import os import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import google.generativeai as genai import json from datetime import datetime # Configure Gemini API key (ideally load from environment variable in production) # Using st.secrets for better security in Streamlit api_key = "AIzaSyDWm-Z7X4H-b41r2ZRN61UfABdv81D2Gxo" # In production, use st.secrets["GEMINI_API_KEY"] genai.configure(api_key=api_key) # --- Generation Configuration and Chat Session Setup --- generation_config = { "temperature": 0.8, # Slightly reduced for more consistent medical responses "top_p": 0.95, "top_k": 40, "max_output_tokens": 8192, "response_mime_type": "application/json", # Changed to JSON for structured parsing } model = genai.GenerativeModel( model_name="gemini-1.5-flash", generation_config=generation_config, ) # Define the system prompt for structured JSON responses SYSTEM_PROMPT = """ As a highly skilled medical practitioner specializing in image analysis, you are tasked with examining medical images for a renowned hospital. Your expertise is crucial in identifying any anomalies, diseases, or health issues that may be present in the images. Your responsibilities: 1. **Detailed Analysis**: Thoroughly examine the image for abnormalities. 2. **Analysis Report**: Document findings clearly. 3. **Recommendations**: Suggest necessary tests or treatments. 4. **Treatments**: Provide possible treatments for better recovery. 5. **Risk Level**: Indicate the severity level as "Low", "Medium", "High", or "Critical". **Important Notes**: - Only respond if the image is related to human health. - If the image is unclear, state: "Unable to determine based on the uploaded image." - Include a disclaimer about consulting with a doctor. Format the response as a JSON object with these fields: { "image_type": "String describing the type of medical image", "detailed_analysis": "Thorough analysis of visible features", "analysis_report": "Summary of findings", "recommendations": "Suggested tests or follow-ups", "treatments": "Possible treatment options", "risk_level": "Low/Medium/High/Critical", "confidence_score": 75, "areas_of_concern": ["List of specific areas or features of concern"] } """ # --- Functions for UI Components --- def display_sidebar(): with st.sidebar: st.title("đŸĨ Cure Connect") st.subheader("Your AI Medical Assistant") st.markdown("---") st.markdown("### About This Tool") st.markdown(""" Cure Connect uses advanced AI to analyze medical images and provide potential insights. **IMPORTANT:** This tool is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. """) st.markdown("---") st.markdown("### Supported Image Types") st.markdown(""" - X-rays - MRI scans - CT scans - Ultrasound images - Dermatological photos """) st.markdown("---") st.markdown("### Usage Tips") st.markdown(""" 1. Upload a clear medical image 2. Click "Analyze Image" 3. Review the AI analysis 4. Share results with your healthcare provider """) def create_analysis_card(title, content, color): st.markdown( f"""



""", unsafe_allow_html=True ) def display_risk_gauge(risk_level, confidence): # Map risk levels to numerical values risk_values = {"Low": 1, "Medium": 2, "High": 3, "Critical": 4} risk_value = risk_values.get(risk_level, 0) # Colors for different risk levels colors = { "Low": "#4CAF50", # Green "Medium": "#FFC107", # Amber "High": "#FF5722", # Deep Orange "Critical": "#F44336" # Red } col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.markdown("### Risk Assessment") st.markdown( f"""
""", unsafe_allow_html=True ) with col2: st.markdown("### AI Confidence") # Ensure confidence is an integer before using it if isinstance(confidence, str): try: confidence = int(float(confidence)) except (ValueError, TypeError): confidence = 75 # Default value if conversion fails st.progress(confidence / 100) st.markdown(f"


", unsafe_allow_html=True) def generate_pdf_report(analysis_data, image): # In a real app, you would implement PDF generation here st.download_button( label="📄 Download PDF Report", data=f"Sample report for {analysis_data['image_type']} - {'%Y-%m-%d')}", file_name="medical_report.txt", mime="text/plain" ) # --- Main Application UI --- st.set_page_config(page_title='Cure Connect - Medical Image Analytics', page_icon='đŸĨ', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='expanded') # Apply custom CSS for better styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Display sidebar display_sidebar() # Main content area st.title("đŸŠē Cure Connect - Medical Image Analysis") st.subheader("AI-assisted diagnostic support platform") st.markdown(""" This platform uses advanced AI to analyze medical images and provide potential insights. Upload your medical scan below to get started. """) # Create tabs for different sections tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["📊 Analysis", "ℹī¸ How It Works", "❓ FAQ"]) with tab1: # File upload with enhanced UI col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) with col1: st.markdown("### Upload Medical Image") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Select an image file', type=['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'], help="Upload a clear, high-resolution medical image") analyze_col, clear_col = st.columns([1, 1]) with analyze_col: analyze_button = st.button('🔍 Analyze Image', use_container_width=True) with clear_col: clear_button = st.button('🗑ī¸ Clear Results', use_container_width=True) # Analysis section if analyze_button and uploaded_file: try: # Open and display the uploaded image img = with col2: st.markdown("### Uploaded Medical Image") st.image(img, use_column_width=True) st.caption("The AI model will analyze this image to identify potential areas of concern.") # Show processing indicator with st.spinner('Analyzing image... Please wait'): # In a production app, you would handle the JSON response properly # For this prototype, we'll simulate a structured response try: # Generate analysis using the system prompt and the uploaded image response = model.generate_content([SYSTEM_PROMPT, img]) # Try to parse as JSON first try: # Parse JSON response analysis_data = json.loads(response.text) except json.JSONDecodeError: # If not valid JSON, create a structured dictionary from text analysis_data = { "image_type": "Medical scan", "detailed_analysis": response.text[:500], "analysis_report": "See detailed analysis", "recommendations": "Consult with a healthcare professional", "treatments": "To be determined by your doctor", "risk_level": "Medium", "confidence_score": 75, "areas_of_concern": ["Unable to parse specific areas from text response"] } # Ensure confidence_score is an integer if isinstance(analysis_data["confidence_score"], str): try: analysis_data["confidence_score"] = int(float(analysis_data["confidence_score"])) except (ValueError, TypeError): analysis_data["confidence_score"] = 75 # Default if conversion fails # Display results in a structured format st.markdown("## Analysis Results") st.markdown(f"### Image Type: {analysis_data['image_type']}") # Display risk gauge display_risk_gauge(analysis_data['risk_level'], analysis_data['confidence_score']) # Display color-coded analysis sections st.markdown("### Key Findings") create_analysis_card("Detailed Analysis", analysis_data['detailed_analysis'], "#0277BD") create_analysis_card("Analysis Report", analysis_data['analysis_report'], "#00897B") create_analysis_card("Recommendations", analysis_data['recommendations'], "#7B1FA2") create_analysis_card("Treatments", analysis_data['treatments'], "#C2185B") # Areas of concern st.markdown("### Areas of Concern") for i, area in enumerate(analysis_data['areas_of_concern']): st.markdown(f"- **Area {i + 1}:** {area}") # Disclaimer st.markdown("""
⚠ī¸ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options.
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Generate PDF report option st.markdown("### Export Options") generate_pdf_report(analysis_data, img) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing response: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Analysis failed: {str(e)}") st.error("Please ensure you're using a valid medical image format (JPEG/PNG)") with tab2: st.markdown("## How Cure Connect Works") st.markdown(""" ### 1. Image Analysis When you upload a medical image, our AI system processes it using advanced computer vision techniques to identify patterns, abnormalities, and potential areas of concern. ### 2. Medical Knowledge Base The analysis is informed by a vast medical knowledge base that includes information about various conditions, diseases, and their visual presentations in medical imaging. ### 3. Risk Assessment Based on the analysis, the system provides a risk assessment categorized as: - **Low Risk** (Green): Minor or no abnormalities detected - **Medium Risk** (Amber): Notable findings that should be discussed with a healthcare provider - **High Risk** (Orange): Significant findings that require prompt medical attention - **Critical Risk** (Red): Urgent findings that may require immediate medical intervention ### 4. Confidence Score The confidence score indicates how certain the AI is about its analysis based on image quality, clarity of findings, and comparison with known patterns. """) # Add a simple diagram st.markdown(""" ``` ┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │ Image │ │ AI │ │ Analysis │ │ Results │ │ Upload │ -> │ Processing │ -> │ Generation │ -> │ Display │ └─────────────┘ └─────────────┘ └─────────────┘ └─────────────┘ ``` """) st.warning(""" **Remember:** While our system uses advanced technology to analyze medical images, it is designed to be a supportive tool for healthcare professionals, not a replacement for proper medical consultation and diagnosis. """) with tab3: st.markdown("## Frequently Asked Questions") faq_data = [ { "question": "How accurate is the AI analysis?", "answer": "The AI analysis provides an estimated confidence score with each result. However, accuracy varies based on image quality, the type of medical condition, and other factors. Always consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis." }, { "question": "Is my medical data secure?", "answer": "We take data privacy seriously. Your uploaded images are processed securely and not stored permanently unless explicitly requested. All processing is done in compliance with healthcare data protection standards." }, { "question": "What types of medical images can I upload?", "answer": "The system can analyze various medical imaging types including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound images, and dermatological photos. The clearer and higher resolution the image, the better the analysis will be." }, { "question": "How should I use the results?", "answer": "Consider the results as informational insights that you can discuss with your healthcare provider. The analysis is meant to supplement, not replace, professional medical advice." }, { "question": "Can I share the analysis with my doctor?", "answer": "Yes! You can download a PDF report of the analysis to share with your healthcare provider. This can be a helpful starting point for discussions about your health concerns." } ] for i, faq in enumerate(faq_data): with st.expander(f"{i + 1}. {faq['question']}"): st.markdown(faq['answer']) st.markdown(""" ### Have more questions? If you have any other questions about using Cure Connect, please contact our support team at """)