Query-Pilot / app.py
raghuv-aditya's picture
Transfer of files
4f18307 verified
import gradio as gr
from modules.data_processor import process_query_and_update_csv, extract_column_name, process_query_and_update_sheets
from modules.gsheet_handler import fetch_google_sheet_data, update_google_sheet
import pandas as pd
import tempfile
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials
import json
import gspread
def preview_columns(file=None, credentials=None, sheet_id=None, sheet_name=None):
Preview columns from the uploaded CSV file or Google Sheet.
if file:
df = pd.read_csv(file.name)
elif credentials and sheet_id and sheet_name:
df = fetch_google_sheet_data(credentials.name, sheet_id, sheet_name)
return "No data source provided", []
return df.head(), list(df.columns)
except Exception as e:
return str(e), []
def process_data(file=None, credentials=None, sheet_id=None, sheet_name=None, query_template=None):
Process data using the provided query template and return the updated DataFrame and CSV file path.
if file:
updated_df = process_query_and_update_csv(file.name, query_template)
elif credentials and sheet_id and sheet_name:
# credentials_path = credentials.name # The file path for the credentials JSON
# # Use gspread to authenticate and fetch the data
# gc = gspread.service_account(credentials_path) # Pass the path of the credentials file
# print("Dddddddddd")
# sh = gc.open_by_url(sheet_id) # Open the Google Sheet by URL
# worksheet = sh.worksheet(sheet_name) # Access the specified worksheet
# # Extract all values from the sheet
# values = worksheet.get_all_values()
# df = pd.DataFrame(values[1:], columns=values[0])
# print(df)
df = fetch_google_sheet_data(credentials.name, sheet_id, sheet_name)
# Process the data with the query template
# print(df)
# print("krsghvkrgsnker")
updated_df = process_query_and_update_sheets(credentials.name, df, query_template)
# update_google_sheet(credentials.name, sheet_id, sheet_name, updated_df)
return None, "No data source provided"
# Write DataFrame to a temporary file for download
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".csv")
updated_df.to_csv(temp_file.name, index=False)
return updated_df, temp_file.name # Return DataFrame and file path
except Exception as e:
return pd.DataFrame(), str(e)
def update_sheet(credentials, sheet_id, sheet_name, processed_df):
Update the Google Sheet with the processed data.
update_google_sheet(credentials.name, sheet_id, sheet_name, processed_df)
return "Google Sheet updated successfully!"
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
# Gradio Interface
# Gradio Interface with Information
def gradio_app():
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Citrus()) as app:
# General Information
# CSV/Google Sheets Query Processor Dashboard
This application allows you to:
- Upload a CSV file or connect to a Google Sheet.
- Preview the data to understand the structure and available columns.
- Process the data by executing query templates that extract or manipulate information.
- Download the processed data as a CSV file or update the Google Sheet directly.
This app uses my personal OpenAI API key and SERP API key, which have limited free API calls.
If the app does not work due to API limits, you can:
1. Visit the [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/your-repo-url).
2. Download the project.
3. Use your own API keys to run it locally.
For help setting up, refer to the documentation in the GitHub repository.
# States to store independent data for CSV and Google Sheets
csv_data_state = gr.State(None) # To store CSV data
sheet_data_state = gr.State(None) # To store Google Sheets data
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("CSV File"):
# CSV Tab Information
## **CSV File Operations**
1. Upload a CSV file to preview its columns and structure.
2. Enter a query template using placeholders like `{ColumnName}` to extract or modify data.
3. Process the CSV and download the updated file.
**Sample Query Template**:
`Get me the name of the CEO of {Company}`
Replace `{Company}` with the column name containing company names.
csv_file = gr.File(label="Upload CSV File")
query_template_csv = gr.Textbox(label="CSV Query Template (e.g., 'Get me the name of CEO of {Company}')")
with gr.Row():
preview_button_csv = gr.Button("Preview Columns")
process_button_csv = gr.Button("Process Queries")
preview_output_csv = gr.Dataframe(label="CSV Data Preview")
processed_output_csv = gr.Dataframe(label="Processed CSV Data")
download_button_csv = gr.File(label="Download Processed CSV")
with gr.TabItem("Google Sheets"):
# Google Sheets Tab Information
## **Google Sheets Operations**
This section allows you to connect to a Google Sheet and perform data queries.
**Steps to Use**:
1. **Provide Google Service Account Credentials**:
- Create a Service Account in Google Cloud Console.
- Download the Service Account credentials as a JSON file.
- Share the Google Sheet with the Service Account's email (found in the JSON file under `client_email`).
2. **Enter the Google Sheet ID**:
- The Google Sheet ID is the part of the URL between `/d/` and `/edit`, for example:
3. **Enter the Sheet Name**:
- This is the name of the specific worksheet (tab) within the Google Sheet, e.g., `Sheet1`.
**Example Input**:
- Google Sheet ID: `1aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ0123456789`
- Sheet Name: `SalesData`
**Sample Query Template**:
`Get me the revenue of {Product}`
Replace `{Product}` with the column name containing product names.
credentials = gr.File(label="Google Service Account Credentials (JSON)")
sheet_id = gr.Textbox(label="Google Sheet ID")
sheet_name = gr.Textbox(label="Google Sheet Name (e.g., Sheet1)")
query_template_sheet = gr.Textbox(label="Google Sheets Query Template (e.g., 'Get me the revenue of {Product}')")
with gr.Row():
preview_button_sheet = gr.Button("Preview Columns")
process_button_sheet = gr.Button("Process Queries")
update_button = gr.Button("Update Google Sheet")
preview_output_sheet = gr.Dataframe(label="Google Sheet Data Preview")
processed_output_sheet = gr.Dataframe(label="Processed Google Sheet Data")
download_button_sheet = gr.File(label="Download Processed CSV")
update_status = gr.Textbox(label="Update Status", interactive=False)
# Button Interactions for CSV
inputs=[csv_file, gr.State(None), gr.State(None), gr.State(None)], # Pass placeholders for unused inputs
outputs=[preview_output_csv, csv_data_state],
inputs=[csv_file, gr.State(None), gr.State(None), gr.State(None), query_template_csv],
outputs=[processed_output_csv, download_button_csv],
# Button Interactions for Google Sheets
inputs=[gr.State(None), credentials, sheet_id, sheet_name],
outputs=[preview_output_sheet, sheet_data_state],
inputs=[gr.State(None), credentials, sheet_id, sheet_name, query_template_sheet],
outputs=[processed_output_sheet, download_button_sheet],
inputs=[credentials, sheet_id, sheet_name, processed_output_sheet],
return app
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = gradio_app()