File size: 11,174 Bytes
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On chaos-01:
On laptop:
ssh -N -L 8000: chaos-01
import spaces
import os
os.environ["no_proxy"] = "localhost,,::1"
from utils.constants import SMPLX_DIR, MEAN_PARAMS
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import torch
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count()>0:
device = torch.device('cuda:0')
os.environ["PYOPENGL_PLATFORM"] = "egl"
device_name = torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)
print(f"Device - GPU: {device_name}")
device = torch.device('cpu')
os.environ["PYOPENGL_PLATFORM"] = "osmesa"
device_name = 'CPU'
print("Device - CPU")
from demo import forward_model, get_camera_parameters, overlay_human_meshes, load_model as _load_model
from utils import normalize_rgb, demo_color as color, create_scene
import time
import shutil
model = None
example_data_dir = 'example_data'
list_examples = os.listdir(example_data_dir)
list_examples_basename = [x for x in list_examples if x.endswith(('.jpg', 'jpeg', 'png')) and not x.startswith('._')]
list_examples = [[os.path.join(example_data_dir, x)] for x in list_examples_basename]
_list_examples_basename = [Path(x).stem for x in list_examples_basename]
tmp_data_dir = 'tmp_data'
def download_smplx():
os.makedirs(os.path.join(SMPLX_DIR, 'smplx'), exist_ok=True)
smplx_fname = os.path.join(SMPLX_DIR, 'smplx', 'SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz')
if not os.path.isfile(smplx_fname):
print('Start to download the SMPL-X model')
if not ('SMPLX_LOGIN' in os.environ and 'SMPLX_PWD' in os.environ):
raise ValueError('You need to set a secret for SMPLX_LOGIN and for SMPLX_PWD to run this space')
fname = ""
username = os.environ['SMPLX_LOGIN'].replace('@','%40')
password = os.environ['SMPLX_PWD']
cmd = f"wget -O {fname} --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --post-data 'username={username}&password={password}' \"{fname}\""
assert os.path.isfile(fname), "failed to download"
os.system(f'unzip {fname}')
os.system(f"cp models/smplx/SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz {smplx_fname}")
assert os.path.isfile(smplx_fname), "failed to find smplx file"
print('SMPL-X has been succesfully downloaded')
print('SMPL-X is already here')
if not os.path.isfile(MEAN_PARAMS):
print('Start to download the SMPL mean params')
os.system(f"wget -O {MEAN_PARAMS}")
print('SMPL mean params have been succesfully downloaded')
print('SMPL mean params is already here')
def infer(fn, det_thresh, nms_kernel_size):
global device
global model
model =
# Is it an image from example_data_dir ?
basename = Path(os.path.basename(fn)).stem
_basename = f"{basename}_thresh{int(det_thresh*100)}_nms{int(nms_kernel_size)}"
is_known_image = (basename in _list_examples_basename) # only images from example_data
# Filenames
if not is_known_image:
_basename = 'output' # such that we do not save all the uploaded results - not sure ?
_glb_fn = f"{_basename}.glb"
_rend_fn = f"{_basename}.png"
glb_fn = os.path.join(tmp_data_dir, _glb_fn)
rend_fn = os.path.join(tmp_data_dir, _rend_fn)
os.makedirs(tmp_data_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Already processed
is_preprocessed = False
if is_known_image:
_tmp_data_dir_files = os.listdir(tmp_data_dir)
is_preprocessed = (_glb_fn in _tmp_data_dir_files) and (_rend_fn in _tmp_data_dir_files) # already preprocessed
is_known = is_known_image and is_preprocessed
if not is_known:
im =
fov, p_x, p_y = 60, None, None # FOV=60 always here!
img_size = model.img_size
# Get camera information
p_x, p_y = None, None
K = get_camera_parameters(img_size, fov=fov, p_x=p_x, p_y=p_y, device=device)
# Resise but keep aspect ratio
img_pil = ImageOps.contain(im, (img_size,img_size)) # keep the same aspect ratio
# Which side is too small/big
width, height = img_pil.size
pad = abs(width - height) // 2
# Pad
img_pil_bis = ImageOps.pad(img_pil.copy(), size=(img_size, img_size), color=(255, 255, 255))
img_pil = ImageOps.pad(img_pil, size=(img_size, img_size)) # pad with zero on the smallest side
# Numpy - normalize - torch.
resize_img = normalize_rgb(np.asarray(img_pil))
x = torch.from_numpy(resize_img).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
img_array = np.asarray(img_pil_bis)
img_pil_visu = Image.fromarray(img_array)
start = time.time()
humans = forward_model(model, x, K, det_thresh=det_thresh, nms_kernel_size=nms_kernel_size)
print(f"Forward: {time.time() - start:.2f}sec")
# Overlay
start = time.time()
pred_rend_array, _ = overlay_human_meshes(humans, K, model, img_pil_visu)
rend_pil = Image.fromarray(pred_rend_array.astype(np.uint8))
if width > height:
rend_pil = rend_pil.crop((0,pad,width,pad+height))
rend_pil =rend_pil.crop((pad,0,pad+width,height))
print(f"Rendering with pyrender: {time.time() - start:.2f}sec")
# Save into glb
start = time.time()
l_mesh = [humans[j]['verts_smplx'].detach().cpu().numpy() for j in range(len(humans))]
l_face = [model.smpl_layer['neutral'].bm_x.faces for j in range(len(humans))]
scene = create_scene(img_pil_visu, l_mesh, l_face, color=color, metallicFactor=0., roughnessFactor=0.5)
print(f"Exporting scene in glb: {time.time() - start:.2f}sec")
print("We already have the predictions-visus stored somewhere...")
out = [rend_fn, glb_fn]
return out
# return [rend_fn, hidden_glb_fn]
# return [rend_fn, my_glb_fn]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--model_name", type=str, default='multiHMR')
parser.add_argument("--logs_path", type=str, default='./data')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Info
### Description and style
logo = r"""
<img src='' alt='Multi-HMR logo' style="width:250px; margin-bottom:10px">
title = r"""
<h1 align="center">Multi-HMR: Regressing Whole-Body Human Meshes for Multiple Persons in a Single Shot</h1>
description = f"""
The demo is running on a {device_name}.
[<b>Demo code</b>] If you want to run Multi-HMR on several images please consider using the demo code available on [our Github repo](
article = r"""
π **Citation**
If our work is useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={Multi-HMR: Regressing Whole-Body Human Meshes for Multiple Persons in a Single Shot},
author={Baradel*, Fabien and
Armando, Matthieu and
Galaaoui, Salma and
Br{\'e}gier, Romain and
Weinzaepfel, Philippe and
Rogez, Gr{\'e}gory and
Lucas*, Thomas},
π **License**
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. Please refer to the [LICENSE file](./Multi-HMR_License.txt) for details.
π§ **Contact**
If you have any questions, please feel free to send a message to <b>[email protected]</b> or open an issue on the [Github repo](
# Download SMPLX model and mean params
# Loading the model
# model = _load_model(args.model_name, device=device)
model = _load_model(args.model_name, device=torch.device('cpu'))
# Gradio demo
with gr.Blocks(title="Multi-HMR", css=".gradio-container") as demo:
# gr.HTML("""
# <div style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center; color:royalblue;">Multi-HMR: <br> Multi-Person Whole-Body Human Mesh Recovery in a Single Shot </div>
# """)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
input_image = gr.Image(label="Input image",
# type="pil",
sources=['upload', 'clipboard'])
with gr.Column():
output_image = gr.Image(label="Reconstructions - Overlay",
# type="pil",
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
alpha = -70 # longitudinal rotation in degree
beta = 70 # latitudinal rotation in degree
radius = 3. # distance to the 3D model
radius = None # distance to the 3D model
output_model3d = gr.Model3D(label="Reconstructions - 3D scene",
camera_position=(alpha, beta, radius),
clear_color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
with gr.Row():
threshold = gr.Slider(0.1, 0.7, step=0.1, value=0.3, label='Detection Threshold')
nms = gr.Radio(label="NMS kernel size", choices=[1, 3, 5], value=3)
send_btn = gr.Button("Infer"), inputs=[input_image, threshold, nms], outputs=[output_image, output_model3d])
inputs=[input_image, 0.3, 3])
demo.queue() # <-- Sets up a queue with default parameters
demo.launch(debug=True, share=False)