import os | |
import requests | |
import subprocess | |
from pydub import AudioSegment | |
from moviepy import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, CompositeAudioClip | |
from pydub import effects | |
import os | |
import pysrt | |
import json | |
import time | |
from moviepy import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, AudioClip | |
import os | |
def generate_tts_audio(persian_text, output_file): | |
api_url = "" | |
proxies = { | |
"https" : "" | |
} | |
headers = { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
'gateway-token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzeXN0ZW0iOiJzYWhhYiIsImNyZWF0ZVRpbWUiOiIxNDAzMTIwNTE0MTgzMDM2MyIsInVuaXF1ZUZpZWxkcyI6eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjFlZDZjN2M1LWVjNTktNGI4Yi1iYThkLTk1NTk1ZWQ0MmNhMCJ9LCJkYXRhIjp7InNlcnZpY2VJRCI6ImRmNTNhNzgwLTIxNTgtNDUyNC05MjQ3LWM2ZjBiYWQzZTc3MCIsInJhbmRvbVRleHQiOiJvYlNXciJ9LCJncm91cE5hbWUiOiIwMmYzMWRmM2IyMjczMmJkMDNmYjBlYjU2ZjE1MGEzZCJ9.QakcV3rPn7bji7ur0VPmCzHLWiOs2NXEGw9ILyhpgOw' | |
} | |
payload = json.dumps({ | |
"data": persian_text, | |
"filePath": "true", | |
"base64": "0", | |
"checksum": "1", | |
"speaker": "2" | |
}) | |
response = requests.request("POST", api_url, headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=proxies) | |
link = response.text.split('"')[11] | |
link = "https://"+link | |
print(link) | |
responseD = requests.get(link, stream=True) | |
responseD.raise_for_status() | |
if responseD: | |
with open(output_file, 'wb') as file: | |
for chunk in responseD.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): | |
if chunk: | |
file.write(chunk) | |
file.close() | |
print(f"Downloaded successfully") | |
time.sleep(10) | |
return "video.mp4" | |
else: | |
print(f"Failed to generate TTS audio: {response.status_code} - {response.text}") | |
return False | |
def generate_audio_segments(segments, output_dir): | |
audio_files = [] | |
for index, segment in enumerate(segments): | |
audio_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"segment_{index}.mp3") | |
max_retries = 3 | |
retries = 0 | |
while retries < max_retries: | |
try: | |
if generate_tts_audio(segment.text, audio_file): # Assuming this returns True/False based on success | |
audio_files.append(((f"{segment.start} --> {segment.end}"), audio_file)) | |
break # If successful, move to the next segment | |
# If the above fails (returns False or raises an exception), wait and retry | |
retries += 1 | |
if retries < max_retries: | |
time.sleep(30) # Wait for 30 seconds before retrying | |
except Exception as e: | |
if retries == max_retries - 1: # Last retry attempt | |
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to generate audio after {max_retries} attempts for segment: {segment.text}") from e | |
else: | |
# If all retries failed (loop completed without breaking) | |
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to generate audio after {max_retries} attempts for segment: {segment.text}") | |
return audio_files | |
def srt_time_to_seconds(srt_time): | |
hours, minutes, seconds = srt_time.split(':') | |
seconds, milliseconds = seconds.split(',') | |
total_seconds = int(hours) * 3600 + int(minutes) * 60 + int(seconds) + int(milliseconds) / 1000 | |
return total_seconds | |
def render_dubbed_video(input_video, audio_files, output_video): | |
# Load the input video and remove its audio | |
video = VideoFileClip(input_video) | |
video_no_audio = video.without_audio() | |
print("Video duration (ms):") | |
print(video_no_audio.duration * 1000) | |
# Get total video duration in milliseconds | |
video_duration_in_seconds = video_no_audio.duration | |
video_duration_in_ms = video_duration_in_seconds * 1000 | |
audio_canva = AudioSegment.silent(duration=video_duration_in_ms) | |
for timestamp, audio_file in audio_files: | |
start_str, end_str = timestamp.split(' --> ') | |
start_sec = srt_time_to_seconds(start_str) * 1000 | |
end_sec = srt_time_to_seconds(end_str) * 1000 | |
# Load the audio file | |
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file) | |
original_duration_ms = len(audio) | |
available_slot = end_sec - start_sec | |
if available_slot <= 0: | |
print(f"Invalid timestamp for {audio_file}. Skipping.") | |
continue | |
elif original_duration_ms > available_slot: | |
speed_factor = min(original_duration_ms / available_slot, 1.2) | |
audio = audio.speedup(speed_factor) | |
# Append the processed audio to the canvas | |
audio_canva = audio_canva.overlay(audio, position=start_sec) | |
# Export the combined audio to a temporary file | |
combined_audio_file = "combined_audio.mp3" | |
audio_canva.export(combined_audio_file, format="mp3") | |
# Load the combined audio using MoviePy | |
new_audio = AudioFileClip(combined_audio_file) | |
# Set the new audio to the video | |
final_video = video_no_audio.with_audio(new_audio) | |
# Write the output video file | |
final_video.write_videofile(output_video, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") | |
# Clean up temporary files | |
video.close() | |
new_audio.close() | |
final_video.close() | |
def dub(srt, input_video): | |
# Step 1: Parse the SRT-like text | |
output_video = "video_out.mp4" | |
subtitles =, encoding="utf-8") | |
print("Parsed segments:", subtitles) | |
# Step 2: Translation (commented out as input is already Persian) | |
# Step 3: Generate audio for each Persian segment | |
output_dir = "audio_segments" | |
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
audio_files = generate_audio_segments(subtitles, output_dir) | |
# Step 4: Render the dubbed video | |
render_dubbed_video(input_video, audio_files, output_video) | |
# Clean up audio segments directory | |
for _, audio_file in audio_files: | |
os.remove(audio_file) | |
os.rmdir(output_dir) | |
return output_video |