import re import logging import json from langchain.schema import ( HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ) import requests from datetime import datetime from uuid import uuid4 # TESTING DEBUG LOG from auditqa.logging_config import setup_logging setup_logging() import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def save_logs(scheduler, JSON_DATASET_PATH, logs, feedback=None) -> None: """ Every interaction with app saves the log of question and answer, this is to get the usage statistics of app and evaluate model performances. Also saves user feedback (when provided). """ try: if feedback: logs["feedback"] = feedback #optional with scheduler.lock: with open(JSON_DATASET_PATH, 'a') as f: json.dump(logs, f) f.write("\n")"logging done") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to save logs to {JSON_DATASET_PATH}: {str(e)}") raise def get_message_template(type, SYSTEM_PROMPT, USER_PROMPT): if type == 'NVIDIA': messages = [{"role": "system", "content": SYSTEM_PROMPT}, {"role":"user","content":USER_PROMPT}] elif type == 'DEDICATED': messages = [ SystemMessage(content=SYSTEM_PROMPT), HumanMessage(content=USER_PROMPT),] else: messages = None return messages def make_html_source(source,i): """ takes the text and converts it into html format for display in "source" side tab """ meta = source.metadata content = source.page_content.strip() name = meta['subtype'] card = f"""

Doc {i} - {meta['subtype']} - Page {int(meta['page'])}


""" return card def parse_output_llm_with_sources(output): # Split the content into a list of text and "[Doc X]" references content_parts = re.split(r'\[(Doc\s?\d+(?:,\s?Doc\s?\d+)*)\]', output) parts = [] for part in content_parts: if part.startswith("Doc"): subparts = part.split(",") subparts = [subpart.lower().replace("doc","").strip() for subpart in subparts] subparts = [f"""{subpart}""" for subpart in subparts] parts.append("".join(subparts)) else: parts.append(part) content_parts = "".join(parts) return content_parts def get_client_ip(request=None): """Get the client IP address from the request context""" try: if request: # Try different headers that might contain the real IP ip = # Check for proxy headers forwarded_for = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For') if forwarded_for: # X-Forwarded-For can contain multiple IPs - first one is the client ip = forwarded_for.split(',')[0].strip() logging.debug(f"Client IP detected: {ip}") return ip except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error getting client IP: {e}") return "" def get_client_location(ip_address) -> dict | None: """Get geolocation info using""" # Add headers so we don't get blocked... headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36' } try: response = requests.get( f'{ip_address}/json/', headers=headers, timeout=5 ) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() return { 'city': data.get('city'), 'region': data.get('region'), 'country': data.get('country_name'), 'latitude': data.get('latitude'), 'longitude': data.get('longitude') } elif response.status_code == 429: logging.warning(f"Rate limit exceeded. Response: {response.text}") return None else: logging.error(f"Error: Status code {response.status_code}. Response: {response.text}") return None except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging.error(f"Request failed: {str(e)}") return None