Conceptrol / omini_control /
qyoo's picture
import os
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
class Conceptrol:
def __init__(self, config):
if "name" not in config:
raise KeyError("name has to be provided as 'conceptrol' or 'ominicontrol'")
name = config["name"]
if name not in ["conceptrol", "ominicontrol"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Name must be one of ['conceptrol', 'ominicontrol'], got {name}"
log_attn_map = config["log_attn_map"]
except KeyError:
log_attn_map = False
# static
self.NUM_BLOCKS = 19 # this is fixed for FLUX
self.M = 512 # num of text tokens, fixed for FLUX
self.N = 1024 # num of latent / image condtion tokens, fixed for FLUX
self.EP = -10e6
# fixed during one generation = name
# variable during one generation
self.textual_concept_mask = None
self.forward_count = 0
# log out for visualization
if log_attn_map:
self.attn_maps = {"latent_to_concept": [], "latent_to_image": []}
def __call__(
query: torch.FloatTensor,
key: torch.FloatTensor,
attention_mask: torch.Tensor,
c_factor: float = 1.0,
) -> torch.Tensor:
if not hasattr(self, "textual_concept_idx"):
raise AttributeError(
"textual_concept_idx must be registered before calling Conceptrol"
# Skip computation for ominicontrol
if == "ominicontrol":
scale_factor = 1 / math.sqrt(query.size(-1))
attention_weight = (
query @ key.transpose(-2, -1) * scale_factor + attention_mask
attention_probs = torch.softmax(
attention_weight, dim=-1
) # [B, H, M+2N, M+2N]
return attention_probs
if not self.textual_concept_idx[0] < self.textual_concept_idx[1]:
raise ValueError(
f"register_idx[0] must be less than register_idx[1], "
f"got {self.textual_concept_idx[0]} >= {self.textual_concept_idx[1]}"
### Reset attention mask predefined in ominicontrol
attention_mask = torch.zeros_like(attention_mask)
bias = torch.log(c_factor[0])
# attention of image condition to latent
attention_mask[-self.N :, self.M : -self.N] = bias
# attention of latent to image condition
attention_mask[self.M : -self.N, -self.N :] = bias
# attention of textual concept to image condition
self.textual_concept_idx[0] : self.textual_concept_idx[1], -self.N :
] = bias
# attention of other words to image condition (set as negative inf)
attention_mask[: self.textual_concept_idx[0], -self.N :] = self.EP
attention_mask[self.textual_concept_idx[1] : self.M, -self.N :] = self.EP
# If there is no textual_concept_mask, it means currently in layers previous to the first concept-specific block
if self.textual_concept_mask is None:
self.textual_concept_mask = (
### Compute attention
scale_factor = 1 / math.sqrt(query.size(-1))
attention_weight = (
query @ key.transpose(-2, -1) * scale_factor
+ attention_mask
+ self.textual_concept_mask
# [B, H, M+2N, M+2N]
attention_probs = torch.softmax(attention_weight, dim=-1)
### Extract textual concept mask if it's concept-specific block
is_concept_block = (
self.forward_count % self.NUM_BLOCKS == self.CONCEPT_BLOCK_IDX
if is_concept_block:
# Shape: [B, H, N, S], where S is the token numbers of the subject
textual_concept_mask_local = attention_probs[
self.M : -self.N,
self.textual_concept_idx[0] : self.textual_concept_idx[1],
# Consider the ratio within context of text
textual_concept_mask_local = textual_concept_mask_local / torch.sum(
attention_probs[:, :, self.M : -self.N, : self.M], dim=-1, keepdim=True
# Average over words and head, Shape: [B, 1, N, 1]
textual_concept_mask_local = torch.mean(
textual_concept_mask_local, dim=(-1, 1), keepdim=True
# Normalize to average as 1
textual_concept_mask_local = textual_concept_mask_local / torch.mean(
textual_concept_mask_local, dim=-2, keepdim=True
self.textual_concept_mask = (
# log(A) in the paper
self.textual_concept_mask[:, :, self.M : -self.N, -self.N :] = torch.log(
self.forward_count += 1
return attention_probs
def register(self, textual_concept_idx):
self.textual_concept_idx = textual_concept_idx
def visualize_attn_map(self, config_name: str, subject: str):
global global_concept_mask
global forward_count
save_dir = f"attn_maps/{config_name}/{subject}"
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
for attn_map_name, attn_maps in self.attn_maps.items():
if "token_to_token" in attn_map_name:
rows, cols = 8, 19
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
rows, cols, figsize=(64 * cols / 100, 64 * rows / 100)
wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1
) # Adjust spacing between subplots
# Plot each array in the list on the grid
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
if i < len(attn_maps): # Only plot existing arrays
attn_map = attn_maps[i] / np.amax(attn_maps[i])
ax.imshow(attn_map, cmap="viridis")
ax.axis("off") # Turn off axes for clarity
ax.axis("off") # Turn off unused subplots
fig.set_size_inches(64 * cols / 100, 64 * rows / 100)
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{attn_map_name}.jpg")
for attn_map_name, attn_maps in self.attn_maps.items():
if "token_to_token" not in attn_map_name:
rows, cols = 8, 19
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
rows, cols, figsize=(2560 * cols / 100, 2560 * rows / 100)
wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1
) # Adjust spacing between subplots
# Plot each array in the list on the grid
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
if i < len(attn_maps): # Only plot existing arrays
attn_map = attn_maps[i] / np.amax(attn_maps[i])
ax.imshow(attn_map, cmap="viridis")
ax.axis("off") # Turn off axes for clarity
ax.axis("off") # Turn off unused subplots
fig.set_size_inches(64 * cols / 100, 64 * rows / 100)
save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{attn_map_name}.jpg")
for attn_map_name in self.attn_maps.keys():
self.attn_maps[attn_map_name] = []
global_concept_mask = None
forward_count = 0