TripoSR / tsr /models /
michaelj's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
a12b8d1 verified
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from einops import rearrange, reduce
from torchmcubes import marching_cubes
from ..utils import (
class TriplaneNeRFRenderer(BaseModule):
class Config(BaseModule.Config):
radius: float
feature_reduction: str = "concat"
density_activation: str = "trunc_exp"
density_bias: float = -1.0
color_activation: str = "sigmoid"
num_samples_per_ray: int = 128
randomized: bool = False
cfg: Config
def configure(self) -> None:
assert self.cfg.feature_reduction in ["concat", "mean"]
self.chunk_size = 0
def set_chunk_size(self, chunk_size: int):
assert (
chunk_size >= 0
), "chunk_size must be a non-negative integer (0 for no chunking)."
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
def interpolate_triplane(self, triplane: torch.Tensor, resolution: int):
coords = torch.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, resolution, device = triplane.device)
x, y = torch.meshgrid(coords, coords, indexing="ij")
verts2D =[x.view(resolution, resolution,1), y.view(resolution, resolution,1)], dim = -1)
verts2D = verts2D.expand(3, -1, -1, -1)
return F.grid_sample(triplane, verts2D, align_corners=False,mode="bilinear") # [3 40 H W] xy xz yz
def block_based_marchingcube(self, decoder: torch.nn.Module, triplane: torch.Tensor, resolution: int, threshold, block_resolution = 128) -> torch.Tensor:
resolution += 1 # sample 1 more line of density, 1024 + 1 == 1025, 0 mapping to -1.0f, 512 mapping to 0.0f, 1025 mapping to 1.0f, for better floating point precision.
block_size = 2.0 * block_resolution / (resolution - 1)
voxel_size = block_size / block_resolution
interpolated = self.interpolate_triplane(triplane, resolution)
pos_list = []
indices_list = []
for x in range(0, resolution - 1, block_resolution):
size_x = resolution - x if x + block_resolution >= resolution else block_resolution + 1 # sample 1 more line of density, so marching cubes resolution match block_resolution
for y in range(0, resolution - 1, block_resolution):
size_y = resolution - y if y + block_resolution >= resolution else block_resolution + 1
for z in range(0, resolution - 1, block_resolution):
size_z = resolution - z if z + block_resolution >= resolution else block_resolution + 1
xyplane = interpolated[0:1, :, x:x+size_x, y:y+size_y].expand(size_z, -1, -1, -1, -1).permute(3, 4, 0, 1, 2)
xzplane = interpolated[1:2, :, x:x+size_x, z:z+size_z].expand(size_y, -1, -1, -1, -1).permute(3, 0, 4, 1, 2)
yzplane = interpolated[2:3, :, y:y+size_y, z:z+size_z].expand(size_x, -1, -1, -1, -1).permute(0, 3, 4, 1, 2)
sz = size_x * size_y * size_z
out =[xyplane, xzplane, yzplane], dim=3).view(sz, 3, -1)
if self.cfg.feature_reduction == "concat":
out = out.view(sz, -1)
elif self.cfg.feature_reduction == "mean":
out = reduce(out, "N Np Cp -> N Cp", Np=3, reduction="mean")
raise NotImplementedError
net_out = decoder(out)
out = None # discard samples
density = net_out["density"]
net_out = None # discard colors
density = get_activation(self.cfg.density_activation)(density + self.cfg.density_bias).view(size_x, size_y, size_z)
try: # now do the marching cube
v_pos, indices = marching_cubes(density.detach(), threshold)
except AttributeError:
print("torchmcubes was not compiled with CUDA support, use CPU version instead.")
v_pos, indices = self.mc_func(density.detach().cpu(), 0.0)
offset = torch.tensor([x * voxel_size - 1.0, y * voxel_size - 1.0, z * voxel_size - 1.0], device = triplane.device)
v_pos = v_pos[..., [2, 1, 0]] * voxel_size + offset
vertex_count = 0
for i in range(0, len(pos_list)):
indices_list[i] += vertex_count
vertex_count += pos_list[i].size(0)
def query_triplane(
decoder: torch.nn.Module,
positions: torch.Tensor,
triplane: torch.Tensor,
scale_pos = True
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
input_shape = positions.shape[:-1]
positions = positions.view(-1, 3)
# positions in (-radius, radius)
# normalized to (-1, 1) for grid sample
if scale_pos:
positions = scale_tensor(
positions, (-self.cfg.radius, self.cfg.radius), (-1, 1)
def _query_chunk(x):
indices2D: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(
(x[..., [0, 1]], x[..., [0, 2]], x[..., [1, 2]]),
out: torch.Tensor = F.grid_sample(
rearrange(triplane, "Np Cp Hp Wp -> Np Cp Hp Wp", Np=3),
rearrange(indices2D, "Np N Nd -> Np () N Nd", Np=3),
if self.cfg.feature_reduction == "concat":
out = rearrange(out, "Np Cp () N -> N (Np Cp)", Np=3)
elif self.cfg.feature_reduction == "mean":
out = reduce(out, "Np Cp () N -> N Cp", Np=3, reduction="mean")
raise NotImplementedError
net_out: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = decoder(out)
return net_out
if self.chunk_size > 0:
net_out = chunk_batch(_query_chunk, self.chunk_size, positions)
net_out = _query_chunk(positions)
net_out["density_act"] = get_activation(self.cfg.density_activation)(
net_out["density"] + self.cfg.density_bias
net_out["color"] = get_activation(self.cfg.color_activation)(
net_out = {k: v.view(*input_shape, -1) for k, v in net_out.items()}
return net_out
def _forward(
decoder: torch.nn.Module,
triplane: torch.Tensor,
rays_o: torch.Tensor,
rays_d: torch.Tensor,
rays_shape = rays_o.shape[:-1]
rays_o = rays_o.view(-1, 3)
rays_d = rays_d.view(-1, 3)
n_rays = rays_o.shape[0]
t_near, t_far, rays_valid = rays_intersect_bbox(rays_o, rays_d, self.cfg.radius)
t_near, t_far = t_near[rays_valid], t_far[rays_valid]
t_vals = torch.linspace(
0, 1, self.cfg.num_samples_per_ray + 1, device=triplane.device
t_mid = (t_vals[:-1] + t_vals[1:]) / 2.0
z_vals = t_near * (1 - t_mid[None]) + t_far * t_mid[None] # (N_rays, N_samples)
xyz = (
rays_o[:, None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * rays_d[..., None, :]
) # (N_rays, N_sample, 3)
mlp_out = self.query_triplane(
eps = 1e-10
# deltas = z_vals[:, 1:] - z_vals[:, :-1] # (N_rays, N_samples)
deltas = t_vals[1:] - t_vals[:-1] # (N_rays, N_samples)
alpha = 1 - torch.exp(
-deltas * mlp_out["density_act"][..., 0]
) # (N_rays, N_samples)
accum_prod =
torch.ones_like(alpha[:, :1]),
torch.cumprod(1 - alpha[:, :-1] + eps, dim=-1),
weights = alpha * accum_prod # (N_rays, N_samples)
comp_rgb_ = (weights[..., None] * mlp_out["color"]).sum(dim=-2) # (N_rays, 3)
opacity_ = weights.sum(dim=-1) # (N_rays)
comp_rgb = torch.zeros(
n_rays, 3, dtype=comp_rgb_.dtype, device=comp_rgb_.device
opacity = torch.zeros(n_rays, dtype=opacity_.dtype, device=opacity_.device)
comp_rgb[rays_valid] = comp_rgb_
opacity[rays_valid] = opacity_
comp_rgb += 1 - opacity[..., None]
comp_rgb = comp_rgb.view(*rays_shape, 3)
return comp_rgb
def forward(
decoder: torch.nn.Module,
triplane: torch.Tensor,
rays_o: torch.Tensor,
rays_d: torch.Tensor,
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
if triplane.ndim == 4:
comp_rgb = self._forward(decoder, triplane, rays_o, rays_d)
comp_rgb = torch.stack(
self._forward(decoder, triplane[i], rays_o[i], rays_d[i])
for i in range(triplane.shape[0])
return comp_rgb
def train(self, mode=True):
self.randomized = mode and self.cfg.randomized
return super().train(mode=mode)
def eval(self):
self.randomized = False
return super().eval()