tp, btm, x0, x1 = a["top"], a["bottom"], a["x0"], a["x1"] if b["x0"] > x1 or b["x1"] < x0: return 0 if b["bottom"] < tp or b["top"] > btm: return 0 x0_ = max(b["x0"], x0) x1_ = min(b["x1"], x1) assert x0_ <= x1_, "Fuckedup! T:{},B:{},X0:{},X1:{} ==> {}".format( tp, btm, x0, x1, b) tp_ = max(b["top"], tp) btm_ = min(b["bottom"], btm) assert tp_ <= btm_, "Fuckedup! T:{},B:{},X0:{},X1:{} => {}".format( tp, btm, x0, x1, b) ov = (btm_ - tp_) * (x1_ - x0_) if x1 - \ x0 != 0 and btm - tp != 0 else 0 if ov > 0 and ratio: ov /= (x1 - x0) * (btm - tp) return ov def __find_overlapped_with_threashold(self, box, boxes, thr=0.3): if not boxes: return max_overlaped_i, max_overlaped, _max_overlaped = None, thr, 0 s, e = 0, len(boxes) for i in range(s, e): ov = self.__overlapped_area(box, boxes[i]) _ov = self.__overlapped_area(boxes[i], box) if (ov, _ov) < (max_overlaped, _max_overlaped): continue max_overlaped_i = i max_overlaped = ov _max_overlaped = _ov return max_overlaped_i def __find_overlapped(self, box, boxes_sorted_by_y, naive=False): if not boxes_sorted_by_y: return bxs = boxes_sorted_by_y s, e, ii = 0, len(bxs), 0 while s < e and not naive: ii = (e + s) // 2 pv = bxs[ii] if box["bottom"] < pv["top"]: e = ii continue if box["top"] > pv["bottom"]: s = ii + 1 continue break while s < ii: if box["top"] > bxs[s]["bottom"]: s += 1 break while e - 1 > ii: if box["bottom"] < bxs[e - 1]["top"]: e -= 1 break max_overlaped_i, max_overlaped = None, 0 for i in range(s, e): ov = self.__overlapped_area(bxs[i], box) if ov <= max_overlaped: continue max_overlaped_i = i max_overlaped = ov return max_overlaped_i def _is_garbage(self, b): patt = [r"^•+$", r"(版权归©|免责条款|地址[::])", r"\.{3,}", "^[0-9]{1,2} / ?[0-9]{1,2}$", r"^[0-9]{1,2} of [0-9]{1,2}$", "^http://[^ ]{12,}", "(资料|数据)来源[::]", "[0-9a-z._-]+@[a-z0-9-]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}", "\\(cid *: *[0-9]+ *\\)" ] return any([re.search(p, b["text"]) for p in patt]) def __layouts_cleanup(self, boxes, layouts, far=2, thr=0.7): def notOverlapped(a, b): return any([a["x1"] < b["x0"], a["x0"] > b["x1"], a["bottom"] < b["top"], a["top"] > b["bottom"]]) i = 0 while i + 1 < len(layouts): j = i + 1 while j < min(i + far, len(layouts)) \ and (layouts[i].get("type", "") != layouts[j].get("type", "") or notOverlapped(layouts[i], layouts[j])): j += 1 if j >= min(i + far, len(layouts)): i += 1 continue if self.__overlapped_area(layouts[i], layouts[j]) < thr \ and self.__overlapped_area(layouts[j], layouts[i]) < thr: i += 1 continue if layouts[i].get("score") and layouts[j].get("score"): if layouts[i]["score"] > layouts[j]["score"]: layouts.pop(j) else: layouts.pop(i) continue area_i, area_i_1 = 0, 0 for b in boxes: if not notOverlapped(b, layouts[i]): area_i += self.__overlapped_area(b, layouts[i], False) if not notOverlapped(b, layouts[j]): area_i_1 += self.__overlapped_area(b, layouts[j], False) if area_i > area_i_1: layouts.pop(j) else: layouts.pop(i) return layouts def __table_paddle(self, images): tbls = self.tbl_det([img for img in images], threshold=0.5) res = [] # align left&right for rows, align top&bottom for columns for tbl in tbls: lts = [{"label": b["type"], "score": b["score"], "x0": b["bbox"][0], "x1": b["bbox"][2], "top": b["bbox"][1], "bottom": b["bbox"][-1] } for b in tbl] if not lts: continue left = [b["x0"] for b in lts if b["label"].find( "row") > 0 or b["label"].find("header") > 0] right = [b["x1"] for b in lts if b["label"].find( "row") > 0 or b["label"].find("header") > 0] if not left: continue left = np.median(left) if len(left) > 4 else np.min(left) right = np.median(right) if len(right) > 4 else np.max(right) for b in lts: if b["label"].find("row") > 0 or b["label"].find("header") > 0: if b["x0"] > left: b["x0"] = left if b["x1"] < right: b["x1"] = right top = [b["top"] for b in lts if b["label"] == "table column"] bottom = [b["bottom"] for b in lts if b["label"] == "table column"] if not top: res.append(lts) continue top = np.median(top) if len(top) > 4 else np.min(top) bottom = np.median(bottom) if len(bottom) > 4 else np.max(bottom) for b in lts: if b["label"] == "table column": if b["top"] > top: b["top"] = top if b["bottom"] < bottom: b["bottom"] = bottom res.append(lts) return res def __table_transformer_job(self, ZM): logging.info("Table processing...") imgs, pos = [], [] tbcnt = [0] MARGIN = 10 self.tb_cpns = [] assert len(self.page_layout) == len(self.page_images) for p, tbls in enumerate(self.page_layout): # for page tbls = [f for f in tbls if f["type"] == "table"] tbcnt.append(len(tbls)) if not tbls: continue for tb in tbls: # for table left, top, right, bott = tb["x0"] - MARGIN, tb["top"] - MARGIN, \ tb["x1"] + MARGIN, tb["bottom"] + MARGIN left *= ZM top *= ZM right *= ZM bott *= ZM pos.append((left, top)) imgs.append(self.page_images[p].crop((left, top, right, bott))) assert len(self.page_images) == len(tbcnt) - 1 if not imgs: return recos = self.__table_paddle(imgs) tbcnt = np.cumsum(tbcnt) for i in range(len(tbcnt) - 1): # for page pg = [] for j, tb_items in enumerate( recos[tbcnt[i]: tbcnt[i + 1]]): # for table poss = pos[tbcnt[i]: tbcnt[i + 1]] for it in tb_items: # for table components it["x0"] = (it["x0"] + poss[j][0]) it["x1"] = (it["x1"] + poss[j][0]) it["top"] = (it["top"] + poss[j][1]) it["bottom"] = (it["bottom"] + poss[j][1]) for n in ["x0", "x1", "top", "bottom"]: it[n] /= ZM it["top"] += self.page_cum_height[i] it["bottom"] += self.page_cum_height[i] it["pn"] = i it["layoutno"] = j pg.append(it) self.tb_cpns.extend(pg) def __ocr_paddle(self, pagenum, img, chars, ZM=3): bxs = self.ocr.ocr(np.array(img), cls=True)[0] if not bxs: self.boxes.append([]) return bxs = [(line[0], line[1][0]) for line in bxs] bxs = self.sort_Y_firstly( [{"x0": b[0][0] / ZM, "x1": b[1][0] / ZM, "top": b[0][1] / ZM, "text": "", "txt": t, "bottom": b[-1][1] / ZM, "page_number": pagenum} for b, t in bxs if b[0][0] <= b[1][0] and b[0][1] <= b[-1][1]], self.mean_height[-1] / 3 ) # merge chars in the same rect for c in self.sort_X_firstly(chars, self.mean_width[pagenum - 1] // 4): ii = self.__find_overlapped(c, bxs) if ii is None: self.lefted_chars.append(c) continue ch = c["bottom"] - c["top"] bh = bxs[ii]["bottom"] - bxs[ii]["top"] if abs(ch - bh) / max(ch, bh) >= 0.7: self.lefted_chars.append(c) continue bxs[ii]["text"] += c["text"] for b in bxs: if not b["text"]: b["text"] = b["txt"] del b["txt"] if self.mean_height[-1] == 0: self.mean_height[-1] = np.median([b["bottom"] - b["top"] for b in bxs]) self.boxes.append(bxs) def __layouts_paddle(self, ZM): assert len(self.page_images) == len(self.boxes) # Tag layout type boxes = [] layouts = self.layouter([np.array(img) for img in self.page_images]) assert len(self.page_images) == len(layouts) for pn, lts in enumerate(layouts): bxs = self.boxes[pn] lts = [{"type": b["type"], "score": float(b["score"]), "x0": b["bbox"][0] / ZM, "x1": b["bbox"][2] / ZM, "top": b["bbox"][1] / ZM, "bottom": b["bbox"][-1] / ZM, "page_number": pn, } for b in lts] lts = self.sort_Y_firstly(lts, self.mean_height[pn] / 2) lts = self.__layouts_cleanup(bxs, lts) self.page_layout.append(lts) # Tag layout type, layouts are ready def findLayout(ty): nonlocal bxs, lts lts_ = [lt for lt in lts if lt["type"] == ty] i = 0 while i < len(bxs): if bxs[i].get("layout_type"): i += 1 continue if self._is_garbage(bxs[i]): logging.debug("GARBAGE: " + bxs[i]["text"]) bxs.pop(i) continue ii = self.__find_overlapped_with_threashold(bxs[i], lts_, thr=0.4) if ii is None: # belong to nothing bxs[i]["layout_type"] = "" i += 1 continue lts_[ii]["visited"] = True if lts_[ii]["type"] in ["footer", "header", "reference"]: if lts_[ii]["type"] not in self.garbages: self.garbages[lts_[ii]["type"]] = [] self.garbages[lts_[ii]["type"]].append(bxs[i]["text"]) logging.debug("GARBAGE: " + bxs[i]["text"]) bxs.pop(i) continue bxs[i]["layoutno"] = f"{ty}-{ii}" bxs[i]["layout_type"] = lts_[ii]["type"] i += 1 for lt in ["footer", "header", "reference", "figure caption", "table caption", "title", "text", "table", "figure"]: findLayout(lt) # add box to figure layouts which has not text box for i, lt in enumerate( [lt for lt in lts if lt["type"] == "figure"]): if lt.get("visited"): continue lt = deepcopy(lt) del lt["type"] lt["text"] = "" lt["layout_type"] = "figure" lt["layoutno"] = f"figure-{i}" bxs.append(lt) boxes.extend(bxs) self.boxes = boxes def __text_merge(self, garbage): # merge adjusted boxes bxs = self.boxes def end_with(b, txt): txt = txt.strip() tt = b.get("text", "").strip() return tt and tt.find(txt) == len(tt) - len(txt) def start_with(b, txts): tt = b.get("text", "").strip() return tt and any([tt.find(t.strip()) == 0 for t in txts]) i = 0 while i < len(bxs) - 1: b = bxs[i] b_ = bxs[i + 1] if b.get("layoutno", "0") != b_.get("layoutno", "1"): i += 1 continue dis_thr = 1 dis = b["x1"] - b_["x0"] if b.get("layout_type", "") != "text" or b_.get( "layout_type", "") != "text": if end_with(b, ",") or start_with(b_, "(,"): dis_thr = -8 else: i += 1 continue if abs(self._y_dis(b, b_)) < self.mean_height[bxs[i]["page_number"] - 1] / 5 \ and dis >= dis_thr and b["x1"] < b_["x1"]: # merge bxs[i]["x1"] = b_["x1"] bxs[i]["top"] = (b["top"] + b_["top"]) / 2 bxs[i]["bottom"] = (b["bottom"] + b_["bottom"]) / 2 bxs[i]["text"] += b_["text"] bxs.pop(i + 1) continue i += 1 self.boxes = bxs # count boxes in the same row for i in range(len(self.boxes)): mh = self.mean_height[self.boxes[i]["page_number"] - 1] self.boxes[i]["in_row"] = 0 j = max(0, i - 12) while j < min(i + 12, len(self.boxes)): if j == i: j += 1 continue ydis = self._y_dis(self.boxes[i], self.boxes[j]) / mh if abs(ydis) < 1: self.boxes[i]["in_row"] += 1 elif ydis > 0: break j += 1 def gather(kwd, fzy=10, ption=0.6): eles = self.sort_Y_firstly( [r for r in self.tb_cpns if re.match(kwd, r["label"])], fzy) eles = self.__layouts_cleanup(self.boxes, eles, 5, ption) return self.sort_Y_firstly(eles, 0) headers = gather(r".*header$") rows = gather(r".* (row|header)") spans = gather(r".*spanning") clmns = sorted([r for r in self.tb_cpns if re.match( r"table column$", r["label"])], key=lambda x: (x["pn"], x["layoutno"], x["x0"])) clmns = self.__layouts_cleanup(self.boxes, clmns, 5, 0.5) for b in self.boxes: if b.get("layout_type", "") != "table": continue ii = self.__find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, rows, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["R"] = ii b["R_top"] = rows[ii]["top"] b["R_bott"] = rows[ii]["bottom"] ii = self.__find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, headers, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["H_top"] = headers[ii]["top"] b["H_bott"] = headers[ii]["bottom"] b["H_left"] = headers[ii]["x0"] b["H_right"] = headers[ii]["x1"] b["H"] = ii ii = self.__find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, clmns, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["C"] = ii b["C_left"] = clmns[ii]["x0"] b["C_right"] = clmns[ii]["x1"] ii = self.__find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, spans, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["H_top"] = spans[ii]["top"] b["H_bott"] = spans[ii]["bottom"] b["H_left"] = spans[ii]["x0"] b["H_right"] = spans[ii]["x1"] b["SP"] = ii # concat between rows boxes = deepcopy(self.boxes) blocks = [] while boxes: chunks = [] def dfs(up, dp): if not up["text"].strip() or up["text"].strip() in garbage: return chunks.append(up) i = dp while i < min(dp + 12, len(boxes)): ydis = self._y_dis(up, boxes[i]) smpg = up["page_number"] == boxes[i]["page_number"] mh = self.mean_height[up["page_number"] - 1] mw = self.mean_width[up["page_number"] - 1] if smpg and ydis > mh * 4: break if not smpg and ydis > mh * 16: break down = boxes[i] if up.get("R", "") != down.get( "R", "") and up["text"][-1] != ",": i += 1 continue if re.match(r"[0-9]{2,3}/[0-9]{3}$", up["text"]) \ or re.match(r"[0-9]{2,3}/[0-9]{3}$", down["text"]): i += 1 continue if not down["text"].strip() \ or down["text"].strip() in garbage: i += 1 continue if up["x1"] < down["x0"] - 10 * \ mw or up["x0"] > down["x1"] + 10 * mw: i += 1 continue if i - dp < 5 and up.get("layout_type") == "text": if up.get("layoutno", "1") == down.get( "layoutno", "2"): dfs(down, i + 1) boxes.pop(i) return i += 1 continue fea = self._updown_concat_features(up, down) if self.updown_cnt_mdl.predict( xgb.DMatrix([fea]))[0] <= 0.5: i += 1 continue dfs(down, i + 1) boxes.pop(i) return dfs(boxes[0], 1) boxes.pop(0) if chunks: blocks.append(chunks) # concat within each block boxes = [] for b in blocks: if len(b) == 1: boxes.append(b[0]) continue t = b[0] for c in b[1:]: t["text"] = t["text"].strip() c["text"] = c["text"].strip() if not c["text"]: continue if t["text"] and re.match( r"[0-9\.a-zA-Z]+$", t["text"][-1] + c["text"][-1]): t["text"] += " " t["text"] += c["text"] t["x0"] = min(t["x0"], c["x0"]) t["x1"] = max(t["x1"], c["x1"]) t["page_number"] = min(t["page_number"], c["page_number"]) t["bottom"] = c["bottom"] if not t["layout_type"] \ and c["layout_type"]: t["layout_type"] = c["layout_type"] boxes.append(t) self.boxes = self.sort_Y_firstly(boxes, 0) def __filter_forpages(self): if not self.boxes: return to = min(7, len(self.page_images) // 5) pg_hits = [0 for _ in range(to)] def possible(c): if c.get("layout_type", "") == "reference": return True if c["bottom"] - c["top"] >= 2 * \ self.mean_height[c["page_number"] - 1]: return False if c["text"].find("....") >= 0 \ or (c["x1"] - c["x0"] > 250 and re.search(r"[0-9]+$", c["text"].strip())): return True return self.is_caption(c) and re.search( r"[0-9]+$", c["text"].strip()) for c in self.boxes: if c["page_number"] >= to: break if possible(c): pg_hits[c["page_number"] - 1] += 1 st, ed = -1, -1 for i in range(len(self.boxes)): c = self.boxes[i] if c["page_number"] >= to: break if pg_hits[c["page_number"] - 1] >= 3 and possible(c): if st < 0: st = i else: ed = i for _ in range(st, ed + 1): self.boxes.pop(st) def _blockType(self, b): patt = [ ("^(20|19)[0-9]{2}[年/-][0-9]{1,2}[月/-][0-9]{1,2}日*$", "Dt"), (r"^(20|19)[0-9]{2}年$", "Dt"), (r"^(20|19)[0-9]{2}[年-][0-9]{1,2}月*$", "Dt"), ("^[0-9]{1,2}[月-][0-9]{1,2}日*$", "Dt"), (r"^第*[一二三四1-4]季度$", "Dt"), (r"^(20|19)[0-9]{2}年*[一二三四1-4]季度$", "Dt"), (r"^(20|19)[0-9]{2}[ABCDE]$", "Dt"), ("^[0-9.,+%/ -]+$", "Nu"), (r"^[0-9A-Z/\._~-]+$", "Ca"), (r"^[A-Z]*[a-z' -]+$", "En"), (r"^[0-9.,+-]+[0-9A-Za-z/$¥%<>()()' -]+$", "NE"), (r"^.{1}$", "Sg") ] for p, n in patt: if re.search(p, b["text"].strip()): return n tks = [t for t in huqie.qie(b["text"]).split(" ") if len(t) > 1] if len(tks) > 3: if len(tks) < 12: return "Tx" else: return "Lx" if len(tks) == 1 and huqie.tag(tks[0]) == "nr": return "Nr" return "Ot" def __cal_spans(self, boxes, rows, cols, tbl, html=True): # caculate span clft = [np.mean([c.get("C_left", c["x0"]) for c in cln]) for cln in cols] crgt = [np.mean([c.get("C_right", c["x1"]) for c in cln]) for cln in cols] rtop = [np.mean([c.get("R_top", c["top"]) for c in row]) for row in rows] rbtm = [np.mean([c.get("R_btm", c["bottom"]) for c in row]) for row in rows] for b in boxes: if "SP" not in b: continue b["colspan"] = [b["cn"]] b["rowspan"] = [b["rn"]] # col span for j in range(0, len(clft)): if j == b["cn"]: continue if clft[j] + (crgt[j] - clft[j]) / 2 < b["H_left"]: continue if crgt[j] - (crgt[j] - clft[j]) / 2 > b["H_right"]: continue b["colspan"].append(j) # row span for j in range(0, len(rtop)): if j == b["rn"]: continue if rtop[j] + (rbtm[j] - rtop[j]) / 2 < b["H_top"]: continue if rbtm[j] - (rbtm[j] - rtop[j]) / 2 > b["H_bott"]: continue b["rowspan"].append(j) def join(arr): if not arr: return "" return "".join([t["text"] for t in arr]) # rm the spaning cells for i in range(len(tbl)): for j, arr in enumerate(tbl[i]): if not arr: continue if all(["rowspan" not in a and "colspan" not in a for a in arr]): continue rowspan, colspan = [], [] for a in arr: if isinstance(a.get("rowspan", 0), list): rowspan.extend(a["rowspan"]) if isinstance(a.get("colspan", 0), list): colspan.extend(a["colspan"]) rowspan, colspan = set(rowspan), set(colspan) if len(rowspan) < 2 and len(colspan) < 2: for a in arr: if "rowspan" in a: del a["rowspan"] if "colspan" in a: del a["colspan"] continue rowspan, colspan = sorted(rowspan), sorted(colspan) rowspan = list(range(rowspan[0], rowspan[-1] + 1)) colspan = list(range(colspan[0], colspan[-1] + 1)) assert i in rowspan, rowspan assert j in colspan, colspan arr = [] for r in rowspan: for c in colspan: arr_txt = join(arr) if tbl[r][c] and join(tbl[r][c]) != arr_txt: arr.extend(tbl[r][c]) tbl[r][c] = None if html else arr for a in arr: if len(rowspan) > 1: a["rowspan"] = len(rowspan) elif "rowspan" in a: del a["rowspan"] if len(colspan) > 1: a["colspan"] = len(colspan) elif "colspan" in a: del a["colspan"] tbl[rowspan[0]][colspan[0]] = arr return tbl def __construct_table(self, boxes, html=False): cap = "" i = 0 while i < len(boxes): if self.is_caption(boxes[i]): cap += boxes[i]["text"] boxes.pop(i) i -= 1 i += 1 if not boxes: return [] for b in boxes: b["btype"] = self._blockType(b) max_type = Counter([b["btype"] for b in boxes]).items() max_type = max(max_type, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if max_type else "" logging.debug("MAXTYPE: " + max_type) rowh = [b["R_bott"] - b["R_top"] for b in boxes if "R" in b] rowh = np.min(rowh) if rowh else 0 # boxes = self.sort_Y_firstly(boxes, rowh/5) boxes = self.sort_R_firstly(boxes, rowh / 2) boxes[0]["rn"] = 0 rows = [[boxes[0]]] btm = boxes[0]["bottom"] for b in boxes[1:]: b["rn"] = len(rows) - 1 lst_r = rows[-1] if lst_r[-1].get("R", "") != b.get("R", "") \ or (b["top"] >= btm - 3 and lst_r[-1].get("R", "-1") != b.get("R", "-2") ): # new row btm = b["bottom"] b["rn"] += 1 rows.append([b]) continue btm = (btm + b["bottom"]) / 2. rows[-1].append(b) colwm = [b["C_right"] - b["C_left"] for b in boxes if "C" in b] colwm = np.min(colwm) if colwm else 0 crosspage = len(set([b["page_number"] for b in boxes])) > 1 if crosspage: boxes = self.sort_X_firstly(boxes, colwm / 2, False) else: boxes = self.sort_C_firstly(boxes, colwm / 2) boxes[0]["cn"] = 0 cols = [[boxes[0]]] right = boxes[0]["x1"] for b in boxes[1:]: b["cn"] = len(cols) - 1 lst_c = cols[-1] if (int(b.get("C", "1")) - int(lst_c[-1].get("C", "1")) == 1 and b["page_number"] == lst_c[-1][ "page_number"]) \ or (b["x0"] >= right and lst_c[-1].get("C", "-1") != b.get("C", "-2")): # new col right = b["x1"] b["cn"] += 1 cols.append([b]) continue right = (right + b["x1"]) / 2. cols[-1].append(b) tbl = [[[] for _ in range(len(cols))] for _ in range(len(rows))] for b in boxes: tbl[b["rn"]][b["cn"]].append(b) if len(rows) >= 4: # remove single in column j = 0 while j < len(tbl[0]): e, ii = 0, 0 for i in range(len(tbl)): if tbl[i][j]: e += 1 ii = i if e > 1: break if e > 1: j += 1 continue f = (j > 0 and tbl[ii][j - 1] and tbl[ii] [j - 1][0].get("text")) or j == 0 ff = (j + 1 < len(tbl[ii]) and tbl[ii][j + 1] and tbl[ii] [j + 1][0].get("text")) or j + 1 >= len(tbl[ii]) if f and ff: j += 1 continue bx = tbl[ii][j][0] logging.debug("Relocate column single: " + bx["text"]) # j column only has one value left, right = 100000, 100000 if j > 0 and not f: for i in range(len(tbl)): if tbl[i][j - 1]: left = min(left, np.min( [bx["x0"] - a["x1"] for a in tbl[i][j - 1]])) if j + 1 < len(tbl[0]) and not ff: for i in range(len(tbl)): if tbl[i][j + 1]: right = min(right, np.min( [a["x0"] - bx["x1"] for a in tbl[i][j + 1]])) assert left < 100000 or right < 100000 if left < right: for jj in range(j, len(tbl[0])): for i in range(len(tbl)): for a in tbl[i][jj]: a["cn"] -= 1 if tbl[ii][j - 1]: tbl[ii][j - 1].extend(tbl[ii][j]) else: tbl[ii][j - 1] = tbl[ii][j] for i in range(len(tbl)): tbl[i].pop(j) else: for jj in range(j + 1, len(tbl[0])): for i in range(len(tbl)): for a in tbl[i][jj]: a["cn"] -= 1 if tbl[ii][j + 1]: tbl[ii][j + 1].extend(tbl[ii][j]) else: tbl[ii][j + 1] = tbl[ii][j] for i in range(len(tbl)): tbl[i].pop(j) cols.pop(j) assert len(cols) == len(tbl[0]), "Column NO. miss matched: %d vs %d" % ( len(cols), len(tbl[0])) if len(cols) >= 4: # remove single in row i = 0 while i < len(tbl): e, jj = 0, 0 for j in range(len(tbl[i])): if tbl[i][j]: e += 1 jj = j if e > 1: break if e > 1: i += 1 continue f = (i > 0 and tbl[i - 1][jj] and tbl[i - 1] [jj][0].get("text")) or i == 0 ff = (i + 1 < len(tbl) and tbl[i + 1][jj] and tbl[i + 1] [jj][0].get("text")) or i + 1 >= len(tbl) if f and ff: i += 1 continue bx = tbl[i][jj][0] logging.debug("Relocate row single: " + bx["text"]) # i row only has one value up, down = 100000, 100000 if i > 0 and not f: for j in range(len(tbl[i - 1])): if tbl[i - 1][j]: up = min(up, np.min( [bx["top"] - a["bottom"] for a in tbl[i - 1][j]])) if i + 1 < len(tbl) and not ff: for j in range(len(tbl[i + 1])): if tbl[i + 1][j]: down = min(down, np.min( [a["top"] - bx["bottom"] for a in tbl[i + 1][j]])) assert up < 100000 or down < 100000 if up < down: for ii in range(i, len(tbl)): for j in range(len(tbl[ii])): for a in tbl[ii][j]: a["rn"] -= 1 if tbl[i - 1][jj]: tbl[i - 1][jj].extend(tbl[i][jj]) else: tbl[i - 1][jj] = tbl[i][jj] tbl.pop(i) else: for ii in range(i + 1, len(tbl)): for j in range(len(tbl[ii])): for a in tbl[ii][j]: a["rn"] -= 1 if tbl[i + 1][jj]: tbl[i + 1][jj].extend(tbl[i][jj]) else: tbl[i + 1][jj] = tbl[i][jj] tbl.pop(i) rows.pop(i) # which rows are headers hdset = set([]) for i in range(len(tbl)): cnt, h = 0, 0 for j, arr in enumerate(tbl[i]): if not arr: continue cnt += 1 if max_type == "Nu" and arr[0]["btype"] == "Nu": continue if any([a.get("H") for a in arr]) \ or (max_type == "Nu" and arr[0]["btype"] != "Nu"): h += 1 if h / cnt > 0.5: hdset.add(i) if html: return [self.__html_table(cap, hdset, self.__cal_spans(boxes, rows, cols, tbl, True) )] return self.__desc_table(cap, hdset, self.__cal_spans(boxes, rows, cols, tbl, False)) def __html_table(self, cap, hdset, tbl): # constrcut HTML html = "
" if i not in hdset else " | " continue txt = "" if arr: h = min(np.min([c["bottom"] - c["top"] for c in arr]) / 2, self.mean_height[arr[0]["page_number"] - 1] / 2) txt = "".join([c["text"] for c in self.sort_Y_firstly(arr, h)]) txts.append(txt) sp = "" if arr[0].get("colspan"): sp = "colspan={}".format(arr[0]["colspan"]) if arr[0].get("rowspan"): sp += " rowspan={}".format(arr[0]["rowspan"]) if i in hdset: row += f" | " + txt + " | " else: row += f"" + txt + " | " if i in hdset: if all([t in hdset for t in txts]): continue for t in txts: hdset.add(t) if row != "
"])) for k, bxs in tables.items(): if not bxs: continue res.append((cropout(bxs, "table"), self.__construct_table(bxs, html=return_html))) return res def proj_match(self, line): if len(line) <= 2: return if re.match(r"[0-9 ().,%%+/-]+$", line): return False for p, j in [ (r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+章", 1), (r"第[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[条节]", 2), (r"[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[、 ]", 3), (r"[\((][零一二三四五六七八九十百]+[)\)]", 4), (r"[0-9]+(、|\.[ ]|\.[^0-9])", 5), (r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(、|[. ]|[^0-9])", 6), (r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(、|[ ]|[^0-9])", 7), (r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(、|[ ]|[^0-9])", 8), (r".{,48}[::??]$", 9), (r"[0-9]+)", 10), (r"[\((][0-9]+[)\)]", 11), (r"[零一二三四五六七八九十百]+是", 12), (r"[⚫•➢✓]", 12) ]: if re.match(p, line): return j return def __filterout_scraps(self, boxes, ZM): def line_tag(bx): pn = [bx["page_number"]] top = bx["top"] - self.page_cum_height[pn[0] - 1] bott = bx["bottom"] - self.page_cum_height[pn[0] - 1] while bott * ZM > self.page_images[pn[-1] - 1].size[1]: bott -= self.page_images[pn[-1] - 1].size[1] / ZM pn.append(pn[-1] + 1) return "@@{}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}##" \ .format("-".join([str(p) for p in pn]), bx["x0"], bx["x1"], top, bott) def width(b): return b["x1"] - b["x0"] def height(b): return b["bottom"] - b["top"] def usefull(b): if b.get("layout_type"): return True if width( b) > self.page_images[b["page_number"] - 1].size[0] / ZM / 3: return True if b["bottom"] - b["top"] > self.mean_height[b["page_number"] - 1]: return True return False res = [] while boxes: lines = [] widths = [] pw = self.page_images[boxes[0]["page_number"] - 1].size[0] / ZM mh = self.mean_height[boxes[0]["page_number"] - 1] mj = self.proj_match( boxes[0]["text"]) or boxes[0].get( "layout_type", "") == "title" def dfs(line, st): nonlocal mh, pw, lines, widths lines.append(line) widths.append(width(line)) width_mean = np.mean(widths) mmj = self.proj_match( line["text"]) or line.get( "layout_type", "") == "title" for i in range(st + 1, min(st + 20, len(boxes))): if (boxes[i]["page_number"] - line["page_number"]) > 0: break if not mmj and self._y_dis( line, boxes[i]) >= 3 * mh and height(line) < 1.5 * mh: break if not usefull(boxes[i]): continue if mmj or \ (self._x_dis(boxes[i], line) < pw / 10): \ # and abs(width(boxes[i])-width_mean)/max(width(boxes[i]),width_mean)<0.5): # concat following dfs(boxes[i], i) boxes.pop(i) break try: if usefull(boxes[0]): dfs(boxes[0], 0) else: logging.debug("WASTE: " + boxes[0]["text"]) except Exception as e: pass boxes.pop(0) mw = np.mean(widths) if mj or mw / pw >= 0.35 or mw > 200: res.append("\n".join([c["text"] + line_tag(c) for c in lines])) else: logging.debug("REMOVED: " + "<<".join([c["text"] for c in lines])) return "\n\n".join(res) def __call__(self, fnm, need_image=True, zoomin=3, return_html=False): self.pdf = pdfplumber.open(fnm) if isinstance( fnm, str) else pdfplumber.open(BytesIO(fnm)) self.lefted_chars = [] self.mean_height = [] self.mean_width = [] self.boxes = [] self.garbages = {} self.page_cum_height = [0] self.page_layout = [] self.page_images = [p.to_image( resolution=72 * zoomin).annotated for i, p in enumerate(self.pdf.pages[:299])] logging.info("Images converted.") logging.info("Table processed.") for i, img in enumerate(self.page_images): chars = [c for c in self.pdf.pages[i].chars if self._has_color(c)] self.mean_height.append( np.median(sorted([c["height"] for c in chars])) if chars else 0 ) self.mean_width.append( np.median(sorted([c["width"] for c in chars])) if chars else 8 ) if i > 0: if not chars: self.page_cum_height.append(img.size[1] / zoomin) else: self.page_cum_height.append( np.max([c["bottom"] for c in chars])) self.__ocr_paddle(i + 1, img, chars, zoomin) self.__layouts_paddle(zoomin) self.page_cum_height = np.cumsum(self.page_cum_height) assert len(self.page_cum_height) == len(self.page_images) garbage = set() for k in self.garbages.keys(): self.garbages[k] = Counter(self.garbages[k]) for g, c in self.garbages[k].items(): if c > 1: garbage.add(g) logging.debug("GARBAGE:" + ",".join(garbage)) self.boxes = [b for b in self.boxes if b["text"] not in garbage] # cumlative Y for i in range(len(self.boxes)): self.boxes[i]["top"] += \ self.page_cum_height[self.boxes[i]["page_number"] - 1] self.boxes[i]["bottom"] += \ self.page_cum_height[self.boxes[i]["page_number"] - 1] self.__table_transformer_job(zoomin) self.__text_merge(garbage) self.__filter_forpages() tbls = self.__extract_table_figure(need_image, zoomin, return_html) return self.__filterout_scraps(deepcopy(self.boxes), zoomin), tbls def remove_tag(self, txt): return re.sub(r"@@[\t0-9.-]+?##", "", txt) def crop(self, text, ZM=3): imgs = [] for tag in re.findall(r"@@[0-9-]+\t[0-9.\t]+##", text): pn, left, right, top, bottom = tag.strip( "#").strip("@").split("\t") left, right, top, bottom = float(left), float( right), float(top), float(bottom) bottom *= ZM pns = [int(p) - 1 for p in pn.split("-")] for pn in pns[1:]: bottom += self.page_images[pn - 1].size[1] imgs.append( self.page_images[pns[0]].crop((left * ZM, top * ZM, right * ZM, min( bottom, self.page_images[pns[0]].size[1]) )) ) bottom -= self.page_images[pns[0]].size[1] for pn in pns[1:]: imgs.append( self.page_images[pn].crop((left * ZM, 0, right * ZM, min(bottom, self.page_images[pn].size[1]) )) ) bottom -= self.page_images[pn].size[1] if not imgs: return GAP = 2 height = 0 for img in imgs: height += img.size[1] + GAP height = int(height) pic = Image.new("RGB", (int(np.max([i.size[0] for i in imgs])), height), (245, 245, 245)) height = 0 for img in imgs: pic.paste(img, (0, int(height))) height += img.size[1] + GAP return pic if __name__ == "__main__": pass