import os,sys | |
# install required packages | |
os.system('pip install plotly') # plotly 설치 추가 | |
os.system('pip install dgl==1.0.2+cu116 -f') | |
os.environ["DGLBACKEND"] = "pytorch" | |
print('Modules installed') | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
import py3Dmol | |
from io import StringIO | |
import json | |
import secrets | |
import copy | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from utils.sampler import HuggingFace_sampler | |
from utils.parsers_inference import parse_pdb | |
from model.util import writepdb | |
from utils.inpainting_util import * | |
# install environment goods | |
#os.system("pip -q install dgl -f") | |
os.system('pip install dgl==1.0.2+cu116 -f') | |
#os.system('pip install gradio') | |
os.environ["DGLBACKEND"] = "pytorch" | |
#os.system(f'pip install -r ./PROTEIN_GENERATOR/requirements.txt') | |
print('Modules installed') | |
#os.system('pip install --force gradio==3.36.1') | |
#os.system('pip install gradio_client==0.2.7') | |
#os.system('pip install \"numpy<2\"') | |
#os.system('pip install numpy --upgrade') | |
#os.system('pip install --force numpy==1.24.1') | |
if not os.path.exists('./'): | |
print('Downloading model weights 1') | |
os.system('wget') | |
print('Successfully Downloaded') | |
if not os.path.exists('./'): | |
print('Downloading model weights 2') | |
os.system('wget') | |
print('Successfully Downloaded') | |
import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
import py3Dmol | |
from io import StringIO | |
import json | |
import secrets | |
import copy | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from utils.sampler import HuggingFace_sampler | |
from utils.parsers_inference import parse_pdb | |
from model.util import writepdb | |
from utils.inpainting_util import * | |
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13}) | |
with open('./tmp/args.json','r') as f: | |
args = json.load(f) | |
# manually set checkpoint to load | |
args['checkpoint'] = None | |
args['dump_trb'] = False | |
args['dump_args'] = True | |
args['save_best_plddt'] = True | |
args['T'] = 25 | |
args['strand_bias'] = 0.0 | |
args['loop_bias'] = 0.0 | |
args['helix_bias'] = 0.0 | |
def protein_diffusion_model(sequence, seq_len, helix_bias, strand_bias, loop_bias, | |
secondary_structure, aa_bias, aa_bias_potential, | |
num_steps, noise, hydrophobic_target_score, hydrophobic_potential, | |
contigs, pssm, seq_mask, str_mask, rewrite_pdb): | |
dssp_checkpoint = './' | |
og_checkpoint = './' | |
model_args = copy.deepcopy(args) | |
# make sampler | |
S = HuggingFace_sampler(args=model_args) | |
# get random prefix | |
S.out_prefix = './tmp/'+secrets.token_hex(nbytes=10).upper() | |
# set args | |
S.args['checkpoint'] = None | |
S.args['dump_trb'] = False | |
S.args['dump_args'] = True | |
S.args['save_best_plddt'] = True | |
S.args['T'] = 20 | |
S.args['strand_bias'] = 0.0 | |
S.args['loop_bias'] = 0.0 | |
S.args['helix_bias'] = 0.0 | |
S.args['potentials'] = None | |
S.args['potential_scale'] = None | |
S.args['aa_composition'] = None | |
# get sequence if entered and make sure all chars are valid | |
alt_aa_dict = {'B':['D','N'],'J':['I','L'],'U':['C'],'Z':['E','Q'],'O':['K']} | |
if sequence not in ['',None]: | |
L = len(sequence) | |
aa_seq = [] | |
for aa in sequence.upper(): | |
if aa in alt_aa_dict.keys(): | |
aa_seq.append(np.random.choice(alt_aa_dict[aa])) | |
else: | |
aa_seq.append(aa) | |
S.args['sequence'] = aa_seq | |
elif contigs not in ['',None]: | |
S.args['contigs'] = [contigs] | |
else: | |
S.args['contigs'] = [f'{seq_len}'] | |
L = int(seq_len) | |
print('DEBUG: ',rewrite_pdb) | |
if rewrite_pdb not in ['',None]: | |
S.args['pdb'] = | |
if seq_mask not in ['',None]: | |
S.args['inpaint_seq'] = [seq_mask] | |
if str_mask not in ['',None]: | |
S.args['inpaint_str'] = [str_mask] | |
if secondary_structure in ['',None]: | |
secondary_structure = None | |
else: | |
secondary_structure = ''.join(['E' if x == 'S' else x for x in secondary_structure]) | |
if L < len(secondary_structure): | |
secondary_structure = secondary_structure[:len(sequence)] | |
elif L == len(secondary_structure): | |
pass | |
else: | |
dseq = L - len(secondary_structure) | |
secondary_structure += secondary_structure[-1]*dseq | |
# potentials | |
potential_list = [] | |
potential_bias_list = [] | |
if aa_bias not in ['',None]: | |
potential_list.append('aa_bias') | |
S.args['aa_composition'] = aa_bias | |
if aa_bias_potential in ['',None]: | |
aa_bias_potential = 3 | |
potential_bias_list.append(str(aa_bias_potential)) | |
''' | |
if target_charge not in ['',None]: | |
potential_list.append('charge') | |
if charge_potential in ['',None]: | |
charge_potential = 1 | |
potential_bias_list.append(str(charge_potential)) | |
S.args['target_charge'] = float(target_charge) | |
if target_ph in ['',None]: | |
target_ph = 7.4 | |
S.args['target_pH'] = float(target_ph) | |
''' | |
if hydrophobic_target_score not in ['',None]: | |
potential_list.append('hydrophobic') | |
S.args['hydrophobic_score'] = float(hydrophobic_target_score) | |
if hydrophobic_potential in ['',None]: | |
hydrophobic_potential = 3 | |
potential_bias_list.append(str(hydrophobic_potential)) | |
if pssm not in ['',None]: | |
potential_list.append('PSSM') | |
potential_bias_list.append('5') | |
S.args['PSSM'] = | |
if len(potential_list) > 0: | |
S.args['potentials'] = ','.join(potential_list) | |
S.args['potential_scale'] = ','.join(potential_bias_list) | |
# normalise secondary_structure bias from range 0-0.3 | |
S.args['secondary_structure'] = secondary_structure | |
S.args['helix_bias'] = helix_bias | |
S.args['strand_bias'] = strand_bias | |
S.args['loop_bias'] = loop_bias | |
# set T | |
if num_steps in ['',None]: | |
S.args['T'] = 20 | |
else: | |
S.args['T'] = int(num_steps) | |
# noise | |
if 'normal' in noise: | |
S.args['sample_distribution'] = noise | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_means'] = [0] | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_variances'] = [1] | |
elif 'gmm2' in noise: | |
S.args['sample_distribution'] = noise | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_means'] = [-1,1] | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_variances'] = [1,1] | |
elif 'gmm3' in noise: | |
S.args['sample_distribution'] = noise | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_means'] = [-1,0,1] | |
S.args['sample_distribution_gmm_variances'] = [1,1,1] | |
if secondary_structure not in ['',None] or helix_bias+strand_bias+loop_bias > 0: | |
S.args['checkpoint'] = dssp_checkpoint | |
S.args['d_t1d'] = 29 | |
print('using dssp checkpoint') | |
else: | |
S.args['checkpoint'] = og_checkpoint | |
S.args['d_t1d'] = 24 | |
print('using og checkpoint') | |
for k,v in S.args.items(): | |
print(f"{k} --> {v}") | |
# init S | |
S.model_init() | |
S.diffuser_init() | |
S.setup() | |
# sampling loop | |
plddt_data = [] | |
for j in range(S.max_t): | |
print(f'on step {j}') | |
output_seq, output_pdb, plddt = S.take_step_get_outputs(j) | |
plddt_data.append(plddt) | |
yield output_seq, output_pdb, display_pdb(output_pdb), get_plddt_plot(plddt_data, S.max_t) | |
output_seq, output_pdb, plddt = S.get_outputs() | |
return output_seq, output_pdb, display_pdb(output_pdb), get_plddt_plot(plddt_data, S.max_t) | |
def get_plddt_plot(plddt_data, max_t): | |
x = [i+1 for i in range(len(plddt_data))] | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6)) | |
ax.plot(x,plddt_data,color='#661dbf', linewidth=3,marker='o') | |
ax.set_xticks([i+1 for i in range(max_t)]) | |
ax.set_yticks([(i+1)/10 for i in range(10)]) | |
ax.set_ylim([0,1]) | |
ax.set_ylabel('model confidence (plddt)') | |
ax.set_xlabel('diffusion steps (t)') | |
return fig | |
def display_pdb(path_to_pdb): | |
''' | |
#function to display pdb in py3dmol | |
''' | |
pdb = open(path_to_pdb, "r").read() | |
view = py3Dmol.view(width=500, height=500) | |
view.addModel(pdb, "pdb") | |
view.setStyle({'model': -1}, {"cartoon": {'colorscheme':{'prop':'b','gradient':'roygb','min':0,'max':1}}})#'linear', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'colors': ["#ff9ef0","#a903fc",]}}}) | |
view.zoomTo() | |
output = view._make_html().replace("'", '"') | |
print(view._make_html()) | |
x = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html></center> {output} </center></html>""" # do not use ' in this input | |
return f"""<iframe height="500px" width="100%" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; | |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms | |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups | |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" | |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{x}'></iframe>""" | |
''' | |
return f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height:700px" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; | |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms | |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups | |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" | |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{x}'></iframe>""" | |
''' | |
def get_motif_preview(pdb_id, contigs): | |
''' | |
#function to display selected motif in py3dmol | |
''' | |
input_pdb = fetch_pdb(pdb_id=pdb_id.lower()) | |
# rewrite pdb | |
parse = parse_pdb(input_pdb) | |
#output_name = './rewrite_'+input_pdb.split('/')[-1] | |
#writepdb(output_name, torch.tensor(parse_og['xyz']),torch.tensor(parse_og['seq'])) | |
#parse = parse_pdb(output_name) | |
output_name = input_pdb | |
pdb = open(output_name, "r").read() | |
view = py3Dmol.view(width=500, height=500) | |
view.addModel(pdb, "pdb") | |
if contigs in ['',0]: | |
contigs = ['0'] | |
else: | |
contigs = [contigs] | |
print('DEBUG: ',contigs) | |
pdb_map = get_mappings(ContigMap(parse,contigs)) | |
print('DEBUG: ',pdb_map) | |
print('DEBUG: ',pdb_map['con_ref_idx0']) | |
roi = [x[1]-1 for x in pdb_map['con_ref_pdb_idx']] | |
colormap = {0:'#D3D3D3', 1:'#F74CFF'} | |
colors = {i+1: colormap[1] if i in roi else colormap[0] for i in range(parse['xyz'].shape[0])} | |
view.setStyle({"cartoon": {"colorscheme": {"prop": "resi", "map": colors}}}) | |
view.zoomTo() | |
output = view._make_html().replace("'", '"') | |
print(view._make_html()) | |
x = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html></center> {output} </center></html>""" # do not use ' in this input | |
return f"""<iframe height="500px" width="100%" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; | |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms | |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups | |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" | |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{x}'></iframe>""", output_name | |
def fetch_pdb(pdb_id=None): | |
if pdb_id is None or pdb_id == "": | |
return None | |
else: | |
os.system(f"wget -qnc{pdb_id}.pdb") | |
return f"{pdb_id}.pdb" | |
def save_pssm(file_upload): | |
filename = | |
orig_name = file_upload.orig_name | |
if filename.split('.')[-1] in ['fasta', 'a3m']: | |
return msa_to_pssm(file_upload) | |
return filename | |
def msa_to_pssm(msa_file): | |
# Define the lookup table for converting amino acids to indices | |
aa_to_index = {'A': 0, 'R': 1, 'N': 2, 'D': 3, 'C': 4, 'Q': 5, 'E': 6, 'G': 7, 'H': 8, 'I': 9, 'L': 10, | |
'K': 11, 'M': 12, 'F': 13, 'P': 14, 'S': 15, 'T': 16, 'W': 17, 'Y': 18, 'V': 19, 'X': 20, '-': 21} | |
# Open the FASTA file and read the sequences | |
records = list(SeqIO.parse(, "fasta")) | |
assert len(records) >= 1, "MSA must contain more than one protein sequecne." | |
first_seq = str(records[0].seq) | |
aligned_seqs = [first_seq] | |
# print(aligned_seqs) | |
# Perform sequence alignment using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm | |
aligner = Align.PairwiseAligner() | |
aligner.open_gap_score = -0.7 | |
aligner.extend_gap_score = -0.3 | |
for record in records[1:]: | |
alignment = aligner.align(first_seq, str(record.seq))[0] | |
alignment = alignment.format().split("\n") | |
al1 = alignment[0] | |
al2 = alignment[2] | |
al1_fin = "" | |
al2_fin = "" | |
percent_gap = al2.count('-')/ len(al2) | |
if percent_gap > 0.4: | |
continue | |
for i in range(len(al1)): | |
if al1[i] != '-': | |
al1_fin += al1[i] | |
al2_fin += al2[i] | |
aligned_seqs.append(str(al2_fin)) | |
# Get the length of the aligned sequences | |
aligned_seq_length = len(first_seq) | |
# Initialize the position scoring matrix | |
matrix = np.zeros((22, aligned_seq_length)) | |
# Iterate through the aligned sequences and count the amino acids at each position | |
for seq in aligned_seqs: | |
#print(seq) | |
for i in range(aligned_seq_length): | |
if i == len(seq): | |
break | |
amino_acid = seq[i] | |
if amino_acid.upper() not in aa_to_index.keys(): | |
continue | |
else: | |
aa_index = aa_to_index[amino_acid.upper()] | |
matrix[aa_index, i] += 1 | |
# Normalize the counts to get the frequency of each amino acid at each position | |
matrix /= len(aligned_seqs) | |
print(len(aligned_seqs)) | |
matrix[20:,]=0 | |
outdir = ".".join('.')[:-1]) + ".csv" | |
np.savetxt(outdir, matrix[:21,:].T, delimiter=",") | |
return outdir | |
def get_pssm(fasta_msa, input_pssm): | |
if input_pssm not in ['',None]: | |
outdir = | |
else: | |
outdir = save_pssm(fasta_msa) | |
pssm = np.loadtxt(outdir, delimiter=",", dtype=float) | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,6)) | |
plt.imshow(torch.permute(torch.tensor(pssm),(1,0))) | |
return fig, outdir | |
# 히어로 능력치 계산 함수 추가 | |
def calculate_hero_stats(helix_bias, strand_bias, loop_bias, hydrophobic_score): | |
stats = { | |
'strength': strand_bias * 20, # 베타시트 구조 기반 | |
'flexibility': helix_bias * 20, # 알파헬릭스 구조 기반 | |
'speed': loop_bias * 5, # 루프 구조 기반 | |
'defense': abs(hydrophobic_score) if hydrophobic_score else 0 | |
} | |
return stats | |
##toggle options | |
def toggle_seq_input(choice): | |
if choice == "protein length": | |
return gr.update(visible=True, value=None), gr.update(visible=False, value=None) | |
elif choice == "custom sequence": | |
return gr.update(visible=False, value=None), gr.update(visible=True, value=None) | |
def toggle_secondary_structure(choice): | |
if choice == "sliders": | |
return gr.update(visible=True, value=None),gr.update(visible=True, value=None),gr.update(visible=True, value=None),gr.update(visible=False, value=None) | |
elif choice == "explicit": | |
return gr.update(visible=False, value=None),gr.update(visible=False, value=None),gr.update(visible=False, value=None),gr.update(visible=True, value=None) | |
def create_radar_chart(stats): | |
# 레이더 차트 생성 로직 | |
categories = list(stats.keys()) | |
values = list(stats.values()) | |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatterpolar( | |
r=values, | |
theta=categories, | |
fill='toself' | |
)) | |
fig.update_layout( | |
polar=dict( | |
radialaxis=dict( | |
visible=True, | |
range=[0, 1] | |
)), | |
showlegend=False | |
) | |
return fig | |
def generate_hero_description(name, stats, abilities): | |
# 히어로 설명 생성 로직 | |
description = f""" | |
히어로 이름: {name} | |
주요 능력: | |
- 근력: {'★' * int(stats['strength'] * 5)} | |
- 유연성: {'★' * int(stats['flexibility'] * 5)} | |
- 스피드: {'★' * int(stats['speed'] * 5)} | |
- 방어력: {'★' * int(stats['defense'] * 5)} | |
특수 능력: {', '.join(abilities)} | |
""" | |
return description | |
def combined_generation(name, strength, flexibility, speed, defense, size, abilities, | |
sequence, seq_len, helix_bias, strand_bias, loop_bias, | |
secondary_structure, aa_bias, aa_bias_potential, | |
num_steps, noise, hydrophobic_target_score, hydrophobic_potential, | |
contigs, pssm, seq_mask, str_mask, rewrite_pdb): | |
try: | |
# protein_diffusion_model 실행 | |
generator = protein_diffusion_model( | |
sequence=None, | |
seq_len=size, # 히어로 크기를 seq_len으로 사용 | |
helix_bias=flexibility, # 히어로 유연성을 helix_bias로 사용 | |
strand_bias=strength, # 히어로 강도를 strand_bias로 사용 | |
loop_bias=speed, # 히어로 스피드를 loop_bias로 사용 | |
secondary_structure=None, | |
aa_bias=None, | |
aa_bias_potential=None, | |
num_steps="25", | |
noise="normal", | |
hydrophobic_target_score=str(-defense), # 히어로 방어력을 hydrophobic score로 사용 | |
hydrophobic_potential="2", | |
contigs=None, | |
pssm=None, | |
seq_mask=None, | |
str_mask=None, | |
rewrite_pdb=None | |
) | |
# 마지막 결과 가져오기 | |
final_result = None | |
for result in generator: | |
final_result = result | |
if final_result is None: | |
raise Exception("생성 결과가 없습니다") | |
output_seq, output_pdb, structure_view, plddt_plot = final_result | |
# 히어로 능력치 계산 | |
stats = calculate_hero_stats(flexibility, strength, speed, defense) | |
# 모든 결과 반환 | |
return ( | |
create_radar_chart(stats), # 능력치 차트 | |
generate_hero_description(name, stats, abilities), # 히어로 설명 | |
output_seq, # 단백질 서열 | |
output_pdb, # PDB 파일 | |
structure_view, # 3D 구조 | |
plddt_plot # 신뢰도 차트 | |
) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error in combined_generation: {str(e)}") | |
return ( | |
None, | |
f"에러: {str(e)}", | |
None, | |
None, | |
gr.HTML("에러가 발생했습니다"), | |
None | |
) | |
with gr.Blocks(theme='ParityError/Interstellar') as demo: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gr.Markdown("# 🦸♂️ 슈퍼히어로 단백질 만들기") | |
with gr.Tabs(): | |
with gr.TabItem("히어로 디자인"): | |
# 히어로 기본 정보 | |
hero_name = gr.Textbox(label="히어로 이름", placeholder="당신의 히어로 이름을 지어주세요!") | |
# 능력치 설정 | |
gr.Markdown("### 💪 히어로 능력치 설정") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
strength = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.05, label="💪 초강력(근력)", value=0.02) | |
flexibility = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.05, label="🤸♂️ 유연성", value=0.02) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
speed = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.20, label="⚡ 스피드", value=0.1) | |
defense = gr.Slider(minimum=-10, maximum=10, label="🛡️ 방어력", value=0) | |
# 히어로 크기 설정 | |
hero_size = gr.Slider(minimum=50, maximum=200, label="히어로 크기", value=100) | |
# 특수 능력 설정 | |
with gr.Accordion("🌟 특수 능력", open=False): | |
special_ability = gr.CheckboxGroup( | |
choices=["자가 회복", "원거리 공격", "방어막 생성"], | |
label="특수 능력 선택" | |
) | |
# 생성 버튼 | |
create_btn = gr.Button("히어로 생성!", variant="primary") | |
with gr.TabItem("Inputs"): | |
gr.Markdown("""## INPUTS""") | |
gr.Markdown("""#### Start Sequence | |
Specify the protein length for complete unconditional generation, or scaffold a motif (or your name) using the custom sequence input""") | |
seq_opt = gr.Radio(["protein length","custom sequence"], label="How would you like to specify the starting sequence?", value='protein length') | |
sequence = gr.Textbox(label="custom sequence", lines=1, placeholder='AMINO ACIDS: A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y\n MASK TOKEN: X', visible=False) | |
seq_len = gr.Slider(minimum=5.0, maximum=250.0, label="protein length", value=100, visible=True) | |
seq_opt.change(fn=toggle_seq_input, | |
inputs=[seq_opt], | |
outputs=[seq_len, sequence], | |
queue=False) | |
gr.Markdown("""### Optional Parameters""") | |
with gr.Accordion(label='Secondary Structure',open=True): | |
gr.Markdown("""Try changing the sliders or inputing explicit secondary structure conditioning for each residue""") | |
sec_str_opt = gr.Radio(["sliders","explicit"], label="How would you like to specify secondary structure?", value='sliders') | |
secondary_structure = gr.Textbox(label="secondary structure", lines=1, placeholder='HELIX = H STRAND = S LOOP = L MASK = X(must be the same length as input sequence)', visible=False) | |
with gr.Column(): | |
helix_bias = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.05, label="helix bias", visible=True) | |
strand_bias = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.05, label="strand bias", visible=True) | |
loop_bias = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=0.20, label="loop bias", visible=True) | |
sec_str_opt.change(fn=toggle_secondary_structure, | |
inputs=[sec_str_opt], | |
outputs=[helix_bias,strand_bias,loop_bias,secondary_structure], | |
queue=False) | |
with gr.Accordion(label='Amino Acid Compositional Bias',open=False): | |
gr.Markdown("""Bias sequence composition for particular amino acids by specifying the one letter code followed by the fraction to bias. This can be input as a list for example: W0.2,E0.1""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
aa_bias = gr.Textbox(label="aa bias", lines=1, placeholder='specify one letter AA and fraction to bias, for example W0.1 or M0.1,K0.1' ) | |
aa_bias_potential = gr.Textbox(label="aa bias scale", lines=1, placeholder='AA Bias potential scale (recomended range 1.0-5.0)') | |
with gr.Accordion(label='Hydrophobic Bias',open=False): | |
gr.Markdown("""Bias for or against hydrophobic composition, to get more soluble proteins, bias away with a negative target score (ex. -5)""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
hydrophobic_target_score = gr.Textbox(label="hydrophobic score", lines=1, placeholder='hydrophobic score to target (negative score is good for solublility)') | |
hydrophobic_potential = gr.Textbox(label="hydrophobic potential scale", lines=1, placeholder='hydrophobic potential scale (recomended range 1.0-2.0)') | |
with gr.Accordion(label='Diffusion Params',open=False): | |
gr.Markdown("""Increasing T to more steps can be helpful for harder design challenges, sampling from different distributions can change the sequence and structural composition""") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
num_steps = gr.Textbox(label="T", lines=1, placeholder='number of diffusion steps (25 or less will speed things up)') | |
noise = gr.Dropdown(['normal','gmm2 [-1,1]','gmm3 [-1,0,1]'], label='noise type', value='normal') | |
with gr.TabItem("Motif Selection"): | |
gr.Markdown("""### Motif Selection Preview""") | |
gr.Markdown('Contigs explained: to grab residues (seq and str) on a pdb chain you will provide the chain letter followed by a range of residues as indexed in the pdb file for example (A3-10) is the syntax to select residues 3-10 on chain A (the chain always needs to be specified). To add diffused residues to either side of this motif you can specify a range or discrete value without a chain letter infront. To add 15 residues before the motif and 20-30 residues (randomly sampled) after use the following syntax: 15,A3-10,20-30 commas are used to separate regions selected from the pdb and designed (diffused) resiudes which will be added. ') | |
pdb_id_code = gr.Textbox(label="PDB ID", lines=1, placeholder='INPUT PDB ID TO FETCH (ex. 1DPX)', visible=True) | |
contigs = gr.Textbox(label="contigs", lines=1, placeholder='specify contigs to grab particular residues from pdb ()', visible=True) | |
gr.Markdown('Using the same contig syntax, seq or str of input motif residues can be masked, allowing the model to hold strucutre fixed and design sequence or vice-versa') | |
with gr.Row(): | |
seq_mask = gr.Textbox(label='seq mask',lines=1,placeholder='input residues to mask sequence') | |
str_mask = gr.Textbox(label='str mask',lines=1,placeholder='input residues to mask structure') | |
preview_viewer = gr.HTML() | |
rewrite_pdb = gr.File(label='PDB file') | |
preview_btn = gr.Button("Preview Motif") | |
with gr.TabItem("MSA to PSSM"): | |
gr.Markdown("""### MSA to PSSM Generation""") | |
gr.Markdown('input either an MSA or PSSM to guide the model toward generating samples within your family of interest') | |
with gr.Row(): | |
fasta_msa = gr.File(label='MSA') | |
input_pssm = gr.File(label='PSSM (.csv)') | |
pssm = gr.File(label='Generated PSSM') | |
pssm_view = gr.Plot(label='PSSM Viewer') | |
pssm_gen_btn = gr.Button("Generate PSSM") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
gr.Markdown("## 🦸♂️ 히어로 프로필") | |
# 능력치 레이더 차트 | |
hero_stats = gr.Plot(label="능력치 분석") | |
# 히어로 설명 | |
hero_description = gr.Textbox(label="히어로 특성", lines=3) | |
gr.Markdown("""## OUTPUTS""") | |
gr.Markdown("""#### Confidence score for generated structure at each timestep""") | |
plddt_plot = gr.Plot(label='plddt at step t') | |
gr.Markdown("""#### Output protein sequnece""") | |
output_seq = gr.Textbox(label="sequence") | |
gr.Markdown("""#### Download PDB file""") | |
output_pdb = gr.File(label="PDB file") | |
gr.Markdown("""#### Structure viewer""") | |
output_viewer = gr.HTML() | |
# 이벤트 연결 | |,[pdb_id_code, contigs],[preview_viewer, rewrite_pdb]) | |,[fasta_msa,input_pssm],[pssm_view, pssm]) | |
# generate_hero와 protein_diffusion_model을 combined_generation으로 통합 | | | |
combined_generation, | |
inputs=[ | |
hero_name, strength, flexibility, speed, defense, hero_size, special_ability, | |
sequence, seq_len, helix_bias, strand_bias, loop_bias, | |
secondary_structure, aa_bias, aa_bias_potential, | |
num_steps, noise, hydrophobic_target_score, hydrophobic_potential, | |
contigs, pssm, seq_mask, str_mask, rewrite_pdb | |
], | |
outputs=[ | |
hero_stats, | |
hero_description, | |
output_seq, | |
output_pdb, | |
output_viewer, | |
plddt_plot | |
] | |
) | |
demo.queue() | |
demo.launch(debug=True) |