import base64 |
import click |
import re |
from flask import Flask |
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash |
from api.db.services import UserService |
@click.command('reset-password', help='Reset the account password.') |
@click.option('--email', prompt=True, help='The email address of the account whose password you need to reset') |
@click.option('--new-password', prompt=True, help='the new password.') |
@click.option('--password-confirm', prompt=True, help='the new password confirm.') |
def reset_password(email, new_password, password_confirm): |
if str(new_password).strip() != str(password_confirm).strip(): |
click.echo(click.style('sorry. The two passwords do not match.', fg='red')) |
return |
user = UserService.query(email=email) |
if not user: |
click.echo(click.style('sorry. The Email is not registered!.', fg='red')) |
return |
encode_password = base64.b64encode(new_password.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') |
password_hash = generate_password_hash(encode_password) |
user_dict = { |
'password': password_hash |
} |
UserService.update_user(user[0].id,user_dict) |
click.echo(click.style('Congratulations! Password has been reset.', fg='green')) |
@click.command('reset-email', help='Reset the account email.') |
@click.option('--email', prompt=True, help='The old email address of the account whose email you need to reset') |
@click.option('--new-email', prompt=True, help='the new email.') |
@click.option('--email-confirm', prompt=True, help='the new email confirm.') |
def reset_email(email, new_email, email_confirm): |
if str(new_email).strip() != str(email_confirm).strip(): |
click.echo(click.style('Sorry, new email and confirm email do not match.', fg='red')) |
return |
if str(new_email).strip() == str(email).strip(): |
click.echo(click.style('Sorry, new email and old email are the same.', fg='red')) |
return |
user = UserService.query(email=email) |
if not user: |
click.echo(click.style('sorry. the account: [{}] not exist .'.format(email), fg='red')) |
return |
if not re.match(r"^[\w\._-]+@([\w_-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$", new_email): |
click.echo(click.style('sorry. {} is not a valid email. '.format(new_email), fg='red')) |
return |
new_user = UserService.query(email=new_email) |
if new_user: |
click.echo(click.style('sorry. the account: [{}] is exist .'.format(new_email), fg='red')) |
return |
user_dict = { |
'email': new_email |
} |
UserService.update_user(user[0].id,user_dict) |
click.echo(click.style('Congratulations!, email has been reset.', fg='green')) |
def register_commands(app: Flask): |
app.cli.add_command(reset_password) |
app.cli.add_command(reset_email) |