# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. r"""Config for unsupervised training on Waymo Open.""" import ml_collections def get_config(): """Get the default hyperparameter configuration.""" config = ml_collections.ConfigDict() config.seed = 42 config.seed_data = True config.batch_size = 64 config.num_train_steps = 500000 # from the original Slot Attention config.init_checkpoint = ml_collections.ConfigDict() config.init_checkpoint.xid = 0 # Disabled by default. config.init_checkpoint.wid = 1 config.optimizer_configs = ml_collections.ConfigDict() config.optimizer_configs.optimizer = "adam" config.optimizer_configs.grad_clip = ml_collections.ConfigDict() config.optimizer_configs.grad_clip.clip_method = "clip_by_global_norm" config.optimizer_configs.grad_clip.clip_value = 0.05 config.lr_configs = ml_collections.ConfigDict() config.lr_configs.learning_rate_schedule = "compound" config.lr_configs.factors = "constant * cosine_decay * linear_warmup" config.lr_configs.warmup_steps = 10000 # from the original Slot Attention config.lr_configs.steps_per_cycle = config.get_ref("num_train_steps") # from the original Slot Attention config.lr_configs.base_learning_rate = 4e-4 config.eval_pad_last_batch = False # True config.log_loss_every_steps = 50 config.eval_every_steps = 5000 config.checkpoint_every_steps = 5000 config.train_metrics_spec = { "loss": "loss", "ari": "ari", "ari_nobg": "ari_nobg", } config.eval_metrics_spec = { "eval_loss": "loss", "eval_ari": "ari", "eval_ari_nobg": "ari_nobg", } config.data = ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "dataset_name": "waymo_open", "shuffle_buffer_size": config.batch_size * 8, "resolution": (128, 192) }) config.max_instances = 11 config.num_slots = config.max_instances # Only used for metrics. config.logging_min_n_colors = config.max_instances config.preproc_train = [ "tfds_image_to_tfds_video", "video_from_tfds", ] config.preproc_eval = [ "tfds_image_to_tfds_video", "video_from_tfds", "delete_small_masks(threshold=0.01, max_instances_after=11)", ] config.eval_slice_size = 1 config.eval_slice_keys = ["video", "segmentations_video"] # Dictionary of targets and corresponding channels. Losses need to match. targets = {"video": 3} config.losses = {"recon": {"targets": list(targets)}} config.losses = ml_collections.ConfigDict({ f"recon_{target}": {"loss_type": "recon", "key": target} for target in targets}) config.model = ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.SAVi", # Encoder. "encoder": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.FrameEncoder", "reduction": "spatial_flatten", "backbone": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.ResNet34", "num_classes": None, "axis_name": "time", "norm_type": "group", "small_inputs": True }), "pos_emb": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.PositionEmbedding", "embedding_type": "linear", "update_type": "concat" }), }), # Corrector. "corrector": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.SlotAttentionTranslEquiv", "num_iterations": 3, "qkv_size": 64, "mlp_size": 128, "grid_encoder": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.MLP", "hidden_size": 128, "layernorm": "pre" }), "add_rel_pos_to_values": True, # V3 "zero_position_init": False, # Random positions. }), # Predictor. # Removed since we are running a single frame. "predictor": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.Identity" }), # Initializer. "initializer": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.ParamStateInitRandomPositions", "shape": (11, 64), # (num_slots, slot_size) }), # Decoder. "decoder": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.SiameseSpatialBroadcastDecoder", "resolution": (16, 24), # Update if data resolution or strides change "backbone": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.CNN", "features": [64, 64, 64, 64, 64], "kernel_size": [(5, 5), (5, 5), (5, 5), (5, 5), (5, 5)], "strides": [(2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1), (1, 1)], "max_pool_strides": [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)], "layer_transpose": [True, True, True, False, False] }), "target_readout": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.Readout", "keys": list(targets), "readout_modules": [ml_collections.ConfigDict({ # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.MLP", "num_hidden_layers": 0, "hidden_size": 0, "output_size": targets[k]}) for k in targets], }), "relative_positions": True, "pos_emb": ml_collections.ConfigDict({ "module": "invariant_slot_attention.modules.RelativePositionEmbedding", "embedding_type": "linear", "update_type": "project_add", }), }), "decode_corrected": True, "decode_predicted": False, }) # Which video-shaped variables to visualize. config.debug_var_video_paths = { "recon_masks": "decoder/alphas_softmaxed/__call__/0", # pylint: disable=line-too-long } # Define which attention matrices to log/visualize. config.debug_var_attn_paths = { "corrector_attn": "corrector/InvertedDotProductAttentionKeyPerQuery_0/attn" # pylint: disable=line-too-long } # Widths of attention matrices (for reshaping to image grid). config.debug_var_attn_widths = { "corrector_attn": 16, } return config