from fastapi import APIRouter, UploadFile, File, Depends, Form, Request, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse from client.dependencies import inference_service from import InferenceService from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from fastapi import Form from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import numpy as np import os import tempfile import logging from typing import List router = APIRouter(tags=["Client"]) @router.get(path="/") def login() -> FileResponse: return FileResponse(path="client/static/login.html") @router.get(path="/index") def static_index() -> FileResponse: return FileResponse(path="client/static/index.html") @router.get(path="/createAccount") def create_account(request: Request) -> FileResponse: return FileResponse(path="client/static/createAccount.html")"/get_image") async def get_image( image: UploadFile = File(...), inference_service: InferenceService = Depends(inference_service), ) -> JSONResponse: # Read the contents of the file contents = await # Get the size of the image size = len(contents) # Return a confirmation message with the size of the image return JSONResponse( content={ "message": "Image received successfully", "filename": image.filename, "size": size, } )"/submitAccount") async def submit_account( video: UploadFile = File(...), email: str = Form(...), i_service: InferenceService = Depends(inference_service), ): """ This function processes the create account form, reads the uploaded video, extracts some of the frames and saves them in a temporary directory. """ # Log video file details f"Received video: filename={video.filename}, content_type={video.content_type}" )"Received email: {email}") video_content: bytes = await i_service.save_video(video_content=video_content, user_id=email) frames_path: str = i_service.save_frames(user_id=email) model_path: str = i_service.train_model(frames_path=frames_path, user_id=email) i_service.push_model(model_path=model_path, user_id=email) return JSONResponse(content={"message": "Account created successfully"})