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# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from ..utils import logging
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
def _maybe_map_sgm_blocks_to_diffusers(state_dict, unet_config, delimiter="_", block_slice_pos=5):
# 1. get all state_dict_keys
all_keys = list(state_dict.keys())
sgm_patterns = ["input_blocks", "middle_block", "output_blocks"]
# 2. check if needs remapping, if not return original dict
is_in_sgm_format = False
for key in all_keys:
if any(p in key for p in sgm_patterns):
is_in_sgm_format = True
if not is_in_sgm_format:
return state_dict
# 3. Else remap from SGM patterns
new_state_dict = {}
inner_block_map = ["resnets", "attentions", "upsamplers"]
# Retrieves # of down, mid and up blocks
input_block_ids, middle_block_ids, output_block_ids = set(), set(), set()
for layer in all_keys:
if "text" in layer:
new_state_dict[layer] = state_dict.pop(layer)
layer_id = int(layer.split(delimiter)[:block_slice_pos][-1])
if sgm_patterns[0] in layer:
elif sgm_patterns[1] in layer:
elif sgm_patterns[2] in layer:
raise ValueError(f"Checkpoint not supported because layer {layer} not supported.")
input_blocks = {
layer_id: [key for key in state_dict if f"input_blocks{delimiter}{layer_id}" in key]
for layer_id in input_block_ids
middle_blocks = {
layer_id: [key for key in state_dict if f"middle_block{delimiter}{layer_id}" in key]
for layer_id in middle_block_ids
output_blocks = {
layer_id: [key for key in state_dict if f"output_blocks{delimiter}{layer_id}" in key]
for layer_id in output_block_ids
# Rename keys accordingly
for i in input_block_ids:
block_id = (i - 1) // (unet_config.layers_per_block + 1)
layer_in_block_id = (i - 1) % (unet_config.layers_per_block + 1)
for key in input_blocks[i]:
inner_block_id = int(key.split(delimiter)[block_slice_pos])
inner_block_key = inner_block_map[inner_block_id] if "op" not in key else "downsamplers"
inner_layers_in_block = str(layer_in_block_id) if "op" not in key else "0"
new_key = delimiter.join(
key.split(delimiter)[: block_slice_pos - 1]
+ [str(block_id), inner_block_key, inner_layers_in_block]
+ key.split(delimiter)[block_slice_pos + 1 :]
new_state_dict[new_key] = state_dict.pop(key)
for i in middle_block_ids:
key_part = None
if i == 0:
key_part = [inner_block_map[0], "0"]
elif i == 1:
key_part = [inner_block_map[1], "0"]
elif i == 2:
key_part = [inner_block_map[0], "1"]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid middle block id {i}.")
for key in middle_blocks[i]:
new_key = delimiter.join(
key.split(delimiter)[: block_slice_pos - 1] + key_part + key.split(delimiter)[block_slice_pos:]
new_state_dict[new_key] = state_dict.pop(key)
for i in output_block_ids:
block_id = i // (unet_config.layers_per_block + 1)
layer_in_block_id = i % (unet_config.layers_per_block + 1)
for key in output_blocks[i]:
inner_block_id = int(key.split(delimiter)[block_slice_pos])
inner_block_key = inner_block_map[inner_block_id]
inner_layers_in_block = str(layer_in_block_id) if inner_block_id < 2 else "0"
new_key = delimiter.join(
key.split(delimiter)[: block_slice_pos - 1]
+ [str(block_id), inner_block_key, inner_layers_in_block]
+ key.split(delimiter)[block_slice_pos + 1 :]
new_state_dict[new_key] = state_dict.pop(key)
if len(state_dict) > 0:
raise ValueError("At this point all state dict entries have to be converted.")
return new_state_dict
def _convert_kohya_lora_to_diffusers(state_dict, unet_name="unet", text_encoder_name="text_encoder"):
unet_state_dict = {}
te_state_dict = {}
te2_state_dict = {}
network_alphas = {}
# every down weight has a corresponding up weight and potentially an alpha weight
lora_keys = [k for k in state_dict.keys() if k.endswith("lora_down.weight")]
for key in lora_keys:
lora_name = key.split(".")[0]
lora_name_up = lora_name + ".lora_up.weight"
lora_name_alpha = lora_name + ".alpha"
if lora_name.startswith("lora_unet_"):
diffusers_name = key.replace("lora_unet_", "").replace("_", ".")
if "input.blocks" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("input.blocks", "down_blocks")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("down.blocks", "down_blocks")
if "middle.block" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("middle.block", "mid_block")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("mid.block", "mid_block")
if "output.blocks" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("output.blocks", "up_blocks")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("up.blocks", "up_blocks")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("transformer.blocks", "transformer_blocks")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.q.lora", "to_q_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.k.lora", "to_k_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.v.lora", "to_v_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("to.out.0.lora", "to_out_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("", "proj_in")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("proj.out", "proj_out")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("emb.layers", "time_emb_proj")
# SDXL specificity.
if "emb" in diffusers_name and "time.emb.proj" not in diffusers_name:
pattern = r"\.\d+(?=\D*$)"
diffusers_name = re.sub(pattern, "", diffusers_name, count=1)
if ".in." in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("in.layers.2", "conv1")
if ".out." in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("out.layers.3", "conv2")
if "downsamplers" in diffusers_name or "upsamplers" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("op", "conv")
if "skip" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("skip.connection", "conv_shortcut")
# LyCORIS specificity.
if "time.emb.proj" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("time.emb.proj", "time_emb_proj")
if "conv.shortcut" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("conv.shortcut", "conv_shortcut")
# General coverage.
if "transformer_blocks" in diffusers_name:
if "attn1" in diffusers_name or "attn2" in diffusers_name:
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("attn1", "attn1.processor")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("attn2", "attn2.processor")
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif "ff" in diffusers_name:
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif any(key in diffusers_name for key in ("proj_in", "proj_out")):
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
unet_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif lora_name.startswith("lora_te_"):
diffusers_name = key.replace("lora_te_", "").replace("_", ".")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("text.model", "text_model")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("self.attn", "self_attn")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("q.proj.lora", "to_q_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("k.proj.lora", "to_k_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("v.proj.lora", "to_v_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("out.proj.lora", "to_out_lora")
if "self_attn" in diffusers_name:
te_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif "mlp" in diffusers_name:
# Be aware that this is the new diffusers convention and the rest of the code might
# not utilize it yet.
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace(".lora.", ".lora_linear_layer.")
te_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
# (sayakpaul): Duplicate code. Needs to be cleaned.
elif lora_name.startswith("lora_te1_"):
diffusers_name = key.replace("lora_te1_", "").replace("_", ".")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("text.model", "text_model")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("self.attn", "self_attn")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("q.proj.lora", "to_q_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("k.proj.lora", "to_k_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("v.proj.lora", "to_v_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("out.proj.lora", "to_out_lora")
if "self_attn" in diffusers_name:
te_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif "mlp" in diffusers_name:
# Be aware that this is the new diffusers convention and the rest of the code might
# not utilize it yet.
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace(".lora.", ".lora_linear_layer.")
te_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
# (sayakpaul): Duplicate code. Needs to be cleaned.
elif lora_name.startswith("lora_te2_"):
diffusers_name = key.replace("lora_te2_", "").replace("_", ".")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("text.model", "text_model")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("self.attn", "self_attn")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("q.proj.lora", "to_q_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("k.proj.lora", "to_k_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("v.proj.lora", "to_v_lora")
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace("out.proj.lora", "to_out_lora")
if "self_attn" in diffusers_name:
te2_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te2_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
elif "mlp" in diffusers_name:
# Be aware that this is the new diffusers convention and the rest of the code might
# not utilize it yet.
diffusers_name = diffusers_name.replace(".lora.", ".lora_linear_layer.")
te2_state_dict[diffusers_name] = state_dict.pop(key)
te2_state_dict[diffusers_name.replace(".down.", ".up.")] = state_dict.pop(lora_name_up)
# Rename the alphas so that they can be mapped appropriately.
if lora_name_alpha in state_dict:
alpha = state_dict.pop(lora_name_alpha).item()
if lora_name_alpha.startswith("lora_unet_"):
prefix = "unet."
elif lora_name_alpha.startswith(("lora_te_", "lora_te1_")):
prefix = "text_encoder."
prefix = "text_encoder_2."
new_name = prefix + diffusers_name.split(".lora.")[0] + ".alpha"
network_alphas.update({new_name: alpha})
if len(state_dict) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"The following keys have not been correctly be renamed: \n\n {', '.join(state_dict.keys())}")"Kohya-style checkpoint detected.")
unet_state_dict = {f"{unet_name}.{module_name}": params for module_name, params in unet_state_dict.items()}
te_state_dict = {f"{text_encoder_name}.{module_name}": params for module_name, params in te_state_dict.items()}
te2_state_dict = (
{f"text_encoder_2.{module_name}": params for module_name, params in te2_state_dict.items()}
if len(te2_state_dict) > 0
else None
if te2_state_dict is not None:
new_state_dict = {**unet_state_dict, **te_state_dict}
return new_state_dict, network_alphas