<html lang="en"> | |
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<title>Order History</title> | |
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.order-card p { | |
margin: 5px 0; | |
font-size: 14px; | |
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font-weight: bold; | |
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border-radius: 5px; | |
display: inline-block; | |
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.status-pending { | |
background-color: #ffc107; | |
color: #fff; | |
} | |
.status-completed { | |
background-color: #28a745; | |
color: #fff; | |
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.status-cancelled { | |
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color: #fff; | |
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<h2>Order History</h2> | |
<!-- Back to Menu Button --> | |
<a href="{{ url_for('menu') }}" class="back-button">Back to Menu</a> | |
{% if orders %} | |
{% for order in orders %} | |
<div class="order-card {% if loop.index > 3 %}hidden{% endif %}"> | |
<p><strong>Date:</strong> {{ order['CreatedDate'][:10] }}</p> | |
<p><strong>Order:</strong> {{ order['Order_Details__c'] }}</p> | |
<p><strong>Total Amount:</strong> ${{ order['Total_Amount__c'] }}</p> | |
<p><strong>Discount:</strong> ${{ order['Discount__c'] }}</p> | |
<p><strong>Total Bill:</strong> ${{ order['Total_Bill__c'] }}</p> | |
<p class="order-status | |
{% if order['Order_Status__c'] == 'Pending' %}status-pending | |
{% elif order['Order_Status__c'] == 'Completed' %}status-completed | |
{% elif order['Order_Status__c'] == 'Cancelled' %}status-cancelled{% endif %}"> | |
{{ order['Order_Status__c'] }} | |
</p> | |
</div> | |
{% endfor %} | |
<!-- Show More / Show Less Button --> | |
{% if orders|length > 3 %} | |
<button class="show-more-btn" onclick="toggleOrders()">Show More</button> | |
{% endif %} | |
{% else %} | |
<p>No past orders found.</p> | |
{% endif %} | |
</div> | |
<script> | |
function toggleOrders() { | |
let hiddenOrders = document.querySelectorAll(".order-card.hidden"); | |
let button = document.querySelector(".show-more-btn"); | |
if (hiddenOrders[0].style.display === "none" || hiddenOrders[0].style.display === "") { | |
hiddenOrders.forEach(order => = "block"); | |
button.textContent = "Show Less"; | |
} else { | |
hiddenOrders.forEach(order => = "none"); | |
button.textContent = "Show More"; | |
} | |
} | |
// Initially hide extra orders | |
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { | |
document.querySelectorAll(".order-card.hidden").forEach(order => = "none"); | |
}); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
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