Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -1,57 +1,152 @@
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return audio_path
17 |
except Exception as e:
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28 |
subtitle = srt.Subtitle(index=i+1,
29 |
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32 |
33 |
with open(srt_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
34 |
35 |
return srt_file
36 |
37 |
def process_video(video):
38 |
video_path = video
39 |
audio_path = extract_audio(video_path)
40 |
if audio_path.endswith('.mp3'):
41 |
processed_audio_path = transcribe_audio_to_srt(audio_path)
42 |
with open(processed_audio_path, "r") as f:
43 |
srt_content = f.read()
44 |
return srt_content
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1 |
from pytubefix import YouTube
2 |
from pytubefix.cli import on_progress
3 |
import time
4 |
import math
5 |
import gradio
6 |
import ffmpeg
7 |
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
8 |
import requests
9 |
import json
10 |
import arabic_reshaper # pip install arabic-reshaper
11 |
from bidi.algorithm import get_display # pip install python-bidi
12 |
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, TextClip, CompositeVideoClip
13 |
import pysrt
14 |
api_key = "268976:66f4f58a2a905"
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# Define your functions here
20 |
def yt_download(url):
21 |
yt = YouTube(url)
22 |
23 |
video_path = f"{yt.title}.mp4"
24 |
ys = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
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return video_path, yt.title
28 |
29 |
def insta_download(shortcode, id_1):
30 |
url = "https://api.one-api.ir/instagram/v1/post/"
31 |
request_body = {"shortcode": shortcode, "id": id_1}
32 |
headers = {"one-api-token": api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
33 |
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=request_body)
34 |
if response.status_code == 200:
35 |
result = response.json()
36 |
return result['result']
37 |
38 |
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
39 |
return None
40 |
41 |
def extract_audio(input_video_name):
42 |
extracted_audio = f"audio-{input_video_name}.wav"
43 |
stream = ffmpeg.input(input_video)
44 |
stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, extracted_audio)
45 |
ffmpeg.run(stream, overwrite_output=True)
46 |
return extracted_audio
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48 |
def transcribe(audio):
49 |
model = WhisperModel("tiny")
50 |
segments, info = model.transcribe(audio)
51 |
segments = list(segments)
52 |
for segment in segments:
53 |
print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, segment.text))
54 |
return segments
55 |
56 |
def format_time(seconds):
57 |
hours = math.floor(seconds / 3600)
58 |
seconds %= 3600
59 |
minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
60 |
seconds %= 60
61 |
milliseconds = round((seconds - math.floor(seconds)) * 1000)
62 |
seconds = math.floor(seconds)
63 |
formatted_time = f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:01d},{milliseconds:03d}"
64 |
return formatted_time
65 |
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def generate_subtitle_file(language, segments, input_video_name):
67 |
subtitle_file = f"sub-{input_video_name}.{language}.srt"
68 |
text = ""
69 |
for index, segment in enumerate(segments):
70 |
segment_start = format_time(segment.start)
71 |
segment_end = format_time(segment.end)
72 |
text += f"{str(index+1)} \n"
73 |
text += f"{segment_start} --> {segment_end} \n"
74 |
text += f"{segment.text} \n"
75 |
text += "\n"
76 |
f = open(subtitle_file, "w", encoding='utf8')
77 |
78 |
79 |
return subtitle_file
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81 |
def read_srt_file(file_path):
82 |
83 |
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
84 |
srt_content = file.read()
85 |
return srt_content
86 |
except FileNotFoundError:
87 |
print(f"The file {file_path} was not found.")
88 |
except Exception as e:
89 |
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
90 |
91 |
def translate_text(api_key, source_lang, target_lang, text):
92 |
url = "https://api.one-api.ir/translate/v1/google/"
93 |
request_body = {"source": source_lang, "target": target_lang, "text": text}
94 |
headers = {"one-api-token": api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
95 |
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=request_body)
96 |
if response.status_code == 200:
97 |
result = response.json()
98 |
return result['result']
99 |
100 |
print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")
101 |
return None
102 |
103 |
def write_google(google_translate):
104 |
google = "google_translate.srt"
105 |
with open(google, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
106 |
107 |
108 |
def time_to_seconds(time_obj):
109 |
return time_obj.hours * 3600 + time_obj.minutes * 60 + time_obj.seconds + time_obj.milliseconds / 1000
110 |
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def create_subtitle_clips(subtitles, videosize, fontsize=24, font='/content/arial-unicode-ms.ttf', color='yellow', debug=False):
112 |
subtitle_clips = []
113 |
for subtitle in subtitles:
114 |
start_time = time_to_seconds(subtitle.start)
115 |
end_time = time_to_seconds(subtitle.end)
116 |
duration = end_time - start_time
117 |
video_width, video_height = videosize
118 |
reshaped_text = arabic_reshaper.reshape(subtitle.text)
119 |
bidi_text = get_display(reshaped_text)
120 |
text_clip = TextClip(bidi_text, fontsize=fontsize, font=font, color=color, bg_color='black', size=(video_width*3/4, None), method='label', align='West').set_start(start_time).set_duration(duration)
121 |
subtitle_x_position = 'center'
122 |
subtitle_y_position = video_height * 4 / 5
123 |
text_position = (subtitle_x_position, subtitle_y_position)
124 |
125 |
return subtitle_clips
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def process_video(url, api_key):
128 |
input_video, title = yt_download(url)
129 |
input_video_name = input_video.replace(".mp4", "")
130 |
extracted_audio = extract_audio(input_video_name)
131 |
segments = transcribe(audio=extracted_audio)
132 |
language = "fa"
133 |
subtitle_file = generate_subtitle_file(language=language, segments=segments, input_video_name=input_video_name)
134 |
source_language = "en"
135 |
target_language = "fa"
136 |
srt_string = read_srt_file(subtitle_file)
137 |
google_translate = translate_text(api_key, source_language, target_language, srt_string)
138 |
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video = VideoFileClip(input_video)
140 |
subtitles = pysrt.open("/content/google_translate.srt", encoding="utf-8")
141 |
output_video_file = input_video_name + '_subtitled' + ".mp4"
142 |
subtitle_clips = create_subtitle_clips(subtitles, video.size)
143 |
final_video = CompositeVideoClip([video] + subtitle_clips)
144 |
final_video.write_videofile(output_video_file, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac")
145 |
return output_video_file
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def download_file(file_path):
148 |
return gr.File.update(file_path)
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iface = gr.Interface(fn=process_video, inputs=["text", "text"], outputs="file")
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