import functools
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import os
from itertools import chain
import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
from PIL import Image
from detectron2.structures import BoxMode
from detectron2.utils.comm import get_world_size
from detectron2.utils.file_io import PathManager
from detectron2.utils.logger import setup_logger
import cv2
except ImportError:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir):
files = []
cities = PathManager.ls(image_dir)
logger.info(f"{len(cities)} cities found in '{image_dir}'.")
for city in cities:
city_img_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, city)
city_gt_dir = os.path.join(gt_dir, city)
for basename in PathManager.ls(city_img_dir):
image_file = os.path.join(city_img_dir, basename)
suffix = "leftImg8bit.png"
assert basename.endswith(suffix), basename
basename = basename[: -len(suffix)]
instance_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_instanceIds.png")
label_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_labelIds.png")
json_file = os.path.join(city_gt_dir, basename + "gtFine_polygons.json")
files.append((image_file, instance_file, label_file, json_file))
assert len(files), "No images found in {}".format(image_dir)
for f in files[0]:
assert PathManager.isfile(f), f
return files
def load_cityscapes_instances(image_dir, gt_dir, from_json=True, to_polygons=True):
image_dir (str): path to the raw dataset. e.g., "~/cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train".
gt_dir (str): path to the raw annotations. e.g., "~/cityscapes/gtFine/train".
from_json (bool): whether to read annotations from the raw json file or the png files.
to_polygons (bool): whether to represent the segmentation as polygons
(COCO's format) instead of masks (cityscapes's format).
list[dict]: a list of dicts in Detectron2 standard format. (See
`Using Custom Datasets </tutorials/datasets.html>`_ )
if from_json:
assert to_polygons, (
"Cityscapes's json annotations are in polygon format. "
"Converting to mask format is not supported now."
files = _get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir)
logger.info("Preprocessing cityscapes annotations ...")
pool = mp.Pool(processes=max(mp.cpu_count() // get_world_size() // 2, 4))
ret = pool.map(
functools.partial(_cityscapes_files_to_dict, from_json=from_json, to_polygons=to_polygons),
logger.info("Loaded {} images from {}".format(len(ret), image_dir))
from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import labels
labels = [l for l in labels if l.hasInstances and not l.ignoreInEval]
dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {l.id: idx for idx, l in enumerate(labels)}
for dict_per_image in ret:
for anno in dict_per_image["annotations"]:
anno["category_id"] = dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[anno["category_id"]]
return ret
def load_cityscapes_semantic(image_dir, gt_dir):
image_dir (str): path to the raw dataset. e.g., "~/cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train".
gt_dir (str): path to the raw annotations. e.g., "~/cityscapes/gtFine/train".
list[dict]: a list of dict, each has "file_name" and
ret = []
gt_dir = PathManager.get_local_path(gt_dir)
for image_file, _, label_file, json_file in _get_cityscapes_files(image_dir, gt_dir):
label_file = label_file.replace("labelIds", "labelTrainIds")
with PathManager.open(json_file, "r") as f:
jsonobj = json.load(f)
"file_name": image_file,
"sem_seg_file_name": label_file,
"height": jsonobj["imgHeight"],
"width": jsonobj["imgWidth"],
assert len(ret), f"No images found in {image_dir}!"
assert PathManager.isfile(
), "Please generate labelTrainIds.png with cityscapesscripts/preparation/createTrainIdLabelImgs.py"
return ret
def _cityscapes_files_to_dict(files, from_json, to_polygons):
Parse cityscapes annotation files to a instance segmentation dataset dict.
files (tuple): consists of (image_file, instance_id_file, label_id_file, json_file)
from_json (bool): whether to read annotations from the raw json file or the png files.
to_polygons (bool): whether to represent the segmentation as polygons
(COCO's format) instead of masks (cityscapes's format).
A dict in Detectron2 Dataset format.
from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import id2label, name2label
image_file, instance_id_file, _, json_file = files
annos = []
if from_json:
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon
with PathManager.open(json_file, "r") as f:
jsonobj = json.load(f)
ret = {
"file_name": image_file,
"image_id": os.path.basename(image_file),
"height": jsonobj["imgHeight"],
"width": jsonobj["imgWidth"],
polygons_union = Polygon()
for obj in jsonobj["objects"][::-1]:
if "deleted" in obj:
label_name = obj["label"]
label = name2label[label_name]
except KeyError:
if label_name.endswith("group"):
label = name2label[label_name[: -len("group")]]
if label.id < 0:
poly_coord = np.asarray(obj["polygon"], dtype="f4") + 0.5
poly = Polygon(poly_coord).buffer(0.5, resolution=4)
if not label.hasInstances or label.ignoreInEval:
polygons_union = polygons_union.union(poly)
poly_wo_overlaps = poly.difference(polygons_union)
if poly_wo_overlaps.is_empty:
polygons_union = polygons_union.union(poly)
anno = {}
anno["iscrowd"] = label_name.endswith("group")
anno["category_id"] = label.id
if isinstance(poly_wo_overlaps, Polygon):
poly_list = [poly_wo_overlaps]
elif isinstance(poly_wo_overlaps, MultiPolygon):
poly_list = poly_wo_overlaps.geoms
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown geometric structure {}".format(poly_wo_overlaps))
poly_coord = []
for poly_el in poly_list:
anno["segmentation"] = poly_coord
(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = poly_wo_overlaps.bounds
anno["bbox"] = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
anno["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
with PathManager.open(instance_id_file, "rb") as f:
inst_image = np.asarray(Image.open(f), order="F")
flattened_ids = np.unique(inst_image[inst_image >= 24])
ret = {
"file_name": image_file,
"image_id": os.path.basename(image_file),
"height": inst_image.shape[0],
"width": inst_image.shape[1],
for instance_id in flattened_ids:
label_id = instance_id // 1000 if instance_id >= 1000 else instance_id
label = id2label[label_id]
if not label.hasInstances or label.ignoreInEval:
anno = {}
anno["iscrowd"] = instance_id < 1000
anno["category_id"] = label.id
mask = np.asarray(inst_image == instance_id, dtype=np.uint8, order="F")
inds = np.nonzero(mask)
ymin, ymax = inds[0].min(), inds[0].max()
xmin, xmax = inds[1].min(), inds[1].max()
anno["bbox"] = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
if xmax <= xmin or ymax <= ymin:
anno["bbox_mode"] = BoxMode.XYXY_ABS
if to_polygons:
contours = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[
polygons = [c.reshape(-1).tolist() for c in contours if len(c) >= 3]
if len(polygons) == 0:
anno["segmentation"] = polygons
anno["segmentation"] = mask_util.encode(mask[:, :, None])[0]
ret["annotations"] = annos
return ret
def main() -> None:
global logger, labels
Test the cityscapes dataset loader.
python -m detectron2.data.datasets.cityscapes \
cityscapes/leftImg8bit/train cityscapes/gtFine/train
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--type", choices=["instance", "semantic"], default="instance")
args = parser.parse_args()
from cityscapesscripts.helpers.labels import labels
from detectron2.data.catalog import Metadata
from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer
logger = setup_logger(name=__name__)
dirname = "cityscapes-data-vis"
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
if args.type == "instance":
dicts = load_cityscapes_instances(
args.image_dir, args.gt_dir, from_json=True, to_polygons=True
logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
thing_classes = [k.name for k in labels if k.hasInstances and not k.ignoreInEval]
meta = Metadata().set(thing_classes=thing_classes)
dicts = load_cityscapes_semantic(args.image_dir, args.gt_dir)
logger.info("Done loading {} samples.".format(len(dicts)))
stuff_classes = [k.name for k in labels if k.trainId != 255]
stuff_colors = [k.color for k in labels if k.trainId != 255]
meta = Metadata().set(stuff_classes=stuff_classes, stuff_colors=stuff_colors)
for d in dicts:
img = np.array(Image.open(PathManager.open(d["file_name"], "rb")))
visualizer = Visualizer(img, metadata=meta)
vis = visualizer.draw_dataset_dict(d)
fpath = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(d["file_name"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":