# +-----------------------------------------------+ # | | # | Give Feedback / Get Help | # | https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm/issues/new | # | | # +-----------------------------------------------+ # # Thank you ! We ❤️ you! - Krrish & Ishaan from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Literal import random, threading, time, traceback import litellm, openai from litellm.caching import RedisCache, InMemoryCache, DualCache import logging, asyncio import inspect, concurrent from openai import AsyncOpenAI from collections import defaultdict class Router: """ Example usage: ```python from litellm import Router model_list = [ { "model_name": "azure-gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias "litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call "model": "azure/<your-deployment-name-1>", "api_key": <your-api-key>, "api_version": <your-api-version>, "api_base": <your-api-base> }, }, { "model_name": "azure-gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias "litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call "model": "azure/<your-deployment-name-2>", "api_key": <your-api-key>, "api_version": <your-api-version>, "api_base": <your-api-base> }, }, { "model_name": "openai-gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias "litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "api_key": <your-api-key>, }, ] router = Router(model_list=model_list, fallbacks=[{"azure-gpt-3.5-turbo": "openai-gpt-3.5-turbo"}]) ``` """ model_names: List = [] cache_responses: bool = False default_cache_time_seconds: int = 1 * 60 * 60 # 1 hour num_retries: int = 0 tenacity = None def __init__(self, model_list: Optional[list] = None, redis_host: Optional[str] = None, redis_port: Optional[int] = None, redis_password: Optional[str] = None, cache_responses: bool = False, num_retries: int = 0, timeout: Optional[float] = None, default_litellm_params = {}, # default params for Router.chat.completion.create set_verbose: bool = False, fallbacks: List = [], allowed_fails: Optional[int] = None, context_window_fallbacks: List = [], routing_strategy: Literal["simple-shuffle", "least-busy", "usage-based-routing", "latency-based-routing"] = "simple-shuffle") -> None: self.set_verbose = set_verbose if model_list: self.set_model_list(model_list) self.healthy_deployments: List = self.model_list self.deployment_latency_map = {} for m in model_list: self.deployment_latency_map[m["litellm_params"]["model"]] = 0 self.allowed_fails = allowed_fails or litellm.allowed_fails self.failed_calls = InMemoryCache() # cache to track failed call per deployment, if num failed calls within 1 minute > allowed fails, then add it to cooldown self.num_retries = num_retries or litellm.num_retries or 0 self.timeout = timeout or litellm.request_timeout self.routing_strategy = routing_strategy self.fallbacks = fallbacks or litellm.fallbacks self.context_window_fallbacks = context_window_fallbacks or litellm.context_window_fallbacks self.model_exception_map: dict = {} # dict to store model: list exceptions. self.exceptions = {"gpt-3.5": ["API KEY Error", "Rate Limit Error", "good morning error"]} self.total_calls: defaultdict = defaultdict(int) # dict to store total calls made to each model self.fail_calls: defaultdict = defaultdict(int) # dict to store fail_calls made to each model self.success_calls: defaultdict = defaultdict(int) # dict to store success_calls made to each model # make Router.chat.completions.create compatible for openai.chat.completions.create self.chat = litellm.Chat(params=default_litellm_params) # default litellm args self.default_litellm_params = default_litellm_params self.default_litellm_params.setdefault("timeout", timeout) self.default_litellm_params.setdefault("max_retries", 0) ### HEALTH CHECK THREAD ### if self.routing_strategy == "least-busy": self._start_health_check_thread() ### CACHING ### redis_cache = None if redis_host is not None and redis_port is not None and redis_password is not None: cache_config = { 'type': 'redis', 'host': redis_host, 'port': redis_port, 'password': redis_password } redis_cache = RedisCache(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, password=redis_password) else: # use an in-memory cache cache_config = { "type": "local" } if cache_responses: litellm.cache = litellm.Cache(**cache_config) # use Redis for caching completion requests self.cache_responses = cache_responses self.cache = DualCache(redis_cache=redis_cache, in_memory_cache=InMemoryCache()) # use a dual cache (Redis+In-Memory) for tracking cooldowns, usage, etc. ## USAGE TRACKING ## if isinstance(litellm.success_callback, list): litellm.success_callback.append(self.deployment_callback) else: litellm.success_callback = [self.deployment_callback] if isinstance(litellm.failure_callback, list): litellm.failure_callback.append(self.deployment_callback_on_failure) else: litellm.failure_callback = [self.deployment_callback_on_failure] self.print_verbose(f"Intialized router with Routing strategy: {self.routing_strategy}\n") ### COMPLETION + EMBEDDING FUNCTIONS def completion(self, model: str, messages: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs): """ Example usage: response = router.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}] """ try: kwargs["model"] = model kwargs["messages"] = messages kwargs["original_function"] = self._completion timeout = kwargs.get("request_timeout", self.timeout) kwargs["num_retries"] = kwargs.get("num_retries", self.num_retries) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"model_group": model}) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor: # Submit the function to the executor with a timeout future = executor.submit(self.function_with_fallbacks, **kwargs) response = future.result(timeout=timeout) # type: ignore return response except Exception as e: raise e def _completion( self, model: str, messages: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs): try: # pick the one that is available (lowest TPM/RPM) deployment = self.get_available_deployment(model=model, messages=messages) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"deployment": deployment["litellm_params"]["model"]}) data = deployment["litellm_params"].copy() for k, v in self.default_litellm_params.items(): if k not in data: # prioritize model-specific params > default router params data[k] = v ########## remove -ModelID-XXXX from model ############## original_model_string = data["model"] # Find the index of "ModelID" in the string self.print_verbose(f"completion model: {original_model_string}") index_of_model_id = original_model_string.find("-ModelID") # Remove everything after "-ModelID" if it exists if index_of_model_id != -1: data["model"] = original_model_string[:index_of_model_id] else: data["model"] = original_model_string model_client = self._get_client(deployment=deployment, kwargs=kwargs) return litellm.completion(**{**data, "messages": messages, "caching": self.cache_responses, "client": model_client, **kwargs}) except Exception as e: raise e async def acompletion(self, model: str, messages: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs): try: kwargs["model"] = model kwargs["messages"] = messages kwargs["original_function"] = self._acompletion kwargs["num_retries"] = kwargs.get("num_retries", self.num_retries) timeout = kwargs.get("request_timeout", self.timeout) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"model_group": model}) # response = await asyncio.wait_for(self.async_function_with_fallbacks(**kwargs), timeout=timeout) response = await self.async_function_with_fallbacks(**kwargs) return response except Exception as e: raise e async def _acompletion( self, model: str, messages: List[Dict[str, str]], **kwargs): try: self.print_verbose(f"Inside _acompletion()- model: {model}; kwargs: {kwargs}") original_model_string = None # set a default for this variable deployment = self.get_available_deployment(model=model, messages=messages) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"deployment": deployment["litellm_params"]["model"]}) data = deployment["litellm_params"].copy() for k, v in self.default_litellm_params.items(): if k not in data: # prioritize model-specific params > default router params data[k] = v ########## remove -ModelID-XXXX from model ############## original_model_string = data["model"] # Find the index of "ModelID" in the string index_of_model_id = original_model_string.find("-ModelID") # Remove everything after "-ModelID" if it exists if index_of_model_id != -1: data["model"] = original_model_string[:index_of_model_id] else: data["model"] = original_model_string model_client = self._get_client(deployment=deployment, kwargs=kwargs, client_type="async") self.total_calls[original_model_string] +=1 response = await litellm.acompletion(**{**data, "messages": messages, "caching": self.cache_responses, "client": model_client, **kwargs}) self.success_calls[original_model_string] +=1 return response except Exception as e: if original_model_string is not None: self.fail_calls[original_model_string] +=1 raise e def text_completion(self, model: str, prompt: str, is_retry: Optional[bool] = False, is_fallback: Optional[bool] = False, is_async: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs): try: kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"model_group": model}) messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}] # pick the one that is available (lowest TPM/RPM) deployment = self.get_available_deployment(model=model, messages=messages) data = deployment["litellm_params"].copy() for k, v in self.default_litellm_params.items(): if k not in data: # prioritize model-specific params > default router params data[k] = v ########## remove -ModelID-XXXX from model ############## original_model_string = data["model"] # Find the index of "ModelID" in the string index_of_model_id = original_model_string.find("-ModelID") # Remove everything after "-ModelID" if it exists if index_of_model_id != -1: data["model"] = original_model_string[:index_of_model_id] else: data["model"] = original_model_string # call via litellm.completion() return litellm.text_completion(**{**data, "prompt": prompt, "caching": self.cache_responses, **kwargs}) # type: ignore except Exception as e: if self.num_retries > 0: kwargs["model"] = model kwargs["messages"] = messages kwargs["original_exception"] = e kwargs["original_function"] = self.completion return self.function_with_retries(**kwargs) else: raise e def embedding(self, model: str, input: Union[str, List], is_async: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs) -> Union[List[float], None]: # pick the one that is available (lowest TPM/RPM) deployment = self.get_available_deployment(model=model, input=input) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"deployment": deployment["litellm_params"]["model"]}) data = deployment["litellm_params"].copy() for k, v in self.default_litellm_params.items(): if k not in data: # prioritize model-specific params > default router params data[k] = v ########## remove -ModelID-XXXX from model ############## original_model_string = data["model"] # Find the index of "ModelID" in the string index_of_model_id = original_model_string.find("-ModelID") # Remove everything after "-ModelID" if it exists if index_of_model_id != -1: data["model"] = original_model_string[:index_of_model_id] else: data["model"] = original_model_string model_client = self._get_client(deployment=deployment, kwargs=kwargs) # call via litellm.embedding() return litellm.embedding(**{**data, "input": input, "caching": self.cache_responses, "client": model_client, **kwargs}) async def aembedding(self, model: str, input: Union[str, List], is_async: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs) -> Union[List[float], None]: # pick the one that is available (lowest TPM/RPM) deployment = self.get_available_deployment(model=model, input=input) kwargs.setdefault("metadata", {}).update({"deployment": deployment["litellm_params"]["model"]}) data = deployment["litellm_params"].copy() for k, v in self.default_litellm_params.items(): if k not in data: # prioritize model-specific params > default router params data[k] = v ########## remove -ModelID-XXXX from model ############## original_model_string = data["model"] # Find the index of "ModelID" in the string index_of_model_id = original_model_string.find("-ModelID") # Remove everything after "-ModelID" if it exists if index_of_model_id != -1: data["model"] = original_model_string[:index_of_model_id] else: data["model"] = original_model_string model_client = self._get_client(deployment=deployment, kwargs=kwargs, client_type="async") return await litellm.aembedding(**{**data, "input": input, "caching": self.cache_responses, "client": model_client, **kwargs}) async def async_function_with_fallbacks(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Try calling the function_with_retries If it fails after num_retries, fall back to another model group """ model_group = kwargs.get("model") fallbacks = kwargs.get("fallbacks", self.fallbacks) context_window_fallbacks = kwargs.get("context_window_fallbacks", self.context_window_fallbacks) try: response = await self.async_function_with_retries(*args, **kwargs) self.print_verbose(f'Async Response: {response}') return response except Exception as e: self.print_verbose(f"An exception occurs") original_exception = e try: self.print_verbose(f"Trying to fallback b/w models") if isinstance(e, litellm.ContextWindowExceededError) and context_window_fallbacks is not None: fallback_model_group = None for item in context_window_fallbacks: # [{"gpt-3.5-turbo": ["gpt-4"]}] if list(item.keys())[0] == model_group: fallback_model_group = item[model_group] break if fallback_model_group is None: raise original_exception for mg in fallback_model_group: """ Iterate through the model groups and try calling that deployment """ try: kwargs["model"] = mg response = await self.async_function_with_retries(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: pass elif fallbacks is not None: self.print_verbose(f"inside model fallbacks: {fallbacks}") for item in fallbacks: if list(item.keys())[0] == model_group: fallback_model_group = item[model_group] break for mg in fallback_model_group: """ Iterate through the model groups and try calling that deployment """ try: kwargs["model"] = mg kwargs["metadata"]["model_group"] = mg response = await self.async_function_with_retries(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: raise e except Exception as e: self.print_verbose(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() raise original_exception async def async_function_with_retries(self, *args, **kwargs): self.print_verbose(f"Inside async function with retries: args - {args}; kwargs - {kwargs}") backoff_factor = 1 original_function = kwargs.pop("original_function") fallbacks = kwargs.pop("fallbacks", self.fallbacks) context_window_fallbacks = kwargs.pop("context_window_fallbacks", self.context_window_fallbacks) self.print_verbose(f"async function w/ retries: original_function - {original_function}") num_retries = kwargs.pop("num_retries") try: # if the function call is successful, no exception will be raised and we'll break out of the loop response = await original_function(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: original_exception = e ### CHECK IF RATE LIMIT / CONTEXT WINDOW ERROR w/ fallbacks available if ((isinstance(original_exception, litellm.ContextWindowExceededError) and context_window_fallbacks is None) or (isinstance(original_exception, openai.RateLimitError) and fallbacks is not None)): raise original_exception ### RETRY #### check if it should retry + back-off if required if "No models available" in str(e): timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=num_retries, max_retries=num_retries) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) elif hasattr(original_exception, "status_code") and hasattr(original_exception, "response") and litellm._should_retry(status_code=original_exception.status_code): if hasattr(original_exception.response, "headers"): timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=num_retries, max_retries=num_retries, response_headers=original_exception.response.headers) else: timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=num_retries, max_retries=num_retries) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) else: raise original_exception for current_attempt in range(num_retries): self.print_verbose(f"retrying request. Current attempt - {current_attempt}; num retries: {num_retries}") try: # if the function call is successful, no exception will be raised and we'll break out of the loop response = await original_function(*args, **kwargs) if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(response): # async errors are often returned as coroutines response = await response return response except Exception as e: remaining_retries = num_retries - current_attempt if "No models available" in str(e): timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=remaining_retries, max_retries=num_retries, min_timeout=1) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) elif hasattr(e, "status_code") and hasattr(e, "response") and litellm._should_retry(status_code=e.status_code): if hasattr(e.response, "headers"): timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=remaining_retries, max_retries=num_retries, response_headers=e.response.headers) else: timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=remaining_retries, max_retries=num_retries) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) else: raise e raise original_exception def function_with_fallbacks(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Try calling the function_with_retries If it fails after num_retries, fall back to another model group """ model_group = kwargs.get("model") fallbacks = kwargs.get("fallbacks", self.fallbacks) context_window_fallbacks = kwargs.get("context_window_fallbacks", self.context_window_fallbacks) try: response = self.function_with_retries(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: original_exception = e self.print_verbose(f"An exception occurs {original_exception}") try: self.print_verbose(f"Trying to fallback b/w models. Initial model group: {model_group}") if isinstance(e, litellm.ContextWindowExceededError) and context_window_fallbacks is not None: self.print_verbose(f"inside context window fallbacks: {context_window_fallbacks}") fallback_model_group = None for item in context_window_fallbacks: # [{"gpt-3.5-turbo": ["gpt-4"]}] if list(item.keys())[0] == model_group: fallback_model_group = item[model_group] break if fallback_model_group is None: raise original_exception for mg in fallback_model_group: """ Iterate through the model groups and try calling that deployment """ try: kwargs["model"] = mg response = self.function_with_fallbacks(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: pass elif fallbacks is not None: self.print_verbose(f"inside model fallbacks: {fallbacks}") fallback_model_group = None for item in fallbacks: if list(item.keys())[0] == model_group: fallback_model_group = item[model_group] break if fallback_model_group is None: raise original_exception for mg in fallback_model_group: """ Iterate through the model groups and try calling that deployment """ try: kwargs["model"] = mg response = self.function_with_fallbacks(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: raise e raise original_exception def function_with_retries(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Try calling the model 3 times. Shuffle between available deployments. """ self.print_verbose(f"Inside function with retries: args - {args}; kwargs - {kwargs}") backoff_factor = 1 original_function = kwargs.pop("original_function") num_retries = kwargs.pop("num_retries") fallbacks = kwargs.pop("fallbacks", self.fallbacks) context_window_fallbacks = kwargs.pop("context_window_fallbacks", self.context_window_fallbacks) try: # if the function call is successful, no exception will be raised and we'll break out of the loop response = original_function(*args, **kwargs) return response except Exception as e: original_exception = e self.print_verbose(f"num retries in function with retries: {num_retries}") ### CHECK IF RATE LIMIT / CONTEXT WINDOW ERROR if ((isinstance(original_exception, litellm.ContextWindowExceededError) and context_window_fallbacks is None) or (isinstance(original_exception, openai.RateLimitError) and fallbacks is not None)): raise original_exception ### RETRY for current_attempt in range(num_retries): self.print_verbose(f"retrying request. Current attempt - {current_attempt}; retries left: {num_retries}") try: # if the function call is successful, no exception will be raised and we'll break out of the loop response = original_function(*args, **kwargs) return response except openai.RateLimitError as e: if num_retries > 0: remaining_retries = num_retries - current_attempt timeout = litellm._calculate_retry_after(remaining_retries=remaining_retries, max_retries=num_retries) # on RateLimitError we'll wait for an exponential time before trying again time.sleep(timeout) else: raise e except Exception as e: # for any other exception types, immediately retry if num_retries > 0: pass else: raise e raise original_exception ### HELPER FUNCTIONS def deployment_callback( self, kwargs, # kwargs to completion completion_response, # response from completion start_time, end_time # start/end time ): """ Function LiteLLM submits a callback to after a successful completion. Purpose of this is to update TPM/RPM usage per model """ model_name = kwargs.get('model', None) # i.e. gpt35turbo custom_llm_provider = kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}).get('custom_llm_provider', None) # i.e. azure if custom_llm_provider: model_name = f"{custom_llm_provider}/{model_name}" if kwargs["stream"] is True: if kwargs.get("complete_streaming_response"): total_tokens = kwargs.get("complete_streaming_response")['usage']['total_tokens'] self._set_deployment_usage(model_name, total_tokens) else: total_tokens = completion_response['usage']['total_tokens'] self._set_deployment_usage(model_name, total_tokens) self.deployment_latency_map[model_name] = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() def deployment_callback_on_failure( self, kwargs, # kwargs to completion completion_response, # response from completion start_time, end_time # start/end time ): try: exception = kwargs.get("exception", None) exception_type = type(exception) exception_status = getattr(exception, 'status_code', "") exception_cause = getattr(exception, '__cause__', "") exception_message = getattr(exception, 'message', "") exception_str = str(exception_type) + "Status: " + str(exception_status) + "Message: " + str(exception_cause) + str(exception_message) + "Full exception" + str(exception) model_name = kwargs.get('model', None) # i.e. gpt35turbo custom_llm_provider = kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}).get('custom_llm_provider', None) # i.e. azure metadata = kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}).get('metadata', None) if metadata: deployment = metadata.get("deployment", None) self._set_cooldown_deployments(deployment) deployment_exceptions = self.model_exception_map.get(deployment, []) deployment_exceptions.append(exception_str) self.model_exception_map[deployment] = deployment_exceptions self.print_verbose("\nEXCEPTION FOR DEPLOYMENTS\n") self.print_verbose(self.model_exception_map) for model in self.model_exception_map: self.print_verbose(f"Model {model} had {len(self.model_exception_map[model])} exception") if custom_llm_provider: model_name = f"{custom_llm_provider}/{model_name}" except Exception as e: raise e def _set_cooldown_deployments(self, deployment: str): """ Add a model to the list of models being cooled down for that minute, if it exceeds the allowed fails / minute """ current_minute = datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M") # get current fails for deployment # update the number of failed calls # if it's > allowed fails # cooldown deployment current_fails = self.failed_calls.get_cache(key=deployment) or 0 updated_fails = current_fails + 1 self.print_verbose(f"Attempting to add {deployment} to cooldown list. updated_fails: {updated_fails}; self.allowed_fails: {self.allowed_fails}") if updated_fails > self.allowed_fails: # get the current cooldown list for that minute cooldown_key = f"{current_minute}:cooldown_models" # group cooldown models by minute to reduce number of redis calls cached_value = self.cache.get_cache(key=cooldown_key) self.print_verbose(f"adding {deployment} to cooldown models") # update value try: if deployment in cached_value: pass else: cached_value = cached_value + [deployment] # save updated value self.cache.set_cache(value=cached_value, key=cooldown_key, ttl=1) except: cached_value = [deployment] # save updated value self.cache.set_cache(value=cached_value, key=cooldown_key, ttl=1) else: self.failed_calls.set_cache(key=deployment, value=updated_fails, ttl=1) def _get_cooldown_deployments(self): """ Get the list of models being cooled down for this minute """ current_minute = datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M") # get the current cooldown list for that minute cooldown_key = f"{current_minute}:cooldown_models" # ---------------------- # Return cooldown models # ---------------------- cooldown_models = self.cache.get_cache(key=cooldown_key) or [] self.print_verbose(f"retrieve cooldown models: {cooldown_models}") return cooldown_models def get_usage_based_available_deployment(self, model: str, messages: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, input: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None): """ Returns a deployment with the lowest TPM/RPM usage. """ # get list of potential deployments potential_deployments = [] for item in self.model_list: if item["model_name"] == model: potential_deployments.append(item) # get current call usage token_count = 0 if messages is not None: token_count = litellm.token_counter(model=model, messages=messages) elif input is not None: if isinstance(input, List): input_text = "".join(text for text in input) else: input_text = input token_count = litellm.token_counter(model=model, text=input_text) # ----------------------- # Find lowest used model # ---------------------- lowest_tpm = float("inf") deployment = None # return deployment with lowest tpm usage for item in potential_deployments: item_tpm, item_rpm = self._get_deployment_usage(deployment_name=item["litellm_params"]["model"]) if item_tpm == 0: return item elif ("tpm" in item and item_tpm + token_count > item["tpm"] or "rpm" in item and item_rpm + 1 >= item["rpm"]): # if user passed in tpm / rpm in the model_list continue elif item_tpm < lowest_tpm: lowest_tpm = item_tpm deployment = item # if none, raise exception if deployment is None: raise ValueError("No models available.") # return model return deployment def _get_deployment_usage( self, deployment_name: str ): # ------------ # Setup values # ------------ current_minute = datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M") tpm_key = f'{deployment_name}:tpm:{current_minute}' rpm_key = f'{deployment_name}:rpm:{current_minute}' # ------------ # Return usage # ------------ tpm = self.cache.get_cache(key=tpm_key) or 0 rpm = self.cache.get_cache(key=rpm_key) or 0 return int(tpm), int(rpm) def increment(self, key: str, increment_value: int): # get value cached_value = self.cache.get_cache(key=key) # update value try: cached_value = cached_value + increment_value except: cached_value = increment_value # save updated value self.cache.set_cache(value=cached_value, key=key, ttl=self.default_cache_time_seconds) def _set_deployment_usage( self, model_name: str, total_tokens: int ): # ------------ # Setup values # ------------ current_minute = datetime.now().strftime("%H-%M") tpm_key = f'{model_name}:tpm:{current_minute}' rpm_key = f'{model_name}:rpm:{current_minute}' # ------------ # Update usage # ------------ self.increment(tpm_key, total_tokens) self.increment(rpm_key, 1) def _start_health_check_thread(self): """ Starts a separate thread to perform health checks periodically. """ health_check_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._perform_health_checks, daemon=True) health_check_thread.start() def _perform_health_checks(self): """ Periodically performs health checks on the servers. Updates the list of healthy servers accordingly. """ while True: self.healthy_deployments = self._health_check() # Adjust the time interval based on your needs time.sleep(15) def _health_check(self): """ Performs a health check on the deployments Returns the list of healthy deployments """ healthy_deployments = [] for deployment in self.model_list: litellm_args = deployment["litellm_params"] try: start_time = time.time() litellm.completion(messages=[{"role": "user", "content": ""}], max_tokens=1, **litellm_args) # hit the server with a blank message to see how long it takes to respond end_time = time.time() response_time = end_time - start_time logging.debug(f"response_time: {response_time}") healthy_deployments.append((deployment, response_time)) healthy_deployments.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) except Exception as e: pass return healthy_deployments def weighted_shuffle_by_latency(self, items): # Sort the items by latency sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[1]) # Get only the latencies latencies = [i[1] for i in sorted_items] # Calculate the sum of all latencies total_latency = sum(latencies) # Calculate the weight for each latency (lower latency = higher weight) weights = [total_latency-latency for latency in latencies] # Get a weighted random item if sum(weights) == 0: chosen_item = random.choice(sorted_items)[0] else: chosen_item = random.choices(sorted_items, weights=weights, k=1)[0][0] return chosen_item def set_model_list(self, model_list: list): self.model_list = model_list # we add api_base/api_key each model so load balancing between azure/gpt on api_base1 and api_base2 works import os for model in self.model_list: litellm_params = model.get("litellm_params", {}) model_name = litellm_params.get("model") #### for OpenAI / Azure we need to initalize the Client for High Traffic ######## custom_llm_provider = litellm_params.get("custom_llm_provider") if custom_llm_provider is None: custom_llm_provider = model_name.split("/",1)[0] if ( model_name in litellm.open_ai_chat_completion_models or custom_llm_provider == "custom_openai" or custom_llm_provider == "deepinfra" or custom_llm_provider == "perplexity" or custom_llm_provider == "anyscale" or custom_llm_provider == "openai" or custom_llm_provider == "azure" or "ft:gpt-3.5-turbo" in model_name or model_name in litellm.open_ai_embedding_models ): # glorified / complicated reading of configs # user can pass vars directly or they can pas os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY, in which case we will read the env # we do this here because we init clients for Azure, OpenAI and we need to set the right key api_key = litellm_params.get("api_key") if api_key and api_key.startswith("os.environ/"): api_key_env_name = api_key.replace("os.environ/", "") api_key = litellm.get_secret(api_key_env_name) api_base = litellm_params.get("api_base") base_url = litellm_params.get("base_url") api_base = api_base or base_url # allow users to pass in `api_base` or `base_url` for azure if api_base and api_base.startswith("os.environ/"): api_base_env_name = api_base.replace("os.environ/", "") api_base = litellm.get_secret(api_base_env_name) api_version = litellm_params.get("api_version") if api_version and api_version.startswith("os.environ/"): api_version_env_name = api_version.replace("os.environ/", "") api_version = litellm.get_secret(api_version_env_name) timeout = litellm_params.pop("timeout", None) if isinstance(timeout, str) and timeout.startswith("os.environ/"): timeout_env_name = api_version.replace("os.environ/", "") timeout = litellm.get_secret(timeout_env_name) stream_timeout = litellm_params.pop("stream_timeout", timeout) # if no stream_timeout is set, default to timeout if isinstance(stream_timeout, str) and stream_timeout.startswith("os.environ/"): stream_timeout_env_name = api_version.replace("os.environ/", "") stream_timeout = litellm.get_secret(stream_timeout_env_name) max_retries = litellm_params.pop("max_retries", 2) if isinstance(max_retries, str) and max_retries.startswith("os.environ/"): max_retries_env_name = api_version.replace("os.environ/", "") max_retries = litellm.get_secret(max_retries_env_name) self.print_verbose(f"Initializing OpenAI Client for {model_name}, {str(api_base)}") if "azure" in model_name: self.print_verbose(f"Initializing Azure OpenAI Client for {model_name}, {str(api_base)}, {api_key}") if api_version is None: api_version = "2023-07-01-preview" if "gateway.ai.cloudflare.com" in api_base: if not api_base.endswith("/"): api_base += "/" azure_model = model_name.replace("azure/", "") api_base += f"{azure_model}" model["async_client"] = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) model["client"] = openai.AzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) # streaming clients can have diff timeouts model["stream_async_client"] = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) model["stream_client"] = openai.AzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) else: model["async_client"] = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, azure_endpoint=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) model["client"] = openai.AzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, azure_endpoint=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) # streaming clients should have diff timeouts model["stream_async_client"] = openai.AsyncAzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) model["stream_client"] = openai.AzureOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, api_version=api_version, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) else: self.print_verbose(f"Initializing OpenAI Client for {model_name}, {str(api_base)}") model["async_client"] = openai.AsyncOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) model["client"] = openai.OpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) # streaming clients should have diff timeouts model["stream_async_client"] = openai.AsyncOpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) # streaming clients should have diff timeouts model["stream_client"] = openai.OpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=api_base, timeout=stream_timeout, max_retries=max_retries ) ############ End of initializing Clients for OpenAI/Azure ################### model_id = "" for key in model["litellm_params"]: if key != "api_key": model_id+= str(model["litellm_params"][key]) model["litellm_params"]["model"] += "-ModelID-" + model_id ############ Users can either pass tpm/rpm as a litellm_param or a router param ########### # for get_available_deployment, we use the litellm_param["rpm"] # in this snippet we also set rpm to be a litellm_param if model["litellm_params"].get("rpm") is None and model.get("rpm") is not None: model["litellm_params"]["rpm"] = model.get("rpm") if model["litellm_params"].get("tpm") is None and model.get("tpm") is not None: model["litellm_params"]["tpm"] = model.get("tpm") self.model_names = [m["model_name"] for m in model_list] def get_model_names(self): return self.model_names def _get_client(self, deployment, kwargs, client_type=None): """ Returns the appropriate client based on the given deployment, kwargs, and client_type. Parameters: deployment (dict): The deployment dictionary containing the clients. kwargs (dict): The keyword arguments passed to the function. client_type (str): The type of client to return. Returns: The appropriate client based on the given client_type and kwargs. """ if client_type == "async": if kwargs.get("stream") == True: return deployment["stream_async_client"] else: return deployment["async_client"] else: if kwargs.get("stream") == True: return deployment["stream_client"] else: return deployment["client"] def print_verbose(self, print_statement): if self.set_verbose or litellm.set_verbose: print(f"LiteLLM.Router: {print_statement}") # noqa def get_available_deployment(self, model: str, messages: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, input: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None): """ Returns the deployment based on routing strategy """ ## get healthy deployments ### get all deployments ### filter out the deployments currently cooling down healthy_deployments = [m for m in self.model_list if m["model_name"] == model] if len(healthy_deployments) == 0: # check if the user sent in a deployment name instead healthy_deployments = [m for m in self.model_list if m["litellm_params"]["model"] == model] self.print_verbose(f"initial list of deployments: {healthy_deployments}") deployments_to_remove = [] cooldown_deployments = self._get_cooldown_deployments() self.print_verbose(f"cooldown deployments: {cooldown_deployments}") ### FIND UNHEALTHY DEPLOYMENTS for deployment in healthy_deployments: deployment_name = deployment["litellm_params"]["model"] if deployment_name in cooldown_deployments: deployments_to_remove.append(deployment) ### FILTER OUT UNHEALTHY DEPLOYMENTS for deployment in deployments_to_remove: healthy_deployments.remove(deployment) self.print_verbose(f"healthy deployments: length {len(healthy_deployments)} {healthy_deployments}") if len(healthy_deployments) == 0: raise ValueError("No models available") if litellm.model_alias_map and model in litellm.model_alias_map: model = litellm.model_alias_map[ model ] # update the model to the actual value if an alias has been passed in if self.routing_strategy == "least-busy": if len(self.healthy_deployments) > 0: for item in self.healthy_deployments: if item[0]["model_name"] == model: # first one in queue will be the one with the most availability return item[0] else: raise ValueError("No models available.") elif self.routing_strategy == "simple-shuffle": # if users pass rpm or tpm, we do a random weighted pick - based on rpm/tpm ############## Check if we can do a RPM/TPM based weighted pick ################# rpm = healthy_deployments[0].get("litellm_params").get("rpm", None) if rpm is not None: # use weight-random pick if rpms provided rpms = [m["litellm_params"].get("rpm", 0) for m in healthy_deployments] self.print_verbose(f"\nrpms {rpms}") total_rpm = sum(rpms) weights = [rpm / total_rpm for rpm in rpms] self.print_verbose(f"\n weights {weights}") # Perform weighted random pick selected_index = random.choices(range(len(rpms)), weights=weights)[0] self.print_verbose(f"\n selected index, {selected_index}") deployment = healthy_deployments[selected_index] return deployment or deployment[0] ############## Check if we can do a RPM/TPM based weighted pick ################# tpm = healthy_deployments[0].get("litellm_params").get("tpm", None) if tpm is not None: # use weight-random pick if rpms provided tpms = [m["litellm_params"].get("tpm", 0) for m in healthy_deployments] self.print_verbose(f"\ntpms {tpms}") total_tpm = sum(tpms) weights = [tpm / total_tpm for tpm in tpms] self.print_verbose(f"\n weights {weights}") # Perform weighted random pick selected_index = random.choices(range(len(tpms)), weights=weights)[0] self.print_verbose(f"\n selected index, {selected_index}") deployment = healthy_deployments[selected_index] return deployment or deployment[0] ############## No RPM/TPM passed, we do a random pick ################# item = random.choice(healthy_deployments) return item or item[0] elif self.routing_strategy == "latency-based-routing": returned_item = None lowest_latency = float('inf') ### shuffles with priority for lowest latency # items_with_latencies = [('A', 10), ('B', 20), ('C', 30), ('D', 40)] items_with_latencies = [] for item in healthy_deployments: items_with_latencies.append((item, self.deployment_latency_map[item["litellm_params"]["model"]])) returned_item = self.weighted_shuffle_by_latency(items_with_latencies) return returned_item elif self.routing_strategy == "usage-based-routing": return self.get_usage_based_available_deployment(model=model, messages=messages, input=input) raise ValueError("No models available.") def flush_cache(self): self.cache.flush_cache() def reset(self): ## clean up on close litellm.success_callback = [] litellm.failure_callback = [] self.flush_cache()