File size: 5,644 Bytes
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import os
from graphviz import Digraph
# from cairosvg import svg2pdf
import re
import os
import dotenv
import random
hf_token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")
def parse_markdown_to_dict(md_text):
lines = md_text.strip().splitlines()
mindmap = {}
stack = []
for line in lines:
heading_match = re.match(r'^(#{1,6})\s+(.*)', line)
bullet_match = re.match(r'^\s*-\s+(.*)', line)
if heading_match:
level = len(
title =
node = {'title': title, 'children': []}
while len(stack) >= level:
if stack:
mindmap = node
elif bullet_match and stack:
stack[-1]['children'].append({'title':, 'children': []})
return mindmap
generated_colors = set()
def generate_random_color():
"""Generate a random color that hasn't been generated before."""
while True:
# Generate a random color in hex format
color = "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(random.randint(128, 255), random.randint(128, 255), random.randint(128, 255))
# If the color is not in the set, it's unique
if color not in generated_colors:
generated_colors.add(color) # Add the color to the set of generated colors
return color # Return the unique color
continue # Try again
def brighten_color(color, factor=0.15):
"""Brighten the color by a certain factor (default 10%)"""
# Remove the '#' symbol
color = color.lstrip('#')
# Convert hex to RGB
r, g, b = [int(color[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)]
# Increase each component by the factor, but clamp to 255
r = min(255, int(r * (1 + factor)))
g = min(255, int(g * (1 + factor)))
b = min(255, int(b * (1 + factor)))
# Convert back to hex
return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(r, g, b)
def add_nodes_to_graph(graph, node, parent_id=None, font_size=9, parent_color=None):
node_id = str(id(node))
title = node['title']
if parent_color is None:
node_color = "#ADD8E6" # Light Blue for the main heading
border_color = "#000000" # Dark Blue border for the main heading
parent_color = "#ADD8E6"
elif parent_color == "#ADD8E6":
node_color = generate_random_color()
border_color = "#808080"
parent_color = node_color
# Child node and its descendants with the same random color
node_color = brighten_color(parent_color, factor=0.15)
border_color = "#808080"
# Check for markdown links
url_match ='\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', title)
if url_match:
prefix_text = title[:url_match.start()].strip()
display_text =
url =
label = f'{prefix_text} {display_text}'
graph.node(node_id, label=label, shape="box", style="rounded,filled", color=border_color, fontcolor="black", fillcolor=node_color, href=url, tooltip=title, fontsize=str(font_size))
graph.node(node_id, title, shape="box", style="rounded,filled", color=border_color, fontcolor="black", fillcolor=node_color, tooltip=title, fontsize=str(font_size))
if parent_id:
graph.edge(parent_id, node_id)
# Recurse to children, passing down color for the child and its descendants
for child in node.get('children', []):
# Assign a random color to each child node (no inheritance from parent)
add_nodes_to_graph(graph, child, node_id, font_size=max(8, font_size - 1), parent_color=parent_color)
# def generate_mindmap_pdf(svg_file):
# pdf_file = svg_file.replace(".svg", ".pdf")
# svg2pdf(file_obj=open(svg_file, "rb"), write_to=pdf_file)
# return pdf_file
def generate_mindmap_svg(md_text):
mindmap_dict = parse_markdown_to_dict(md_text)
root_title = mindmap_dict.get('title', 'Mindmap')
sanitized_title = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]', '', root_title.replace(" ", ""))
output_filename = f"{sanitized_title}_mindmap.svg"
graph = Digraph(format='svg')
graph.attr(rankdir='LR', size='10,10!', pad="0.5", margin="0.2", ratio="auto")
graph.attr('node', fontname="Arial", fontsize="9")
add_nodes_to_graph(graph, mindmap_dict)
svg_content = graph.pipe(format='svg').decode('utf-8')
svg_content = svg_content.replace("%3", root_title)
# Save the modified SVG content to a file
with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
return output_filename
def generate_mindmap(md_text):
mindmap_svg = generate_mindmap_svg(md_text)
# mindmap_pdf = generate_mindmap_pdf(mindmap_svg)
return mindmap_svg
def upload_svg(mindmap_svg):
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
api = HfApi(token=hf_token)
if os.path.exists(mindmap_svg):
return f"{mindmap_svg}"
def main(markdown_text):
mindmap_svg = generate_mindmap_svg(markdown_text.replace("**", ""))
url = upload_svg(mindmap_svg)
print(f"Uploaded SVG to {url}")
return url