route-explainer / utils /
first commit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from utils.util_calc import calc_tour_length
def add_arrow(tour, coords, step, color, ax):
if len(tour) > 1:
x = coords[:, 0]
y = coords[:, 1]
x0 = x[tour[step]]; y0 = y[tour[step]]
x1 = x[tour[step+1]]; y1 = y[tour[step+1]]
ax.annotate('', xy=[x1, y1], xytext=[x0, y0],
arrowprops=dict(shrink=0, width=1, headwidth=8,
headlength=10, connectionstyle="arc3",
facecolor=color, edgecolor=color))
def visualize_tsp_tour(coords, tour, ax, linestyle="--"):
instance: 2d list [num_nodes x coordinates]
tour: 1d list [seq_length]
points = np.array(coords)
tour = np.array(tour)
# tour = tour - 1 # offset to make the first index 0
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
# visualize points
ax.scatter(x, y, c="black", zorder=2)
# visualize pathes
ax.plot(x[tour], y[tour], linestyle, c='black', zorder=1)
# add an arrow indicating initial direction
add_arrow(tour, points, 0, "black", ax)
def visualize_factual_and_cf_tours(factual_tour, cf_tour, coords, cf_step, vis_filename):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
visualize_tsp_tour(coords, factual_tour, ax1)
visualize_tsp_tour(coords, cf_tour, ax2)
visualize_tsp_tour(coords, factual_tour[:cf_step], ax1, linestyle="-")
visualize_tsp_tour(coords, cf_tour[:cf_step], ax2, linestyle="-")
add_arrow(factual_tour, coords, cf_step-1, "red", ax1) # factual visit
add_arrow(cf_tour, coords, cf_step-1, "blue", ax2) # counterfactual visit
factual_tour_length = calc_tour_length(factual_tour, coords)
cf_tour_length = calc_tour_length(cf_tour, coords)
ax1.set_title(f"Factual tour\nTour length={factual_tour_length:.3f}")
ax2.set_title(f"Counterfactual tour\nTour length={cf_tour_length:.3f}")