import gradio as gr import pandas as pd # Load menu data from Excel def load_menu(): menu_file = "menu.xlsx" # Ensure this file exists in the same directory try: return pd.read_excel(menu_file) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error loading menu file: {e}") # Main menu view def render_menu(preference): menu_data = load_menu() if preference == "Halal/Non-Veg": filtered_data = menu_data[menu_data["Ingredients"].str.contains("Chicken|Mutton|Fish|Prawns|Goat", case=False, na=False)] elif preference == "Vegetarian": filtered_data = menu_data[~menu_data["Ingredients"].str.contains("Chicken|Mutton|Fish|Prawns|Goat", case=False, na=False)] elif preference == "Guilt-Free": filtered_data = menu_data[menu_data["Description"].str.contains(r"Fat: ([0-9]|10)g", case=False, na=False)] else: filtered_data = menu_data # Generate menu as a list of tuples (dish_name, button_label) return [{"label": f"{row['Dish Name']} - ${row['Price ($)']}", "value": row['Dish Name']} for _, row in filtered_data.iterrows()] # Dish details view def render_dish_details(dish_name): menu_data = load_menu() dish = menu_data[menu_data["Dish Name"] == dish_name].iloc[0] return ( dish["Image URL"], dish_name, dish["Description"], dish["Price ($)"] ) # Add to cart function def add_to_cart(dish_name, spice_level, extras, quantity, special_instructions, cart): cart.append({ "name": dish_name, "spice_level": spice_level, "extras": extras, "quantity": quantity, "instructions": special_instructions }) return cart, f"Added {dish_name} to cart!" # Gradio app def app(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: cart_state = gr.State([]) # Menu page menu_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( label="Select a dish to view details", choices=[], interactive=True, ) cart_view = gr.HTML(value="Your cart is empty.") # Fixed line # Dish details view detailed_view = gr.Column(visible=False) dish_image = gr.Image() dish_name = gr.Markdown() dish_description = gr.Markdown() dish_price = gr.Markdown() spice_level = gr.Radio( choices=["Mild", "Medium", "Spicy"], label="Choose Spice Level", ) extras = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices=["Extra Raita", "Extra Salan", "Extra Fried Onion"], label="Choose Extras", ) quantity = gr.Number(label="Quantity", value=1, interactive=True) special_instructions = gr.Textbox( label="Special Instructions", placeholder="Add any special instructions here", ) add_button = gr.Button("Add to Cart") back_button = gr.Button("Back to Menu") # Update menu with dish options def update_menu(preference): menu_choices = render_menu(preference) return gr.update(choices=[choice["label"] for choice in menu_choices]) # Show dish details def show_dish_details(dish_name): img, name, desc, price = render_dish_details(dish_name) return ( gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), img, f"## {name}", desc, f"**Price:** ${price}", ) # Add to cart def handle_add_to_cart(dish_name, spice_level, extras, quantity, instructions, cart): updated_cart, message = add_to_cart(dish_name, spice_level, extras, quantity, instructions, cart) cart_html = "
".join( [f"{item['quantity']}x {item['name']} - {item['spice_level']}" for item in updated_cart] ) return updated_cart, cart_html # Switch back to menu def back_to_menu(): return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) # Interactions menu_dropdown.change( show_dish_details, inputs=[menu_dropdown], outputs=[ menu_dropdown, detailed_view, dish_image, dish_name, dish_description, dish_price, ], ) handle_add_to_cart, inputs=[ dish_name, spice_level, extras, quantity, special_instructions, cart_state, ], outputs=[cart_state, cart_view], ) back_to_menu, outputs=[menu_dropdown, detailed_view], ) # Layout for Gradio app with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("## Menu") menu_dropdown cart_view with detailed_view: dish_image dish_name dish_description dish_price spice_level extras quantity special_instructions add_button back_button return demo if __name__ == "__main__": demo = app() demo.launch()