Modules = { gigax = "", pathfinding = "", } Config = { Items = { "pratamacam.squirrel" }, } -- Function to spawn a squirrel above the player function spawnSquirrelAbovePlayer(player) local squirrel = Shape(Items.pratamacam.squirrel) squirrel:SetParent(World) squirrel.Position = player.Position + Number3(0, 20, 0) -- make scale smaller squirrel.LocalScale = 0.5 -- remove collision squirrel.Physics = PhysicsMode.Dynamic -- rotate it 90 degrees to the right squirrel.Rotation = { 0, math.pi * 0.5, 0 } -- this would make squirrel.Rotation = player.Rotation World:AddChild(squirrel) return squirrel end local SIMULATION_NAME = "Islands" .. tostring(math.random()) local SIMULATION_DESCRIPTION = "Three floating islands." local occupiedPositions = {} local skills = { { name = "SAY", description = "Say smthg out loud", parameter_types = { "character", "content" }, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end dialog:create(action.content, npc.avatar) print(string.format("%s: %s",, action.content)) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} said '{content}' to {target_name}", }, { name = "MOVE", description = "Move to a new location", parameter_types = { "location" }, callback = function(client, action, config) local targetName = action.target_name local targetPosition = findLocationByName(targetName, config) if not targetPosition then print("tried to move to an unknown place", targetName) return end local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) dialog:create("I'm going to " .. targetName, npc.avatar) print(string.format("%s: %s",, "I'm going to " .. targetName)) local origin = Map:WorldToBlock(npc.object.Position) local destination = Map:WorldToBlock(targetPosition) + Number3(math.random(-1, 1), 0, math.random(-1, 1)) local canMove = pathfinding:moveObjectTo(npc.object, origin, destination) if not canMove then dialog:create("I can't go there", npc.avatar) return end end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} moved to {target_name}", }, { name = "GREET", description = "Greet a character by waving your hand at them", parameter_types = { "character" }, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end dialog:create("<Greets you warmly!>", npc.avatar) print(string.format("%s: %s",, "<Greets you warmly!>")) npc.avatar.Animations.SwingRight:Play() end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} waved their hand at {target_name} to greet them", }, { name = "JUMP", description = "Jump in the air", parameter_types = {}, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end dialog:create("<Jumps in the air!>", npc.avatar) print(string.format("%s: %s",, "<Jumps in the air!>")) npc.object.avatarContainer.Physics = PhysicsMode.Dynamic npc.object.avatarContainer.Velocity.Y = 50 Timer(3, function() npc.object.avatarContainer.Physics = PhysicsMode.Trigger end) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} jumped up in the air for a moment.", }, { name = "FOLLOW", description = "Follow a character around for a while", parameter_types = { "character" }, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end dialog:create("I'm following you", npc.avatar) print(string.format("%s: %s",, "I'm following you")) followHandler = pathfinding:followObject(npc.object, Player) return { followHandler = followHandler, } end, onEndCallback = function(_, data) data.followHandler:Stop() end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} followed {target_name} for a while.", }, { name = "EXPLODE", description = "Explodes in a fireball - Hell yeah!", parameter_types = { "character" }, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end require("explode"):shapes(npc.avatar) dialog:create("*boom*", npc.avatar) --print(string.format("%s: %s",, "EXPLODING")) npc.avatar.IsHidden = true Timer(5, function() dialog:create("Aaaaand... I'm back!", npc.avatar) npc.avatar.IsHidden = false end) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} exploded!", },--[[ { name = "GIVEAPPLE", description = "Give a pice of bread (or a baguette) to someone", parameter_types = {"character"}, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end local shape = MutableShape() shape:AddBlock(Color.Red, 0, 0, 0) shape.Scale = 4 Player:EquipRightHand(shape) dialog:create("Here is an apple for you!", npc.avatar) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} gave you a piece of bread!" }, { name = "SCALEUP", description = "Double your height", parameter_types = {"character"}, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end npc.object.Scale = npc.object.Scale * 2 dialog:create("I am taller than you now!", npc.avatar) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} doubled his height!" },--]] { name = "GIVEHAT", description = "Give a party hat to someone", parameter_types = { "character" }, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end Object:Load("claire.party_hat", function(obj) require("hierarchyactions"):apply(obj, { includeRoot = true }, function(o) o.Physics = PhysicsMode.Disabled end) Player:EquipHat(obj) end) dialog:create("Let's get the party started!", npc.avatar) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} gave you a piece of bread!", }, { name = "FLYINGSQUIRREL", description = "Summon a flying squirrel - only the scientist can do this!!", parameter_types = {}, callback = function(client, action) local npc = client:getNpc(action.character_id) if not npc then print("Can't find npc") return end local squirrel = spawnSquirrelAbovePlayer(Player) dialog:create("Wooh, squirrel!", npc.avatar) -- make it disappear after a while Timer(5, function() squirrel:RemoveFromParent() squirrel = nil end) end, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} summoned a flying squirrel! It's vibrating with excitement!", }, } local locations = { { name = "Scientist Island", description = "A small island with a scientist and its pet chilling.", }, { name = "Baker Island", description = "A small bakery on a floating island in the sky.", }, { name = "Pirate Island", description = "A small floating island in the sky with a pirate and its ship.", }, { name = "Center", description = "Center point between the three islands.", }, } local NPCs = { { name = "npcscientist", physicalDescription = "Short, with a stern expression and sharp eyes", psychologicalProfile = "Grumpy but insightful, suspicious yet intelligent", currentLocationName = "Scientist Island", initialReflections = { "I just arrived on this island to feed my pet, he loves tulips so much.", "I was just eating before I stood up to start the radio, I don't know which song I should start", "I am a scientist that works on new pets for everyone, so that each individual can have the pet of their dreams", "I am a bit allergic to the tulip but Fredo my pet loves it so much, I have to dock here with my vehicle. The pet is placed at the back of my flying scooter when we move to another place.", }, }, { name = "npcbaker", physicalDescription = "Tall, with a solemn demeanor and thoughtful eyes", psychologicalProfile = "Wise and mysterious, calm under pressure", currentLocationName = "Baker Island", initialReflections = { "I am a baker and I make food for everyone that pass by.", "I am a bit stressed that the flour didn't arrived yet, my cousin Joe should arrive soon with the delivery but he is late and I worry a bit.", "I love living here on these floating islands, the view is amazing from my wind mill.", "I like to talk to strangers like the pirate that just arrived or the scientist coming time to time to feed his pet.", }, }, { name = "npcpirate", physicalDescription = "Average height, with bright green eyes and a warm smile", psychologicalProfile = "Friendly and helpful, quick-witted and resourceful", currentLocationName = "Pirate Island", initialReflections = { "Ahoy, matey! I'm Captain Ruby Storm, a fearless lass from the seven skies.", "I've docked me floating ship on this here floating isle to sell me wares (almost legally) retrieved treasures from me last daring adventure.", "So, who be lookin' to trade with a swashbuckler like meself?", }, }, } local gigaxWorldConfig = { simulationName = SIMULATION_NAME, simulationDescription = SIMULATION_DESCRIPTION, startingLocationName = "Center", skills = skills, locations = locations, NPCs = NPCs, } findLocationByName = function(targetName, config) for _, node in ipairs(config.locations) do if string.lower( == string.lower(targetName) then return node.position end end end function generateWorld() local nbIslands = 20 local minSize = 4 local maxSize = 7 local dist = 750 local safearea = 200 floating_islands_generator:onReady(function() for i = 1, nbIslands do local island = floating_islands_generator:create(math.random(minSize, maxSize)) island:SetParent(World) island.Scale = Map.Scale island.Physics = PhysicsMode.Disabled local x = math.random(-dist, dist) local z = math.random(-dist, dist) while (x >= -safearea and x <= safearea) and (z >= -safearea and z <= safearea) do x = math.random(-dist, dist) z = math.random(-dist, dist) end island.Position = { x + (Map.Width * 0.5) * Map.Scale.X, math.random(300) - 150, z + (Map.Depth * 0.5) * Map.Scale.Z, } local t = x + z LocalEvent:Listen(LocalEvent.Name.Tick, function(dt) t = t + dt island.Position.Y = island.Position.Y + math.sin(t) * 0.02 end) end end) end Client.OnWorldObjectLoad = function(obj) if obj.Name == "pirate_ship" then obj.Scale = 1 end if obj.Name == "NPC_scientist" then local pos = obj.Position:Copy() gigaxWorldConfig.locations[1].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[1].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[1].rotation = obj.Rotation:Copy() obj:RemoveFromParent() elseif obj.Name == "NPC_baker" then local pos = obj.Position:Copy() gigaxWorldConfig.locations[2].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[2].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[2].rotation = obj.Rotation:Copy() obj:RemoveFromParent() elseif obj.Name == "NPC_pirate" then local pos = obj.Position:Copy() gigaxWorldConfig.locations[3].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[3].position = pos gigaxWorldConfig.NPCs[3].rotation = obj.Rotation:Copy() obj:RemoveFromParent() end end Client.OnStart = function() require("object_skills").addStepClimbing(Player, { mapScale = MAP_SCALE, collisionGroups = Map.CollisionGroups, }) gigaxWorldConfig.locations[4].position = Number3(Map.Width * 0.5, Map.Height - 2, Map.Depth * 0.5) * Map.Scale generateWorld() local ambience = require("ambience") ambience:set(ambience.dusk) sfx = require("sfx") Player.Head:AddChild(AudioListener) dropPlayer = function() Player.Position = Number3(Map.Width * 0.5, Map.Height + 10, Map.Depth * 0.5) * Map.Scale Player.Rotation = { 0, 0, 0 } Player.Velocity = { 0, 0, 0 } end World:AddChild(Player) dropPlayer() dialog = require("dialog") dialog:setMaxWidth(400) pathfinding:createPathfindingMap() end Client.OnPlayerJoin = function(player) if player ~= Player then return end gigax:setConfig(gigaxWorldConfig) end Client.Action1 = function() if Player.IsOnGround then sfx("hurtscream_1", { Position = Player.Position, Volume = 0.4 }) Player.Velocity.Y = 100 if Player.Motion.X == 0 and Player.Motion.Z == 0 then -- only play jump action when jumping without moving to avoid wandering around to trigger NPCs gigax:action({ name = "JUMP", description = "Jump in the air", parameter_types = {}, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} jumped up in the air for a moment.", }) end end end Client.Tick = function(dt) if Player.Position.Y < -500 then dropPlayer() end end Client.OnChat = function(payload) local msg = payload.message Player:TextBubble(msg, 3, true) sfx("waterdrop_2", { Position = Player.Position, Pitch = 1.1 + math.random() * 0.5 }) gigax:action({ name = "SAY", description = "Say smthg out loud", parameter_types = { "character", "content" }, action_format_str = "{protagonist_name} said '{content}' to {target_name}", content = msg, }) end -- Module floating islands floating_islands_generator = {} local cachedTree local COLORS = { GRASS = Color(19, 133, 16), DIRT = Color(107, 84, 40), STONE = Color.Grey, } local function islandHeight(x, z, radius) local distance = math.sqrt(x * x + z * z) local normalizedDistance = distance / radius local maxy = -((1 + radius) * 2 - (normalizedDistance ^ 4) * distance) return maxy end floating_islands_generator.onReady = function(_, callback) Object:Load("knosvoxel.oak_tree", function(obj) cachedTree = obj callback() end) end floating_islands_generator.create = function(_, radius) local shape = MutableShape() shape.Pivot = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } for z = -radius, radius do for x = -radius, radius do local maxy = islandHeight(x, z, radius) shape:AddBlock(COLORS.DIRT, x, -2, z) shape:AddBlock(COLORS.GRASS, x, -1, z) shape:AddBlock(COLORS.GRASS, x, 0, z) if maxy <= -3 then shape:AddBlock(COLORS.DIRT, x, -3, z) end for y = maxy, -3 do shape:AddBlock(COLORS.STONE, x, y, z) end end end xShift = math.random(-radius, radius) zShift = math.random(-radius, radius) for z = -radius, radius do for x = -radius, radius do local maxy = islandHeight(x, z, radius) - 2 shape:AddBlock(COLORS.DIRT, x + xShift, -2 + 2, z + zShift) shape:AddBlock(COLORS.GRASS, x + xShift, -1 + 2, z + zShift) shape:AddBlock(COLORS.GRASS, x + xShift, 0 + 2, z + zShift) if maxy <= -3 + 2 then shape:AddBlock(COLORS.DIRT, x + xShift, -3 + 2, z + zShift) end for y = maxy, -3 + 2 do shape:AddBlock(COLORS.STONE, x + xShift, y, z + zShift) end end end for i = 1, math.random(1, 2) do local obj = Shape(cachedTree, { includeChildren = true }) obj.Position = { 0, 0, 0 } local box = Box() box:Fit(obj, true) obj.Pivot = Number3(obj.Width / 2, box.Min.Y + obj.Pivot.Y + 4, obj.Depth / 2) obj:SetParent(shape) require("hierarchyactions"):applyToDescendants(obj, { includeRoot = true }, function(o) o.Physics = PhysicsMode.Disabled end) local coords = Number3(math.random(-radius + 1, radius - 1), 0, math.random(-radius + 1, radius - 1)) while shape:GetBlock(coords) do coords.Y = coords.Y + 1 end obj.Scale = math.random(70, 150) / 1000 obj.Rotation.Y = math.random(1, 4) * math.pi * 0.25 obj.LocalPosition = coords end return shape end