ragflow / api /apps /sdk /session.py
Fix the bug that the agent could not find the context (#3795)
history blame
22.6 kB
# Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from uuid import uuid4
from api.db import LLMType
from flask import request, Response
from api.db.services.dialog_service import ask
from agent.canvas import Canvas
from api.db import StatusEnum
from api.db.db_models import API4Conversation
from api.db.services.api_service import API4ConversationService
from api.db.services.canvas_service import UserCanvasService
from api.db.services.dialog_service import DialogService, ConversationService, chat
from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService
from api.utils import get_uuid
from api.utils.api_utils import get_error_data_result
from api.utils.api_utils import get_result, token_required
from api.db.services.llm_service import LLMBundle
@manager.route('/chats/<chat_id>/sessions', methods=['POST'])
def create(tenant_id,chat_id):
req = request.json
req["dialog_id"] = chat_id
dia = DialogService.query(tenant_id=tenant_id, id=req["dialog_id"], status=StatusEnum.VALID.value)
if not dia:
return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the assistant.")
conv = {
"id": get_uuid(),
"dialog_id": req["dialog_id"],
"name": req.get("name", "New session"),
"message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hi! I am your assistant,can I help you?"}]
if not conv.get("name"):
return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.")
e, conv = ConversationService.get_by_id(conv["id"])
if not e:
return get_error_data_result(message="Fail to create a session!")
conv = conv.to_dict()
conv['messages'] = conv.pop("message")
conv["chat_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id")
del conv["reference"]
return get_result(data=conv)
@manager.route('/agents/<agent_id>/sessions', methods=['POST'])
def create_agent_session(tenant_id, agent_id):
req = request.json
e, cvs = UserCanvasService.get_by_id(agent_id)
if not e:
return get_error_data_result("Agent not found.")
if cvs.user_id != tenant_id:
return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the agent.")
if not isinstance(cvs.dsl, str):
cvs.dsl = json.dumps(cvs.dsl, ensure_ascii=False)
canvas = Canvas(cvs.dsl, tenant_id)
conv = {
"id": get_uuid(),
"dialog_id": cvs.id,
"user_id": req.get("usr_id","") if isinstance(req, dict) else "",
"message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": canvas.get_prologue()}],
"source": "agent",
conv["agent_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id")
return get_result(data=conv)
@manager.route('/chats/<chat_id>/sessions/<session_id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update(tenant_id,chat_id,session_id):
req = request.json
req["dialog_id"] = chat_id
conv_id = session_id
conv = ConversationService.query(id=conv_id,dialog_id=chat_id)
if not conv:
return get_error_data_result(message="Session does not exist")
if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value):
return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the session")
if "message" in req or "messages" in req:
return get_error_data_result(message="`message` can not be change")
if "reference" in req:
return get_error_data_result(message="`reference` can not be change")
if "name" in req and not req.get("name"):
return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.")
if not ConversationService.update_by_id(conv_id, req):
return get_error_data_result(message="Session updates error")
return get_result()
@manager.route('/chats/<chat_id>/completions', methods=['POST'])
def completion(tenant_id, chat_id):
req = request.json
if not req.get("session_id"):
conv = {
"id": get_uuid(),
"dialog_id": chat_id,
"name": req.get("name", "New session"),
"message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hi! I am your assistant,can I help you?"}]
if not conv.get("name"):
return get_error_data_result(message="`name` can not be empty.")
e, conv = ConversationService.get_by_id(conv["id"])
session_id = req.get("session_id")
if not req.get("question"):
return get_error_data_result(message="Please input your question.")
conv = ConversationService.query(id=session_id,dialog_id=chat_id)
if not conv:
return get_error_data_result(message="Session does not exist")
conv = conv[0]
if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value):
return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the chat")
msg = []
question = {
"content": req.get("question"),
"role": "user",
"id": str(uuid4())
for m in conv.message:
if m["role"] == "system": continue
if m["role"] == "assistant" and not msg: continue
message_id = msg[-1].get("id")
e, dia = DialogService.get_by_id(conv.dialog_id)
if not conv.reference:
conv.reference = []
conv.message.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "", "id": message_id})
conv.reference.append({"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []})
def fillin_conv(ans):
reference = ans["reference"]
temp_reference = deepcopy(ans["reference"])
nonlocal conv, message_id
if not conv.reference:
conv.reference[-1] = temp_reference
conv.message[-1] = {"role": "assistant", "content": ans["answer"],
"id": message_id, "prompt": ans.get("prompt", "")}
if "chunks" in reference:
chunks = reference.get("chunks")
chunk_list = []
for chunk in chunks:
new_chunk = {
"id": chunk["chunk_id"],
"content": chunk["content_with_weight"],
"document_id": chunk["doc_id"],
"document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"],
"dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"],
"image_id": chunk.get("image_id", ""),
"similarity": chunk["similarity"],
"vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"],
"term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"],
"positions": chunk.get("positions", []),
reference["chunks"] = chunk_list
ans["id"] = message_id
def stream():
nonlocal dia, msg, req, conv
for ans in chat(dia, msg, **req):
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
ConversationService.update_by_id(conv.id, conv.to_dict())
except Exception as e:
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e),
"data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e),"reference": []}},
ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
if req.get("stream", True):
resp = Response(stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream")
resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive")
resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no")
resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8")
return resp
answer = None
for ans in chat(dia, msg, **req):
answer = ans
ConversationService.update_by_id(conv.id, conv.to_dict())
return get_result(data=answer)
@manager.route('/agents/<agent_id>/completions', methods=['POST'])
def agent_completion(tenant_id, agent_id):
req = request.json
e, cvs = UserCanvasService.get_by_id(agent_id)
if not e:
return get_error_data_result("Agent not found.")
if cvs.user_id != tenant_id:
return get_error_data_result(message="You do not own the agent.")
if not isinstance(cvs.dsl, str):
cvs.dsl = json.dumps(cvs.dsl, ensure_ascii=False)
canvas = Canvas(cvs.dsl, tenant_id)
if not req.get("session_id"):
session_id = get_uuid()
conv = {
"id": session_id,
"dialog_id": cvs.id,
"user_id": req.get("user_id", ""),
"message": [{"role": "assistant", "content": canvas.get_prologue()}],
"source": "agent",
"dsl": json.loads(cvs.dsl)
conv = API4Conversation(**conv)
session_id = req.get("session_id")
e, conv = API4ConversationService.get_by_id(req["session_id"])
if not e:
return get_error_data_result(message="Session not found!")
canvas = Canvas(json.dumps(conv.dsl), tenant_id)
messages = conv.message
question = req.get("question")
if not question:
return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.")
question = {
"role": "user",
"content": question,
"id": str(uuid4())
msg = []
for m in messages:
if m["role"] == "system":
if m["role"] == "assistant" and not msg:
if not msg[-1].get("id"): msg[-1]["id"] = get_uuid()
message_id = msg[-1]["id"]
stream = req.get("stream", True)
def fillin_conv(ans):
reference = ans["reference"]
temp_reference = deepcopy(ans["reference"])
nonlocal conv, message_id
if not conv.reference:
conv.reference[-1] = temp_reference
conv.message[-1] = {"role": "assistant", "content": ans["answer"], "id": message_id}
if "chunks" in reference:
chunks = reference.get("chunks")
chunk_list = []
for chunk in chunks:
new_chunk = {
"id": chunk["chunk_id"],
"content": chunk["content_with_weight"],
"document_id": chunk["doc_id"],
"document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"],
"dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"],
"image_id": chunk["image_id"],
"similarity": chunk["similarity"],
"vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"],
"term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"],
"positions": chunk["positions"],
reference["chunks"] = chunk_list
ans["id"] = message_id
ans["session_id"] = session_id
def rename_field(ans):
reference = ans['reference']
if not isinstance(reference, dict):
for chunk_i in reference.get('chunks', []):
if 'docnm_kwd' in chunk_i:
chunk_i['doc_name'] = chunk_i['docnm_kwd']
if not conv.reference:
conv.reference = []
conv.message.append({"role": "assistant", "content": "", "id": message_id})
conv.reference.append({"chunks": [], "doc_aggs": []})
final_ans = {"reference": [], "content": ""}
if stream:
def sse():
nonlocal answer, cvs
for ans in canvas.run(stream=stream):
if ans.get("running_status"):
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "",
"data": {"answer": ans["content"],
"running_status": True}},
ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
for k in ans.keys():
final_ans[k] = ans[k]
ans = {"answer": ans["content"], "reference": ans.get("reference", [])}
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": ans},
ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "id": message_id})
canvas.history.append(("assistant", final_ans["content"]))
if final_ans.get("reference"):
conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas))
API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict())
except Exception as e:
conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas))
API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict())
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e),
"data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e), "reference": []}},
ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
resp = Response(sse(), mimetype="text/event-stream")
resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive")
resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no")
resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8")
return resp
for answer in canvas.run(stream=False):
if answer.get("running_status"): continue
final_ans["content"] = "\n".join(answer["content"]) if "content" in answer else ""
canvas.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": final_ans["content"], "id": message_id})
if final_ans.get("reference"):
conv.dsl = json.loads(str(canvas))
result = {"answer": final_ans["content"], "reference": final_ans.get("reference", [])}
API4ConversationService.append_message(conv.id, conv.to_dict())
return get_result(data=result)
@manager.route('/chats/<chat_id>/sessions', methods=['GET'])
def list_session(chat_id,tenant_id):
if not DialogService.query(tenant_id=tenant_id, id=chat_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value):
return get_error_data_result(message=f"You don't own the assistant {chat_id}.")
id = request.args.get("id")
name = request.args.get("name")
page_number = int(request.args.get("page", 1))
items_per_page = int(request.args.get("page_size", 30))
orderby = request.args.get("orderby", "create_time")
if request.args.get("desc") == "False" or request.args.get("desc") == "false":
desc = False
desc = True
convs = ConversationService.get_list(chat_id,page_number,items_per_page,orderby,desc,id,name)
if not convs:
return get_result(data=[])
for conv in convs:
conv['messages'] = conv.pop("message")
infos = conv["messages"]
for info in infos:
if "prompt" in info:
conv["chat_id"] = conv.pop("dialog_id")
if conv["reference"]:
messages = conv["messages"]
message_num = 0
chunk_num = 0
while message_num < len(messages):
if message_num != 0 and messages[message_num]["role"] != "user":
chunk_list = []
if "chunks" in conv["reference"][chunk_num]:
chunks = conv["reference"][chunk_num]["chunks"]
for chunk in chunks:
new_chunk = {
"id": chunk["chunk_id"],
"content": chunk["content_with_weight"],
"document_id": chunk["doc_id"],
"document_name": chunk["docnm_kwd"],
"dataset_id": chunk["kb_id"],
"image_id": chunk.get("image_id", ""),
"similarity": chunk["similarity"],
"vector_similarity": chunk["vector_similarity"],
"term_similarity": chunk["term_similarity"],
"positions": chunk["positions"],
chunk_num += 1
messages[message_num]["reference"] = chunk_list
message_num += 1
del conv["reference"]
return get_result(data=convs)
@manager.route('/chats/<chat_id>/sessions', methods=["DELETE"])
def delete(tenant_id,chat_id):
if not DialogService.query(id=chat_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, status=StatusEnum.VALID.value):
return get_error_data_result(message="You don't own the chat")
req = request.json
convs = ConversationService.query(dialog_id=chat_id)
if not req:
ids = None
if not ids:
conv_list = []
for conv in convs:
for id in conv_list:
conv = ConversationService.query(id=id,dialog_id=chat_id)
if not conv:
return get_error_data_result(message="The chat doesn't own the session")
return get_result()
@manager.route('/sessions/ask', methods=['POST'])
def ask_about(tenant_id):
req = request.json
if not req.get("question"):
return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.")
if not req.get("dataset_ids"):
return get_error_data_result("`dataset_ids` is required.")
if not isinstance(req.get("dataset_ids"),list):
return get_error_data_result("`dataset_ids` should be a list.")
for kb_id in req["kb_ids"]:
if not KnowledgebaseService.accessible(kb_id,tenant_id):
return get_error_data_result(f"You don't own the dataset {kb_id}.")
kbs = KnowledgebaseService.query(id=kb_id)
kb = kbs[0]
if kb.chunk_num == 0:
return get_error_data_result(f"The dataset {kb_id} doesn't own parsed file")
uid = tenant_id
def stream():
nonlocal req, uid
for ans in ask(req["question"], req["kb_ids"], uid):
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": ans}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
except Exception as e:
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 500, "message": str(e),
"data": {"answer": "**ERROR**: " + str(e), "reference": []}},
ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
yield "data:" + json.dumps({"code": 0, "message": "", "data": True}, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n\n"
resp = Response(stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream")
resp.headers.add_header("Cache-control", "no-cache")
resp.headers.add_header("Connection", "keep-alive")
resp.headers.add_header("X-Accel-Buffering", "no")
resp.headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream; charset=utf-8")
return resp
@manager.route('/sessions/related_questions', methods=['POST'])
def related_questions(tenant_id):
req = request.json
if not req.get("question"):
return get_error_data_result("`question` is required.")
question = req["question"]
chat_mdl = LLMBundle(tenant_id, LLMType.CHAT)
prompt = """
Objective: To generate search terms related to the user's search keywords, helping users find more valuable information.
- Based on the keywords provided by the user, generate 5-10 related search terms.
- Each search term should be directly or indirectly related to the keyword, guiding the user to find more valuable information.
- Use common, general terms as much as possible, avoiding obscure words or technical jargon.
- Keep the term length between 2-4 words, concise and clear.
- DO NOT translate, use the language of the original keywords.
### Example:
Keywords: Chinese football
Related search terms:
1. Current status of Chinese football
2. Reform of Chinese football
3. Youth training of Chinese football
4. Chinese football in the Asian Cup
5. Chinese football in the World Cup
- When searching, users often only use one or two keywords, making it difficult to fully express their information needs.
- Generating related search terms can help users dig deeper into relevant information and improve search efficiency.
- At the same time, related terms can also help search engines better understand user needs and return more accurate search results.
ans = chat_mdl.chat(prompt, [{"role": "user", "content": f"""
Keywords: {question}
Related search terms:
"""}], {"temperature": 0.9})
return get_result(data=[re.sub(r"^[0-9]\. ", "", a) for a in ans.split("\n") if re.match(r"^[0-9]\. ", a)])