youtube-short-generator /
wower99's picture
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6.07 kB
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont,ImageStat,ImageFilter,ImageEnhance
from django.conf import settings
import constants
import os
def wrap_text(draw, text, font, max_width):
words = text.split()
lines = []
current_line = words[0]
for word in words[1:]:
test_line = current_line + " " + word
if draw.textlength(test_line, font) <= max_width:
current_line = test_line
current_line = word
return lines
def draw_text_centered(draw, lines, position, font, max_width, padding, fill='yellow'):
y = position[1]
for line in lines:
text_width = draw.textlength(line, font)
x = position[0] + (max_width - text_width) // 2
draw.text((x, y), line, font=font, fill=fill)
y += font.getsize('hg')[1] + padding
def get_wrapped_text_size(draw, lines, font, padding):
line_height = font.getsize('hg')[1]
total_height = len(lines) * (line_height + padding) - padding
max_line_width = max(draw.textlength(line, font) for line in lines)
return total_height, max_line_width
def dynamically_adjust_font(draw, text, font, max_width, max_height, padding):
lines = wrap_text(draw, text, font, max_width)
total_height, _ = get_wrapped_text_size(draw, lines, font, padding)
while total_height > max_height and font.size > 10:
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, font.size - 1)
lines = wrap_text(draw, text, font, max_width)
total_height, _ = get_wrapped_text_size(draw, lines, font, padding)
return font, lines
def is_image_dark(image,threshold=128):
"""Determine if the image is predominantly dark, light or in the middle and return a suitable color for overlay"""
grayscale = image.convert('L') # Convert to grayscale
stat = ImageStat.Stat(grayscale)
avg_brightness = stat.mean[0]
if avg_brightness < threshold:
return ('dark','yellow')
return ('light','red')
def add_text_to_image(image_path, text, is_title=True, save_to=None):
# Load the image
image =
# Resize the image
resized_image = image.resize((360, 740))
# Get resized image dimensions
image_width, image_height = resized_image.size
# check if the image is more darker or more lighter
image_brightness_level = is_image_dark(resized_image)
# Create a drawing object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(resized_image)
# setting up font_paths
font_paths = {
"weaselic" : os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Weaselic.ttf'),
"black": os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Roboto/Roboto-Black.ttf'),
"bold": os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Roboto/Roboto-Bold.ttf'),
"medium": os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Roboto/Roboto-Medium.ttf'),
"light": os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Roboto/Roboto-Light.ttf'),
"thin": os.path.join(constants.FONT_BASE_DIR,'Roboto/Roboto-Thin.ttf')
# Define fonts
fonts = {
"weaselic" : ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['weaselic'], 43),
"black": ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['black'], 40),
"bold": ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['bold'], 35),
"medium": ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['medium'], 40),
"light": ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['light'], 30),
"thin": ImageFont.truetype(font_paths['thin'], 30)
padding = 5
margin_between = 50 # Margin between title and description
safe_margin = 10 # Margin from the image edges
if is_title:
font = fonts["bold"]
max_width = image_width - 2 * safe_margin
max_height = (image_height - 2 * safe_margin) // 2
# Dynamically adjust font size and wrap text
font, lines = dynamically_adjust_font(draw, text, font, max_width, max_height, padding)
# Calculate total text height
total_height, _ = get_wrapped_text_size(draw, lines, font, padding)
# Positioning
if total_height > image_height - 2 * safe_margin:
print("Text does not fit within the image boundaries.")
position = (safe_margin, safe_margin + (image_height - total_height) // 2 - 120)
# Draw the rectangle behind the text
rect_x0 = safe_margin
rect_x1 = image_width - safe_margin
rect_y0 = position[1] - padding
rect_y1 = rect_y0 + total_height + 2 * padding
draw.rectangle([(rect_x0, rect_y0), (rect_x1, rect_y1)], fill="yellow")
# Draw wrapped and centered text
draw_text_centered(draw, lines, (safe_margin, rect_y0 + padding), font, rect_x1 - rect_x0, padding, fill='black')
font = fonts["weaselic"]
max_width = image_width - 2 * safe_margin
max_height = (image_height - 2 * safe_margin) // 2
# Dynamically adjust font size and wrap text
font, lines = dynamically_adjust_font(draw, text, font, max_width, max_height, padding)
# Calculate total text height
total_height, _ = get_wrapped_text_size(draw, lines, font, padding)
# Positioning
if total_height > image_height - 2 * safe_margin:
print("Text does not fit within the image boundaries.")
position = (safe_margin, safe_margin + (image_height - total_height) // 2)
# Draw wrapped and centered text
description_color = image_brightness_level[1]
draw_text_centered(draw, lines, position, font, max_width, padding,fill = description_color)
# Save the image if save_to is provided
if save_to:
# Example usage:
if __name__ == '__main__':
title_text = "Top 5 mountains in the world"
description_text = "Mount Everest"
add_text_to_image('wow.png', title_text, is_title=True, save_to='output_title.png')
add_text_to_image('wow.png', description_text, is_title=False, save_to='output_description.png')