import os | |
import sys | |
import io | |
import random | |
import math | |
import requests | |
import spotipy | |
import gradio as gr | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import pandas as pd | |
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials | |
from PIL import Image | |
# Spotify credentials from environment variables (fallback) | |
print("Error: Spotify credentials not set.") | |
sys.exit(1) | |
global_sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials( | |
client_id=ENV_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID, | |
)) | |
def get_musicbrainz_genre(artist_name): | |
search_url = "" | |
headers = {"User-Agent": "SpotifyAnalyzer/1.0 ([email protected])"} | |
params = {"query": artist_name, "fmt": "json"} | |
try: | |
search_response = requests.get(search_url, params=params, headers=headers) | |
search_data = search_response.json() | |
if "artists" in search_data and search_data["artists"]: | |
best_artist = None | |
best_score = 0 | |
for artist in search_data["artists"]: | |
name = artist.get("name", "") | |
score = int(artist.get("score", 0)) | |
if name.lower() == artist_name.lower(): | |
best_artist = artist | |
break | |
if score > best_score: | |
best_score = score | |
best_artist = artist | |
if best_artist: | |
mbid = best_artist.get("id") | |
if mbid: | |
lookup_url = f"{mbid}" | |
lookup_params = {"inc": "tags+genres", "fmt": "json"} | |
lookup_response = requests.get(lookup_url, params=lookup_params, headers=headers) | |
lookup_data = lookup_response.json() | |
official_genres = lookup_data.get("genres", []) | |
if official_genres: | |
return official_genres[0].get("name", "Unknown") | |
tags = lookup_data.get("tags", []) | |
if tags: | |
sorted_tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda t: t.get("count", 0), reverse=True) | |
return sorted_tags[0].get("name", "Unknown") | |
except Exception: | |
pass | |
return "Unknown" | |
def get_audiodb_genre(artist_name): | |
url = "" | |
params = {"s": artist_name} | |
try: | |
response = requests.get(url, params=params) | |
if response.ok: | |
data = response.json() | |
if data and data.get("artists"): | |
artist_data = data["artists"][0] | |
genre = artist_data.get("strGenre", "") | |
if genre: | |
return genre | |
except Exception: | |
pass | |
return "Unknown" | |
def extract_playlist_id(url: str) -> str: | |
if "playlist" not in url: | |
return "" | |
parts = url.split("/") | |
try: | |
idx = parts.index("playlist") | |
return parts[idx + 1].split("?")[0] | |
except (ValueError, IndexError): | |
return "" | |
def get_playlist_tracks(playlist_id: str, spotify_client) -> list: | |
tracks = [] | |
try: | |
results = spotify_client.playlist_tracks(playlist_id) | |
tracks.extend(results["items"]) | |
while results["next"]: | |
results = | |
tracks.extend(results["items"]) | |
except spotipy.SpotifyException: | |
return [] | |
return tracks | |
def analyze_playlist(playlist_url: str, spotify_client_id: str, spotify_client_secret: str): | |
if spotify_client_id.strip() and spotify_client_secret.strip(): | |
local_sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials( | |
client_id=spotify_client_id.strip(), | |
client_secret=spotify_client_secret.strip() | |
)) | |
else: | |
local_sp = global_sp | |
playlist_id = extract_playlist_id(playlist_url.strip()) | |
if not playlist_id: | |
return ("Invalid playlist URL.", None, None, None, None, "") | |
tracks = get_playlist_tracks(playlist_id, local_sp) | |
if not tracks: | |
return ("No tracks found or playlist is private.", None, None, None, None, "") | |
genre_count = {} | |
artist_cache = {} | |
tracks_table = [] | |
for item in tracks: | |
track = item.get("track") | |
if not track: | |
continue | |
track_name = track.get("name", "Unknown Track") | |
artists = track.get("artists", []) | |
if not artists: | |
continue | |
artist_info = artists[0] | |
artist_name = artist_info.get("name", "Unknown Artist") | |
artist_id = artist_info.get("id") | |
# Try Spotify genres; if empty, fallback to MusicBrainz then AudioDB. | |
if artist_id: | |
if artist_id in artist_cache: | |
genres = artist_cache[artist_id] | |
else: | |
try: | |
artist_data = local_sp.artist(artist_id) | |
genres = artist_data.get("genres", []) | |
except spotipy.SpotifyException: | |
genres = [] | |
if not genres: | |
mb_genre = get_musicbrainz_genre(artist_name) | |
if mb_genre == "Unknown": | |
audiodb_genre = get_audiodb_genre(artist_name) | |
if audiodb_genre != "Unknown": | |
genres = [audiodb_genre] | |
else: | |
genres = [mb_genre] | |
artist_cache[artist_id] = genres | |
else: | |
genres = [] | |
if genres: | |
for g in genres: | |
genre_count[g] = genre_count.get(g, 0) + 1 | |
primary_genre = genres[0] if genres else "Unknown" | |
spotify_url = track.get("external_urls", {}).get("spotify", "#") | |
query = f"{track_name} {artist_name}" | |
yt_link = f'<a href="{requests.utils.quote(query)}" target="_blank">YouTube Music</a>' | |
tracks_table.append([track_name, artist_name, primary_genre, | |
f'<a href="{spotify_url}" target="_blank">Listen on Spotify</a>', yt_link]) | |
total_occurrences = sum(genre_count.values()) | |
genres_table_data = [[genre, count, f"{(count / total_occurrences * 100):.2f}%"] | |
for genre, count in genre_count.items()] | |
genres_table_data.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) | |
genres_df = pd.DataFrame(genres_table_data, columns=["Genre", "Count", "Percentage"]) | |
top15 = genres_df.head(15) | |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |["Genre"], top15["Count"], color='skyblue') | |
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right") | |
plt.xlabel("Genre") | |
plt.ylabel("Count") | |
plt.title("Top 15 Genres") | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
buf = io.BytesIO() | |
plt.savefig(buf, format='png') | |
plt.close() | | | |
chart_image ="RGB") | |
tracks_df = pd.DataFrame(tracks_table, columns=["Song Name", "Artist", "Genre", "Spotify Link", "YouTube Music Link"]) | |
table_style = """ | |
<style> | |
.nice-table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 1em; } | |
.nice-table th, .nice-table td { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 8px; } | |
.nice-table th { background-color: #f9f9f9; font-weight: bold; } | |
.nice-table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2; } | |
.nice-table a { color: #007bff; text-decoration: none; } | |
.nice-table a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } | |
</style> | |
""" | |
tracks_html = table_style + tracks_df.to_html(escape=False, index=False, classes="nice-table") | |
# Prepare state for recommendations: exclude "Unknown" genres. | |
top_genres = [genre for genre in genres_df["Genre"].head(15).tolist() if genre.lower() != "unknown"] | |
if not top_genres: | |
top_genres = ["pop"] | |
num_genres = len(top_genres) | |
rec_per_genre = math.ceil(75 / num_genres) | |
existing_tracks = set((t[0].strip().lower(), t[1].strip().lower()) for t in tracks_table) | |
analysis_state = { | |
"top_genres": top_genres, | |
"existing_tracks": existing_tracks, | |
"sp_client_id": spotify_client_id, | |
"sp_client_secret": spotify_client_secret, | |
"rec_per_genre": rec_per_genre | |
} | |
recommended_html = generate_recommendations(analysis_state, local_sp, table_style) | |
processed_info = f"Processed {len(tracks_table)} songs from the playlist." | |
return (genres_df, chart_image, tracks_html, recommended_html, analysis_state, processed_info) | |
def generate_recommendations(state, local_sp, table_style): | |
rec_tracks = [] | |
recommended_artists = set() | |
for genre in state["top_genres"]: | |
try: | |
search_result ='genre:"{genre}"', type="track", limit=state["rec_per_genre"]) | |
total = search_result.get("tracks", {}).get("total", 0) | |
if total > state["rec_per_genre"]: | |
offset = random.randint(0, min(total - state["rec_per_genre"], 100)) | |
search_result ='genre:"{genre}"', type="track", limit=state["rec_per_genre"], offset=offset) | |
items = search_result.get("tracks", {}).get("items", []) | |
for t in items: | |
track_name = t.get("name", "Unknown Track") | |
artists_list = [a.get("name", "") for a in t.get("artists", [])] | |
if not artists_list: | |
continue | |
artist_str = ", ".join(artists_list) | |
first_artist = artists_list[0].strip().lower() | |
if (track_name.strip().lower(), first_artist) in state["existing_tracks"] or first_artist in recommended_artists: | |
continue | |
spotify_url = t.get("external_urls", {}).get("spotify", "#") | |
query = f"{track_name} {artist_str}" | |
yt_link = f'<a href="{requests.utils.quote(query)}" target="_blank">YouTube Music</a>' | |
rec_tracks.append([f"{track_name} by {artist_str}", genre, | |
f'<a href="{spotify_url}" target="_blank">Listen on Spotify</a>', | |
yt_link]) | |
recommended_artists.add(first_artist) | |
except Exception: | |
continue | |
if len(rec_tracks) > 75: | |
rec_tracks = random.sample(rec_tracks, 75) | |
rec_tracks_df = pd.DataFrame(rec_tracks, columns=["Title + Author", "Genre", "Spotify Link", "YouTube Music Link"]) | |
return table_style + rec_tracks_df.to_html(escape=False, index=False, classes="nice-table") | |
def refresh_recommendations(state): | |
if state["sp_client_id"].strip() and state["sp_client_secret"].strip(): | |
local_sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials( | |
client_id=state["sp_client_id"].strip(), | |
client_secret=state["sp_client_secret"].strip() | |
)) | |
else: | |
local_sp = global_sp | |
table_style = """ | |
<style> | |
.nice-table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 1em; } | |
.nice-table th, .nice-table td { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 8px; } | |
.nice-table th { background-color: #f9f9f9; font-weight: bold; } | |
.nice-table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2; } | |
.nice-table a { color: #007bff; text-decoration: none; } | |
.nice-table a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } | |
</style> | |
""" | |
return generate_recommendations(state, local_sp, table_style) | |
# Main interface description and disclaimer | |
description_text = ( | |
"This agent analyzes a public Spotify playlist (must be user-shared; providing a playlist uploaded by Spotify will result in an error) " | |
"by generating a genre distribution, a track list (with direct Spotify and YouTube Music search links), and a table of recommended tracks " | |
"based on the top genres found in the playlist. API keys are not stored. Use the 'Refresh recommendations' button to get a new set of recommendations." | |
) | |
disclaimer_text = ( | |
"<b>Disclaimer:</b> This tool works best for playlists with around 100-200 songs (30-60s). For larger playlists, processing may take multiple minutes. " | |
"A default API key is provided, but if you reach the limits, you can supply your own API keys, which you can quickly obtain from " | |
"<a href='' target='_blank'>Spotify Developer</a>.<br>" | |
"Note: If the agent is processing for too long, check the logs. If you see a message like 'Your application has reached a rate/request limit', " | |
"it means that the provided Spotify API key has reached its limits. Please generate your own API keys and add them." | |
) | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
gr.Markdown("# Spotify Playlist Analyzer & Recommendations + YouTube Music Links") | |
gr.Markdown(disclaimer_text) | |
gr.Markdown(description_text) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
playlist_url = gr.Textbox(label="Spotify Playlist URL") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
sp_client_id = gr.Textbox(label="Spotify Client ID (optional)") | |
sp_client_secret = gr.Textbox(label="Spotify Client Secret (optional)") | |
analyze_button = gr.Button("Analyze Playlist") | |
with gr.Tab("Analysis Results"): | |
output_genres = gr.Dataframe(label="Genre Distribution Table") | |
output_chart = gr.Image(label="Top 15 Genre Chart") | |
output_tracks_html = gr.HTML(label="Playlist Tracks Table") | |
output_processed = gr.HTML(label="Processing Info") | |
with gr.Tab("Recommended Tracks"): | |
refresh_button = gr.Button("Refresh recommendations") | |
recommended_html_output = gr.HTML(label="Recommended Tracks Table") | |
state_out = gr.State() # Will hold the analysis state | |
def run_analysis(playlist_url, sp_client_id, sp_client_secret): | |
result = analyze_playlist(playlist_url, sp_client_id, sp_client_secret) | |
# result: (genres_df, chart_image, tracks_html, recommended_html, analysis_state, processed_info) | |
return result | | | |
fn=run_analysis, | |
inputs=[playlist_url, sp_client_id, sp_client_secret], | |
outputs=[output_genres, output_chart, output_tracks_html, recommended_html_output, state_out, output_processed] | |
) | | | |
fn=refresh_recommendations, | |
inputs=[state_out], | |
outputs=[recommended_html_output] | |
) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
demo.launch(share=True) | |