import streamlit as st import openai from langchain_google_genai import ChatGoogleGenerativeAI from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time # API keys GOOGLE_API_KEY = st.secrets["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] OPENAI_API_KEY = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"] # Initialize OpenAI openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY # In-memory storage for progress tracking progress_data = { "questions_solved": { "Behavioral": 0, "Technical": 0, "Situational": 0, "Case Study": 0, "Problem Solving": 0 }, "mock_interviews_taken": 0, "feedback_provided": 0, "tips_retrieved": 0 } def get_llm(model_choice): if model_choice == "Gemini" or model_choice == "Groq": return ChatGoogleGenerativeAI(model="gemini-pro", google_api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) elif model_choice == "OpenAI": return None else: raise ValueError("Unsupported model choice.") def generate_questions(model_choice, role, question_type, num_questions, difficulty): prompt = ( f"Generate {num_questions} {difficulty} {question_type.lower()} interview questions for the role of {role}. " f"Only include {question_type.lower()} questions." ) if model_choice == "OpenAI": response = openai.Completion.create( engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=150 ) return response.choices[0].text.strip().split("\n") elif model_choice == "Gemini" or model_choice == "Groq": llm = get_llm(model_choice) response = llm.invoke(prompt) return response.content.split("\n") else: raise ValueError("Unsupported model choice.") def provide_feedback(model_choice, answer): prompt = f"Provide constructive feedback on the following interview answer: {answer}" if model_choice == "OpenAI": response = openai.Completion.create( engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=150 ) return response.choices[0].text.strip() elif model_choice == "Gemini" or model_choice == "Groq": llm = get_llm(model_choice) response = llm.invoke(prompt) return response.content else: raise ValueError("Unsupported model choice.") def get_tips(model_choice, role): prompt = f"Provide useful interview tips for the role of {role}. Include body language, dress code, etiquette, and role-specific advice." if model_choice == "OpenAI": response = openai.Completion.create( engine="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=150 ) return response.choices[0].text.strip() elif model_choice == "Gemini" or model_choice == "Groq": llm = get_llm(model_choice) response = llm.invoke(prompt) return response.content else: raise ValueError("Unsupported model choice.") def start_mock_interview(): st.write("### Mock Interview Starting") st.write("The mock interview is starting now. Please connect with your interviewer.") # Simulate video call window with recording message st.markdown("""

Call is being RECORDED

Interview with: John Doe

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) countdown_end = + timedelta(seconds=60) # 60 seconds timer while < countdown_end: remaining_time = countdown_end - if remaining_time <= timedelta(seconds=3): st.write(f"**Time Remaining:** {str(remaining_time).split('.')[0]}") time.sleep(1) st.write("Mock Interview Session Ended.") progress_data["mock_interviews_taken"] += 1 def schedule_mock_interview(): st.subheader("Schedule a Mock Interview") date = st.date_input("Select Date", time = st.time_input("Select Time", duration = st.selectbox("Duration (Minutes)", [30, 45, 60]) now = selected_datetime = datetime.combine(date, time) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if st.button("Start Interview Now"): start_mock_interview() with col2: if st.button("Schedule Interview"): if selected_datetime < now: st.error("Selected time is in the past. Please choose a future time.") else: # Simulate saving interview schedule st.success(f"Mock interview scheduled for {selected_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} with a duration of {duration} minutes.") progress_data["mock_interviews_taken"] += 1 def track_progress(): st.subheader("Track Your Progress") st.write("Here's your detailed progress data:") st.markdown(f"""

Behavioral Questions Solved: {progress_data['questions_solved']['Behavioral']}

Technical Questions Solved: {progress_data['questions_solved']['Technical']}

Situational Questions Solved: {progress_data['questions_solved']['Situational']}

Case Study Questions Solved: {progress_data['questions_solved']['Case Study']}

Problem Solving Questions Solved: {progress_data['questions_solved']['Problem Solving']}

Mock Interviews Taken: {progress_data['mock_interviews_taken']}

Feedback Provided: {progress_data['feedback_provided']}

Tips Retrieved: {progress_data['tips_retrieved']}

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) def connect_resources(): st.subheader("Connect with Resources") st.write("### Articles & Books") st.write("1. [The Complete Guide to Job Interviews](") st.write("2. [Cracking the Coding Interview](") st.write("### Videos") st.write("1. [Top 10 Interview Tips](") st.write("2. [Behavioral Interview Questions Explained](") st.write("### Connect with Career Coaches") st.write("If you need personalized help, please fill out the form below or contact us through [Career Coaches Contact](") # Form to connect with career coaches or mentors with st.form("contact_form"): st.write("For personalized assistance, please fill out this form:") name = st.text_input("Name") email = st.text_input("Email") message = st.text_area("Message") submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Submit") if submit_button: if not name or not email or not message: st.error("Please fill out all fields.") else: st.success("Thank you for contacting us! We will get back to you soon.") def style_output(text, color): return f'
' # Streamlit app layout st.set_page_config(page_title="TechPrep", layout="wide") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Show welcome message with an icon for 3-4 seconds welcome_message = st.empty() with welcome_message.container(): st.markdown("""
Welcome to TechPrep!
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) time.sleep(4) # Wait for 4 seconds welcome_message.empty() # Remove the welcome message # Initialize session state for questions, answers, and current index if 'questions' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.questions = [] if 'answers' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.answers = [] if 'feedback' not in st.session_state: = [] if 'question_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.question_index = 0 if 'show_results' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.show_results = False # Sidebar Navigation st.sidebar.title("TechPrep Navigation") nav_option ="Choose an option:", ["Generate Questions", "Mock Interview", "Track Progress", "Connect with Resources"]) # Handling page navigation if nav_option == "Generate Questions": st.header("📝 Generate Interview Questions") model_choice = st.selectbox("Choose Model:", ["OpenAI", "Gemini", "Groq"]) role = st.selectbox("Role:", ["GenAI", "ML", "DevOps", "Software Engineer", "Data Scientist", "Product Manager", "Designer", "Business Analyst"]) question_type = st.selectbox("Question Type:", ["Behavioral", "Technical", "Situational", "Case Study", "Problem Solving"]) num_questions = st.number_input("Number of Questions:", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=5) difficulty = st.selectbox("Difficulty Level:", ["Basic", "Medium", "Complex"]) if st.button("Generate Questions", key="generate_questions"): with st.spinner("Generating questions..."): questions = generate_questions(model_choice, role, question_type, num_questions, difficulty) st.session_state.questions = questions st.session_state.answers = ["" for _ in questions] = ["" for _ in questions] st.session_state.question_index = 0 st.session_state.show_results = False progress_data["questions_solved"][question_type] += num_questions # Display questions with navigation if st.session_state.questions: question_list = st.session_state.questions index = st.session_state.question_index if index < len(question_list): st.write(f"**Question {index + 1}:** {question_list[index]}") # Answer input box answer = st.text_area("Your Answer", key="text_area_answer") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if index > 0: if st.button("Previous"): st.session_state.question_index -= 1 with col2: if index < len(question_list) - 1: if st.button("Next"): st.session_state.question_index += 1 # Submit answer and provide feedback if st.button("Submit Answer"): if not answer: st.error("Please enter an answer to receive feedback.") else: with st.spinner("Providing feedback..."): feedback = provide_feedback(model_choice, answer) st.session_state.answers[index] = answer[index] = feedback st.markdown(style_output("Feedback Received:", "#FF5722"), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(feedback) progress_data["feedback_provided"] += 1 # Show results and score when all questions have been answered if index == len(question_list) - 1: st.session_state.show_results = True if st.session_state.show_results: st.write("### Your Results") total_questions = len(st.session_state.questions) answered_questions = sum(1 for ans in st.session_state.answers if ans) score = (answered_questions / total_questions) * 100 st.write(f"**Score:** {score:.2f}%") # Display feedback and tips st.write("### Feedback Summary") for i, (q, ans, fb) in enumerate(zip(st.session_state.questions, st.session_state.answers, st.write(f"**Question {i + 1}:** {q}") st.write(f"**Your Answer:** {ans}") st.write(f"**Feedback:** {fb}") tips = get_tips(model_choice, role) st.write("### Tips to Improve") st.write(tips) progress_data["tips_retrieved"] += 1 elif nav_option == "Mock Interview": st.header("🎥 Mock Interview") schedule_mock_interview() elif nav_option == "Track Progress": track_progress() elif nav_option == "Connect with Resources": connect_resources() # Footer st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True)