{"Abstract Strategy": 0, "Animals": 1, "Wargame": 2, "World War II": 3, "Dice": 4, "Nautical": 5, "Expansion for Base-game": 6, "Science Fiction": 7, "Adventure": 8, "Exploration": 9, "Movies / TV / Radio theme": 10, "Fighting": 11, "Modern Warfare": 12, "World War I": 13, "Ancient": 14, "Medieval": 15, "Card Game": 16, "Children's Game": 17, "Educational": 18, "Memory": 19, "Number": 20, "American Civil War": 21, "Deduction": 22, "Humor": 23, "Puzzle": 24, "Racing": 25, "Word Game": 26, "Napoleonic": 27, "Pirates": 28, "Fantasy": 29, "Party Game": 30, "Action / Dexterity": 31, "Horror": 32, "Economic": 33, "Trivia": 34, "Post-Napoleonic": 35, "Sports": 36, "Book": 37, "American West": 38, "Miniatures": 39, "Aviation / Flight": 40, "Bluffing": 41, "Industry / Manufacturing": 42, "Collectible Components": 43, "Novel-based": 44, "Negotiation": 45, "Transportation": 46, "Mature / Adult": 47, "Music": 48, "Political": 49, "+ 2 more": 50, "Religious": 51, "Environmental": 52, "Roll / Spin and Move": 53, "Math": 54, "Space Exploration": 55, "Print & Play": 56, "Civil War": 57, "City Building": 58, "Age of Reason": 59, "Trains": 60, "Travel": 61, "Murder/Mystery": 62, "Farming": 63, "Maze": 64, "Comic Book / Strip": 65, "Electronic": 66, "Territory Building": 67, "Spies/Secret Agents": 68, "Real-time": 69}