fix: remove Top K in retrieval testing #770 and if the document parsing fails, the error message returned by the backend is displayed (#782)
balibabucommited on
fix: filter knowledge list by keywords and clear the selected file list after the file is uploaded successfully and add ellipsis pattern to chunk list (#628)
balibabucommited on
Fixed an issue where refreshing the login page caused the language settings to become invalid. #249 (#250)
balibabucommited on
change language #245 (#246)
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feat: jumping from the chunk list page to the file list page keeps th… (#174)
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feat: add corresponding icons to files (#164)
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feat: set the object-fit attribute of the chunk image to contain so that the image is not stretched and if the chunk number of the knowledge base is greater than 0, set the embedding model to disabled (#160)
balibabucommited on
fix: by obtaining the width and height of the pdf and passing it to b… (#151)
balibabucommited on
fix: disable sending messages if both application and conversation are empty and add loading to all pages (#134)
balibabucommited on
feat: login with github and if it is not a pdf file, set the width of chunkContainer to 100% (#106)
balibabucommited on
feat: fixed the issue that some PDF documents could not be displayed on the chunk list page in small screens and logout (#105)
balibabucommited on
feat: set local path of workerSrc to PdfLoader (#101)
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feat: Add Skeleton to MessageItem before the backend returns a message and fixed the issue where ChatConfigurationModal displays old data when creating a new dialog (#99)
balibabucommited on
feat: add DocumentPreviewer for chunk of chat reference and remove duplicate \n from record.progress_msg (#97)
balibabucommited on
feat: fixed the issue where chat greetings could not appear (#95)
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feat: set width of chunk text to 100% and add Skeleton to Preview of document and remove react-pdf (#94)
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feat: locate the specific location of the document based on the coordinates of the chunk and add Upload to AssistantSetting (#92)
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feat: add Preview with react-pdf-highlighter (#89)