countgd /
nikigoli's picture
Fix limiting logits to ind_to_filter (removed this in get_boxes_from_prediction)
b915ab0 verified
import spaces
import gradio as gr
import random
import torch
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import argparse
from util.slconfig import SLConfig, DictAction
from util.misc import nested_tensor_from_tensor_list
import datasets.transforms as T
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import io
from enum import Enum
import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Suppress warnings to avoid overflowing the log.
import warnings
from gradio_image_prompter import ImagePrompter
class AppSteps(Enum):
def get_args_parser():
Example eval command:
>> python --output_dir ./gdino_test -c config/ --eval --datasets config/datasets_fsc147.json --pretrain_model_path ../checkpoints_and_logs/gdino_train/checkpoint_best_regular.pth --options text_encoder_type=checkpoints/bert-base-uncased --sam_tt_norm --crop
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Set transformer detector", add_help=False)
"--device", default="cuda", help="device to use for inference"
help="override some settings in the used config, the key-value pair "
"in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file.",
# dataset parameters
parser.add_argument("--remove_difficult", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--fix_size", action="store_true")
# training parameters
parser.add_argument("--note", default="", help="add some notes to the experiment")
parser.add_argument("--resume", default="", help="resume from checkpoint")
help="load from other checkpoint",
parser.add_argument("--finetune_ignore", type=str, nargs="+")
"--start_epoch", default=0, type=int, metavar="N", help="start epoch"
parser.add_argument("--eval", action="store_false")
parser.add_argument("--num_workers", default=8, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--find_unused_params", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--save_results", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--save_log", action="store_true")
# distributed training parameters
"--world_size", default=1, type=int, help="number of distributed processes"
"--dist_url", default="env://", help="url used to set up distributed training"
"--rank", default=0, type=int, help="number of distributed processes"
"--local_rank", type=int, help="local rank for DistributedDataParallel"
"--local-rank", type=int, help="local rank for DistributedDataParallel"
parser.add_argument("--amp", action="store_true", help="Train with mixed precision")
return parser
def get_device():
if torch.cuda.is_available():
return torch.device('cuda')
return torch.device('cpu')
# Get counting model.
def build_model_and_transforms(args):
normalize = T.Compose(
[T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])]
data_transform = T.Compose(
T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333),
cfg = SLConfig.fromfile("")
cfg.merge_from_dict({"text_encoder_type": "checkpoints/bert-base-uncased"})
cfg_dict = cfg._cfg_dict.to_dict()
args_vars = vars(args)
for k, v in cfg_dict.items():
if k not in args_vars:
setattr(args, k, v)
raise ValueError("Key {} can used by args only".format(k))
# fix the seed for reproducibility
seed = 42
# we use register to maintain models from catdet6 on.
from models.registry import MODULE_BUILD_FUNCS
assert args.modelname in MODULE_BUILD_FUNCS._module_dict
build_func = MODULE_BUILD_FUNCS.get(args.modelname)
model, _, _ = build_func(args)
checkpoint = torch.load(args.pretrain_model_path, map_location="cpu")["model"]
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=False)
return model, data_transform
# APP:
def get_box_inputs(prompts):
box_inputs = []
for prompt in prompts:
if prompt[2] == 2.0 and prompt[5] == 3.0:
box_inputs.append([prompt[0], prompt[1], prompt[3], prompt[4]])
return box_inputs
def get_ind_to_filter(text, word_ids, keywords):
if len(keywords) <= 0:
return list(range(len(word_ids)))
input_words = text.split()
keywords = keywords.split(",")
keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in keywords]
word_inds = []
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword in input_words:
if len(word_inds) <= 0:
ind = input_words.index(keyword)
ind = input_words.index(keyword, word_inds[-1])
raise Exception("Only specify keywords in the input text!")
inds_to_filter = []
for ind in range(len(word_ids)):
word_id = word_ids[ind]
if word_id in word_inds:
return inds_to_filter
def get_xy_from_boxes(image, boxes):
Get box centers and return in image coordinates
(w, h) = image.size
x = w * boxes[:, 0]
y = h * boxes[:, 1]
return x, y
def generate_heatmap(image, boxes):
# Plot results.
(w, h) = image.size
det_map = np.zeros((h, w))
x, y = get_xy_from_boxes(image, boxes)
# Box centers are floating point, convert to int and clip them at edge of box
x = np.clip(np.around(x).astype(int), 0, w - 1)
y = np.clip(np.around(y).astype(int), 0, h - 1)
det_map[y, x] = 1
det_map = ndimage.gaussian_filter(
det_map, sigma=(w // 200, w // 200), order=0
plt.imshow(det_map[None, :].transpose(1, 2, 0), 'jet', interpolation='none', alpha=0.7)
img_buf = io.BytesIO()
plt.savefig(img_buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
output_img =
return output_img
def generate_output_label(text, num_exemplars):
out_label = "Detected instances predicted with"
if len(text.strip()) > 0:
out_label += " text"
if num_exemplars == 1:
out_label += " and " + str(num_exemplars) + " visual exemplar."
elif num_exemplars > 1:
out_label += " and " + str(num_exemplars) + " visual exemplars."
out_label += "."
elif num_exemplars > 0:
if num_exemplars == 1:
out_label += " " + str(num_exemplars) + " visual exemplar."
out_label += " " + str(num_exemplars) + " visual exemplars."
out_label = "Nothing specified to detect."
return out_label
def preprocess(transform, image, input_prompts = None):
if input_prompts == None:
prompts = { "image": image, "points": []}
prompts = input_prompts
input_image, _ = transform(image, None)
exemplar = get_box_inputs(prompts["points"])
# Wrapping exemplar in a dictionary to apply only relevant transforms
input_image_exemplar, exemplar = transform(prompts['image'], {"exemplars": torch.tensor(exemplar)})
exemplar = exemplar["exemplars"]
return input_image, input_image_exemplar, exemplar
def get_boxes_from_prediction(model_output, text, keywords = ""):
logits = model_output["pred_logits"].sigmoid()[0][:, :]
boxes = model_output["pred_boxes"][0]
box_mask = logits.max(dim=-1).values > CONF_THRESH
boxes = boxes[box_mask, :].cpu().numpy()
logits = logits[box_mask, :].cpu().numpy()
return boxes, logits
def predict(model, transform, image, text, prompts, device):
keywords = "" # do not handle this for now
input_image, input_image_exemplar, exemplar = preprocess(transform, image, prompts)
input_images = input_image.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
input_image_exemplars = input_image_exemplar.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
exemplars = []
with torch.no_grad():
model_output = model(
[torch.tensor([0]).to(device) for _ in range(len(input_images))],
captions=[text + " ."] * len(input_images),
keywords = ""
return get_boxes_from_prediction(model_output, text, keywords)
examples = [
["strawberry.jpg", "strawberry", {"image": "strawberry.jpg"}],
["strawberry.jpg", "blueberry", {"image": "strawberry.jpg"}],
["bird-1.JPG", "bird", {"image": "bird-2.JPG"}],
["fish.jpg", "fish", {"image": "fish.jpg"}],
["women.jpg", "girl", {"image": "women.jpg"}],
["women.jpg", "boy", {"image": "women.jpg"}],
["balloon.jpg", "hot air balloon", {"image": "balloon.jpg"}],
["deer.jpg", "deer", {"image": "deer.jpg"}],
["apple.jpg", "apple", {"image": "apple.jpg"}],
["egg.jpg", "egg", {"image": "egg.jpg"}],
["stamp.jpg", "stamp", {"image": "stamp.jpg"}],
["green-pea.jpg", "green pea", {"image": "green-pea.jpg"}],
["lego.jpg", "lego", {"image": "lego.jpg"}]
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Counting Application", parents=[get_args_parser()])
args = parser.parse_args()
device = get_device()
model, transform = build_model_and_transforms(args)
model =
def _predict(image, text, prompts):
return predict(model, transform, image, text, prompts, device)
def count(image, text, prompts, state):
if prompts is None:
prompts = {"image": image, "points": []}
boxes, _ = _predict(image, text, prompts)
predicted_count = len(boxes)
output_img = generate_heatmap(image, boxes)
num_exemplars = len(get_box_inputs(prompts["points"]))
out_label = generate_output_label(text, num_exemplars)
if AppSteps.TEXT_AND_EXEMPLARS not in state:
exemplar_image = ImagePrompter(type='pil', label='Visual Exemplar Image', value=prompts, interactive=True, visible=True)
new_submit_btn = gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=False)
state = [AppSteps.JUST_TEXT, AppSteps.TEXT_AND_EXEMPLARS]
main_instructions_comp = gr.Markdown(visible=False)
step_3 = gr.Tab(visible=False)
elif AppSteps.FULL_APP not in state:
exemplar_image = ImagePrompter(type='pil', label='Visual Exemplar Image', value=prompts, interactive=True, visible=True)
new_submit_btn = submit_btn
state = [AppSteps.JUST_TEXT, AppSteps.TEXT_AND_EXEMPLARS, AppSteps.FULL_APP]
main_instructions_comp = gr.Markdown(visible=True)
step_3 = gr.Tab(visible=True)
exemplar_image = ImagePrompter(type='pil', label='Visual Exemplar Image', value=prompts, interactive=True, visible=True)
new_submit_btn = submit_btn
main_instructions_comp = gr.Markdown(visible=True)
step_3 = gr.Tab(visible=True)
return (gr.Image(output_img, visible=True, label=out_label, show_label=True), gr.Number(label="Predicted Count", visible=True, value=predicted_count), new_submit_btn, gr.Tab(visible=True), step_3, state)
def count_main(image, text, prompts):
if prompts is None:
prompts = {"image": image, "points": []}
boxes, _ = _predict(image, text, prompts)
predicted_count = len(boxes)
output_img = generate_heatmap(image, boxes)
num_exemplars = len(get_box_inputs(prompts["points"]))
out_label = generate_output_label(text, num_exemplars)
return (gr.Image(output_img, visible=True, label=out_label, show_label=True), gr.Number(label="Predicted Count", visible=True, value=predicted_count))
def remove_label(image):
return gr.Image(show_label=False)
def check_submit_btn(exemplar_image_prompts, state):
if AppSteps.TEXT_AND_EXEMPLARS not in state or len(state) == 3:
return gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=True)
elif exemplar_image_prompts is None:
return gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=False)
elif len(get_box_inputs(exemplar_image_prompts["points"])) > 0:
return gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=True)
return gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=False)
exemplar_img_drawing_instructions_part_1 = '<p><strong>Congrats, you have counted the strawberries!</strong> You can also draw a box around the object you want to count. <strong>Click and drag the mouse on the image below to draw a box around one of the strawberries.</strong> You can click the back button in the top right of the image to delete the box and try again.<img src="file/button-legend.jpg" width="750"></p>'
exemplar_img_drawing_instructions_part_2 = '<p>The boxes you draw are called \"visual exemplars,\" image examples of what you want the model to count. You can add more boxes around more examples of strawberries in the image above to increase the accuracy of the predicted count. You can also use strawberries from a different image to specify the object to count by uploading or pasting a new image above and drawing boxes around strawberries in it.</p>'
instructions_main = """
# How to Use the App
As shown earlier, there are 3 ways to specify the object to count: (1) with text only, (2) with text and any number of boxes (i.e., "visual exemplars") around example objects, and (3) with visual exemplars only. What is being used is indicated in the top left of the output image. How to try each case is detailed below.
<li><strong>Text Only: </strong> Only provide text describing the object to count in the textbox titled "What would you like to count?" Delete all boxes drawn on the visual exemplar image.</li>
<li><strong>Text + Visual Exemplars: </strong> Provide text describing the object to count in the textbox titled "What would you like to count?" and draw at least one box around an example object in the visual exemplar image.</li>
<li><strong>Visual Exemplars Only: </strong> Remove all text in the textbox titled "What would you like to count?" and draw at least one box around an example object in the visual exemplar image.</li>
## Click on the "App" tab at the top of the screen to exit the tutorial and start using the main app!
with gr.Blocks(title="CountGD: Multi-Modal Open-World Counting", theme="soft", head="""<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=1">""") as demo:
state = gr.State(value=[AppSteps.JUST_TEXT])
with gr.Tab("Tutorial"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Tab("Step 3", visible=False) as step_3:
main_instructions = gr.Markdown(instructions_main)
with gr.Tab("Step 2", visible=False) as step_2:
exemplar_image = ImagePrompter(type='pil', label='Visual Exemplar Image', show_label=True, value={"image": "strawberry.jpg", "points": []}, interactive=True)
with gr.Accordion("Open for Further Information", open=False):
with gr.Tab("Step 1", visible=True) as step_1:
input_image = gr.Image(type='pil', label='Input Image', show_label='True', value="strawberry.jpg", interactive=False)
gr.Markdown('# Click "Count" to count the strawberries.')
with gr.Column():
with gr.Tab("Output Image"):
detected_instances = gr.Image(label="Detected Instances", show_label='True', interactive=False, visible=True)
with gr.Row():
input_text = gr.Textbox(label="What would you like to count?", value="strawberry", interactive=True)
pred_count = gr.Number(label="Predicted Count", visible=False)
submit_btn = gr.Button("Count", variant="primary", interactive=True), inputs=[detected_instances], outputs=[detected_instances]).then(fn=count, inputs=[input_image, input_text, exemplar_image, state], outputs=[detected_instances, pred_count, submit_btn, step_2, step_3, state])
exemplar_image.change(check_submit_btn, inputs=[exemplar_image, state], outputs=[submit_btn])
with gr.Tab("App", visible=True) as main_app:
# <center>CountGD: Multi-Modal Open-World Counting
<center><h3>Count objects with text, visual exemplars, or both together.</h3>
<h3>Scroll down to try more examples</h3>
<h3><a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>[paper]</a>
<a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>[code]</a></h3>
Limitation: this app does not support fine-grained counting based on attributes or visual grounding inputs yet. Note: if the exemplar and text conflict each other, both will be counted.</center>
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_image_main = gr.Image(type='pil', label='Input Image', show_label='True', value="strawberry.jpg", interactive=True)
input_text_main = gr.Textbox(label="What would you like to count?", placeholder="", value="strawberry")
exemplar_image_main = ImagePrompter(type='pil', label='Visual Exemplar Image', show_label=True, value={"image": "strawberry.jpg", "points": []}, interactive=True)
with gr.Column():
detected_instances_main = gr.Image(label="Detected Instances", show_label='True', interactive=False)
pred_count_main = gr.Number(label="Predicted Count")
submit_btn_main = gr.Button("Count", variant="primary")
clear_btn_main = gr.ClearButton(variant="secondary")
gr.Examples(label="Examples: click on a row to load the example. Add visual exemplars by drawing boxes on the loaded \"Visual Exemplar Image.\"", examples=examples, inputs=[input_image_main, input_text_main, exemplar_image_main]), inputs=[detected_instances_main], outputs=[detected_instances_main]).then(fn=count_main, inputs=[input_image_main, input_text_main, exemplar_image_main], outputs=[detected_instances_main, pred_count_main])
clear_btn_main.add([input_image_main, input_text_main, exemplar_image_main, detected_instances_main, pred_count_main])
demo.queue().launch(allowed_paths=['back-icon.jpg', 'paste-icon.jpg', 'upload-icon.jpg', 'button-legend.jpg'])