import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from opt_einsum import contract as einsum | |
import torch.utils.checkpoint as checkpoint | |
from util import cross_product_matrix | |
from util_module import * | |
from Attention_module import * | |
from SE3_network import SE3TransformerWrapper | |
from icecream import ic | |
# Components for three-track blocks | |
# 1. MSA -> MSA update (biased attention. bias from pair & structure) | |
# 2. Pair -> Pair update (biased attention. bias from structure) | |
# 3. MSA -> Pair update (extract coevolution signal) | |
# 4. Str -> Str update (node from MSA, edge from Pair) | |
# Update MSA with biased self-attention. bias from Pair & Str | |
class MSAPairStr2MSA(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, n_head=8, d_state=16, | |
d_hidden=32, p_drop=0.15, use_global_attn=False): | |
super(MSAPairStr2MSA, self).__init__() | |
self.norm_pair = nn.LayerNorm(d_pair) | |
self.proj_pair = nn.Linear(d_pair+36, d_pair) | |
self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) | |
self.proj_state = nn.Linear(d_state, d_msa) | |
self.drop_row = Dropout(broadcast_dim=1, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.row_attn = MSARowAttentionWithBias(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) | |
if use_global_attn: | |
self.col_attn = MSAColGlobalAttention(d_msa=d_msa, n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) | |
else: | |
self.col_attn = MSAColAttention(d_msa=d_msa, n_head=n_head, d_hidden=d_hidden) | |
self.ff = FeedForwardLayer(d_msa, 4, p_drop=p_drop) | |
# Do proper initialization | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
# initialize weights to normal distrib | |
self.proj_pair = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_pair) | |
self.proj_state = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_state) | |
# initialize bias to zeros | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_pair.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_state.bias) | |
def forward(self, msa, pair, rbf_feat, state): | |
''' | |
Inputs: | |
- msa: MSA feature (B, N, L, d_msa) | |
- pair: Pair feature (B, L, L, d_pair) | |
- rbf_feat: Ca-Ca distance feature calculated from xyz coordinates (B, L, L, 36) | |
- xyz: xyz coordinates (B, L, n_atom, 3) | |
- state: updated node features after SE(3)-Transformer layer (B, L, d_state) | |
Output: | |
- msa: Updated MSA feature (B, N, L, d_msa) | |
''' | |
B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] | |
# prepare input bias feature by combining pair & coordinate info | |
pair = self.norm_pair(pair) | |
pair =, rbf_feat), dim=-1) | |
pair = self.proj_pair(pair) # (B, L, L, d_pair) | |
# | |
# update query sequence feature (first sequence in the MSA) with feedbacks (state) from SE3 | |
state = self.norm_state(state) | |
state = self.proj_state(state).reshape(B, 1, L, -1) | |
msa = msa.index_add(1, torch.tensor([0,], device=state.device), state.type(torch.float32)) | |
# | |
# Apply row/column attention to msa & transform | |
msa = msa + self.drop_row(self.row_attn(msa, pair)) | |
msa = msa + self.col_attn(msa) | |
msa = msa + self.ff(msa) | |
return msa | |
class PairStr2Pair(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_pair=128, n_head=4, d_hidden=32, d_rbf=36, p_drop=0.15): | |
super(PairStr2Pair, self).__init__() | |
self.emb_rbf = nn.Linear(d_rbf, d_hidden) | |
self.proj_rbf = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_pair) | |
self.drop_row = Dropout(broadcast_dim=1, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.drop_col = Dropout(broadcast_dim=2, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.row_attn = BiasedAxialAttention(d_pair, d_pair, n_head, d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, is_row=True) | |
self.col_attn = BiasedAxialAttention(d_pair, d_pair, n_head, d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop, is_row=False) | |
self.ff = FeedForwardLayer(d_pair, 2) | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.emb_rbf.weight, nonlinearity='relu') | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.emb_rbf.bias) | |
self.proj_rbf = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_rbf) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_rbf.bias) | |
def forward(self, pair, rbf_feat): | |
B, L = pair.shape[:2] | |
rbf_feat = self.proj_rbf(F.relu_(self.emb_rbf(rbf_feat))) | |
pair = pair + self.drop_row(self.row_attn(pair, rbf_feat)) | |
pair = pair + self.drop_col(self.col_attn(pair, rbf_feat)) | |
pair = pair + self.ff(pair) | |
return pair | |
class MSA2Pair(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, d_hidden=32, p_drop=0.15): | |
super(MSA2Pair, self).__init__() | |
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) | |
self.proj_left = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) | |
self.proj_right = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) | |
self.proj_out = nn.Linear(d_hidden*d_hidden, d_pair) | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
# normal initialization | |
self.proj_left = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_left) | |
self.proj_right = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_right) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_left.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_right.bias) | |
# zero initialize output | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_out.weight) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_out.bias) | |
def forward(self, msa, pair): | |
B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] | |
msa = self.norm(msa) | |
left = self.proj_left(msa) | |
right = self.proj_right(msa) | |
right = right / float(N) | |
out = einsum('bsli,bsmj->blmij', left, right).reshape(B, L, L, -1) | |
out = self.proj_out(out) | |
pair = pair + out | |
return pair | |
class SCPred(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_state=32, d_hidden=128, p_drop=0.15): | |
super(SCPred, self).__init__() | |
self.norm_s0 = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) | |
self.norm_si = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) | |
self.linear_s0 = nn.Linear(d_msa, d_hidden) | |
self.linear_si = nn.Linear(d_state, d_hidden) | |
# ResNet layers | |
self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) | |
self.linear_2 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) | |
self.linear_3 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) | |
self.linear_4 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) | |
# Final outputs | |
self.linear_out = nn.Linear(d_hidden, 20) | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
# normal initialization | |
self.linear_s0 = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_s0) | |
self.linear_si = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_si) | |
self.linear_out = init_lecun_normal(self.linear_out) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_s0.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_si.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_out.bias) | |
# right before relu activation: He initializer (kaiming normal) | |
nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.linear_1.weight, nonlinearity='relu') | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_1.bias) | |
nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.linear_3.weight, nonlinearity='relu') | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_3.bias) | |
# right before residual connection: zero initialize | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_2.weight) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_2.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_4.weight) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.linear_4.bias) | |
def forward(self, seq, state): | |
''' | |
Predict side-chain torsion angles along with backbone torsions | |
Inputs: | |
- seq: hidden embeddings corresponding to query sequence (B, L, d_msa) | |
- state: state feature (output l0 feature) from previous SE3 layer (B, L, d_state) | |
Outputs: | |
- si: predicted torsion angles (phi, psi, omega, chi1~4 with cos/sin, Cb bend, Cb twist, CG) (B, L, 10, 2) | |
''' | |
B, L = seq.shape[:2] | |
seq = self.norm_s0(seq) | |
state = self.norm_si(state) | |
si = self.linear_s0(seq) + self.linear_si(state) | |
si = si + self.linear_2(F.relu_(self.linear_1(F.relu_(si)))) | |
si = si + self.linear_4(F.relu_(self.linear_3(F.relu_(si)))) | |
si = self.linear_out(F.relu_(si)) | |
return si.view(B, L, 10, 2) | |
class Str2Str(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, d_state=16, | |
SE3_param={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}, p_drop=0.1): | |
super(Str2Str, self).__init__() | |
# initial node & pair feature process | |
self.norm_msa = nn.LayerNorm(d_msa) | |
self.norm_pair = nn.LayerNorm(d_pair) | |
self.norm_state = nn.LayerNorm(d_state) | |
self.embed_x = nn.Linear(d_msa+d_state, SE3_param['l0_in_features']) | |
self.embed_e1 = nn.Linear(d_pair, SE3_param['num_edge_features']) | |
self.embed_e2 = nn.Linear(SE3_param['num_edge_features']+36+1, SE3_param['num_edge_features']) | |
self.norm_node = nn.LayerNorm(SE3_param['l0_in_features']) | |
self.norm_edge1 = nn.LayerNorm(SE3_param['num_edge_features']) | |
self.norm_edge2 = nn.LayerNorm(SE3_param['num_edge_features']) | |
self.se3 = SE3TransformerWrapper(**SE3_param) | |
self.sc_predictor = SCPred(d_msa=d_msa, d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], | |
p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
# initialize weights to normal distribution | |
self.embed_x = init_lecun_normal(self.embed_x) | |
self.embed_e1 = init_lecun_normal(self.embed_e1) | |
self.embed_e2 = init_lecun_normal(self.embed_e2) | |
# initialize bias to zeros | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.embed_x.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.embed_e1.bias) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.embed_e2.bias) | |
def forward(self, msa, pair, R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, top_k=64, eps=1e-5): | |
B, N, L = msa.shape[:3] | |
state = state.type(torch.float32) | |
mas = msa.type(torch.float32) | |
pair = pair.type(torch.float32) | |
R_in = R_in.type(torch.float32) | |
T_in = T_in.type(torch.float32) | |
xyz = xyz.type(torch.float32) | |
#ic(msa.dtype) | |
#ic(pair.dtype) | |
#ic(R_in.dtype) | |
#ic(T_in.dtype) | |
#ic(xyz.dtype) | |
#ic(state.dtype) | |
#ic(idx.dtype) | |
# process msa & pair features | |
node = self.norm_msa(msa[:,0]) | |
pair = self.norm_pair(pair) | |
state = self.norm_state(state) | |
node =, state), dim=-1) | |
node = self.norm_node(self.embed_x(node)) | |
pair = self.norm_edge1(self.embed_e1(pair)) | |
neighbor = get_seqsep(idx) | |
rbf_feat = rbf(torch.cdist(xyz[:,:,1], xyz[:,:,1])) | |
pair =, rbf_feat, neighbor), dim=-1) | |
pair = self.norm_edge2(self.embed_e2(pair)) | |
# define graph | |
if top_k != 0: | |
G, edge_feats = make_topk_graph(xyz[:,:,1,:], pair, idx, top_k=top_k) | |
else: | |
G, edge_feats = make_full_graph(xyz[:,:,1,:], pair, idx, top_k=top_k) | |
l1_feats = xyz - xyz[:,:,1,:].unsqueeze(2) | |
l1_feats = l1_feats.reshape(B*L, -1, 3) | |
# apply SE(3) Transformer & update coordinates | |
shift = self.se3(G, node.reshape(B*L, -1, 1), l1_feats, edge_feats) | |
state = shift['0'].reshape(B, L, -1) # (B, L, C) | |
offset = shift['1'].reshape(B, L, 2, 3) | |
delTi = offset[:,:,0,:] / 10.0 # translation | |
R = offset[:,:,1,:] / 100.0 # rotation | |
Qnorm = torch.sqrt( 1 + torch.sum(R*R, dim=-1) ) | |
qA, qB, qC, qD = 1/Qnorm, R[:,:,0]/Qnorm, R[:,:,1]/Qnorm, R[:,:,2]/Qnorm | |
delRi = torch.zeros((B,L,3,3), device=xyz.device) | |
delRi[:,:,0,0] = qA*qA+qB*qB-qC*qC-qD*qD | |
delRi[:,:,0,1] = 2*qB*qC - 2*qA*qD | |
delRi[:,:,0,2] = 2*qB*qD + 2*qA*qC | |
delRi[:,:,1,0] = 2*qB*qC + 2*qA*qD | |
delRi[:,:,1,1] = qA*qA-qB*qB+qC*qC-qD*qD | |
delRi[:,:,1,2] = 2*qC*qD - 2*qA*qB | |
delRi[:,:,2,0] = 2*qB*qD - 2*qA*qC | |
delRi[:,:,2,1] = 2*qC*qD + 2*qA*qB | |
delRi[:,:,2,2] = qA*qA-qB*qB-qC*qC+qD*qD | |
# | |
## convert vector to rotation matrix | |
#R_angle = torch.norm(R, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # (B, L, 1) | |
#cos_angle = torch.cos(R_angle).unsqueeze(2) # (B, L, 1, 1) | |
#sin_angle = torch.sin(R_angle).unsqueeze(2) # (B, L, 1, 1) | |
#R_vector = R / (R_angle+eps) # (B, L, 3) | |
#delRi = cos_angle*torch.eye(3, device=R.device).reshape(1,1,3,3) \ | |
# + sin_angle*cross_product_matrix(R_vector) \ | |
# + (1.0-cos_angle)*einsum('bni,bnj->bnij', R_vector, R_vector) | |
Ri = einsum('bnij,bnjk->bnik', delRi, R_in) | |
Ti = delTi + T_in #einsum('bnij,bnj->bni', delRi, T_in) + delTi | |
alpha = self.sc_predictor(msa[:,0], state) | |
return Ri, Ti, state, alpha | |
class IterBlock(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, d_msa=256, d_pair=128, | |
n_head_msa=8, n_head_pair=4, | |
use_global_attn=False, | |
d_hidden=32, d_hidden_msa=None, p_drop=0.15, | |
SE3_param={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}): | |
super(IterBlock, self).__init__() | |
if d_hidden_msa == None: | |
d_hidden_msa = d_hidden | |
self.msa2msa = MSAPairStr2MSA(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
n_head=n_head_msa, | |
d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], | |
use_global_attn=use_global_attn, | |
d_hidden=d_hidden_msa, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.msa2pair = MSA2Pair(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
d_hidden=d_hidden//2, p_drop=p_drop) | |
#d_hidden=d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.pair2pair = PairStr2Pair(d_pair=d_pair, n_head=n_head_pair, | |
d_hidden=d_hidden, p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.str2str = Str2Str(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
d_state=SE3_param['l0_out_features'], | |
SE3_param=SE3_param, | |
p_drop=p_drop) | |
def forward(self, msa, pair, R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, use_checkpoint=False): | |
rbf_feat = rbf(torch.cdist(xyz[:,:,1,:], xyz[:,:,1,:])) | |
if use_checkpoint: | |
msa = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.msa2msa), msa, pair, rbf_feat, state) | |
pair = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.msa2pair), msa, pair) | |
pair = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.pair2pair), pair, rbf_feat) | |
R, T, state, alpha = checkpoint.checkpoint(create_custom_forward(self.str2str, top_k=0), msa, pair, R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx) | |
else: | |
msa = self.msa2msa(msa, pair, rbf_feat, state) | |
pair = self.msa2pair(msa, pair) | |
pair = self.pair2pair(pair, rbf_feat) | |
R, T, state, alpha = self.str2str(msa, pair, R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, top_k=0) | |
return msa, pair, R, T, state, alpha | |
class IterativeSimulator(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, n_extra_block=4, n_main_block=12, n_ref_block=4, | |
d_msa=256, d_msa_full=64, d_pair=128, d_hidden=32, | |
n_head_msa=8, n_head_pair=4, | |
SE3_param_full={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}, | |
SE3_param_topk={'l0_in_features':32, 'l0_out_features':16, 'num_edge_features':32}, | |
p_drop=0.15): | |
super(IterativeSimulator, self).__init__() | |
self.n_extra_block = n_extra_block | |
self.n_main_block = n_main_block | |
self.n_ref_block = n_ref_block | |
self.proj_state = nn.Linear(SE3_param_topk['l0_out_features'], SE3_param_full['l0_out_features']) | |
# Update with extra sequences | |
if n_extra_block > 0: | |
self.extra_block = nn.ModuleList([IterBlock(d_msa=d_msa_full, d_pair=d_pair, | |
n_head_msa=n_head_msa, | |
n_head_pair=n_head_pair, | |
d_hidden_msa=8, | |
d_hidden=d_hidden, | |
p_drop=p_drop, | |
use_global_attn=True, | |
SE3_param=SE3_param_full) | |
for i in range(n_extra_block)]) | |
# Update with seed sequences | |
if n_main_block > 0: | |
self.main_block = nn.ModuleList([IterBlock(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
n_head_msa=n_head_msa, | |
n_head_pair=n_head_pair, | |
d_hidden=d_hidden, | |
p_drop=p_drop, | |
use_global_attn=False, | |
SE3_param=SE3_param_full) | |
for i in range(n_main_block)]) | |
self.proj_state2 = nn.Linear(SE3_param_full['l0_out_features'], SE3_param_topk['l0_out_features']) | |
# Final SE(3) refinement | |
if n_ref_block > 0: | |
self.str_refiner = Str2Str(d_msa=d_msa, d_pair=d_pair, | |
d_state=SE3_param_topk['l0_out_features'], | |
SE3_param=SE3_param_topk, | |
p_drop=p_drop) | |
self.reset_parameter() | |
def reset_parameter(self): | |
self.proj_state = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_state) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_state.bias) | |
self.proj_state2 = init_lecun_normal(self.proj_state2) | |
nn.init.zeros_(self.proj_state2.bias) | |
def forward(self, seq, msa, msa_full, pair, xyz_in, state, idx, use_checkpoint=False): | |
# input: | |
# seq: query sequence (B, L) | |
# msa: seed MSA embeddings (B, N, L, d_msa) | |
# msa_full: extra MSA embeddings (B, N, L, d_msa_full) | |
# pair: initial residue pair embeddings (B, L, L, d_pair) | |
# xyz_in: initial BB coordinates (B, L, n_atom, 3) | |
# state: initial state features containing mixture of query seq, sidechain, accuracy info (B, L, d_state) | |
# idx: residue index | |
B, L = pair.shape[:2] | |
R_in = torch.eye(3, device=xyz_in.device).reshape(1,1,3,3).expand(B, L, -1, -1) | |
T_in = xyz_in[:,:,1].clone() | |
xyz_in = xyz_in - T_in.unsqueeze(-2) | |
state = self.proj_state(state) | |
R_s = list() | |
T_s = list() | |
alpha_s = list() | |
for i_m in range(self.n_extra_block): | |
R_in = R_in.detach() # detach rotation (for stability) | |
T_in = T_in.detach() | |
# Get current BB structure | |
xyz = einsum('bnij,bnaj->bnai', R_in, xyz_in) + T_in.unsqueeze(-2) | |
msa_full, pair, R_in, T_in, state, alpha = self.extra_block[i_m](msa_full, pair, | |
R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, | |
use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint) | |
R_s.append(R_in) | |
T_s.append(T_in) | |
alpha_s.append(alpha) | |
for i_m in range(self.n_main_block): | |
R_in = R_in.detach() | |
T_in = T_in.detach() | |
# Get current BB structure | |
xyz = einsum('bnij,bnaj->bnai', R_in, xyz_in) + T_in.unsqueeze(-2) | |
msa, pair, R_in, T_in, state, alpha = self.main_block[i_m](msa, pair, | |
R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, | |
use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint) | |
R_s.append(R_in) | |
T_s.append(T_in) | |
alpha_s.append(alpha) | |
state = self.proj_state2(state) | |
for i_m in range(self.n_ref_block): | |
R_in = R_in.detach() | |
T_in = T_in.detach() | |
xyz = einsum('bnij,bnaj->bnai', R_in, xyz_in) + T_in.unsqueeze(-2) | |
R_in, T_in, state, alpha = self.str_refiner(msa, pair, R_in, T_in, xyz, state, idx, top_k=64) | |
R_s.append(R_in) | |
T_s.append(T_in) | |
alpha_s.append(alpha) | |
R_s = torch.stack(R_s, dim=0) | |
T_s = torch.stack(T_s, dim=0) | |
alpha_s = torch.stack(alpha_s, dim=0) | |
return msa, pair, R_s, T_s, alpha_s, state | |