File size: 2,931 Bytes
b125eed 5729146 b125eed 3ad72e2 82cc40b b125eed ffd98eb 6d6cf98 2008110 82cc40b 0535445 b125eed 0a16a11 0535445 b125eed 0535445 b125eed 2008110 5729146 b125eed c11ca23 82cc40b b125eed c11ca23 b125eed 5729146 ceedd37 5729146 c11ca23 82cc40b c11ca23 0535445 5729146 c11ca23 b125eed c11ca23 0535445 c11ca23 82cc40b c11ca23 b125eed c11ca23 b125eed |
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import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import openai
from haystack.schema import Document
import streamlit as st
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
# Get openai API key
hf_token = os.environ["HF_API_KEY"]
# define a special function for putting the prompt together (as we can't use haystack)
def get_prompt(context, label):
base_prompt="Summarize the following context efficiently in bullet points, the less the better - but keep concrete goals. \
Summarize only elements of the context that address vulnerability of "+label+" to climate change. \
If there is no mention of "+label+" in the context, return: 'No clear references to vulnerability of "+label+" found'. \
Do not include an introduction sentence, just the bullet points as per below. \
Formatting example: \
- Bullet point 1 \
- Bullet point 2 \
prompt = base_prompt+"; Context: "+context+"; Answer:"
return prompt
# # exception handling for issuing multiple API calls to openai (exponential backoff)
# @retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_after_attempt(6))
# def completion_with_backoff(**kwargs):
# return openai.ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs)
class ChatCompletionResult:
def __init__(self):
self.content = ""
def add_content(self, text):
self.content += text
def get_full_content(self):
return self.content.strip()
def run_query(context, label, model_sel_name):
Summarize provided test
chatbot_role = """You are an analyst specializing in climate change impact assessments and producing insights from policy documents."""
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": chatbot_role},{"role": "user", "content": get_prompt(context, label)}]
# Initialize the client, pointing it to one of the available models
client = InferenceClient(model_sel_name, token=hf_token)
# Instantiate ChatCompletion as a generator object (stream is set to True)
chat_completion =
# Create an object to store the full chat completion
completion_result = ChatCompletionResult()
res_box = st.empty()
# Iterate through the streamed output
for chunk in chat_completion:
# Extract the object containing the text
if chunk.choices is not None:
chunk_message = chunk.choices[0].delta
if 'content' in chunk_message:
completion_result.add_content(chunk_message['content']) # Store the message
# Add the latest text and merge it with all previous
result = completion_result.get_full_content()
res_box.success(result) # Output to response text box
# Return the stored chat completion object for later use
return completion_result