version: '3' services: incognito: image: motortruck1221/incognito:latest build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile container_name: incognito restart: unless-stopped ports: # The ports work like this: Host:Container (DO NOT MODIFY THE CONTAINER PORT) - '8081:8000' volumes: - ./config.toml:/app/config.toml # this can be removed if you need the image to be stateless #environment: # - SEO=false - Enabled to turn on SEO in the build # - BOTH=false - Use if you want both the SEO and non-seo versions # - DOMAIN= - Use if you want SEO (when using the both option) to work properly # The below allows you to change any of the `buildOpts` config options and use them. #command: # - bstart - Use if using Fastify # - bstart:standalone - Use if using Hono # See docs for differences # - start:standalone - Command to use Hono over fastify # See docs for differences between the servers