For your custom dataset, there is no need to hard-code metadata anywhere in the code.
For example, for COCO-format dataset, metadata will be obtained automatically
when calling `load_coco_json`. For other dataset, metadata may also be obtained in other ways
during loading.
However, we hard-coded metadata for a few common dataset here.
The only goal is to allow users who don't have these dataset to use pre-trained models.
Users don't have to download a COCO json (which contains metadata), in order to visualize a
COCO model (with correct class names and colors).
{"color": [220, 20, 60], "isthing": 1, "id": 1, "name": "person"},
{"color": [119, 11, 32], "isthing": 1, "id": 2, "name": "bicycle"},
{"color": [0, 0, 142], "isthing": 1, "id": 3, "name": "car"},
{"color": [0, 0, 230], "isthing": 1, "id": 4, "name": "motorcycle"},
{"color": [106, 0, 228], "isthing": 1, "id": 5, "name": "airplane"},
{"color": [0, 60, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 6, "name": "bus"},
{"color": [0, 80, 100], "isthing": 1, "id": 7, "name": "train"},
{"color": [0, 0, 70], "isthing": 1, "id": 8, "name": "truck"},
{"color": [0, 0, 192], "isthing": 1, "id": 9, "name": "boat"},
{"color": [250, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 10, "name": "traffic light"},
{"color": [100, 170, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 11, "name": "fire hydrant"},
{"color": [220, 220, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 13, "name": "stop sign"},
{"color": [175, 116, 175], "isthing": 1, "id": 14, "name": "parking meter"},
{"color": [250, 0, 30], "isthing": 1, "id": 15, "name": "bench"},
{"color": [165, 42, 42], "isthing": 1, "id": 16, "name": "bird"},
{"color": [255, 77, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 17, "name": "cat"},
{"color": [0, 226, 252], "isthing": 1, "id": 18, "name": "dog"},
{"color": [182, 182, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 19, "name": "horse"},
{"color": [0, 82, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 20, "name": "sheep"},
{"color": [120, 166, 157], "isthing": 1, "id": 21, "name": "cow"},
{"color": [110, 76, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 22, "name": "elephant"},
{"color": [174, 57, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 23, "name": "bear"},
{"color": [199, 100, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 24, "name": "zebra"},
{"color": [72, 0, 118], "isthing": 1, "id": 25, "name": "giraffe"},
{"color": [255, 179, 240], "isthing": 1, "id": 27, "name": "backpack"},
{"color": [0, 125, 92], "isthing": 1, "id": 28, "name": "umbrella"},
{"color": [209, 0, 151], "isthing": 1, "id": 31, "name": "handbag"},
{"color": [188, 208, 182], "isthing": 1, "id": 32, "name": "tie"},
{"color": [0, 220, 176], "isthing": 1, "id": 33, "name": "suitcase"},
{"color": [255, 99, 164], "isthing": 1, "id": 34, "name": "frisbee"},
{"color": [92, 0, 73], "isthing": 1, "id": 35, "name": "skis"},
{"color": [133, 129, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 36, "name": "snowboard"},
{"color": [78, 180, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 37, "name": "sports ball"},
{"color": [0, 228, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 38, "name": "kite"},
{"color": [174, 255, 243], "isthing": 1, "id": 39, "name": "baseball bat"},
{"color": [45, 89, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 40, "name": "baseball glove"},
{"color": [134, 134, 103], "isthing": 1, "id": 41, "name": "skateboard"},
{"color": [145, 148, 174], "isthing": 1, "id": 42, "name": "surfboard"},
{"color": [255, 208, 186], "isthing": 1, "id": 43, "name": "tennis racket"},
{"color": [197, 226, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 44, "name": "bottle"},
{"color": [171, 134, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 46, "name": "wine glass"},
{"color": [109, 63, 54], "isthing": 1, "id": 47, "name": "cup"},
{"color": [207, 138, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 48, "name": "fork"},
{"color": [151, 0, 95], "isthing": 1, "id": 49, "name": "knife"},
{"color": [9, 80, 61], "isthing": 1, "id": 50, "name": "spoon"},
{"color": [84, 105, 51], "isthing": 1, "id": 51, "name": "bowl"},
{"color": [74, 65, 105], "isthing": 1, "id": 52, "name": "banana"},
{"color": [166, 196, 102], "isthing": 1, "id": 53, "name": "apple"},
{"color": [208, 195, 210], "isthing": 1, "id": 54, "name": "sandwich"},
{"color": [255, 109, 65], "isthing": 1, "id": 55, "name": "orange"},
{"color": [0, 143, 149], "isthing": 1, "id": 56, "name": "broccoli"},
{"color": [179, 0, 194], "isthing": 1, "id": 57, "name": "carrot"},
{"color": [209, 99, 106], "isthing": 1, "id": 58, "name": "hot dog"},
{"color": [5, 121, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 59, "name": "pizza"},
{"color": [227, 255, 205], "isthing": 1, "id": 60, "name": "donut"},
{"color": [147, 186, 208], "isthing": 1, "id": 61, "name": "cake"},
{"color": [153, 69, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 62, "name": "chair"},
{"color": [3, 95, 161], "isthing": 1, "id": 63, "name": "couch"},
{"color": [163, 255, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 64, "name": "potted plant"},
{"color": [119, 0, 170], "isthing": 1, "id": 65, "name": "bed"},
{"color": [0, 182, 199], "isthing": 1, "id": 67, "name": "dining table"},
{"color": [0, 165, 120], "isthing": 1, "id": 70, "name": "toilet"},
{"color": [183, 130, 88], "isthing": 1, "id": 72, "name": "tv"},
{"color": [95, 32, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 73, "name": "laptop"},
{"color": [130, 114, 135], "isthing": 1, "id": 74, "name": "mouse"},
{"color": [110, 129, 133], "isthing": 1, "id": 75, "name": "remote"},
{"color": [166, 74, 118], "isthing": 1, "id": 76, "name": "keyboard"},
{"color": [219, 142, 185], "isthing": 1, "id": 77, "name": "cell phone"},
{"color": [79, 210, 114], "isthing": 1, "id": 78, "name": "microwave"},
{"color": [178, 90, 62], "isthing": 1, "id": 79, "name": "oven"},
{"color": [65, 70, 15], "isthing": 1, "id": 80, "name": "toaster"},
{"color": [127, 167, 115], "isthing": 1, "id": 81, "name": "sink"},
{"color": [59, 105, 106], "isthing": 1, "id": 82, "name": "refrigerator"},
{"color": [142, 108, 45], "isthing": 1, "id": 84, "name": "book"},
{"color": [196, 172, 0], "isthing": 1, "id": 85, "name": "clock"},
{"color": [95, 54, 80], "isthing": 1, "id": 86, "name": "vase"},
{"color": [128, 76, 255], "isthing": 1, "id": 87, "name": "scissors"},
{"color": [201, 57, 1], "isthing": 1, "id": 88, "name": "teddy bear"},
{"color": [246, 0, 122], "isthing": 1, "id": 89, "name": "hair drier"},
{"color": [191, 162, 208], "isthing": 1, "id": 90, "name": "toothbrush"},
{"color": [255, 255, 128], "isthing": 0, "id": 92, "name": "banner"},
{"color": [147, 211, 203], "isthing": 0, "id": 93, "name": "blanket"},
{"color": [150, 100, 100], "isthing": 0, "id": 95, "name": "bridge"},
{"color": [168, 171, 172], "isthing": 0, "id": 100, "name": "cardboard"},
{"color": [146, 112, 198], "isthing": 0, "id": 107, "name": "counter"},
{"color": [210, 170, 100], "isthing": 0, "id": 109, "name": "curtain"},
{"color": [92, 136, 89], "isthing": 0, "id": 112, "name": "door-stuff"},
{"color": [218, 88, 184], "isthing": 0, "id": 118, "name": "floor-wood"},
{"color": [241, 129, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 119, "name": "flower"},
{"color": [217, 17, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 122, "name": "fruit"},
{"color": [124, 74, 181], "isthing": 0, "id": 125, "name": "gravel"},
{"color": [70, 70, 70], "isthing": 0, "id": 128, "name": "house"},
{"color": [255, 228, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 130, "name": "light"},
{"color": [154, 208, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 133, "name": "mirror-stuff"},
{"color": [193, 0, 92], "isthing": 0, "id": 138, "name": "net"},
{"color": [76, 91, 113], "isthing": 0, "id": 141, "name": "pillow"},
{"color": [255, 180, 195], "isthing": 0, "id": 144, "name": "platform"},
{"color": [106, 154, 176], "isthing": 0, "id": 145, "name": "playingfield"},
{"color": [230, 150, 140], "isthing": 0, "id": 147, "name": "railroad"},
{"color": [60, 143, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 148, "name": "river"},
{"color": [128, 64, 128], "isthing": 0, "id": 149, "name": "road"},
{"color": [92, 82, 55], "isthing": 0, "id": 151, "name": "roof"},
{"color": [254, 212, 124], "isthing": 0, "id": 154, "name": "sand"},
{"color": [73, 77, 174], "isthing": 0, "id": 155, "name": "sea"},
{"color": [255, 160, 98], "isthing": 0, "id": 156, "name": "shelf"},
{"color": [255, 255, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 159, "name": "snow"},
{"color": [104, 84, 109], "isthing": 0, "id": 161, "name": "stairs"},
{"color": [169, 164, 131], "isthing": 0, "id": 166, "name": "tent"},
{"color": [225, 199, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 168, "name": "towel"},
{"color": [137, 54, 74], "isthing": 0, "id": 171, "name": "wall-brick"},
{"color": [135, 158, 223], "isthing": 0, "id": 175, "name": "wall-stone"},
{"color": [7, 246, 231], "isthing": 0, "id": 176, "name": "wall-tile"},
{"color": [107, 255, 200], "isthing": 0, "id": 177, "name": "wall-wood"},
{"color": [58, 41, 149], "isthing": 0, "id": 178, "name": "water-other"},
{"color": [183, 121, 142], "isthing": 0, "id": 180, "name": "window-blind"},
{"color": [255, 73, 97], "isthing": 0, "id": 181, "name": "window-other"},
{"color": [107, 142, 35], "isthing": 0, "id": 184, "name": "tree-merged"},
{"color": [190, 153, 153], "isthing": 0, "id": 185, "name": "fence-merged"},
{"color": [146, 139, 141], "isthing": 0, "id": 186, "name": "ceiling-merged"},
{"color": [70, 130, 180], "isthing": 0, "id": 187, "name": "sky-other-merged"},
{"color": [134, 199, 156], "isthing": 0, "id": 188, "name": "cabinet-merged"},
{"color": [209, 226, 140], "isthing": 0, "id": 189, "name": "table-merged"},
{"color": [96, 36, 108], "isthing": 0, "id": 190, "name": "floor-other-merged"},
{"color": [96, 96, 96], "isthing": 0, "id": 191, "name": "pavement-merged"},
{"color": [64, 170, 64], "isthing": 0, "id": 192, "name": "mountain-merged"},
{"color": [152, 251, 152], "isthing": 0, "id": 193, "name": "grass-merged"},
{"color": [208, 229, 228], "isthing": 0, "id": 194, "name": "dirt-merged"},
{"color": [206, 186, 171], "isthing": 0, "id": 195, "name": "paper-merged"},
{"color": [152, 161, 64], "isthing": 0, "id": 196, "name": "food-other-merged"},
{"color": [116, 112, 0], "isthing": 0, "id": 197, "name": "building-other-merged"},
{"color": [0, 114, 143], "isthing": 0, "id": 198, "name": "rock-merged"},
{"color": [102, 102, 156], "isthing": 0, "id": 199, "name": "wall-other-merged"},
{"color": [250, 141, 255], "isthing": 0, "id": 200, "name": "rug-merged"},
"left_eye", "right_eye",
"left_ear", "right_ear",
"left_shoulder", "right_shoulder",
"left_elbow", "right_elbow",
"left_wrist", "right_wrist",
"left_hip", "right_hip",
"left_knee", "right_knee",
"left_ankle", "right_ankle",
("left_eye", "right_eye"),
("left_ear", "right_ear"),
("left_shoulder", "right_shoulder"),
("left_elbow", "right_elbow"),
("left_wrist", "right_wrist"),
("left_hip", "right_hip"),
("left_knee", "right_knee"),
("left_ankle", "right_ankle"),
("left_ear", "left_eye", (102, 204, 255)),
("right_ear", "right_eye", (51, 153, 255)),
("left_eye", "nose", (102, 0, 204)),
("nose", "right_eye", (51, 102, 255)),
("left_shoulder", "right_shoulder", (255, 128, 0)),
("left_shoulder", "left_elbow", (153, 255, 204)),
("right_shoulder", "right_elbow", (128, 229, 255)),
("left_elbow", "left_wrist", (153, 255, 153)),
("right_elbow", "right_wrist", (102, 255, 224)),
("left_hip", "right_hip", (255, 102, 0)),
("left_hip", "left_knee", (255, 255, 77)),
("right_hip", "right_knee", (153, 255, 204)),
("left_knee", "left_ankle", (191, 255, 128)),
("right_knee", "right_ankle", (255, 195, 77)),
{"color": (128, 64, 128), "isthing": 0, "id": 7, "trainId": 0, "name": "road"},
{"color": (244, 35, 232), "isthing": 0, "id": 8, "trainId": 1, "name": "sidewalk"},
{"color": (70, 70, 70), "isthing": 0, "id": 11, "trainId": 2, "name": "building"},
{"color": (102, 102, 156), "isthing": 0, "id": 12, "trainId": 3, "name": "wall"},
{"color": (190, 153, 153), "isthing": 0, "id": 13, "trainId": 4, "name": "fence"},
{"color": (153, 153, 153), "isthing": 0, "id": 17, "trainId": 5, "name": "pole"},
{"color": (250, 170, 30), "isthing": 0, "id": 19, "trainId": 6, "name": "traffic light"},
{"color": (220, 220, 0), "isthing": 0, "id": 20, "trainId": 7, "name": "traffic sign"},
{"color": (107, 142, 35), "isthing": 0, "id": 21, "trainId": 8, "name": "vegetation"},
{"color": (152, 251, 152), "isthing": 0, "id": 22, "trainId": 9, "name": "terrain"},
{"color": (70, 130, 180), "isthing": 0, "id": 23, "trainId": 10, "name": "sky"},
{"color": (220, 20, 60), "isthing": 1, "id": 24, "trainId": 11, "name": "person"},
{"color": (255, 0, 0), "isthing": 1, "id": 25, "trainId": 12, "name": "rider"},
{"color": (0, 0, 142), "isthing": 1, "id": 26, "trainId": 13, "name": "car"},
{"color": (0, 0, 70), "isthing": 1, "id": 27, "trainId": 14, "name": "truck"},
{"color": (0, 60, 100), "isthing": 1, "id": 28, "trainId": 15, "name": "bus"},
{"color": (0, 80, 100), "isthing": 1, "id": 31, "trainId": 16, "name": "train"},
{"color": (0, 0, 230), "isthing": 1, "id": 32, "trainId": 17, "name": "motorcycle"},
{"color": (119, 11, 32), "isthing": 1, "id": 33, "trainId": 18, "name": "bicycle"},
"wall", "building", "sky", "floor", "tree", "ceiling", "road, route", "bed", "window ", "grass", "cabinet", "sidewalk, pavement", "person", "earth, ground", "door", "table", "mountain, mount", "plant", "curtain", "chair", "car", "water", "painting, picture", "sofa", "shelf", "house", "sea", "mirror", "rug", "field", "armchair", "seat", "fence", "desk", "rock, stone", "wardrobe, closet, press", "lamp", "tub", "rail", "cushion", "base, pedestal, stand", "box", "column, pillar", "signboard, sign", "chest of drawers, chest, bureau, dresser", "counter", "sand", "sink", "skyscraper", "fireplace", "refrigerator, icebox", "grandstand, covered stand", "path", "stairs", "runway", "case, display case, showcase, vitrine", "pool table, billiard table, snooker table", "pillow", "screen door, screen", "stairway, staircase", "river", "bridge, span", "bookcase", "blind, screen", "coffee table", "toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne", "flower", "book", "hill", "bench", "countertop", "stove", "palm, palm tree", "kitchen island", "computer", "swivel chair", "boat", "bar", "arcade machine", "hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty", "bus", "towel", "light", "truck", "tower", "chandelier", "awning, sunshade, sunblind", "street lamp", "booth", "tv", "plane", "dirt track", "clothes", "pole", "land, ground, soil", "bannister, banister, balustrade, balusters, handrail", "escalator, moving staircase, moving stairway", "ottoman, pouf, pouffe, puff, hassock", "bottle", "buffet, counter, sideboard", "poster, posting, placard, notice, bill, card", "stage", "van", "ship", "fountain", "conveyer belt, conveyor belt, conveyer, conveyor, transporter", "canopy", "washer, automatic washer, washing machine", "plaything, toy", "pool", "stool", "barrel, cask", "basket, handbasket", "falls", "tent", "bag", "minibike, motorbike", "cradle", "oven", "ball", "food, solid food", "step, stair", "tank, storage tank", "trade name", "microwave", "pot", "animal", "bicycle", "lake", "dishwasher", "screen", "blanket, cover", "sculpture", "hood, exhaust hood", "sconce", "vase", "traffic light", "tray", "trash can", "fan", "pier", "crt screen", "plate", "monitor", "bulletin board", "shower", "radiator", "glass, drinking glass", "clock", "flag",
def _get_coco_instances_meta():
thing_ids = [k["id"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
thing_colors = [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
assert len(thing_ids) == 80, len(thing_ids)
thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(thing_ids)}
thing_classes = [k["name"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 1]
ret = {
"thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id,
"thing_classes": thing_classes,
"thing_colors": thing_colors,
return ret
def _get_coco_panoptic_separated_meta():
Returns metadata for "separated" version of the panoptic segmentation dataset.
stuff_ids = [k["id"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 0]
assert len(stuff_ids) == 53, len(stuff_ids)
stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(stuff_ids)}
stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[0] = 0
stuff_classes = ["things"] + [
k["name"].replace("-other", "").replace("-merged", "")
if k["isthing"] == 0
stuff_colors = [[82, 18, 128]] + [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES if k["isthing"] == 0]
ret = {
"stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id": stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id,
"stuff_classes": stuff_classes,
"stuff_colors": stuff_colors,
return ret
def _get_builtin_metadata(dataset_name):
if dataset_name == "coco":
return _get_coco_instances_meta()
if dataset_name == "coco_panoptic_separated":
return _get_coco_panoptic_separated_meta()
elif dataset_name == "coco_panoptic_standard":
meta = {}
thing_classes = [k["name"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES]
thing_colors = [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES]
stuff_classes = [k["name"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES]
stuff_colors = [k["color"] for k in COCO_CATEGORIES]
meta["thing_classes"] = thing_classes
meta["thing_colors"] = thing_colors
meta["stuff_classes"] = stuff_classes
meta["stuff_colors"] = stuff_colors
thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {}
stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id = {}
for i, cat in enumerate(COCO_CATEGORIES):
if cat["isthing"]:
thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[cat["id"]] = i
stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id[cat["id"]] = i
meta["thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"] = thing_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id
meta["stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id"] = stuff_dataset_id_to_contiguous_id
return meta
elif dataset_name == "coco_person":
return {
"thing_classes": ["person"],
"keypoint_flip_map": COCO_PERSON_KEYPOINT_FLIP_MAP,
"keypoint_connection_rules": KEYPOINT_CONNECTION_RULES,
elif dataset_name == "cityscapes":
"person", "rider", "car", "truck",
"bus", "train", "motorcycle", "bicycle",
"road", "sidewalk", "building", "wall", "fence", "pole", "traffic light",
"traffic sign", "vegetation", "terrain", "sky", "person", "rider", "car",
"truck", "bus", "train", "motorcycle", "bicycle",
return {
raise KeyError("No built-in metadata for dataset {}".format(dataset_name))