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import gradio as gr
from gradio_calendar import Calendar
import datetime
import requests
import pandas as pd
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import calendar
url = ""
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'api-key': os.getenv('BREVO_API_KEY')
events_cols = [
# Recursively filter logs to get all logs
def get_events(limit=5000, offset=0, **kwargs):
# Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events)
params = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset}
api_response = requests.get(url=url, params=params, headers=headers)
response = api_response.json()
events = response['events']
print(f"- Found {len(events)} events (limit={limit} - offset={offset}).")
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling TransactionalEmailsApi->get_email_event_report: %s\n" % e)
events = []
if len(events) < limit:
# print("All logs found.")
return events
return events + get_events(limit=limit, offset=offset+limit, **kwargs)
def get_all_events(year, months):
df = pd.DataFrame()
for month in months:
startDate = f'{year}-{month:02d}-01'
endDate = f'{year}-{month:02d}-{calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]}'
today ='%Y-%m-%d')
if endDate > today:
endDate = today
if startDate < today:
events = get_events(startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate, sort='asc')
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(events)])
print(f'=> Found {len(events)} month events.\n')
print(f'=> Found {len(df)} total events.')
return df
# Add stratification datas
def get_stratification_datas(events_df, users_df):
# Join dataset
dataset = users_df.merge(events_df, left_on='mail', right_on='email', how='left')
filter = dataset['messageId'].notna()
dataset = dataset[filter]
# dataset = dataset.drop(columns='date').drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
return dataset
# Filter event
def filter_datas(df, filters):
# print("Filters:", filters)
if not filters:
return df
k, v = filters[0]
# print(f"Filter on {k} = {v}")
filter = df[k].isin(v)
return filter_datas(df[filter], filters[1:])
# Filter on date
def filter_dates(df, start_date, end_date):
start = np.datetime64(start_date) if start_date else np.datetime64(events_df['date'].min())
end = np.datetime64(end_date) if end_date else np.datetime64(events_df['date'].max())
filter = (df['date']>=start) & (df['date']<end)
return df[filter].drop(columns='date').drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
strate_dict = {
'g_men': 'Ménage',
'g_conso': 'Consommation'
events_dict = {
'delivered': 'Envoyé',
'opened': 'Ouvert',
'loadedByProxy': 'Ouvert (Apple)',
'clicks': 'Cliqué',
'unsubscribed': 'Désinscrit'
# Load users
filename = "dataset.csv"
users_df = pd.read_csv(filename)
print(f'- Loaded users datas: {users_df.shape}.')
# Load consumptions
filename = "consos.csv"
consos_df = pd.read_csv(filename)
consos_df['periode'] = consos_df['periode'].astype(str).replace('2023.1', '2023.10')
print(f'- Loaded consos datas: {consos_df.shape}.')
# Load log events
print('Load events dataframe...')
events_df = get_all_events(year=2024,
months=list(range(5, 11)))
# Remove test users
filter = events_df['email'].isin(['[email protected], anne@thegoodtrack', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]'])
events_df = events_df[~filter].reset_index()
# Remove impact mails
# filter = events_df['templateId'].isin([39, 40])
# events_df = events_df[~filter].reset_index()
# Cast datetime column
events_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(events_df['date']).dt.tz_localize(None)
print('Build dataset...')
dataset = get_stratification_datas(events_df, users_df)
# Event col
filter = dataset['event'].isin(events_dict.keys())
dataset = dataset[filter]
dataset['event'] = dataset['event'].map(events_dict)
# Rename subject
com_sub = 'savez-vous comment se porte votre ressource en eau ?'
subjects = [com_sub.capitalize() if com_sub in sub else sub for sub in dataset['subject']]
dataset['subject'] = subjects
# Strates col
# dataset.rename(columns=strate_dict, inplace=True)
print(f'Dataset ready: {dataset.shape}.')
def mails(community, subjects, start_date, end_date, gmens, gconsos, ressources):
# Filter dates
events_df = filter_dates(dataset, start_date, end_date)
# Filter events
filters = []
if community:
filters.append(('collectivite', community))
if subjects:
filters.append(('subject', subjects))
if gmens:
filters.append(('g_men', gmens))
if gconsos:
filters.append(('g_conso', gconsos))
if ressources:
filters.append(('ressource', ressources))
events_df = filter_datas(events_df, filters)
events_df = events_df[['email', 'subject', 'event']].drop_duplicates()
events = events_df['event'].value_counts()
# Build fig
#x = events.index
#y = events.values
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#bars =, y, color=sns.palettes.mpl_palette('Dark2'))
# Get logs
filter = events_df['event'] == 'Envoyé'
total = len(events_df[filter])
if total > 0:
logs = {f'{k} ({v})':v/total for k, v in events.to_dict().items()}
logs = {f'{k} ({v})':v for k, v in events.to_dict().items()}
return logs
def consos(community, periods, group):
# Filter consos
filters = []
if community:
filters.append(('collectivite', community))
if periods:
filters.append(('periode', periods))
if group:
filters.append(('group', group))
datas = filter_datas(consos_df, filters)
width = 0.4 # the width of the bars
multiplier = 0
periods = datas['periode'].astype(str).unique()
x = np.arange(len(periods))
test_group = datas[datas['group']=='test'][['periode', 'consommation']]
control_group = datas[datas['group']=='control'][['periode', 'consommation']]
# fig_sum
fig_sum, ax_sum = plt.subplots(layout='constrained', figsize=(max(len(x), 10), 10))
group_consos_sum = {
'test': test_group.groupby('periode').sum()['consommation'].tolist(),
'control': control_group.groupby('periode').sum()['consommation'].tolist(),
for group, consumptions in group_consos_sum.items():
offset = width * multiplier
rects = + offset, [round(c/(1000*1000)) for c in consumptions], width, label=group)
ax_sum.bar_label(rects, padding=3)
multiplier += 1
ax_sum.set_title('Evolution de la consommation cumulée par groupe test/contrôle')
ax_sum.set_ylabel('Consommation (dam3 = 1000 m3)')
ax_sum.set_xticks(x + width, periods)
ax_sum.legend(loc='upper right', ncols=2)
# fig_med
width = 0.4 # the width of the bars
multiplier = 0
fig_med, ax_med = plt.subplots(layout='constrained', figsize=(max(len(x), 10), 5))
group_consos_med = {
'test': test_group.groupby('periode').median()['consommation'].tolist(),
'control': control_group.groupby('periode').median()['consommation'].tolist(),
for group, consumptions in group_consos_med.items():
offset = width * multiplier
rects = + offset, [round(c/1000, 1) for c in consumptions], width, label=group)
ax_med.bar_label(rects, padding=3)
multiplier += 1
ax_med.set_title('Evolution de la consommation médiane par groupe test/contrôle')
ax_med.set_ylabel('Consommation (m3)')
ax_med.set_xticks(x + width, periods)
ax_med.legend(loc='upper right', ncols=2)
# fig_mean
width = 0.4 # the width of the bars
multiplier = 0
fig_mean, ax_mean = plt.subplots(layout='constrained', figsize=(max(len(x), 10), 5))
group_consos_mean = {
'test': test_group.groupby('periode').mean()['consommation'].tolist(),
'control': control_group.groupby('periode').mean()['consommation'].tolist(),
for group, consumptions in group_consos_mean.items():
offset = width * multiplier
rects = + offset, [round(c/1000, 1) for c in consumptions], width, label=group)
ax_mean.bar_label(rects, padding=3)
multiplier += 1
ax_mean.set_title('Evolution de la consommation moyenne par groupe test/contrôle')
ax_mean.set_ylabel('Consommation (m3)')
ax_mean.set_xticks(x + width, periods)
ax_mean.legend(loc='upper right', ncols=2)
return fig_sum, fig_med, fig_mean
def results(subjects, start_date, end_date, gmens, gconsos, ressources):
community = None
campaign = mails(community, subjects, start_date, end_date, gmens, gconsos, ressources)
start = start_date if start_date else events_df['date'].min()
end = end_date if end_date else events_df['date'].max()
periods = [start.strftime("%Y.%m"), end.strftime("%Y.%m")]
group = None
periods= None
consos_sum, consos_med, consos_mean = consos(community, periods, group)
return campaign, consos_med #consos_sum, consos_mean
main_interface = gr.Interface(
#gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['collectivite'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Collectivité", info="Choisir une ou plusieurs collectivités"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['subject'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Mél envoyé", info="Choisir un ou plusieurs emails envoyés"),
Calendar(type="datetime", value=events_df['date'].min(), label="Date de début", info="Choisir une date de début"),
Calendar(type="datetime", value=events_df['date'].max(), label="Date de fin", info="Choisir une date de fin"),
#gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['event'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Evénement", info="Choisir un ou plusieurs événements"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['g_men'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Type de ménage", info="Choisir un ou plusieurs groupes"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['g_conso'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Type de consommation", info="Choisir un ou plusieurs groupes"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=list(dataset['ressource'].unique()), multiselect=True, allow_custom_value=False, label="Ressource", info="Choisir une ou plusieurs ressources"),
#gr.Textbox(label="Recherche", info="Votre recherche (mots séparés par des virgules pour des recherches multiples)"),
#gr.Dropdown(choices=list(origins.keys()), value=list(origins.keys())[0], label="Origine", info="Choisir un type de donnée à interroger"),
#gr.Number(value=10, label="Nombre de résultats", info="Nombre de résultats attendus")
#gradio_app = gr.TabbedInterface([main_interface, consos_interface], tab_names=['Méls', 'Consommations'], title="Préservons l'eau - Tableau de bord")
gradio_app = main_interface
if __name__ == "__main__":
gradio_app.launch(auth=("alerte", "renforcée"), share=True)