{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "id": "initial_id", "metadata": { "collapsed": true, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-11-23T21:57:30.039938Z", "start_time": "2024-11-23T21:57:28.403312Z" } }, "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "factify_train = pd.read_csv(\"/Users/sakdag/Downloads/public_folder/train.csv\")" ], "outputs": [], "execution_count": 2 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-11-23T21:57:57.306557Z", "start_time": "2024-11-23T21:57:57.301142Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "factify_train[\"Category\"].value_counts()", "id": "588922424afe3fe4", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Category\n", "Support_Text 7000\n", "Insufficient_Multimodal 7000\n", "Support_Multimodal 7000\n", "Insufficient_Text 7000\n", "Refute 7000\n", "Name: count, dtype: int64" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 5 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-11-23T21:58:40.357838Z", "start_time": "2024-11-23T21:58:39.962770Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "factify_val = pd.read_csv(\"/Users/sakdag/Downloads/public_folder/val.csv\")", "id": "2a7cf26b899db6fa", "outputs": [], "execution_count": 6 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-11-23T21:58:46.417726Z", "start_time": "2024-11-23T21:58:46.411963Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "factify_val[\"Category\"].value_counts()", "id": "a6e834ff1ec937e6", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Category\n", "Support_Multimodal 1500\n", "Refute 1500\n", "Support_Text 1500\n", "Insufficient_Text 1500\n", "Insufficient_Multimodal 1500\n", "Name: count, dtype: int64" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 7 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-11-23T22:09:37.661215Z", "start_time": "2024-11-23T22:06:37.363353Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "from tqdm import tqdm\n", "from langdetect import detect, DetectorFactory\n", "from langdetect.lang_detect_exception import LangDetectException\n", "\n", "# Ensuring consistent language detection\n", "DetectorFactory.seed = 0\n", "\n", "# Example DataFrame\n", "# factify_train = pd.DataFrame({'claim': ['This is an English sentence.', 'Ceci est une phrase française.', 'Este es un texto en español.', ...]})\n", "\n", "def detect_language(text):\n", " try:\n", " return detect(text)\n", " except LangDetectException:\n", " return \"unknown\"\n", "\n", "# Use tqdm to show progress\n", "tqdm.pandas(desc=\"Detecting languages\")\n", "\n", "# Apply language detection with progress bar\n", "factify_train['language'] = factify_train['document'].progress_apply(detect_language)\n", "\n", "# Get counts per language\n", "language_counts = factify_train['language'].value_counts()\n", "\n", "# Display the results\n", "print(language_counts)\n" ], "id": "466cc774bfc81130", "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Detecting languages: 100%|██████████| 35000/35000 [03:00<00:00, 194.15it/s]" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "language\n", "en 34969\n", "nl 11\n", "hi 7\n", "de 6\n", "es 2\n", "it 1\n", "fr 1\n", "unknown 1\n", "id 1\n", "bn 1\n", "Name: count, dtype: int64\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n" ] } ], "execution_count": 11 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:08.667236Z", "start_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:08.662573Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "import pickle\n", "import os\n", "\n", "def modify_keys_in_pkl(input_file: str, output_file: str):\n", " \"\"\"\n", " Reads a .pkl file, modifies its keys by replacing backslashes (\\\\) with slashes (/),\n", " and writes the updated data back to a new .pkl file.\n", "\n", " Args:\n", " input_file (str): Path to the input .pkl file.\n", " output_file (str): Path to the output .pkl file.\n", " \"\"\"\n", " # Ensure the input file exists\n", " if not os.path.exists(input_file):\n", " raise FileNotFoundError(f\"Input file {input_file} does not exist.\")\n", "\n", " # Read the data from the input .pkl file\n", " with open(input_file, 'rb') as file:\n", " data = pickle.load(file)\n", "\n", " # Ensure the data is a dictionary\n", " if not isinstance(data, dict):\n", " raise ValueError(\"The .pkl file must contain a dictionary.\")\n", "\n", " # Modify the keys in the dictionary\n", " modified_data = {\n", " (key.replace('\\\\', '/') if isinstance(key, str) else key): value\n", " for key, value in data.items()\n", " }\n", "\n", " # Write the modified data back to a new .pkl file\n", " with open(output_file, 'wb') as file:\n", " pickle.dump(modified_data, file)\n", "\n", " print(f\"Modified keys saved to {output_file}\")" ], "id": "a7c3317a8918e94c", "outputs": [], "execution_count": 2 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:22.814426Z", "start_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:22.799868Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from src.utils.path_utils import get_project_root\n", "\n", "project_root = get_project_root()\n", "old_pkl = os.path.join(project_root, \"evidence_feature_old.pkl\")\n", "new_pk = os.path.join(project_root, \"evidence_feature.pkl\")" ], "id": "f3333b12c399d5b8", "outputs": [], "execution_count": 5 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:29.196313Z", "start_time": "2024-12-31T12:38:22.915685Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "modify_keys_in_pkl(old_pkl, new_pk)", "id": "3c39720a1eb008e", "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Modified keys saved to /Users/sakdag/Desktop/masters/multimodal-misinformation-detection/evidence_feature.pkl\n" ] } ], "execution_count": 6 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-12-31T12:42:49.272660Z", "start_time": "2024-12-31T12:42:46.103728Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "with open(new_pk, 'rb') as file:\n", " data = pickle.load(file)\n", " print(list(data.keys())[0])\n", " print(data[list(data.keys())[0]])\n", " print(list(data.keys())[-1])\n", " print(data[list(data.keys())[-1]])\n", " print(len(data))" ], "id": "e05317c21db25b9f", "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/test/0_evidence.jpg\n", "tensor([0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0750, ..., 0.2198, 0.0000, 0.0027])\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/9_evidence.jpg\n", "tensor([0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0383, 0.0000])\n", "41256\n" ] } ], "execution_count": 13 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:41.538767Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:23.511330Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from src.evidence.text2text_retrieval import SemanticSimilarity\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "from src.demo.app import Evidence\n", "from src.utils.path_utils import get_project_root\n", "import os\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "\n", "PROJECT_ROOT = get_project_root()\n", "\n", "\n", "query = \"Michael Bloomberg said that Donald Trump was known among millionaires as a 'con artist,' and among business owners as a 'cheat.'. a close up of a person in a suit and tie with a quote\"\n", "data_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"data\", \"preprocessed\")\n", "train_csv_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"train_enriched.csv\")\n", "test_csv_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"test_enriched.csv\")\n", "train_embeddings_file = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"train_embeddings.h5\")\n", "test_embeddings_file = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"test_embeddings.h5\")\n", "similarity =SemanticSimilarity(\n", " train_embeddings_file=train_embeddings_file,\n", " test_embeddings_file=test_embeddings_file,\n", " train_csv_path=train_csv_path,\n", " test_csv_path=test_csv_path,\n", ")\n", "evidences = []\n", "# Perform semantic search across both train and test datasets\n", "results = similarity.search(query=query, top_k=5)\n", "\n", "# Retrieve evidence rows based on the search results\n", "for evidence_id, score in results:\n", " # Determine whether the ID belongs to train or test set\n", " if evidence_id.startswith(\"train_\"):\n", " df = similarity.train_csv\n", " elif evidence_id.startswith(\"test_\"):\n", " df = similarity.test_csv\n", " else:\n", " continue # Skip invalid IDs\n", "\n", " # Extract the row by ID\n", " row = df[df[\"id\"] == int(evidence_id.split(\"_\")[1])].iloc[0]\n", " evidence_text = row.get(\"evidence_enriched\")\n", " evidence_image_caption = row.get(\"evidence_image_caption\")\n", " evidence_image_path = row.get(\"evidence_image\")\n", " evidence_image = None\n", "\n", " # Load the image if a valid path is provided\n", " if pd.notna(evidence_image_path):\n", " full_image_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, evidence_image_path)\n", " try:\n", " evidence_image = Image.open(full_image_path).convert(\"RGB\")\n", " except Exception as e:\n", " print(f\"Failed to load image {evidence_image_path}: {e}\")\n", "\n", " # Create an Evidence object\n", " evidences.append(\n", " Evidence(\n", " text=evidence_text,\n", " image=evidence_image,\n", " caption=evidence_image_caption,\n", " evidence_id=evidence_id,\n", " )\n", " )\n", "\n" ], "id": "b8497941bc652cfd", "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "len(hits_train) = 25\n", "len(hits_test): 25\n", "[('train_12005', -1.2907099), ('train_3005', -1.2907099), ('train_6005', -1.2907099), ('train_20892', -1.5562872), ('train_14787', -2.8103993), ('train_26765', -3.5438893), ('train_28534', -3.5438893), ('train_34754', -3.5438893), ('train_22006', -3.5993924), ('train_23133', -3.6540892), ('train_25594', -3.8778205), ('train_14790', -4.199101), ('train_27141', -4.468935), ('train_31941', -4.588285), ('train_13872', -4.710619), ('train_15856', -4.728036), ('train_7936', -4.728036), ('train_3976', -4.728036), ('train_31590', -5.2371297), ('train_6360', -5.6940365), ('train_3180', -5.6940365), ('train_12720', -5.6940365), ('train_9806', -5.9297), ('train_4906', -5.9297), ('train_31416', -7.693228), ('test_179', 6.086358), ('test_4663', 0.3863513), ('test_7100', -1.2288148), ('test_7414', -1.6169428), ('test_4824', -3.881856), ('test_6779', -4.113426), ('test_2505', -4.217946), ('test_1129', -4.440675), ('test_2280', -4.5340633), ('test_1675', -4.5864925), ('test_71', -4.588285), ('test_1983', -4.6634398), ('test_4659', -5.147091), ('test_3751', -5.475953), ('test_6544', -5.921175), ('test_5454', -6.1898584), ('test_2916', -6.1898584), ('test_5134', -6.2064095), ('test_3052', -7.1079645), ('test_2192', -8.218788), ('test_426', -8.518331), ('test_5931', -8.518331), ('test_7189', -8.518331), ('test_6126', -8.594828), ('test_1826', -9.911759)]\n" ] } ], "execution_count": 32 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:57.965851Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:57.962748Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "evidences", "id": "35334e6f20aa9de2", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[Evidence(evidence_id='test_179', evidence='A graphic featuring an image of former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg next to a quote ostensibly uttered by him about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, referring to the GOP candidate as “con artist” and a “cheat,” has been widely circulated on social media: The text of this image first started circulating\\xa0in July 2016, shortly after Bloomberg made an appearance at the Democratic National Convention to endorse Hillary Clinton. Bloomberg issued several remarks critical of Donald Trump during his DNC speech, including referring to his candidacy as a “con” and mocking his business acumen, but he did not say the words attributed to him above. A full transcript of Bloomberg’s speech can be found here, while the relevant portion has been reproduced below: Nonetheless, some newspapers misquoted Bloomberg and reported that he had referred to Trump as a “con artist”: It was Florida senator Marco Rubio who referred to Trump (more than once) as a “con artist” during the campaign for the Republican nomination:. arafed man in a suit and tie standing in an office', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='arafed man in a suit and tie standing in an office', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='test_4663', evidence=\"\\n Trump’s former fixer and lawyer Michael Cohen accuses Trump of being a “cheat” – inflating and deflating his net worth to suit his needs.\\n\\n “It was my experience that Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes, such as trying to be listed among the wealthiest people in Forbes, and deflated his assets to reduce his real estate taxes,” Cohen says in the prepared testimony.\\n\\n Later during the hearing, Cohen answered “yes” when he was asked if the President or his company ever intentionally inflated assets to get a loan. \\n\\nSEE: Documents Michael Cohen will present to back up his testimony to Congress\\n\\n As evidence, Cohen offers up three different exhibits, which are essentially back-of-the-envelope general estimations of Trump’s assets and liabilities and a bottom line declaration of his worth. \\n\\n Cohen suggested they were prepared by Trump and his associates when Trump was trying to secure a loan from Deutsche Bank for an ultimately unsuccessful bid to buy the Buffalo Bills and for Forbes Magazine, which publishes an annual list of billionaires.\\n\\n “These documents and others were provided to Deutsche Bank in one occasion when I was with them in our attempt to obtain money so that we could put a bid in on the Buffalo Bills,” he said in response to questions.\\n\\n The one- and two-page documents show Trump claimed his net worth grew from $4.2 billion to $8.7 billion between 2011 and 2013 – a jump that comes from the addition of a line estimating Trump’s “brand value.” \\n\\n The move appears to have been a way for Trump to puff up his net worth for the benefit of loan officers or magazine factcheckers. But, according to Cohen, Trump was also practiced at making his net worth seem smaller at tax time.\\n\\n As proof Cohen offered two news articles, one from 2015 in which Forbes said Trump had been inflating his wealth and another, from The Guardian in 2016, on Trump’s long legal effort to slash the value of Trump National Golf Course in Westchester County, New York.\\n\\n The pattern has also been reported by CNN. In 2017, CNN found that Trump had fought the tax assessments of all 12 of his US golf courses except the one in Bedminster, New Jersey. That included his Trump National Golf Course Westchester, which Ossining, New York, said was worth $15.1 million, but which Trump, fighting for a smaller tax bill, argued in court the property was worth just $1.5 million. \\n\\nThe 29 most consequential lines from Michael Cohen's congressional testimony\\n\\n In a 2017 financial disclosure, Trump said the club was worth far more than the $15 million claimed by Ossining. \\n\\n In his prepared testimony, Cohen also said Trump once bragged of a $10 million tax refund in the depths of the financial crisis just as he was slashing salaries for his employees, including Cohen. \\n\\n “When telling me in 2008 or 2009 that he was cutting employees’ salaries in half – including mine – he showed me what he claimed was a $10 million IRS tax refund, and he said that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving ‘someone like him’ that much money back,” Cohen said in the prepared testimony.\\n\\n While Cohen didn’t offer proof of his tax claim, The New York Times published documents in 2016 that showed Trump claimed a nearly billion-dollar loss in 1995, which could potentially have shielded him from 18 years of income taxes. But while this offers a snapshot of Trump’s finances, the public still doesn’t know the full picture since he’s steadfastly refused to release his tax returns.\\n\\n We don’t know everything Trump tells the government about his net worth and his income because he has refused to release his tax returns. \\n\\n However, we do know he paid some taxes in the intervening decades. A selectively leaked page of Trump’s tax return for 2005 showed he paid $38 million in tax in that year. The White House said the tax was paid on more than $150 million in income that year, which was in the midst of the real estate bubble.\\n\\n The White House said at the time Trump also made a “large-scale” write-off for construction losses. \\n\\n But Trump’s efforts to secure financing to expand his empire paid off. He never bought the Bills, but Trump businesses wound up borrowing over $300 million from Deutsche Bank to pay for a Florida golf course and hotels in Chicago and Washington, according to financial disclosures and public filings from 2012 to 2015, including disclosures Trump filed as a presidential candidate with the Office of Government Ethics. \\n\\n According to a Bloomberg report, executives at the bank considered extending the repayment several years to 2025, after a potential Trump second term. The New York Times reported Deutsche Bank rejected a loan request from Trump Organization in 2016. Democrats have zeroed in on the loans as an area for investigation. \\n\\n Trump’s history of borrowing from Deutsche Bank is long, according to an in-depth Wall Street Journal analysis, which also notes he defaulted on more than $300 million in 2008 and sued the bank, claiming the financial crisis was an unforeseen event. They eventually settled out of court.\\n© 2021 Cable News Network. A Warner Media Company. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.. a close up of a man in a suit and tie giving a speech\", evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='a close up of a man in a suit and tie giving a speech', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='test_7100', evidence='\\n Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s one-time personal attorney and fixer, is testifying before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday – likely the only chance the public will have to hear from him before he is sent to jail in May for a series of tax and campaign finance charges. \\n\\nCohen’s testimony is one of the biggest moments of Trump’s time in office and among the most high-profile hearings on Capitol Hill in modern political memory.\\n\\n I watched Cohen’s testimony throughout the day, plucked out key lines from him and added context and analysis. These lines are in the chronological order in which Cohen said them.\\n\\n\\n1. “I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat.”\\n\\n These lines, from Cohen’s opening statement, set the tone for the day. And the tone is this: Cohen is not going to be pulling any punches on Trump. A man who spent a decade at the right hand of the current President of the United States is now saying on the record that that man is a “racist,” a “conman” and a “cheat.” We’ve grown used to the abnormal in Trump’s White House, but even by that standard, this is a “whoa” moment.\\n\\n2. “He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone was talking with Julian Assange about a WikiLeaks drop of Democratic National Committee emails.”\\n\\n And boom goes the dynamite. This is a Very Big Deal. Remember that Trump told The New York Times earlier this year that he had never spoken to Stone – who has been indicted on charges that he lied to Congress about the nature and extent of his dealing with WikiLeaks – about the DNC emails hacked by the Russians and then released to do maximum damage to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “No, I didn’t. I never did,” Trump said when asked whether he talked to Stone about the stolen emails. The Times also pressed on whether Trump told anyone, including Stone, to get in touch with WikiLeaks to see when they were planning to drop the emails. “Never did,” Trump responded.\\n\\n3. “A copy of a check Mr. Trump wrote from his personal bank account – after he became president – to reimburse me for the hush money payments I made to cover up his affair with an adult film star and prevent damage to his campaign.”\\n\\n Cohen has the receipts – literally! The check – for $35,000 – is dated August 1, 2017, and signed in Trump’s very distinctive script. That date is, obviously, after Trump became president. And if Cohen is to be believed, it also directly contradicts Trump’s assertions in April 2018 that he knew nothing about where Cohen got the money to keep porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal – both of whom alleged affairs with Trump – quiet during the 2016 campaign. \\n\\n Of course, a check signed to Cohen is not proof that the money was a reimbursement for the hush payments – although the check is consistent with Cohen’s version of events and the version of events that prosecutors in the Southern District of New York seem to believe: That Trump played a role in coordinating and orchestrating the payments to Daniels and McDougal in a clear end-run of campaign finance laws.\\n\\n4. “Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That’s not how he operates.”\\n\\n This from Cohen directly disputes reporting from BuzzFeed News that Cohen was instructed to lie by the President. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office released a statement that took issue with the BuzzFeed reporting shortly after it published.\\n\\n5. “There were at least a half-dozen times between the Iowa Caucus in January 2016 and the end of June when he would ask me ‘How’s it going in Russia?’ – referring to the Moscow Tower project.”\\n\\n This sheds light on the breadth of Trump’s interest in and conversations about Trump Tower Moscow. What we knew prior to today is that Cohen lied to Congress when he told them that all conversations with the Russians about the development had stopped by January 2016. Cohen later admitted that he had lied about that because he was concerned it might hurt Trump’s presidential chances if people knew that the conversations had continued all the way into the summer of 2016.\\n\\n6. “Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it because he never expected to win the election. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the Moscow real estate project.”\\n\\n A few things here are relevant. First, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in January that Trump was involved in discussions about the possible Trump Tower Moscow project all the way through the election. (Giuliani later said he was speaking only hypothetically about what Trump knew when.) Second, both that admission from Giuliani and Cohen’s claim seem to directly dispute Trump’s repeated insistence during the campaign that “I have nothing to do with Russia. I don’t have any jobs in Russia. I’m all over the world but we’re not involved in Russia.”\\n\\n7. “Mr. Trump would often say, this campaign was going to be the ‘greatest infomercial in political history.’”\\n\\n No matter how Trump tries to rewrite history, it is a fact that he never, ever thought he would be the Republican nominee – much less the president. He had walked up to the edge of running a few times before and knew that if he didn’t do it this time then people wouldn’t cover him when he thought about it in the future. You can dispute Cohen’s assertion that Trump’s entire campaign was solely to further brand awareness, but you cannot dispute that the billionaire businessman never thought he would win.\\n\\n8. “Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’”\\n\\n These lines are probably the most important in all of Cohen’s opening statement – and maybe in his broader daylong testimony. Per No. 2 above, Cohen’s assertion that he was in the room when Trump talked to Stone about WikiLeaks and its plans to release stolen emails runs directly counter to Trump’s public insistence that he had never talked to Stone about WikiLeaks. Directly counter. The timing of all of this is very interesting too. Cohen says in his testimony that the call occurred between Stone and Trump about WikiLeaks in July 2016. Later that month, Trump held a news conference in which he said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.” Either on or right around that day, according to an indictment of a number of Russian officials by Mueller, Russia sent phishing attempts to Clinton staffers. Ahem.\\n\\n9. “He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a ‘shithole.’ This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States.”\\n\\n Impossible to corroborate what Cohen is saying here – unless there were other people in the room – but this is consistent with reporting from CNN and others in January 2018 that Trump referred to immigrants coming into the US from “shithole” countries.\\n\\n10. “He told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.” \\n\\n Again, virtually impossible to corroborate this. While Trump never said anything like what Cohen alleges in the 2016 campaign, his pitch to black voters was hugely stereotypical – suggesting that they didn’t have much, so why not take a chance on voting for him. “What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump,” Trump would often ask. “What the hell do you have to lose?”\\n\\n11. “He asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair, and to lie to his wife about it, which I did.”\\n\\n This runs directly counter to Trump’s insistence that he a) knew nothing about the payment to Stormy Daniels and b) never spoke with Cohen about how to handle that situation. It is also runs counter to Trump’s repeated denials that he ever engaged in extramarital acts with Daniels.\\n\\n12. “This $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year – while he was President. The President of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws.”\\n\\n The check Cohen is referencing – from No. 3 above – could be damning evidence. The problem, of course, is that nowhere on the check does it say that Trump is reimbursing Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels. Which gives Trump plausible deniability. Still, it doesn’t look good. At all.\\n\\n13. “I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores.”\\n\\n If you don’t think Cohen is telling the truth here, then you have missed the entirety of Trump’s professional and political life – all of which make Cohen’s claim wholly credible.\\n\\n14. “He finished the conversation with the following comment. ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’”\\n\\n Trump received a series of deferments that kept him out of the Vietnam war. He claimed he had a medical condition – bone spurs – that would make him unable to serve. Two daughters of the podiatrist who diagnosed Trump with those bone spurs told The New York Times that their father did so as a “favor” to Trump’s father, Fred.\\n\\n15. “Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. I do not.”\\n\\n NO COLLUSION!\\n\\n16. “Don Jr. came into the room and walked behind his father’s desk – which in itself was unusual. People didn’t just walk behind Mr. Trump’s desk to talk to him. I recalled Don Jr. leaning over to his father and speaking in a low voice, which I could clearly hear, and saying: ‘The meeting is all set.’ I remember Mr. Trump saying, ‘OK good…let me know.’”\\n\\n This conversation, which Cohen said happened in early June 2016, is what he believes is a sign that President Trump knew about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and a group of Russians promising dirt on Clinton. Trump and Trump Jr. have denied that the President ever knew about the meeting. And in their defense, Cohen’s memory is pure conjecture here; Don Jr. could have been talking about any number of meetings and Cohen has no proof that the President’s eldest son was actually looping his father in on the meeting with the Russians.\\n\\n17. “I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from President Trump.”\\n\\n This clears up one question I had coming into this hearing. But Cohen’s statement doesn’t make clear whether a pardon was ever offered – or even floated by Trump or his allies. \\n\\n18. “I did not want to go to the White House. I was offered jobs.”\\n\\n Cohen pushed back hard on the idea that Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan put forward that Cohen’s willingness to attack Trump was entirely born of his anger that he had not been asked to serve in the White House. Cohen said that Trump wanted him to work in the White House but that he believed it would invalidate their attorney-client privilege and therefore make it impossible to do his other work on behalf of Trump. Donald Trump Jr. disagreed with Cohen’s version of events, tweeting: “Hahahaha Michael Cohen begged to work at the White House and everyone knows it.”\\n\\n19. “[Stone] frequently reached out to Mr. Trump and Mr. Trump was very happy to take his calls. It was – free service.”\\n\\n This is important. Cohen made clear here that Roger Stone was not an operative of the Trump campaign but rather a sort-of friend who flitted in and out of Trump world. There was, according to Cohen, no codified relationship between the two – although Cohen did say Trump was more than happy to take Stone’s call and any information he offered.\\n\\n20. “Mr. Trump’s desire to win would have him work with anyone.”\\n\\n This was Cohen’s response to Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s question as to whether the President was capable of working with the Russians to help him win an election. This is entirely speculative, of course, but it is worth noting that Cohen did know Trump better than almost anyone for more than a decade.\\n\\n21. “Everything was done with the knowledge of, and at the direction of, Mr. Trump.”\\n\\n Cohen is speaking specifically here about his allegation that he worked on Trump’s behalf to make him look wealthier in order to boost him on Forbes’ list of the richest people in the country. For what it’s worth, Trump dropped 220 slots on Forbes’ list in 2017. \\n\\n22. “It wasn’t our responsibility to be the fact checker for a news agency.”\\n\\n Jordan wanted to know why Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, had not denied the BuzzFeed News story last month which, citing informed sources, said that Cohen had told the special counsel’s office that Trump had asked him to lie to Congress. The special counsel’s office did dispute the story – in broad terms – although BuzzFeed did not retract it. Earlier in his testimony (see No. 5 above) Cohen said under oath that Trump had never directly asked him to lie to Congress.\\n\\n23. “They want to know what I know about Mr. Trump … and not one question has been asked about Mr. Trump.”\\n\\n After two hours of questioning and a brief break, Cohen used a question from Jordan to lecture Republicans. Cohen noted that Republicans on the Oversight Committee had spent hours forcing him to confess wrongs he had committed, which he had already admitted, rather than asking questions about his dealings with Trump as it related to either the hush payments to Daniels and McDougal or the President’s involvement in the conversations about the Trump Tower Moscow development.\\n\\n The two sparred several times on Wednesday. In another key moment of the hearing, Cohen said, “shame on you, Mr. Jordan,” when arguing that the congressman had mischaracterized his testimony.\\n\\n24. “I have no reason to believe that tape exists.”\\n\\n Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland kind of, sort of asked Cohen about whether he was aware – or had ever seen – what has been called the “pee tape,” a rumored video of Trump watching prostitutes urinating at a hotel in Russia. (The allegation was made as part of a broader dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.) According to former FBI Director James Comey, Trump brought up the tape allegation and asked him to dispute it publicly if he could.\\n\\n25. “He speaks in a code. And I understand the code because I’ve been around him for a decade.”\\n\\n One of Cohen’s core arguments in his testimony is that Trump never directly told him to, say, lie to Congress because he didn’t have to: Cohen, like others who had spent years with Trump, knew exactly what Trump wanted done. Whether you believe Cohen truly understands the “code” that Trump is speaking in – or whether he is actually speaking in any code at all – depends on how you view Trump (and Cohen). Regardless, it seems clear that Trump did not expressly tell Cohen to break the law, although Cohen has clearly stated in his testimony that Trump sought to end-run campaign finance laws in paying off two women who alleged affairs with Trump in the mid-2000s.\\n\\n26. “I have never been to Prague.”\\n\\n Well, that settles that. The Steele dossier alleged that Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with a Russian official during the 2016 campaign. Cohen denied he went to Prague, and said he instead went to Europe in 2016 but was in London to visit his daughter, who was studying abroad.\\n\\n27. “I don’t believe Mr. Trump ever struck Mrs. Trump, ever.”\\n\\n Cohen made this comment in response to questioning by Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier about the possible existence of an elevator tape from Trump Tower in which Donald Trump is allegedly seen hitting his wife, Melania Trump. “Comedian” Tom Arnold has spread the idea that such an elevator tape exists, while offering no proof of that fact. Cohen said he believes no tape like that exists and that Trump was never violent with his wife.\\n\\n28. “What he didn’t want was to have an entire group of thinks tanks run through his tax return … and then he’ll end up in an audit and eventually have taxable consequences.”\\n\\n Asked by California Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D) what Trump had told Cohen about why he didn’t want to release his tax returns, Cohen offered up this answer – which is FAR different from the White House’s official line that he cannot release the returns because he is under audit. According to Cohen, Trump was worried about being under audit if his returns were released and picked through. Which would suggest that he is not currently under audit, and that the real reason Trump is afraid of releasing his taxes is because he doesn’t want to pay tax fines.\\n\\n29. “I fear that if he loses the presidential election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power.”\\n\\n In Cohen’s closing statement, he offered this ominous warning about what might happen if Trump loses a bid for a second term in 2020. It’s not an idle threat, either. Remember that Trump has argued – with no evidence – that 3 to 5 million votes had been cast illegally in the 2016 election. And that was an election he won! Imagine what it would be like if he lost.\\n© 2021 Cable News Network. A Warner Media Company. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.. two photos of a man with a red tie and a man with a black jacket', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='two photos of a man with a red tie and a man with a black jacket', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='train_12005', evidence='The billionaire had a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday. Bloomberg gives address after ending campaignFormer New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg, a centrist billionaire who launched a White House bid after years of flirting with a run, and pledged to use his vast resources to unite Democrats and moderate Republicans against President Donald Trump has suspended his campaign and is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden.His campaign was shaken by Biden’s resurgence and overwhelming victory in the South Carolina primary, which reignited the former vice president\\'s bid and led other moderate candidates to drop out of the race end endorse him in an effort to consolidate the primary vote and prevent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders from clinching the party’s nomination. By Super Tuesday, it was clear that Bloomberg\\'s efforts to target the 15 contests in play in lieu of traditional campaigning methods of hitting the early voting states simply did not pay off in terms of netting the bulk of pledged delegates or the popular vote.“Three months ago, I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump. Today, I am leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump – because it is clear to me that staying in would make achieving that goal more difficult,\" he wrote in a letter to supporters adding “I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden.\"Biden, who has acknowledged his lackluster ground game, told ABC News that changes were coming to his campaign in terms of staffing. On Wednesday, he tweeted his thanks to Bloomberg whose endorsement could possibly help strengthen the former vice president\\'s bid with a potential huge influx of cash and organization assistance.\"@MikeBloomberg, I can’t thank you enough for your support—and for your tireless work on everything from gun safety reform to climate change. This race is bigger than candidates and bigger than politics. It’s about defeating Donald Trump, and with your help, we’re gonna do it,” Biden tweeted.Despite ruling out a White House run last spring, Bloomberg reversed course in the fall and entered the race just before Thanksgiving, offering himself as a pragmatic problem solver with unlimited resources who could appeal to the middle of the country alienated by Trump and leading progressives, at a moment when former vice president Joe Biden faced questions about the strength of his campaign.Bloomberg’s campaign surged after Biden’s disastrous fourth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses, impressing voters and Democratic officials with the size and scale of his operation despite skipping the first four early primary contests, and seizing on concerns that Sanders’ nomination could endanger down-ballot Democrats across the country this fall.\"Defeating Trump – and rebuilding America – is the most urgent and important fight of our lives. And I’m going all in,” Bloomberg said on his website at the time.In the first 100 days of his campaign, Bloomberg spent more than half a billion dollars of his estimated $60 billion fortune on his campaign, flooding airwaves around the country with ads, opening hundreds of offices across the country, and hiring more than 2,100 people to his team, building an operation from scratch that resembled a general election operation more than a primary campaign.His was a novel gambit: throwing out the traditional primary rulebook altogether, bypassing the four early states altogether and focusing in on delegate-rich Super Tuesday spots like Texas, California and Florida. Moreover, he specifically homed in on the swing states Trump picked up in 2016 that Democrats “should” have won, like Ohio or Michigan.Bloomberg’s energetic efforts at outreach demonstrate an immense appetite for seeking voters where they live, and showing his commitment, especially visiting those areas off the beaten campaign trail during the early primary stages; as other candidates campaigned in Iowa with a weather eye towards March - Bloomberg was already all over the map.Moreover, he swiftly assembled a formidable ground game: field staff swelling to over 2,000 in 43 states and territories, including all Super Tuesday states; more than 400 in their headquarters.On his massive operation, Bloomberg called it an “investment” in beating Trump.“Some of these candidates criticize me for spending a lot of money,” Bloomberg said at a December stump stop in Ohio. “I think “you want me to spend less to get rid of Donald Trump? I don’t think so.”Bloomberg’s campaign has said it would “spend whatever it takes” to remove Trump from office; he has left open the possibility that he could eventually put as much as a billion dollars into the race - even if it\\'s not his to run - pledging to keep his operation open even if he is not the nominee - to help whoever does eventually win.Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he would refuse Bloomberg’s help, should he win the nomination; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., though she said she’d accept Bloomberg’s aid, also did not hold back: in turns accusing him of “buying his way” into the election, and that he was “skipping the democracy part” of the primary.He faced sharp rebuke from rivals who criticized his large ad buys and campaign strategy.Despite slick commercials that portrayed Bloomberg as an effective and decisive manager who rebuilt New York City after the September 11th terror attacks, Bloomberg, an uneven debater and retail politician, never recovered from a poor showing in his first primary debate, when he struggled to respond to attacks about his past as a Republican, his wealth and a series of nondisclosure agreements related to alleged comments towards women at his company, along with the controversial stop-and-frisk policing tactics used in the city during his tenure.Just before announcing his 2020 bid, Bloomberg made a very public apology for his support of stop and frisk - and continued to do so over the course of his campaign, touring through black and brown communities, meeting with leaders, and rolling out several criminal justice and economic policies specifically geared towards lifting up those communities most hurt by such divisive issues.His past treatment of women in his employ, as well as the culture at his eponymous company, has also faced intense scrutiny. ABC News’ breaking investigation in December explored the repeated occasions where Bloomberg had faced and fought allegations that he directed crude and sexist comments to women in his office, including a claim in the 1990s that he told an employee who had just announced she was pregnant to \"kill it.\" Bloomberg has repeatedly denied making these and other comments.The nondisclosure agreements he has kept with many of his employees keep any of those on the receiving end of these comments from sharing their side. On the debate stage, Warren tore into Bloomberg, demanding as she had told ABC News for months that he release the women from their secrecy agreements.For his part, Bloomberg just days later announced that he would release three of those signatories from their agreement.24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. arafed image of a man walking on stage with a flag in the background', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='arafed image of a man walking on stage with a flag in the background', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='train_20892', evidence='President Donald Trump blinked this week -- twice.News headlines today: Jan. 25, 2019The TAKE with Rick KleinPresident Donald Trump blinked this week -- twice. Now, if you squint, you can see the light at the end of the shutdown\\'s long tunnel.Trump won\\'t admit to having backed down, but rescheduling the State of the Union and now reconsidering a stopgap spending measure to fund the government, mark strategic shifts by the White House that reflect Washington\\'s new realities.It may have taken doses of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Lara Trump to provide some color, but the writing has been on the wall for days, if not weeks. The shutdown Trump said he would own has proven to be bad politics, in service of policies the public was never really on board for.House Democrats are expected to put forward their border-security package soon, knowing that over in the GOP-controlled Senate, more Republicans broke Thursday to support the Democratic package than the competing proposal from the White House.As Trump\\'s concessions make clear, divided government means diminished possibilities for the president. As the race to replace him heats up, Democrats have made their presence known and then some.The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice ParksBoth former Vice President Joe Biden and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg found themselves defending and answering this week for old tendencies of theirs to work across the aisle, have friends in both parties and get on board with more moderate, or even conservative, approaches to problems.Neither has said definitively whether they are running for president, though they\\'d each change the field considerably and instantly by jumping in.Both Bloomberg and Biden have been touring and giving speeches. The two men even spoke in Washington at the same Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast.\"Whatever the next year brings for Joe and me ... I know we\\'ll both keep our eyes on the real prize, and that is electing a Democrat to the White House in 2020, and getting our country back on track,\" Bloomberg said.Their past practices might make the two politicians particularly appealing to a general election audience, but the primary comes first. A willingness to play nice and compromise is feeling ever more foreign in a party lurching towards resistance.The TIP with Rachel ScottAs the campaign to run against Trump has begun, Republican leaders showed division on their strategy for supporting the president.Meeting in New Mexico this week, Republican National Committee members were moving forward with an unprecedented pledge to give Trump their \"undivided support.\" But the party stopped short of considering a resolution that would endorse the president as the party nominee in 2020.One resolution backed by RNC member Jevon Williams looked to change the rules to prevent a GOP primary challenger. According to a photo on Williams\\' twitter account, Trump wrote to Williams thanking him for his support, but RNC members did not consider his resolution. Instead, they decided to move forward with an alternative submission that vowed its \"undivided support\" for Trump and his presidency.\"The members just wanted to underscore, underline, highlight that we are here to re-elect President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot,\" the RNC\\'s national press secretary Cassie Smedile said.Now that the resolution has passed in the committee, all 168 members of the RNC will vote on it Friday. It\\'s an interesting move for the party, which is looking to stand firm behind the president as the country continues to feel the effects of the government shutdown and amid growing concern over the special counsel\\'s investigation. The step could also serve to discourage a potential GOP challenger from running against the president -- a stark contrast to the already crowded Democratic field.THE PLAYLISTABC News\\' \"Start Here\" Podcast. Friday morning\\'s episode features ABC News\\' Trish Turner, who examines the path forward after both government funding bills failed in the Senate. Then, ABC News\\' Quinn Owen explains the new migrant asylum policy going into effect today. http://apple.co/2HPocULWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TODAY24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. arafed image of a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='arafed image of a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone', classification=None)]" ] }, "execution_count": 35, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 35 }, { "metadata": {}, "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "execution_count": null, "source": "", "id": "2ccf9ab1acc05d72" }, { "metadata": {}, "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "execution_count": null, "source": "", "id": "883b5f18b5b925cf" }, { "metadata": {}, "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "execution_count": null, "source": "", "id": "3bcbc298e1c0f079" }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:50.097933Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:50.080325Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "row = similarity.test_csv[similarity.test_csv[\"id\"] == 179].iloc[0]", "id": "a92984012955a103", "outputs": [], "execution_count": 24 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:50.584600Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:50.578262Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "row", "id": "e30bf3128366b547", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "id 179\n", "claim Michael Bloomberg said that Donald Trump was k...\n", "claim_image_original https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2016/09/bloombe...\n", "evidence A graphic featuring an image of former New Yor...\n", "evidence_image_original https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2016/09/bloombe...\n", "category Refute\n", "claim_ocr Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump\\nI have know...\n", "evidence_ocr 月\n", "claim_image data/raw/factify/extracted/images/test/179_cla...\n", "evidence_image data/raw/factify/extracted/images/test/179_evi...\n", "claim_image_caption a close up of a person in a suit and tie with ...\n", "evidence_image_caption arafed man in a suit and tie standing in an of...\n", "claim_enriched Michael Bloomberg said that Donald Trump was k...\n", "evidence_enriched A graphic featuring an image of former New Yor...\n", "Name: 179, dtype: object" ] }, "execution_count": 25, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 25 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:52.086605Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:52.083877Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "evidence_image_path = row[\"evidence_image\"]", "id": "ce183a913081e56e", "outputs": [], "execution_count": 26 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:52.836923Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:19:52.834032Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "evidence_image_path", "id": "ac4f287c5739036", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'data/raw/factify/extracted/images/test/179_evidence.jpg'" ] }, "execution_count": 27, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 27 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:12.088815Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T11:23:12.080150Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "results[0][0].split(\"_\")[1]", "id": "d317ca6b330e47d9", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'179'" ] }, "execution_count": 31, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 31 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T16:29:30.312313Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T16:29:30.206861Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "similarity.train_csv.iloc[24612]", "id": "65ffc14223bfa0a7", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "id 24612\n", "claim Multiple people injured in massive stampede as...\n", "claim_image_original http://pbs.twimg.com/amplify_video_thumb/11129...\n", "evidence \\n The killing of Nipsey Hussle on Sunday has...\n", "evidence_image_original http://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3I6moNXQAAO1lX.jpg...\n", "category Insufficient_Multimodal\n", "claim_ocr C\\nINSURANCE\\nabc\\nNEWS\\nTRIBE\n", "evidence_ocr Drapka\\nESSENT\\n***\\n100\\nARDS\\n10-\\nORY\\nMOEN\n", "claim_image data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/24612_...\n", "evidence_image data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/24612_...\n", "claim_image_caption there are many people standing outside of a st...\n", "evidence_image_caption there is a man standing next to a group of chi...\n", "claim_enriched Multiple people injured in massive stampede as...\n", "evidence_enriched \\n The killing of Nipsey Hussle on Sunday has...\n", "Name: 24612, dtype: object" ] }, "execution_count": 49, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 49 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T14:42:56.169468Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T14:42:29.737902Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": [ "from src.evidence.im2im_retrieval import ImageCorpus\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "from src.demo.app import Evidence\n", "from src.utils.path_utils import get_project_root\n", "import os\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "\n", "query_image_path = os.path.join(\n", " PROJECT_ROOT,\n", " \"data\",\n", " \"raw\",\n", " \"factify\",\n", " \"extracted\",\n", " \"images\",\n", " \"train\",\n", " \"1_claim.jpg\",\n", ")\n", "image_features = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"evidence_features.pkl\")\n", "image_corpus = ImageCorpus(image_features)\n", "evidences = []\n", "# Perform semantic search across both train and test datasets\n", "results = image_corpus.retrieve_similar_images(query_image_path, top_k=5)\n", "\n", "# Retrieve evidence rows based on the search results\n", "for evidence_path, score in results:\n", " evidence_id = evidence_path.split(\"/\")[-1].split(\"_\")[0]\n", " # Determine whether the ID belongs to train or test set\n", " if \"train\" in evidence_path:\n", " data_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"data\", \"preprocessed\")\n", " train_csv_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"train_enriched.csv\")\n", " df = pd.read_csv(train_csv_path)\n", " elif \"test\" in evidence_path:\n", " data_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, \"data\", \"preprocessed\")\n", " train_csv_path = os.path.join(data_dir, \"test_enriched.csv\")\n", " df = pd.read_csv(train_csv_path)\n", " else:\n", " continue # Skip invalid IDs\n", "\n", " # Extract the row by ID\n", " row = df[df[\"id\"] == int(evidence_id)].iloc[0]\n", " evidence_text = row.get(\"evidence_enriched\")\n", " evidence_image_caption = row.get(\"evidence_image_caption\")\n", " evidence_image_path = row.get(\"evidence_image\")\n", " evidence_image = None\n", "\n", " print(evidence_text)\n", " print(evidence_image_caption)\n", " print(evidence_image_path)\n", "\n", " if pd.notna(evidence_image_path):\n", " full_image_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, evidence_image_path)\n", " try:\n", " evidence_image = Image.open(full_image_path).convert(\"RGB\")\n", " except Exception as e:\n", " print(f\"Failed to load image {evidence_image_path}: {e}\")\n", "\n", " # Create an Evidence object\n", " evidences.append(\n", " Evidence(\n", " text=evidence_text,\n", " image=evidence_image,\n", " caption=evidence_image_caption,\n", " evidence_id=evidence_id,\n", " )\n", " )" ], "id": "8e8ebf8380183fd7", "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Sep 08, 2021-Wednesday\n", " \n", "\n", "Metro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChennai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKolkata\n", "\n", "Other cities - Noida,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGurgaon,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIndore,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJaipur,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLucknow,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPatna,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRanchi\n", "\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPowered by \n", "Six employees of Mumbai's Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusIndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionTelangana to extend lockdown till April 30Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryNew York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemicKarnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxations10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CMMP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusUS reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownWe have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav ThackerayPM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm produceNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiShutdowns continue in major cities of the world as governments try to contain the Covid-19 contagion. On Saurday, during his video call with chief ministers of different states, PM Narendra Modi said the next 3-4 weeks are critical to determine impact of steps taken to curb the coronavirus spread.Whereas CMs sought financial package and extension in lockdown, says Puducherry CM V Narayanasamy after meeting with PM, according to PTI.After the video call, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the lockdown in the state will continue till April 30 to prevent Covid-19 spread. Delhi has become the third state after Punjab and Odisha to extend the lockdown.Six employees of Mumbai's Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusSix employees of Taj hotel in Mumbai have tested positive for coronavirus and have been admitted in Bombay hospital, officials from Bombay hospital and Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) told HT.IndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionBudget carrier IndiGo on Saturday said one of its staff passed away due to coronavirus infection in Chennai.\"We are extremely sorry and saddened by the demise of one of our beloved employees in Chennai due to infection of Covid 19 virus,\" an airline spokesperson told PTI on Saturday.Telangana to extend lockdown till April 30Lockdown in Telangana to be extended till April 30. The announcement came hours after chief ministers' video call with PM Modi on Saturday. Apart from Telangana, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra have extended the lockdown till April 30 as well. Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases today in the state, taking the state tally to 1,761. 17 new deaths due to coronavirus were reported in the state.Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryChhattisgarh Government makes wearing of masks compulsory in public places, according to news agency ANI.New York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemic1.1 million-pupil public school system will be closed for the rest of the school year as the city struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Saturday, according to a report in AP.Public schools in New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the virus outbreak, have been closed since March 16. A massive effort to move instruction online has met with mixed success in the city, where many low-income students lack Wi-Fi and devices for connecting to their virtual classrooms.Karnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxationsChief Minister B S Yediyurappa announced that the statewide lockdown will be extended for another fortnight after April 14 but with certain relaxations to agricultural and industrial sectors to ensure minimal impact on the economy. The CM was briefing media after a nearly four-hour long video conference that PM Modi had with CM’s of all states.10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CM\"10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today; 7 from Kannur, 1 from Kozhikode, 2 from Kasaragod. 7 have foreign travel history while 3 have contact history with positive Covid-19 patients. Total number of cases stands at 373 now, of which 228 are active cases,\" says Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan, as quoted by ANI.MP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusThe Planning, Economics and Statistics Department of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday issued an order allowing utilisation of MLA Local Area Development Fund (MLALADF) for dealing with coronavirus crisis, reported PTI.US reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownThe United States became the first country to report more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day, marking a grim milestone as billions around the world celebrated the Easter holiday weekend under lockdown from home, according to a report in AFP.We have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayOn Monday, we will complete 5 weeks since the first case of Coronavirus was reported in the state. We can say that till now we have been successful in preventing the multiplication of the number of cases up to some extent: Maharashtra CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Coronavirus cases in India rose to 7,529, taking the death toll to 242. To contain the spread of the virus, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra extended the lockdown till April 30.Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav Thackeray\"Maharashtra will continue to be locked down till April 30. The state will show the way to the country even in these tough times,\" said CM Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday after video call with PM Modi over coronavirus outbreak.PM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm producePM suggests specific measures for agriculture and allied sector including modification of agri-market laws to facilitate sale of farm produce, reports PTI.Next 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken till now to curb spread of the virus: PM tells chief ministers on Covid-19 fight, according to news agency PTI.First published: Apr 11, 2020 05:29 IST. arafed woman sitting at a table with a microphone in front of her\n", "arafed woman sitting at a table with a microphone in front of her\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/32475_evidence.jpg\n", "\n", "Sep 08, 2021-Wednesday\n", " \n", "\n", "Metro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChennai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKolkata\n", "\n", "Other cities - Noida,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGurgaon,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIndore,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJaipur,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLucknow,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPatna,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRanchi\n", "\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPowered by \n", "Six employees of Mumbai's Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusIndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionTelangana to extend lockdown till April 30Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryNew York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemicKarnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxations10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CMMP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusUS reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownWe have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav ThackerayPM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm produceNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiShutdowns continue in major cities of the world as governments try to contain the Covid-19 contagion. On Saurday, during his video call with chief ministers of different states, PM Narendra Modi said the next 3-4 weeks are critical to determine impact of steps taken to curb the coronavirus spread.Whereas CMs sought financial package and extension in lockdown, says Puducherry CM V Narayanasamy after meeting with PM, according to PTI.After the video call, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the lockdown in the state will continue till April 30 to prevent Covid-19 spread. Delhi has become the third state after Punjab and Odisha to extend the lockdown.Six employees of Mumbai's Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusSix employees of Taj hotel in Mumbai have tested positive for coronavirus and have been admitted in Bombay hospital, officials from Bombay hospital and Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) told HT.IndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionBudget carrier IndiGo on Saturday said one of its staff passed away due to coronavirus infection in Chennai.\"We are extremely sorry and saddened by the demise of one of our beloved employees in Chennai due to infection of Covid 19 virus,\" an airline spokesperson told PTI on Saturday.Telangana to extend lockdown till April 30Lockdown in Telangana to be extended till April 30. The announcement came hours after chief ministers' video call with PM Modi on Saturday. Apart from Telangana, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra have extended the lockdown till April 30 as well. Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases today in the state, taking the state tally to 1,761. 17 new deaths due to coronavirus were reported in the state.Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryChhattisgarh Government makes wearing of masks compulsory in public places, according to news agency ANI.New York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemic1.1 million-pupil public school system will be closed for the rest of the school year as the city struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Saturday, according to a report in AP.Public schools in New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the virus outbreak, have been closed since March 16. A massive effort to move instruction online has met with mixed success in the city, where many low-income students lack Wi-Fi and devices for connecting to their virtual classrooms.Karnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxationsChief Minister B S Yediyurappa announced that the statewide lockdown will be extended for another fortnight after April 14 but with certain relaxations to agricultural and industrial sectors to ensure minimal impact on the economy. The CM was briefing media after a nearly four-hour long video conference that PM Modi had with CM’s of all states.10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CM\"10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today; 7 from Kannur, 1 from Kozhikode, 2 from Kasaragod. 7 have foreign travel history while 3 have contact history with positive Covid-19 patients. Total number of cases stands at 373 now, of which 228 are active cases,\" says Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan, as quoted by ANI.MP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusThe Planning, Economics and Statistics Department of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday issued an order allowing utilisation of MLA Local Area Development Fund (MLALADF) for dealing with coronavirus crisis, reported PTI.US reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownThe United States became the first country to report more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day, marking a grim milestone as billions around the world celebrated the Easter holiday weekend under lockdown from home, according to a report in AFP.We have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayOn Monday, we will complete 5 weeks since the first case of Coronavirus was reported in the state. We can say that till now we have been successful in preventing the multiplication of the number of cases up to some extent: Maharashtra CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Coronavirus cases in India rose to 7,529, taking the death toll to 242. To contain the spread of the virus, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra extended the lockdown till April 30.Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav Thackeray\"Maharashtra will continue to be locked down till April 30. The state will show the way to the country even in these tough times,\" said CM Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday after video call with PM Modi over coronavirus outbreak.PM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm producePM suggests specific measures for agriculture and allied sector including modification of agri-market laws to facilitate sale of farm produce, reports PTI.Next 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken till now to curb spread of the virus: PM tells chief ministers on Covid-19 fight, according to news agency PTI.First published: Apr 11, 2020 05:29 IST. a woman sitting at a desk in front of a microphone\n", "a woman sitting at a desk in front of a microphone\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/1_evidence.jpg\n", "Seventy-two seats across nine states are voting in the fourth phase of 2019 general elections on Monday. This phase will see the end of polling in Maharashtra and Odisha, while the process will start in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand. Twenty-six seats in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are also scheduled to vote in this phase. These three states have seats going to polls in each of the seven phases in the 2019 elections.Also Read | BJP-Sena hope to repeat thumping win in MaharashtraThe Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has high stakes in this phase. Of the 72 seats going to polls, it won 45 in 2014. Its allies won another 11 seats. The Congress’s tally was just two. In 2009, the BJP-Congress breakup in these seats was 9-29.Follow highlights here: 64% voter turnout in Phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections 2019A voter turnout of 64 percent was recorded in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha polls on Monday, the Election Commission said.Voting was held in 72 parliamentary constituencies spread across nine states in this phase.Nearly 66 per cent turnout was recorded in the third phase of Lok Sabha polls in which voting was held in 116 seats. In the first two phases, polling was conducted in 91 and 95 seats on April 11 and April 18 respectively.Election to 543 seats across the country is being held in seven phases. The counting of votes will take place on May 23. The poll percentage in Bihar was 58.92%, 9.79% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.77% in Jharkhand, 66.52% in Madhya Pradesh, 55.88% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 66.44% in Rajasthan, 55.57% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.59% in West Bengal. 1.91 first time voters: ECThe total number of first-time voters in the seven phases of 2019 Lok Sabha elections is 1.91 crore., which is 20% more than that it in 2014, said EC while addressing a press conference after the fourth phase of polling. Mumbai’s first-time voters seek to make ‘indelible’ markA large number of first-time voters came out to cast their ballots Monday in Mumbai, marking their formal participation in choosing the next government in the world’s largest democracy.According to the Election Commission (EC) data, Maharashtra has over 1.19 crore voters who fall in the age group of 18-19 years and are eligible to exercise their franchise in the Lok Sabha polls for the first time.Enthusiasm was palpable among first-time electors, who openly expressed their views about candidates in the fray and whom they voted for.At 6 pm, 60% voter turnout in Phase 4Till 6 pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 59.62%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 53.67%, 9.79% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.77% in Jharkhand, 65.86% in Madhya Pradesh, 52.03% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 63.58% in Rajasthan, 53.34% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.59% in West Bengal. Congress approaches EC over EVM snags, NCP says something fishyThe Congress Monday made 30 complaints to the Election Commission about alleged glitches in EVMs across the 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Maharashtra where polling is underway.A majority of the complaints came in from Dhule and Nandurbar, the party said, prompting ally NCP’s state chief Jayant Patil to claim that something was “fishy” in the two seats.“Complaints have been made to Election Commissioner, Chief Electoral Officer and other authorities concerned via e-mail,” the Congress said in a statement.Patil too said that complaints were coming in from several seats where election is being held, and questioned if the Electronic Voting Machine glitches were being caused deliberately.59% voter turnout till 5 pmTill 5 pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 59.01%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 53.67%, 9.98% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.40% in Jharkhand, 65.77% in Madhya Pradesh, 50.70% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 62.73% in Rajasthan, 52.90% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.47% in West Bengal. Dog, best companion-turned into-campaigner, detainedA dog with pro-BJP stickers on its body was detained alongwith his master in north Maharashtra’s Nandurbar town where polling for the Lok Sabha elections took place Monday.Eknath Motiram Chaudhary (65), resident of Navnathnagar area, was spotted with his dog near Andhare hospital Monday afternoon.The dog’s body was found covered with stickers bearing the BJP’s symbol and the message “Modi Lao, Desh Bachao” (Vote for Modi and save the country), a local police official said.As the polling was underway, police had received a complaint about the dog and his master who were roaming around the town, he said.In Kannauj, SP alleges VVPAT shows ‘lotus’ when ‘cycle’ button pressedOpposition Samajwadi Party Monday urged the Election Commission to remove Uttar Pardesh’s police chief OP Singh from the post, alleging he was “favouring” the ruling BJP and trying to influence elections, reported news agency PTI.The party also alleged that in at least two polling booths in Kannauj the Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machine showed the voting for the BJP when the ballot was cast for the SP. It also claimed the police issued warning notes to “a large number” of SP supporters in the constituency, from where Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav’s wife Dimple is contesting, asking them to remain inside their houses after casting their own votes.Party leader Dharmendra Yadav said Director General of Police OP Singh was “misusing” government machinery to help the BJP.“We demanded from the EC to remove him immediately,” he told reporters in Lucknow.62% voter turnout in Rajasthan till 5 pmThe voter turnout in Rajasthan stood at 61.96% till 5pm in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019. 121 polling booths in Jharkhand managed by womenWomen power was on full display in Jharkhand during the fourth phase of Lok Sabha polls with 121 polling booths being managed by women on Monday.Of the 6,072 polling booths in the fourth phase, 121 were exclusively managed by women.“There were 46 all-women polling booths in Palamau, 33 in Chatra and 42 in Lohardaga. At these booths, all polling staff, security personnel and other officials were women,” an official said.Jharkhand is voting for three Maoist-affected parliamentary seats, spread over six districts. More than 40 per cent of the booths are located in sensitive areas.BJP urges EC to deploy central forces in all polling booths of West BengalThe BJP approached the Election Commission on Monday complaining that TMC workers have “hijacked democracy” in West Bengal and creating ruckus during voting, and again demanded deployment of central forces in all polling booths in the state.Following reports of a clash between the ruling Trinamool Congress and BJP workers outside a booth in Asansol’s Barabani, and vandalism of the vehicle of Union Minister and sitting MP Babul Supriyo, a BJP delegation met top officials of the poll panel in New Delhi.The delegation included Union Ministers Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Vijay Goel, and the party’s media in-charge Anil Baluni.After meeting the poll panel officials, Naqvi told reporters, “The ruling Trinamool Congress workers have hijacked democracy in the state and are indulging in violence. They are being supported by the local machinery and we demand deployment of central forces in all polling booths in the state.” Naqvi also expressed concern over “no action” been taken against Congress president Rahul Gandhi for his “baseless allegations” against BJP chief Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and said a memorandum in this regard has been submitted to the Election Commission.In Maharashtra, booths decked up for better polling experienceBalloons and colourful rangolis welcomed voters at some of the polling booths across the 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Maharashtra where polling is underway in the fourth and final phase Monday.As part of an initiative by the Election Commission of India to make polling a pleasant experience, certain booths were selected in every Lok Sabha constituency for decoration with local help.“The whole idea is to make voting a pleasant experience. We cannot put pandals due to several restrictions, but using colours and rangolis would bring some relief to voters, who wait for hours in scorching heat to exercise their right,” an ECI official said.Voting is underway at Nandurbar, Dhule, Dindori, Nashik, Palghar, Bhiwandi, Kalyan, Thane, Mumbai-North, Mumbai-North West, Mumbai-North East, Mumbai-North Central, Mumbai-South Central, Mumbai- South, Maval, Shirur and Shirdi.49% voter turnout till 4 pmTill 4pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 49.62%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 44.23%, 8.42% in Jammu and Kashmir, 56.37% in Jharkhand, 55.33% in Madhya Pradesh, 41.15% in Maharashtra, 51.54% in Odisha, 54.21% in Rajasthan, 44.16% in Uttar Pradesh, and 66.01% in West Bengal. Over 43% voter turnout in Uttar Pradesh till 3 pmAn estimated 43.91 voter turnout was recorded till 3 pm in 13 Lok Sabha constituencies of Uttar Pradesh Monday as polling for the fourth phase of the Lok Sabha elections in the state was underway.Seats where the polling is underway in the state are Shahjahanpur (SC), Kheri, Hardoi (SC), Misrikh (SC), Unnao, Farrukhabad, Etawah (SC), Kannauj, Kanpur, Akbarpur, Jalaun (SC), Jhansi and Hamirpur.Over 43% voting in Madhya Pradesh till 2 pmAround 43.82 per cent turnout was recorded in the fourth phase of polling for the six Lok Sabha seats and one Assembly seat in Madhya Pradesh till 1 p.m. on Monday, the Voter Turnout App data of Election Commission showed. Maoist-affected Balaghat district, which is voting under high security, recorded the highest 46.32 per cent voter turnout. It was followed by 46.05 per cent polling in Mandla, 45.89 per cent polling in Chhindwara, 45.88 per cent polling in Shahdol, 44.39 per cent polling in Jabalpur and 34.95 per cent polling in Sidhi. There were also reports of malfunctioning EVMs from some places and both the EVMs as well as the VVPATs were replaced.Some 1.05 crore electorate are eligible to vote in this phase. A total of 108 candidates are trying their luck in this phase in the state, including a maximum of 26 from Sidhi, followed by 23 from Balaghat, 22 from Jabalpur, 14 from Chhindwara, 13 from Shahdol and 10 from Mandla.Rajasthan records 52.97 per cent voter turnout till 3 pmRajasthan Monday recorded about 53 percent voter turn out till 3 pm from among its 2.57 crore electorates in the ongoing polling for 13 Lok Sabha seats in the state, said officials.Barmer, the state’s largest parliamentary constituency area-wise, witnessed the highest turnout at 60.36 percent till 3 pm. The second highest voter turnout after Barmer was reported from tribal population-dominated seat Banswara, where 57.63 per cent electors cast their votes till 3 pm.In Barmer, where former External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh’s son Manvendra Singh, a former BJP MLA, is contesting election as a Congress candidate against BJP’s Kailash Chaudhary, voters lined up before polling booths, braving scorching sun with the temperature hovering at around 42 degree Celsius. The constituency covers entire Barmer and half of Jaisalmer district and is located on Indo-Pak border in western Rajasthan. Villagers flocked to polling booths in groups and looked for shed near polling booths.9% cast ballot in Kulgam dist till 3pmWith just an hour left for polls to close, less than nine percent of 3.45 lakh electorate Monday exercised their franchise in the Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir -- part of Anantnag Lok Sabha constituency -- amidst stringent security arrangements and isolated incidents of stone-pelting near polling stations, officials said.The voting in the second leg of three-phased schedule for the Lok Sabha seat would decide the fate of 18 candidates, including former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti.The overall poll percentage in the Kulgam district till 3.00 pm was 8.42 per cent, the officials said in Srinagar, reported news agency PTI.SP alleges VVPAT shows ‘lotus’ when ‘cycle’ button pressedOpposition Samajwadi Party Monday urged the Election Commission to remove Uttar Pardesh’s police chief OP Singh from the post alleging he was “favouring” the ruling BJP and affecting elections.The party also alleged that in at at least two polling booths the Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail machine showed the voting for the BJP when the ballot was cast for the SP. Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav’s wife Dimpal is contesting from the constituency. Party leader Dharmendra Yadav said the Director General of Police was “misusing” government machinery to help the BJP.“We demanded from the EC to remove him immediately,” Yadav told reportersOver 40% polling in Bihar till 2 pmIgnoring heatwave like conditions, 40.08 per cent voting was recorded in Bihar’s five Lok Sabha seats till 2 p.m. on Monday, an official said. Voting started at 7 am in Begusarai, Ujiarpur, Darbhanga, Munger and Samastipur constituencies. “Long queues were seen at polling booths in rural as well as urban pockets of these constituencies despite heatwave-like conditions,” the official said.7.5 % voting in Anantnag Lok Sabha seat till 2 pm7.5 per cent voter turnout was recorded on Monday until 2 p.m. in the second and penultimate phase of voting in the troubled Anantnag Lok Sabha seat in Jammu and Kashmir. Officials said 6.7 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 1 p.m. in Kulgam district where four segments of Kulgam, Noorabad, Devsar and Homshalibugh went to vote.Congress leader Jitin Prasada’s sister find her vote is already castFormer union Minister Jitin Prasada said on Monday that his sister was unable to vote because her vote had already been cast by the time she reached the polling booth in the Dhaurhara Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh.“When my sister went to the polling booth, she found her name had been ticked and the presiding officer told her that vote had been cast. This is how fake voting is taking place,” he said.Actor Ranbir Kapoor casts his vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Ranbir Kapoor cast his vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Bandra.Three poll staffers die in Madhya PradeshThree government employees, including a woman, engaged in poll duty died in separate incidents in Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Monday.‘Law and order is state subject’: Mamata Banerjee condemns police firing in BengalCondemning firing by a central force personnel inside a booth, Mamata Banerjee said in a public meeting, “I have heard that central force personnel have entered a booth in Dubrajpur and opened fire. Law and order is a state subject. They cannot do it.”Police allegedly fired in the air in Poduma area Dubrajpur in Birbhum constituency to bring the situation under control after villagers threw stones at the security personnel. The bullet hit a wall of the polling station.38.63% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 2 pm38.63% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 2 pm.Sachin Tendulkar casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraSachin Tendulkar, his wife Anjali Tendulkar, daughter Sara Tendulkar and son Arjun Tendulkar cast their votes at polling center number 203 in Mumbai’s Bandra. Sara Tendulkar and Arjun Tendulkar are first time voters. Mumbai: Sachin Tendulkar, his wife Anjali Tendulkar, daughter Sara Tendulkar, and son Arjun Tendulkar after casting their vote at polling center number 203 in Bandra. Sara Tendulkar and Arjun Tendulkar are first time voters. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/0dNVhNR8mgBihar records 32.48 per cent voting till 1 PMAn estimated 32.48 per cent voters of the 87.74 electorate cast their ballots till 1 PM in Bihar, where polling for five Lok Sabha seats is underway on Monday, an election official said.A total of 66 candidates, including three women nominees, are in the fray from Darbhanga, Ujiarpur, Samastipur, Begusarai and Munger constituencies in the fourth phase of polling in the state.UP leaders ask people to brave sun, come out to voteWith the mercury steadily rising, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and other senior leaders Monday appealed to the electorate not to bogged down by soaring temperatures and exercise their franchise.Polling is underway in 13 constituencies of Uttar Pradesh on Monday.In a tweet, Adityanath said, “Temperatures are high, take care of yourself but definitely cast your vote..every single vote of yours help formation of the government.” “For a prosperous and strong Bharat, for a strong and decisive government, for fulfilling a dream, come out of houses today and vote. Remember, first voting and then breakfast,” he said.BSP president Mayawati also took to twitter to exhort people to vote.“Polling is taking place for the fourth phase of election for the 17th Lok Sabha. It is an appeal to voters to first discharge their duty of casting votes. This effort of theirs is important for their welfare and interest,” the former UP chief minister said.Salman Khan casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Salman Khan cast his vote at polling booth number 283 in Mumbai’s Bandra. Maharashtra: Actor Salman Khan casts his vote at polling booth number 283 in Bandra, Mumbai. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/dg7TvYsyQLRanveer Singh casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Ranveer Singh cast his vote in Mumbai’s Bandra. Actor Hrithik Roshan and singer Asha Bhosle also cast their votes.Amitabh Bachchan along family cast vote in Mumbai’s JuhuAmitabh Bachchan along with his family cast vote at Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai’s Juhu.NCP’s Sharad Pawar votes in Mumbai, urges people to elect stable govtNCP chief Sharad Pawar pitched for a stable government at the Centre and urged citizens to come out in large numbers to cast their votes as he exercised his democratic right here on Monday.“Today is an important day for the country. It is required that a stable government is formed. It is expected that Mumbaikars will not lag behind, and will exercise their voting right by coming out in large numbers and voting decisively,” Pawar, the former Union minister, tweeted in Marathi.Hema Malini cast her vote in Mumbai’s Vile ParleBJP’s Lok Sabha candidate from Mathura, Hema Malini and her daughters Esha Deol and Ahana Deol cast their votes in Mumbai’s Vile Parle. Mumbai: BJP's Lok Sabha candidate from Mathura, Hema Malini and her daughters Esha Deol and Ahana Deol after casting their vote in Vile Parle. pic.twitter.com/tXToH6ek1k‘Modi wave has overtaken the country’: Union minister Piyush Goyal after casting voteUnion minister and BJP leader Piyush Goyal cast his vote at Walsingham School, Malabar Hill in Mumbai: “This election is now a Tsunami election. North South,East and West, Modi wave has overtaken the country. PM Modi is the tallest leader today in the country,”said Goyal after Police fire in the air after villagers pelt stones at them in BengalCentral forces personnel allegedly fired once in the air in Poduma area Dubrajpur in Birbhum constituency to bring the situation under control after villagers threw stones at the security personnel. The bullet hit a wall of the polling station.The incident took place in booth number 259 in Kandihi village.The clash erupted following the reluctance of a few voters to leave their cellphone behind before entering a booth. A few phones deposited with the personnel dropped to the ground triggering a quarrel.This is the first instance of central forces pulling the trigger in the four phases of polling in Bengal.Polling was held up for about 90 minutes after the incident. Kareena Kapoor casts voteKareena Kapoor, Kangana Ranavat, Prem Chopra, Rekha and Sanjay Duty with wife Manyata casting their votes in Mumbai’s Bandra.Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray cast vote in Mumbai’s Gandhi NagarShiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray, his wife Rashmi Thackeray and son Aditya Thackeray cast their vote at a polling booth in Gandhi Nagar, Mumbai. Poonam Mahajan BJP’s candidate from Mumbai North Central LS seat was also present.Maharashtra: Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray, his wife Rashmi Thackeray and son Aditya Thackeray after casting their vote at a polling booth in Gandhi Nagar, Mumbai. Poonam Mahajan BJP's candidate from Mumbai North Central LS seat also present. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/vgsQjca0a1Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in MumbaiShabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in Mumbai. Maharashtra: Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in #Mumbai. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/I4fzIRSjWFIndia’s film and finance capital took centre stage in the fourth of seven rounds of voting with 72 constituencies across the nation taking part. Final results are to be released on May 23.At least 40,000 police and security personnel were deployed across the city of 20 million people while workers were given a holiday so they could vote for Mumbai’s six lawmakers.Long queues were waiting when the 10,000 polling stations opened at 7.00am Alleged bogus voting by three in Kerala referred to ECThe controversy over two women and a man casting bogus vote in Kannur district of Kerala has been referred to the Election Commission. Since Saturday, after TV channels started airing the visuals of the bogus voting “caught on camera” in the Kasargod Lok Sabha constituency, the Congress took up the issue before Chief Electoral Officer Tikka Ram Meena.Meena asked for a detailed report from the district collectors of Kannur and Kasargod where these incidents were reported.Kerala voted on April 23 for all 20 Lok Sabha seats.23.48% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 12 pm23.48% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 12 pm.The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has high stakes in this phase. Of the 72 seats voting today, it won 45 in 2014. Its allies won another 11 seats. The Congress’s tally was just two. In 2009, the BJP-Congress breakup in these seats was 9-29.TMC to meet EC over ‘illegal action’ of central forcesTrinamool Congress announced (on its official twitter handle) that its Parliamentary delegation will meet the EC at 1:15 pm in Delhi to protest the illegal action of central forces and BJP candidates who allegedly broke the model code of conduct.Earlier in the day, BJP said that a delegation including Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Vijay Goel & Anil Baluni will meet Election Commission today over the issue of poll-related violence during polling in West Bengal.BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car was vandalised during poll related violence in Bengal’s Asansol on Monday. There were also reports of clash between Trinamool workers and security personnel at a polling booth in Asansol.Also Read | BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car vandalised in Bengal poll violenceErstwhile King of Jodhpur casts voteErstwhile King of Jodhpur Gaj Singh cast his vote at booth number 127 in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur. BJP’s Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Congress’ Vaibhav Gehlot are the candidates from the Jodhpur LS constituency.  Rajasthan: Erstwhile King of Jodhpur, Gaj Singh casts his vote at booth number 127 in Jodhpur. BJP's Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Congress' Vaibhav Gehlot are two of the candidates from the Jodhpur LS constituency. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/x6VAJ0C1FUAnand Mahindra casts vote in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill“We all have been infected by the virus of progress and growth. Even if a coalition govt comes, it should work towards progress and growth of the country,” said Mahindra Group chairman Anand Mahindra after casting his vote in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill. #Mumbai: Chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra after casting his vote in Malabar Hill, says, \"We all have been infected by the virus of progress and growth. Even if a coalition govt comes, it should work towards progress and growth of the country.\" pic.twitter.com/Mcf1q7CmCW20.87 per cent polling in Jharkhand till 11 amAn estimated 20.87 per cent of the 45.26 lakh electorate cast their votes till 11 am on Monday in three Lok Sabha constituencies of Jharkhand, in the first phase of elections in the state.Women voters were seen in large numbers at many booths in Lohardaga (ST), Palamu (SC) and Chatra constituencies, where voting began at 7 am, election officials said.People of MP will vote for BJP to teach Congress a lesson: Shivraj ChouhanFormer Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that there were two major issues in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections - National security and welfare of people.“Only the leadership of PM Narendra Modi could help create a stable government. The Congress government that came in four months ago in the state has created a chaotic environment in the state and people are also feeling that they have done a mistake by not electing a BJP government. People will surely vote for BJP to teach a lesson to the Congress government in the state,” the former Madhya Pradesh CM said.18.39% voter turnout recorded till 11 am in Maharashtra18.39% voter turnout recorded on 17 parliamentary constituencies in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections, till 11 am.The last 17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats are voting on Monday, with political heavyweights, their family members, and Marathi and Hindi film actors in the fray.Over 21% voting recorded till 11 am in UPAn estimated 21.15 per cent voters exercised their franchise till 11 am in 13 constituencies of Uttar Pradesh in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections Monday, reported news agency PTI.Seats where polling is underway are Shahjahanpur (SC), Kheri, Hardoi (SC), Misrikh (SC), Unnao, Farrukhabad, Etawah (SC), Kannauj, Kanpur, Akbarpur, Jalaun (SC), Jhansi and Hamirpur.Polling in this phase is specially important for the ruling BJP as it is aiming for a clean sweep by winning all 13 seats, including Kannauj which was the only seat the Samajwadi Party had managed to win in 2014.17% polling in Odisha as EVM glitches mar polling processVoting for the fourth and final phase of polling for 6 Lok Sabha and 41 Assembly constituencies in Odisha began this morning amid reports of technical glitches in Electronic Voting Machines and Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPATs) machines leading to severe disruption.Officials in Chief Electoral Officer said 17% of the voters had cast their votes by 11 am.Kangana Ranaut casts vote in Mumbai’s KharActor Kangana Ranaut cast her vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Khar. #Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut after casting her vote at a polling booth in Khar. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/L4nXhMbyvj29.40% voting recorded till 11 am in RajasthanOver 29 per cent voting was recorded in the first four hours of polling in 13 Lok Sabha constituencies in Rajasthan which began at 7 am on Monday.The Barmar parliamentary constituency recorded the maximum voter turn out of 33.53 per cent, while the overall voting percentage at 11 am was 29.40 per cent, according to the office of the chief electoral officer.Priya Dutt casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraPriya Dutt cast her vote at a polling booth at St. Anne’s High School in Mumbai’s Bandra for the 4th phase of Lok Sabha elections, She is the Congress candidate from the Mumbai North Central Lok Sabha seat. Poonam Mahajan is the BJP candidate from the constituency. Mumbai: Priya Dutt after casting her vote at a polling booth at St. Anne's High School in Bandra for the 4th phase of #LokSabhaElections2019 She is the Congress candidate from the Mumbai North Central LS seat, Poonam Mahajan is the BJP candidate from the constituency. pic.twitter.com/3Ac7qg9babFirst time voter casts vote in Rajasthan’s Kota despite undergoing ligament tear surgeryA first time voter cast his vote in Rajasthan’s Kota despite undergoing ligament tear surgery.The Congress and BJP are going to face each other again Rajasthan in the Lok Sabha election after the grand old party came back to power following a tight contest in last year’s assembly polls in one of the key states in the Hindi heartland.In the last general election, the Bharatiya Janata Party won all the 25 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan and in the 2018 November-December assembly poll the Congress bagged 100 out of the 200 state seats and BJP 73.11% voting recorded in Madhya Pradesh till 10 amMadhya Pradesh recorded around 11.39 per cent voting in the first three hours of polling for the six Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh on Monday till 10 a.m., officials said. In Sidhi, 11.24 per cent voting was recorded, Shahdol saw 11.90 per cent, Jabalpur 10.96 per cent, Madla 10.87 per cent, Balaghat 12.14 and Chhindwara 11.51 per cent.In 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Party had won five seats barring Chhindwara, which was won by Congress’ Kamal Nath.Manish Malhotra, Imran Hashmi, Gulzar cast their votesFashion designer Manish Malhotra, actor Imran Hashmi and Gulzar cast their votes in Mumbai’s Bandra. Clashes erupt between BJP workers and CISF jawans in KanpurClashes erupted between BJP workers and CISF jawans who stopped them for asking people to vote fpr BJP inside the polling centre.BJP leader Achal Gupta was issued a red notice, which means that he would stay back home.Actor Anupam Kher casts his vote in Mumbai’s JuhuActor Anupam Kher cast his vote at polling booth no.235-240 in Mumbai’s Juhu.  #Mumbai: Actor Anupam Kher casts his votes at polling booth no.235-240 in Juhu. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/o7ZGITSzrFActors Bhagyashree and Sonali Bendre also cast their votes at a polling booth in Vile Parle.  #Mumbai: Actors Bhagyashree and Sonali Bendre after casting their votes at a polling booth in Vile Parle. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/cJFwpTtgKAWoman cop helps 80-year-old voter to E-shed polling booth in Mumbai’s BycullaA woman police officer was seen helping an 80-year-old Indubai Shingar to the polling booth at E-shed in Darukhana, Byculla in Mumbai. Shingar said she cast her vote for the first time 40-45 years ago and has never missed a single election since.E-shed is one of the critical polling stations in Mumbai South. Congress moves SC over alleged poll code violations by PM Modi, Amit ShahCongress MP Sushmita Dev has filed a petition before the Supreme Court, seeking urgent and necessary directions to the Election Commission to take a decision on the complaints filed against PM Modi and BJP President Amit Shah over alleged violations of electoral laws.BJP to meet EC over poll violence during polling in BengalBJP delegation including Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Vijay Goel & Anil Baluni will meet Election Commission today over the issue of poll-related violence during polling in West Bengal.BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car was vandalised during poll related violence in Bengal’s Asansol on Monday. There were also reports of clash between Trinamool workers and security personnel at a polling booth in Asansol.EVM glitch in Maharashtra’s PatlipadaAn EVM glitch has been reported from Maharashtra’s Patlipada. The machine was replaced after one hour. However, most of the voters went home after waiting for an hour.Another EVM snag was reported in Mumbai’s Panvel where an EVM stopped working at Gujarati Shala pool booth. It was replaced in an hour.Woman poll staffer dies of heart attack in Madhya PradeshA 50-year-old woman poll staffer died after suffering a heart attack ahead of voting in Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat of Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Monday.Sunanda Kotekar, who was deployed at Lodhikheda polling booth in Saunsar area of Chhindwara, felt uneasy on Sunday night, Chief Electoral Officer V L Kantha Rao said.She died of the heart attack even before she could be provided any medical assistance, he added.Actor Dia Mirza casts her vote at Khar Danda polling booth in MumbaiActor Dia Mirza cast her vote at Khar Danda polling booth in Mumbai. Maharashtra is holding elections in 17 seats in the fourth round of the seven-phased general election on Monday.This phase includes three parliamentary constituencies from western Maharashtra, four from Konkan region, four from north Maharashtra and six seats from Mumbai. Polling in 31 seats has already been held in the first three phases.Also Read | Priyanka Chopra, Anil Ambani among early voters in Mumbai10.27% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 9am10.27% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 9am across 9 states.6.82% polling in Maharashtra (17 seats), 11.11% polling in Madhya Pradesh (6 seats), 9% polling in Odisha (6) and 16.90% in West Bengal (8 seats) have been recorded till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections.Amir Khan casts vote at polling booth in Mumbai’s BandraAmir Khan with wife Kiran Rao casting their votes at polling booth in Mumbai’s Bandra. Polling percentage till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls6.82% polling in Maharashtra (17 seats), 11.11% polling in Madhya Pradesh (6 seats), 9% polling in Odisha (6) and 16.90% in West Bengal (8 seats) have been recorded till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections.Clash erupts between TMC workers and security personnel in BengalA clash has erupted between TMC workers and QRF and security personnel outside polling booth number 125-129 in Asansol, after disagreement erupted between BJP & CPI(M) workers after TMC workers insisted on polling despite absence of central forces, reported news agency ANI.Markets closed due to elections in MumbaiAll major markets, including BSE, National Stock Exchange, forex and money markets are closed Monday due to elections in Mumbai.‘TMC wants to confine me to a single place’: Babul Supriyo“They (TMC) want to confine me at a single place. I have to move to other places. Even those residing in buildings in front of the polling station could not cast their votes,” alleged Babul Supriyo after his car was vandalised outside a polling booth in Barabani in Asansol Lok Sabha constituency.Union minister Babul Supriyo’s car vandalised in AsansolUnion minister Babul Supriyo’s car has been vandalised outside a polling station in West Bengal’s Asansol. Supriyo is the BJP candidate from Asansol. A clash has broken between TMC workers and security personnel at polling booth number 199 in Asansol. A TMC polling agent said, “no BJP polling agent was present at the booth.” West Bengal: BJP MP candidate from Asansol, Babul Supriyo's car vandalised in Asansol. A TMC polling agent says, there is no BJP polling agent here. pic.twitter.com/kBNmpXCvPD #WATCH Clash between TMC workers and security personnel at polling booth number 199 in Asansol. A TMC polling agent said, 'no BJP polling agent was present at the booth.' BJP MP candidate from Asansol, Babul Supriyo's car was also vandalised outside the polling station. pic.twitter.com/goOmFRG96LVoting yet to begin at a booth in Rajasthan’s Kannauj due to EVM glitchVoting is yet to begin at booth number 35&435 of Chhibramau area in Kannauj. People waiting in queue at the polling station say, “Voting has not started because of a glitch in EVM.”The Congress state party control room in Rajasthan has received 140 complaints of EVM malfunctioning so far. #LokSabhaElections2019 : Voting is yet to begin at booth number 35&435 of Chhibramau area in Kannauj. People waiting in queue at the polling station say, \"Voting has not started because of a glitch in EVM.\" pic.twitter.com/CDddeijNOiPolice baton charge agitators at a polling booth in Bengal’s BardhamanPolice baton charged agitators at a polling station in Bardhaman’s Jemua in Durgapur Lok Sabha constituency in West Bengal.A section of the voters in the polling booth were agitating since morning saying therewill be no polling if sufficient central forces were not deployed. They also alleged that only five central forces personnel were deployed for five booths.Rapid Action force, state police personnel and central force personnel reached the polling station to restore law and order. situation“We are confident of winning. Those who are not confident (read Trinamool Congress) are creating trouble,” said BJP candidate Babul Supriyo about the agitation.Oldest person in Mumbai’s Chembur casts her voteOldest person in Mumbai’s Chembur Swarnambal Krishnaswamy cast her vote.She is 103 years old.Shankar Mahadevan casts vote at Vashi in Navi MumbaiSinger Shankar Mahadevan along with his wife cast his vote for Lok Sabha Election 2019 at Vashi in Navi Mumbai. Film director Vishal Bharadwaj cast his vote at Andheri. “This is the only time in five years when we can bring a change in this country. Everyone should understand the importance of this,” Vishal Bhardwaj said after voting in Andheri.Urmila Mataondkar casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraCongress MP candidate from Mumbai North, Urmila Mataondkar casted her vote at polling booth number 190 in Bandra. #Mumbai: Congress MP candidate from Mumbai North, Urmila Mataondkar casts her vote at polling booth number 190 in Bandra. pic.twitter.com/caqMEX9NjkEVM glitch in Mumbai’s Malad WestVoting is yet to begin at booth number 162 of Malad West in Mumbai after a glitch in EVM was detected.Earlier, EVM glitches were reported in polling booths in Rajasthan’s Pali, Deoli, and Bhinai in Ajmer district.Polling suspended at polling station in Asansol’s Jemua in BengalVillagers at Asansol’s Jemua polling booth number 222&226 are boycotting polls citing absence of central forces at the polling station. Polling has been suspended at the polling station as voters are protesting. West Bengal: Villagers boycott polls at Jemua's polling booth number 222&226 in Asansol due to absence of central forces at the polling station. Polling has been suspended at the polling station as voters are protesting. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/ZlelPIKMB0Kanhaiya Kumar arrives to cast his vote in Bihar’s BegusaraiCPI candidate from Begusarai, Kanhaiya Kumar arrived to cast his vote at a polling centre in the city, says, “Those who defame Begusarai will be defeated.” He is contesting against BJP leader Giriraj Singh in Begusarai.Kamal Nath casts vote in Shikarpur in MP’s ChhindwaraMadhya Pradesh CM Kamal Nath has cast his vote at polling booth number 17 in Shikarpur, Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh. #LokSabhaElections2019 :Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath casts his vote at polling booth number 17 in Shikarpur, Chhindwara. pic.twitter.com/4liBH70BYbWith 29 seats, and a direct contest between the two national parties, Madhya Pradesh is emerging as the big battleground of Lok Sabha 2019 as polls enter the fourth phase. In 2014, the BJP swept the state winning 27 seats. Four years later, it lost power at the state-level to the Congress. And thus the question that animates voters in MP is whether 2019 will be a repeat of 2014, or a replication of 2018.‘Every vote is a voice that counts’: Priyanka Chopra after casting her vote“This is the moment that matters.... Every vote is a voice that counts,” tweeted actor Priyanka Chopra after casting her vote in Mumbai’s Versova. This is the moment that matters....  Every vote is a voice that counts. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/L0AHJLL4uYVoters in Chacha village in Rajasthan boycott polling demanding divider on highwayThe villagers of Chacha village near Pokaran in Rajasthan are boycotting polling demanding a divider on highway.Rajasthan is going to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.‘Vote to create an Ayushman Bharat’: Amit ShahYour vote helps in securing a leadership in realising the dream of a prosperous India. Every poor house, every household gets toilets, electricity, gas and water through your vote. I appeal to the voters of the fourth phase to vote to remove darkness from the lives of millions of countrymen and create an Ayushman Bharat,” tweeted BJP chief Amit Shah.Ravi Kishan waits in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in GoregaonRavi Kishan was seen waiting in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Goregaon. #Mumbai: BJP MP candidate from UP's Gorakhpur, Ravi Kishan waits in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in Goregaon pic.twitter.com/Ji85dcyKNt‘Water first, vote later’: People demonstrate outside polling booth in Rajasthan’s TonkSome people are demonstrating outside a polling booth in Tonk with their demand for water. They are saying ‘water first, vote later’.Veteran actor Rekha casts her vote at polling booth in Mumbai’s BandraVeteran actor Rekha cast her vote at polling booth number 283 in Mumbai’s Bandra. #Mumbai: Veteran actor Rekha casts her vote at polling booth number 283 in Bandra. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/z14VraA06WRBI Governor Shaktikanta Das waits in queue to cast his vote in Mumbai’s Peddar roadReserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das was seen waiting in queue to cast his vote at polling booth number 40 & 41 at Peddar Road.  #Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das waits in queue to cast his vote at polling booth number 40 & 41 at Peddar Road. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/OGJMvQUE6AEVM glitches reported in Rajasthan polling boothsEVM glitches have been reported in polling booths in Rajasthan’s Pali, Deoli, and Bhinai in Ajmer district.30 complaints of EVM glitch have been reported in 40 minutes.Rajasthan is going to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.Vasundhara Raje, her son cast their vote at JhalawarFormer Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje, her son and sitting BJP MP Dushyant Singh cast their vote at a polling booth in Jhalawar.Jodhpur BJP candidate and sitting MP Gajendra Singh Shekhawat has also cast vote along with his family. Rajasthan: Former Rajasthan CM and BJP leader Vasundhara Raje Scindia casts her vote at polling booth number 33 in Jhalawar. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/9iNp9geKtQCong candidate in Baharampur constituency alleges district authorities working to help TMC candidateCongress candidate in Baharampur constituency Adhir Chowdhury arrived at a polling station before 7 am so that his party’s polling agents could enter the booths. He alleged that the district authorities are working to help the Trinamool Congress candidate.Anil Ambani casts vote at voting centre in Mumbai’s Cuff ParadeAnil Ambani cast his vote at voting centre number 216 at GD Somani School in Mumbai’s Cuffe Parade.  Mumbai: Anil Ambani casts his vote at voting centre number 216 at GD Somani School in Cuffe Parade. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/II9VZJvjmVGiriraj Singh casts his vote at polling booth in Bihar’s BarahiyaUnion Minister and sitting MP from Nawada Giriraj Singh cast his vote at polling booth number 33 in Barahiya of Lakhisarai district.  Bihar: Union Minister and sitting MP from Nawada, Giriraj Singh, cast his vote at polling booth number 33 in Barahiya of Lakhisarai district. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/babrOKVG36‘Your vote will help shaping of a New India’: Rajnath Singh“The polling for the 4th phase of General Elections begins today. I appeal to the voters to ensure a record turnout. Your vote will not only strengthen the pillars of democracy but it will also help shaping of a New India, tweeted Rajnath Singh. The polling for the 4th phase of General Elections begins today. I appeal to the voters to ensure a record turnout. Your vote will not only strengthen the pillars of democracy but it will also help shaping of a New India.Voters queue outside polling booth in South MumbaiVoters are queuing outside polling booth number 40 and 41 in South Mumbai parliamentary constituency. #Mumbai: Voters queue outside polling booth number 40 & 41 in South Mumbai parliamentary constituency. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/tRnHiTURvoSeventeen seats in Maharashtra will vote on Monday, which is the largest among the states going to polls in the fourth phase. The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) won all of these seats in 2014, an increase of 11 seats from its 2009 tally.Voters begin to queue up outside polling booth in KannaujVoters have begun to queue up outside polling booth number 256 in Kannauj. Thirteen parliamentary constituencies in the state go to polls in the fourth phase of general elections. #LokSabhaElections2019 : Voters begin to queue up outside polling booth number 256 in Kannauj. 13 parliamentary constituencies in the state go to polls in the fourth phase of general elections. pic.twitter.com/GWOaBzBAca‘Break voting records of previous three phases’: PM’s message to voters“Another phase of the General Elections begins today. I hope those voting today do so in large numbers and break the voting records of the previous three phases. A special appeal to young voters to head to the polling booth and exercise their franchise,” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Another phase of the General Elections begins today. I hope those voting today do so in large numbers and break the voting records of the previous three phases. A special appeal to young voters to head to the polling booth and exercise their franchise.Also Read | PM Modi tweets as India votes in phase 4Rajasthan to go to polls for 1st time in ongoing 7-phase general electionsRajasthan will go to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.First 3 phases have seen polling in 303 of 543 seats in Lok SabhaThe first three phases have seen polling in 303 of the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha.A total of 963 candidates from across parties in the nine states will be testing their luck. Among these 963 candidates, 210 are facing criminal charges with 158 having serious cases and 12 of them being convicted in criminal cases.Final six out of 21 Lok Sabha seats in Odisha will go to polls todayThe final six out of 21 Lok Sabha seats in Odisha will go to polls on Monday, alongside the remaining 42 out of 142 assembly seats. The Lok Sabha constituencies where polling will be conducted include Balasore, Mayurbhanj, Kendrapara and Jajpur.The region going to the polls is considered a stronghold of the ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD), which had won all six Lok Sabha seats and 37 of the 42 assembly seats in the 2014 elections.17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats to vote todayThe last 17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats will vote on Monday, with political heavyweights, their family members, and Marathi and Hindi film actors in the fray.Squabbles between alliance partners Shiv Sena and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Maharshtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray’s anti-BJP campaigning in the state have made this an eventful election so far.Voting on 72 Lok Sabha seats in phase 4 to begin shortlySeventy-two seats across nine states will go to polls in the fourth phase of 2019 general elections on Monday.Get our daily newsletterGet free access to newsletters, alerts and recommendations. lok sabba election 2019\n", "lok sabba election 2019\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/3493_evidence.jpg\n", "\n", "Sep 08, 2021-Wednesday\n", " \n", "\n", "Metro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChennai,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tKolkata\n", "\n", "Other cities - Noida,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGurgaon,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIndore,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJaipur,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLucknow,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPatna,\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRanchi\n", "\n", "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPowered by \n", "People across India on Sunday switched off lights in their homes and instead lit earthen lamps, candles for nine minutes at 9 PM in response to prime minister Modi's call to mark fight against coronavirus.Nine-minute lights-out event didn't impact on electricity grid functioning: Power MinisterAll students from Class 1 to 8 in Haryana to be promoted without exams: CM Khattar75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of Covid-19, Punjab toll rises to 7: OfficialsPresident Kovind, first lady joins nation, light diya'Power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW during the lights off: Power MinisterPM Modi lights diya at his residencePM Modi's mother lights earthen lamp at 9PMDelhi, Noida cops switch on mobile torches in solidarity with countryLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights diaysCrackers being burst as lights are switched offBJP President JP Nadda lights diyasUP CM Yogi lights diyas to form 'Om' in response to PM's callIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callSec 144 extended for 9 days in Gautam Budh Nagar districtDeath toll in Maharashtra due to Covid-19 climbs to 45The total number of Covid-19 cases in the country rose to 3,577 by Sunday evening. Of these, there were 3,219 active cases, 83 deaths, 274 cured / discharged and one migrated case, according to the health ministry.Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call, people across the country switched off lights in their homes at 9 pm for nine minutes and lit earthen lamps, candles or switched on the torches and mobile phone lights in a show of solidarity in fight against the coronavirus pandemic.Follow live updates on coronavirus here:Nine-minute lights-out event didn't impact on electricity grid functioning: Power MinisterNine-minute lights-out event went smoothly; no impact on electricity grid functioning: Power Minister R K SinghAll students from Class 1 to 8 in Haryana to be promoted without exams: CM KhattarHaryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar says all students from classes 1 to 8 will be promoted without having to appear for exams as schools are closed due to lockdown: PTI75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of Covid-19, Punjab toll rises to 7: Officials75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of coronavirus at an Amritsar hospital, taking the death toll in Punjab to 7, says officials:PTIPresident Kovind, first lady joins nation, light diyaPresident Ram Nath Kovind with the First Lady and members of his family joined citizens in demonstrating collective solidarity and positivity by lighting candles at 9 PM. He expressed his gratitude towards every Indian for showing resolve in fight against COVID19: President’s Secretariatराष्ट्रपति कोविन्द ने, भारत की प्रथम महिला व परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ रात्रि 9 बजे मोमबत्ती जलाकर, सभी देशवासियों की सामूहिक एकजुटता और सकारात्मकता का परिचय दिया। COVID-19 का सामना करने में हर भारतीय के अदम्य साहस और दृढ़ संकल्प के लिए राष्ट्रपति ने सभी का आभार व्यक्त किया। pic.twitter.com/od4grQ73Pm'Power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW during the lights off: Power MinisterMinister of Power (Independent Charge) R K Singh, along with Power Secretary and other senior officers are monitored the power grid operations from National Power Monitoring Centre in Shram Shakti Bhawan on Sunday evening when people across India switched off the lights in their homes at PM Modi's call. The minister said there was huge response to Prime Minister's call as power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW within a span of 4-5 minutes. This was handled very very well by engineers across all levels.Congratulating the engineers, the minister said a ramp up was also done very smoothly as Demand/supply is back to 110 GW.PM Modi lights diya at his residencePM Narendra Modi lights a lamp after turning off all lights at his residence. Iशुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा ।शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥ pic.twitter.com/4DeiMsCN11PM Modi's mother lights earthen lamp at 9PMPM Modi's mother, Heeraben, also lighted an earthen lamp after turning off all lights at her residence.Gujarat: Mother of PM Modi, Heeraben, lights an earthen lamp after turning off all lights at her residence. India switched off all the lights for 9 minutes at 9 PM today & just lit a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus as per PM's appeal. pic.twitter.com/qPQqXAB6JfDelhi, Noida cops switch on mobile torches in solidarity with countryDelhi and Noida police personnel at the Delhi-Noida border near Mayur Kunj in New Delhi flashed the lights of their mobile phones for nine minutes at 9 pm to show solidarity with the rest of the countryLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights diaysLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lighted earthern lamps along with family.Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights up earthern lamps along with family. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes,& just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/cRSaJBnxxjCrackers being burst as lights are switched offPeople also burst crackers during the 9 minutes that they turned off lights and lit earthen lampsBJP President JP Nadda lights diyasBJP President JP Nadda turned off all the lights of his residence and lighted earthen lamps at 9 PM.Delhi: BJP President JP Nadda turns off all the lights of his residence & lights earthen lamps. PM had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, & just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/jnvexQtBiZUP CM Yogi lights diyas to form 'Om' in response to PM's callUP CM Yogi Adityanath lights earthen lamps to form an 'Om', at his residence. PM Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against coronavirus: ANILucknow: UP CM Yogi Adityanath lights earthen lamps to form an 'Om', at his residence. PM Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus. pic.twitter.com/QXrj2oTsVuIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callSec 144 extended for 9 days in Gautam Budh Nagar districtGautam Buddh Nagar police extends for another nine days restrictions imposed in the district under Section 144 of CrPC in view of the nationwide lockdown which will continue till April 14.Death toll in Maharashtra due to Covid-19 climbs to 45The death toll in Maharashtra, due to coronavirus has gone up to 45 after 13 new deaths were reported today - eight in Mumbai, three in Pune and one each in Kalyan, Dombivali and Aurangabad: Maharashtra Health DepartmentFirst published: Apr 05, 2020 05:16 IST. a woman in a purple sari sitting at a table\n", "a woman in a purple sari sitting at a table\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/8511_evidence.jpg\n", "The Supreme Court on Friday deferred shifting of the Unnao rape survivor, injured in an accident last week, to a hospital in Delhi while ordering that her uncle be shifted from a Rae Bareli jail to Tihar in the national capital.The survivor and her lawyer were critically injured, while her two aunts died, in an accident that is now being probed by the CBI as the kin had alleged that BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar was behind the conspiracy to kill the girl. Sengar, 52, is also accused of raping the girl in 2017.“So far as the movement of victim and lawyer for medical treatment is concerned there appears to be hesitation on the part of the family members, so we shall defer giving orders to Monday,” the top court said.Also read: Lawyer wrote to authorities about threats: Unnao rape survivor’s relativeThe survivor’s lawyer earlier told the court that the mother was of the view that for the present the survivor should remain in the hospital since she was unconscious. But the mother wanted to reserve the right to seek her shifting outside Lucknow. “Mother says the doctors must at least provide her with a daily medical bulletin,” the lawyer said.Both the survivor and the lawyer’s kin, however, sought daily health bulletins from Lucknow’s KGMU hospital, where the two are being treated.The top court also ordered that the survivor’s uncle, who is in Rae Bareli jail in a two-decade old attempt to murder case, be shifted to Delhi’s Tihar and sought a compliance report by the state on Monday. The counsel of the Uttar Pradesh government, earlier, contended that the survivor’s uncle was safe and secure in Rae Bareli jail and that the state had no objection if the court wanted to move him.The four-time lawmaker, Sengar is accused of raping the girl when she went to meet him along with a neighbour to seek his help in getting a job in June 2017.This was followed by two years of ordeal that saw the girl going missing for almost 10 days, accusing police of not letting her name the MLA in her complaint, her father being beaten up and dying in custody and a key witness dying in 2018.The case was finally handed over to the CBI in 2018 and it booked Sengar, his brother and five others in the case.In the past few weeks, preceding the rape survivor’s road accident, she and her family had written several letters to the police, CBI, government officials and the CJI alleging threat to life from the MLA. They accused the MLA and his henchmen of intimidating them and asking them to withdraw the case.Get our daily newsletterGet free access to newsletters, alerts and recommendations. a close up of a man in a white shirt with his arms crossed\n", "a close up of a man in a white shirt with his arms crossed\n", "data/raw/factify/extracted/images/train/5443_evidence.jpg\n" ] } ], "execution_count": 47 }, { "metadata": { "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2025-01-01T14:42:56.199887Z", "start_time": "2025-01-01T14:42:56.192493Z" } }, "cell_type": "code", "source": "evidences", "id": "bd2aaaa4edc0e088", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[Evidence(evidence_id='32475', evidence='\\nSep 08, 2021-Wednesday\\n \\n\\nMetro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tChennai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tKolkata\\n\\nOther cities - Noida,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tGurgaon,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tIndore,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tJaipur,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tLucknow,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPatna,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tRanchi\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPowered by \\nSix employees of Mumbai\\'s Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusIndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionTelangana to extend lockdown till April 30Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryNew York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemicKarnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxations10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CMMP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusUS reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownWe have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav ThackerayPM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm produceNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiShutdowns continue in major cities of the world as governments try to contain the Covid-19 contagion. On Saurday, during his video call with chief ministers of different states, PM Narendra Modi said the next 3-4 weeks are critical to determine impact of steps taken to curb the coronavirus spread.Whereas CMs sought financial package and extension in lockdown, says Puducherry CM V Narayanasamy after meeting with PM, according to PTI.After the video call, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the lockdown in the state will continue till April 30 to prevent Covid-19 spread. Delhi has become the third state after Punjab and Odisha to extend the lockdown.Six employees of Mumbai\\'s Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusSix employees of Taj hotel in Mumbai have tested positive for coronavirus and have been admitted in Bombay hospital, officials from Bombay hospital and Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) told HT.IndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionBudget carrier IndiGo on Saturday said one of its staff passed away due to coronavirus infection in Chennai.\"We are extremely sorry and saddened by the demise of one of our beloved employees in Chennai due to infection of Covid 19 virus,\" an airline spokesperson told PTI on Saturday.Telangana to extend lockdown till April 30Lockdown in Telangana to be extended till April 30. The announcement came hours after chief ministers\\' video call with PM Modi on Saturday. Apart from Telangana, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra have extended the lockdown till April 30 as well. Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases today in the state, taking the state tally to 1,761. 17 new deaths due to coronavirus were reported in the state.Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryChhattisgarh Government makes wearing of masks compulsory in public places, according to news agency ANI.New York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemic1.1 million-pupil public school system will be closed for the rest of the school year as the city struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Saturday, according to a report in AP.Public schools in New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the virus outbreak, have been closed since March 16. A massive effort to move instruction online has met with mixed success in the city, where many low-income students lack Wi-Fi and devices for connecting to their virtual classrooms.Karnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxationsChief Minister B S Yediyurappa announced that the statewide lockdown will be extended for another fortnight after April 14 but with certain relaxations to agricultural and industrial sectors to ensure minimal impact on the economy. The CM was briefing media after a nearly four-hour long video conference that PM Modi had with CM’s of all states.10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CM\"10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today; 7 from Kannur, 1 from Kozhikode, 2 from Kasaragod. 7 have foreign travel history while 3 have contact history with positive Covid-19 patients. Total number of cases stands at 373 now, of which 228 are active cases,\" says Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan, as quoted by ANI.MP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusThe Planning, Economics and Statistics Department of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday issued an order allowing utilisation of MLA Local Area Development Fund (MLALADF) for dealing with coronavirus crisis, reported PTI.US reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownThe United States became the first country to report more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day, marking a grim milestone as billions around the world celebrated the Easter holiday weekend under lockdown from home, according to a report in AFP.We have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayOn Monday, we will complete 5 weeks since the first case of Coronavirus was reported in the state. We can say that till now we have been successful in preventing the multiplication of the number of cases up to some extent: Maharashtra CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Coronavirus cases in India rose to 7,529, taking the death toll to 242. To contain the spread of the virus, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra extended the lockdown till April 30.Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav Thackeray\"Maharashtra will continue to be locked down till April 30. The state will show the way to the country even in these tough times,\" said CM Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday after video call with PM Modi over coronavirus outbreak.PM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm producePM suggests specific measures for agriculture and allied sector including modification of agri-market laws to facilitate sale of farm produce, reports PTI.Next 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken till now to curb spread of the virus: PM tells chief ministers on Covid-19 fight, according to news agency PTI.First published: Apr 11, 2020 05:29 IST. arafed woman sitting at a table with a microphone in front of her', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='arafed woman sitting at a table with a microphone in front of her', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='1', evidence='\\nSep 08, 2021-Wednesday\\n \\n\\nMetro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tChennai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tKolkata\\n\\nOther cities - Noida,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tGurgaon,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tIndore,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tJaipur,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tLucknow,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPatna,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tRanchi\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPowered by \\nSix employees of Mumbai\\'s Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusIndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionTelangana to extend lockdown till April 30Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryNew York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemicKarnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxations10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CMMP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusUS reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownWe have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav ThackerayPM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm produceNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiShutdowns continue in major cities of the world as governments try to contain the Covid-19 contagion. On Saurday, during his video call with chief ministers of different states, PM Narendra Modi said the next 3-4 weeks are critical to determine impact of steps taken to curb the coronavirus spread.Whereas CMs sought financial package and extension in lockdown, says Puducherry CM V Narayanasamy after meeting with PM, according to PTI.After the video call, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the lockdown in the state will continue till April 30 to prevent Covid-19 spread. Delhi has become the third state after Punjab and Odisha to extend the lockdown.Six employees of Mumbai\\'s Taj hotel test positive for coronavirusSix employees of Taj hotel in Mumbai have tested positive for coronavirus and have been admitted in Bombay hospital, officials from Bombay hospital and Brihanmumbai municipal corporation (BMC) told HT.IndiGo employee dies of coronavirus infectionBudget carrier IndiGo on Saturday said one of its staff passed away due to coronavirus infection in Chennai.\"We are extremely sorry and saddened by the demise of one of our beloved employees in Chennai due to infection of Covid 19 virus,\" an airline spokesperson told PTI on Saturday.Telangana to extend lockdown till April 30Lockdown in Telangana to be extended till April 30. The announcement came hours after chief ministers\\' video call with PM Modi on Saturday. Apart from Telangana, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra have extended the lockdown till April 30 as well. Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases, tally reaches to 1,761Maharashtra reports 187 new Covid-19 cases today in the state, taking the state tally to 1,761. 17 new deaths due to coronavirus were reported in the state.Chhattisgarh govt makes wearing masks in public places compulsoryChhattisgarh Government makes wearing of masks compulsory in public places, according to news agency ANI.New York City schools closed for rest of year amid Covid-19 pandemic1.1 million-pupil public school system will be closed for the rest of the school year as the city struggles to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Saturday, according to a report in AP.Public schools in New York City, the U.S. epicenter of the virus outbreak, have been closed since March 16. A massive effort to move instruction online has met with mixed success in the city, where many low-income students lack Wi-Fi and devices for connecting to their virtual classrooms.Karnataka extends lockdown for two weeks with some relaxationsChief Minister B S Yediyurappa announced that the statewide lockdown will be extended for another fortnight after April 14 but with certain relaxations to agricultural and industrial sectors to ensure minimal impact on the economy. The CM was briefing media after a nearly four-hour long video conference that PM Modi had with CM’s of all states.10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today: Kerala CM\"10 new Covid-19 cases reported in Kerala today; 7 from Kannur, 1 from Kozhikode, 2 from Kasaragod. 7 have foreign travel history while 3 have contact history with positive Covid-19 patients. Total number of cases stands at 373 now, of which 228 are active cases,\" says Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan, as quoted by ANI.MP govt allows use of MLA funds for battling coronavirusThe Planning, Economics and Statistics Department of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday issued an order allowing utilisation of MLA Local Area Development Fund (MLALADF) for dealing with coronavirus crisis, reported PTI.US reports highest daily virus toll as Easter opens in lockdownThe United States became the first country to report more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day, marking a grim milestone as billions around the world celebrated the Easter holiday weekend under lockdown from home, according to a report in AFP.We have been successful in preventing Covid-19 spread to some extent: CM Uddhav ThackerayOn Monday, we will complete 5 weeks since the first case of Coronavirus was reported in the state. We can say that till now we have been successful in preventing the multiplication of the number of cases up to some extent: Maharashtra CM Uddhav ThackerayCoronavirus cases in India mount to 7529, death toll touches 242Coronavirus cases in India rose to 7,529, taking the death toll to 242. To contain the spread of the virus, Punjab, Odisha and Maharashtra extended the lockdown till April 30.Maharashtra will continue lockdown till April 30: CM Uddhav Thackeray\"Maharashtra will continue to be locked down till April 30. The state will show the way to the country even in these tough times,\" said CM Uddhav Thackeray on Saturday after video call with PM Modi over coronavirus outbreak.PM suggests measures for agriculture sector to facilitate sale of farm producePM suggests specific measures for agriculture and allied sector including modification of agri-market laws to facilitate sale of farm produce, reports PTI.Next 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken: PM ModiNext 3-4 weeks critical to determine impact of steps taken till now to curb spread of the virus: PM tells chief ministers on Covid-19 fight, according to news agency PTI.First published: Apr 11, 2020 05:29 IST. a woman sitting at a desk in front of a microphone', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='a woman sitting at a desk in front of a microphone', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='3493', evidence='Seventy-two seats across nine states are voting in the fourth phase of 2019 general elections on Monday. This phase will see the end of polling in Maharashtra and Odisha, while the process will start in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand. Twenty-six seats in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are also scheduled to vote in this phase. These three states have seats going to polls in each of the seven phases in the 2019 elections.Also Read |\\u2009BJP-Sena hope to repeat thumping win in MaharashtraThe Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has high stakes in this phase. Of the 72 seats going to polls, it won 45 in 2014. Its allies won another 11 seats. The Congress’s tally was just two. In 2009, the BJP-Congress breakup in these seats was 9-29.Follow highlights here: 64% voter turnout in Phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections 2019A voter turnout of 64 percent was recorded in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha polls on Monday, the Election Commission said.Voting was held in 72 parliamentary constituencies spread across nine states in this phase.Nearly 66 per cent turnout was recorded in the third phase of Lok Sabha polls in which voting was held in 116 seats. In the first two phases, polling was conducted in 91 and 95 seats on April 11 and April 18 respectively.Election to 543 seats across the country is being held in seven phases. The counting of votes will take place on May 23. The poll percentage in Bihar was 58.92%, 9.79% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.77% in Jharkhand, 66.52% in Madhya Pradesh, 55.88% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 66.44% in Rajasthan, 55.57% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.59% in West Bengal. 1.91 first time voters: ECThe total number of first-time voters in the seven phases of 2019 Lok Sabha elections is 1.91 crore., which is 20% more than that it in 2014, said EC while addressing a press conference after the fourth phase of polling. Mumbai’s first-time voters seek to make ‘indelible’ markA large number of first-time voters came out to cast their ballots Monday in Mumbai, marking their formal participation in choosing the next government in the world’s largest democracy.According to the Election Commission (EC) data, Maharashtra has over 1.19 crore voters who fall in the age group of 18-19 years and are eligible to exercise their franchise in the Lok Sabha polls for the first time.Enthusiasm was palpable among first-time electors, who openly expressed their views about candidates in the fray and whom they voted for.At 6 pm, 60% voter turnout in Phase 4Till 6 pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 59.62%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 53.67%, 9.79% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.77% in Jharkhand, 65.86% in Madhya Pradesh, 52.03% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 63.58% in Rajasthan, 53.34% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.59% in West Bengal. Congress approaches EC over EVM snags, NCP says something fishyThe Congress Monday made 30 complaints to the Election Commission about alleged glitches in EVMs across the 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Maharashtra where polling is underway.A majority of the complaints came in from Dhule and Nandurbar, the party said, prompting ally NCP’s state chief Jayant Patil to claim that something was “fishy” in the two seats.“Complaints have been made to Election Commissioner, Chief Electoral Officer and other authorities concerned via e-mail,” the Congress said in a statement.Patil too said that complaints were coming in from several seats where election is being held, and questioned if the Electronic Voting Machine glitches were being caused deliberately.59% voter turnout till 5 pmTill 5 pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 59.01%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 53.67%, 9.98% in Jammu and Kashmir, 63.40% in Jharkhand, 65.77% in Madhya Pradesh, 50.70% in Maharashtra, 64.05% in Odisha, 62.73% in Rajasthan, 52.90% in Uttar Pradesh, and 76.47% in West Bengal. Dog, best companion-turned into-campaigner, detainedA dog with pro-BJP stickers on its body was detained alongwith his master in north Maharashtra’s Nandurbar town where polling for the Lok Sabha elections took place Monday.Eknath Motiram Chaudhary (65), resident of Navnathnagar area, was spotted with his dog near Andhare hospital Monday afternoon.The dog’s body was found covered with stickers bearing the BJP’s symbol and the message “Modi Lao, Desh Bachao” (Vote for Modi and save the country), a local police official said.As the polling was underway, police had received a complaint about the dog and his master who were roaming around the town, he said.In Kannauj, SP alleges VVPAT shows ‘lotus’ when ‘cycle’ button pressedOpposition Samajwadi Party Monday urged the Election Commission to remove Uttar Pardesh’s police chief OP Singh from the post, alleging he was “favouring” the ruling BJP and trying to influence elections, reported news agency PTI.The party also alleged that in at least two polling booths in Kannauj the Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machine showed the voting for the BJP when the ballot was cast for the SP. It also claimed the police issued warning notes to “a large number” of SP supporters in the constituency, from where Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav’s wife Dimple is contesting, asking them to remain inside their houses after casting their own votes.Party leader Dharmendra Yadav said Director General of Police OP Singh was “misusing” government machinery to help the BJP.“We demanded from the EC to remove him immediately,” he told reporters in Lucknow.62% voter turnout in Rajasthan till 5 pmThe voter turnout in Rajasthan stood at 61.96% till 5pm in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019. 121 polling booths in Jharkhand managed by womenWomen power was on full display in Jharkhand during the fourth phase of Lok Sabha polls with 121 polling booths being managed by women on Monday.Of the 6,072 polling booths in the fourth phase, 121 were exclusively managed by women.“There were 46 all-women polling booths in Palamau, 33 in Chatra and 42 in Lohardaga. At these booths, all polling staff, security personnel and other officials were women,” an official said.Jharkhand is voting for three Maoist-affected parliamentary seats, spread over six districts. More than 40 per cent of the booths are located in sensitive areas.BJP urges EC to deploy central forces in all polling booths of West BengalThe BJP approached the Election Commission on Monday complaining that TMC workers have “hijacked democracy” in West Bengal and creating ruckus during voting, and again demanded deployment of central forces in all polling booths in the state.Following reports of a clash between the ruling Trinamool Congress and BJP workers outside a booth in Asansol’s Barabani, and vandalism of the vehicle of Union Minister and sitting MP Babul Supriyo, a BJP delegation met top officials of the poll panel in New Delhi.The delegation included Union Ministers Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Vijay Goel, and the party’s media in-charge Anil Baluni.After meeting the poll panel officials, Naqvi told reporters, “The ruling Trinamool Congress workers have hijacked democracy in the state and are indulging in violence. They are being supported by the local machinery and we demand deployment of central forces in all polling booths in the state.” Naqvi also expressed concern over “no action” been taken against Congress president Rahul Gandhi for his “baseless allegations” against BJP chief Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and said a memorandum in this regard has been submitted to the Election Commission.In Maharashtra, booths decked up for better polling experienceBalloons and colourful rangolis welcomed voters at some of the polling booths across the 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Maharashtra where polling is underway in the fourth and final phase Monday.As part of an initiative by the Election Commission of India to make polling a pleasant experience, certain booths were selected in every Lok Sabha constituency for decoration with local help.“The whole idea is to make voting a pleasant experience. We cannot put pandals due to several restrictions, but using colours and rangolis would bring some relief to voters, who wait for hours in scorching heat to exercise their right,” an ECI official said.Voting is underway at Nandurbar, Dhule, Dindori, Nashik, Palghar, Bhiwandi, Kalyan, Thane, Mumbai-North, Mumbai-North West, Mumbai-North East, Mumbai-North Central, Mumbai-South Central, Mumbai- South, Maval, Shirur and Shirdi.49% voter turnout till 4 pmTill 4pm, the voter turnout in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections 2019 was 49.62%. The poll percentage in Bihar was 44.23%, 8.42% in Jammu and Kashmir, 56.37% in Jharkhand, 55.33% in Madhya Pradesh, 41.15% in Maharashtra, 51.54% in Odisha, 54.21% in Rajasthan, 44.16% in Uttar Pradesh, and 66.01% in West Bengal. Over 43% voter turnout in Uttar Pradesh till 3 pmAn estimated 43.91 voter turnout was recorded till 3 pm in 13 Lok Sabha constituencies of Uttar Pradesh Monday as polling for the fourth phase of the Lok Sabha elections in the state was underway.Seats where the polling is underway in the state are Shahjahanpur (SC), Kheri, Hardoi (SC), Misrikh (SC), Unnao, Farrukhabad, Etawah (SC), Kannauj, Kanpur, Akbarpur, Jalaun (SC), Jhansi and Hamirpur.Over 43% voting in Madhya Pradesh till 2 pmAround 43.82 per cent turnout was recorded in the fourth phase of polling for the six Lok Sabha seats and one Assembly seat in Madhya Pradesh till 1 p.m. on Monday, the Voter Turnout App data of Election Commission showed. Maoist-affected Balaghat district, which is voting under high security, recorded the highest 46.32 per cent voter turnout. It was followed by 46.05 per cent polling in Mandla, 45.89 per cent polling in Chhindwara, 45.88 per cent polling in Shahdol, 44.39 per cent polling in Jabalpur and 34.95 per cent polling in Sidhi. There were also reports of malfunctioning EVMs from some places and both the EVMs as well as the VVPATs were replaced.Some 1.05 crore electorate are eligible to vote in this phase. A total of 108 candidates are trying their luck in this phase in the state, including a maximum of 26 from Sidhi, followed by 23 from Balaghat, 22 from Jabalpur, 14 from Chhindwara, 13 from Shahdol and 10 from Mandla.Rajasthan records 52.97 per cent voter turnout till 3 pmRajasthan Monday recorded about 53 percent voter turn out till 3 pm from among its 2.57 crore electorates in the ongoing polling for 13 Lok Sabha seats in the state, said officials.Barmer, the state’s largest parliamentary constituency area-wise, witnessed the highest turnout at 60.36 percent till 3 pm. The second highest voter turnout after Barmer was reported from tribal population-dominated seat Banswara, where 57.63 per cent electors cast their votes till 3 pm.In Barmer, where former External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh’s son Manvendra Singh, a former BJP MLA, is contesting election as a Congress candidate against BJP’s Kailash Chaudhary, voters lined up before polling booths, braving scorching sun with the temperature hovering at around 42 degree Celsius. The constituency covers entire Barmer and half of Jaisalmer district and is located on Indo-Pak border in western Rajasthan. Villagers flocked to polling booths in groups and looked for shed near polling booths.9% cast ballot in Kulgam dist till 3pmWith just an hour left for polls to close, less than nine percent of 3.45 lakh electorate Monday exercised their franchise in the Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir -- part of Anantnag Lok Sabha constituency -- amidst stringent security arrangements and isolated incidents of stone-pelting near polling stations, officials said.The voting in the second leg of three-phased schedule for the Lok Sabha seat would decide the fate of 18 candidates, including former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti.The overall poll percentage in the Kulgam district till 3.00 pm was 8.42 per cent, the officials said in Srinagar, reported news agency PTI.SP alleges VVPAT shows ‘lotus’ when ‘cycle’ button pressedOpposition Samajwadi Party Monday urged the Election Commission to remove Uttar Pardesh’s police chief OP Singh from the post alleging he was “favouring” the ruling BJP and affecting elections.The party also alleged that in at at least two polling booths the Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail machine showed the voting for the BJP when the ballot was cast for the SP. Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav’s wife Dimpal is contesting from the constituency. Party leader Dharmendra Yadav said the Director General of Police was “misusing” government machinery to help the BJP.“We demanded from the EC to remove him immediately,” Yadav told reportersOver 40% polling in Bihar till 2 pmIgnoring heatwave like conditions, 40.08 per cent voting was recorded in Bihar’s five Lok Sabha seats till 2 p.m. on Monday, an official said. Voting started at 7 am in Begusarai, Ujiarpur, Darbhanga, Munger and Samastipur constituencies. “Long queues were seen at polling booths in rural as well as urban pockets of these constituencies despite heatwave-like conditions,” the official said.7.5 % voting in Anantnag Lok Sabha seat till 2 pm7.5 per cent voter turnout was recorded on Monday until 2 p.m. in the second and penultimate phase of voting in the troubled Anantnag Lok Sabha seat in Jammu and Kashmir. Officials said 6.7 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 1 p.m. in Kulgam district where four segments of Kulgam, Noorabad, Devsar and Homshalibugh went to vote.Congress leader Jitin Prasada’s sister find her vote is already castFormer union Minister Jitin Prasada said on Monday that his sister was unable to vote because her vote had already been cast by the time she reached the polling booth in the Dhaurhara Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh.“When my sister went to the polling booth, she found her name had been ticked and the presiding officer told her that vote had been cast. This is how fake voting is taking place,” he said.Actor Ranbir Kapoor casts his vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Ranbir Kapoor cast his vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Bandra.Three poll staffers die in Madhya PradeshThree government employees, including a woman, engaged in poll duty died in separate incidents in Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Monday.‘Law and order is state subject’: Mamata Banerjee condemns police firing in BengalCondemning firing by a central force personnel inside a booth, Mamata Banerjee said in a public meeting, “I have heard that central force personnel have entered a booth in Dubrajpur and opened fire. Law and order is a state subject. They cannot do it.”Police allegedly fired in the air in Poduma area Dubrajpur in Birbhum constituency to bring the situation under control after villagers threw stones at the security personnel. The bullet hit a wall of the polling station.38.63% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 2 pm38.63% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 2 pm.Sachin Tendulkar casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraSachin Tendulkar, his wife Anjali Tendulkar, daughter Sara Tendulkar and son Arjun Tendulkar cast their votes at polling center number 203 in Mumbai’s Bandra. Sara Tendulkar and Arjun Tendulkar are first time voters.\\xa0Mumbai: Sachin Tendulkar, his wife Anjali Tendulkar, daughter Sara Tendulkar, and son Arjun Tendulkar after casting their vote at polling center number 203 in Bandra. Sara Tendulkar and Arjun Tendulkar are first time voters. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/0dNVhNR8mgBihar records 32.48 per cent voting till 1 PMAn estimated 32.48 per cent voters of the 87.74 electorate cast their ballots till 1 PM in Bihar, where polling for five Lok Sabha seats is underway on Monday, an election official said.A total of 66 candidates, including three women nominees, are in the fray from Darbhanga, Ujiarpur, Samastipur, Begusarai and Munger constituencies in the fourth phase of polling in the state.UP leaders ask people to brave sun, come out to voteWith the mercury steadily rising, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and other senior leaders Monday appealed to the electorate not to bogged down by soaring temperatures and exercise their franchise.Polling is underway in 13 constituencies of Uttar Pradesh on Monday.In a tweet, Adityanath said, “Temperatures are high, take care of yourself but definitely cast your vote..every single vote of yours help formation of the government.” “For a prosperous and strong Bharat, for a strong and decisive government, for fulfilling a dream, come out of houses today and vote. Remember, first voting and then breakfast,” he said.BSP president Mayawati also took to twitter to exhort people to vote.“Polling is taking place for the fourth phase of election for the 17th Lok Sabha. It is an appeal to voters to first discharge their duty of casting votes. This effort of theirs is important for their welfare and interest,” the former UP chief minister said.Salman Khan casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Salman Khan cast his vote at polling booth number 283 in Mumbai’s Bandra.\\xa0Maharashtra: Actor Salman Khan casts his vote at polling booth number 283 in Bandra, Mumbai. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/dg7TvYsyQLRanveer Singh casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraActor Ranveer Singh cast his vote in Mumbai’s Bandra. Actor Hrithik Roshan and singer Asha Bhosle also cast their votes.Amitabh Bachchan along family cast vote in Mumbai’s JuhuAmitabh Bachchan along with his family cast vote at Jamnabai Narsee School in Mumbai’s Juhu.NCP’s Sharad Pawar votes in Mumbai, urges people to elect stable govtNCP chief Sharad Pawar pitched for a stable government at the Centre and urged citizens to come out in large numbers to cast their votes as he exercised his democratic right here on Monday.“Today is an important day for the country. It is required that a stable government is formed. It is expected that Mumbaikars will not lag behind, and will exercise their voting right by coming out in large numbers and voting decisively,” Pawar, the former Union minister, tweeted in Marathi.Hema Malini cast her vote in Mumbai’s Vile ParleBJP’s Lok Sabha candidate from Mathura, Hema Malini and her daughters Esha Deol and Ahana Deol cast their votes in Mumbai’s Vile Parle.\\xa0Mumbai: BJP\\'s Lok Sabha candidate from Mathura, Hema Malini and her daughters Esha Deol and Ahana Deol after casting their vote in Vile Parle. pic.twitter.com/tXToH6ek1k‘Modi wave has overtaken the country’: Union minister Piyush Goyal after casting voteUnion minister and BJP leader Piyush Goyal cast his vote at Walsingham School, Malabar Hill in Mumbai: “This election is now a Tsunami election. North South,East and West, Modi wave has overtaken the country. PM Modi is the tallest leader today in the country,”said Goyal after Police fire in the air after villagers pelt stones at them in BengalCentral forces personnel allegedly fired once in the air in Poduma area Dubrajpur in Birbhum constituency to bring the situation under control after villagers threw stones at the security personnel. The bullet hit a wall of the polling station.The incident took place in booth number 259 in Kandihi village.The clash erupted following the reluctance of a few voters to leave their cellphone behind before entering a booth. A few phones deposited with the personnel dropped to the ground triggering a quarrel.This is the first instance of central forces pulling the trigger in the four phases of polling in Bengal.Polling was held up for about 90 minutes after the incident. Kareena Kapoor casts voteKareena Kapoor, Kangana Ranavat, Prem Chopra, Rekha and Sanjay Duty with wife Manyata casting their votes in Mumbai’s Bandra.Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray cast vote in Mumbai’s Gandhi NagarShiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray, his wife Rashmi Thackeray and son Aditya Thackeray cast their vote at a polling booth in Gandhi Nagar, Mumbai. Poonam Mahajan BJP’s candidate from Mumbai North Central LS seat was also present.Maharashtra: Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray, his wife Rashmi Thackeray and son Aditya Thackeray after casting their vote at a polling booth in Gandhi Nagar, Mumbai. Poonam Mahajan BJP\\'s candidate from Mumbai North Central LS seat also present. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/vgsQjca0a1Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in MumbaiShabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in Mumbai.\\xa0Maharashtra: Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar cast their vote in #Mumbai. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/I4fzIRSjWFIndia’s film and finance capital took centre stage in the fourth of seven rounds of voting with 72 constituencies across the nation taking part. Final results are to be released on May 23.At least 40,000 police and security personnel were deployed across the city of 20 million people while workers were given a holiday so they could vote for Mumbai’s six lawmakers.Long queues were waiting when the 10,000 polling stations opened at 7.00am Alleged bogus voting by three in Kerala referred to ECThe controversy over two women and a man casting bogus vote in Kannur district of Kerala has been referred to the Election Commission. Since Saturday, after TV channels started airing the visuals of the bogus voting “caught on camera” in the Kasargod Lok Sabha constituency, the Congress took up the issue before Chief Electoral Officer Tikka Ram Meena.Meena asked for a detailed report from the district collectors of Kannur and Kasargod where these incidents were reported.Kerala voted on April 23 for all 20 Lok Sabha seats.23.48% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 12 pm23.48% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 12 pm.The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has high stakes in this phase. Of the 72 seats voting today, it won 45 in 2014. Its allies won another 11 seats. The Congress’s tally was just two. In 2009, the BJP-Congress breakup in these seats was 9-29.TMC to meet EC over ‘illegal action’ of central forcesTrinamool Congress announced (on its official twitter handle) that its Parliamentary delegation will meet the EC at 1:15 pm in Delhi to protest the illegal action of central forces and BJP candidates who allegedly broke the model code of conduct.Earlier in the day, BJP said that a delegation including Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Vijay Goel & Anil Baluni will meet Election Commission today over the issue of poll-related violence during polling in West Bengal.BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car was vandalised during poll related violence in Bengal’s Asansol on Monday. There were also reports of clash between Trinamool workers and security personnel at a polling booth in Asansol.Also Read | BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car vandalised in Bengal poll violenceErstwhile King of Jodhpur casts voteErstwhile King of Jodhpur Gaj Singh cast his vote at booth number 127 in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur. BJP’s Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Congress’ Vaibhav Gehlot are the candidates from the Jodhpur LS constituency. \\xa0Rajasthan: Erstwhile King of Jodhpur, Gaj Singh casts his vote at booth number 127 in Jodhpur. BJP\\'s Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Congress\\' Vaibhav Gehlot are two of the candidates from the Jodhpur LS constituency. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/x6VAJ0C1FUAnand Mahindra casts vote in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill“We all have been infected by the virus of progress and growth. Even if a coalition govt comes, it should work towards progress and growth of the country,” said Mahindra Group chairman Anand Mahindra after casting his vote in Mumbai’s Malabar Hill.\\xa0#Mumbai: Chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra after casting his vote in Malabar Hill, says, \"We all have been infected by the virus of progress and growth. Even if a coalition govt comes, it should work towards progress and growth of the country.\" pic.twitter.com/Mcf1q7CmCW20.87 per cent polling in Jharkhand till 11 amAn estimated 20.87 per cent of the 45.26 lakh electorate cast their votes till 11 am on Monday in three Lok Sabha constituencies of Jharkhand, in the first phase of elections in the state.Women voters were seen in large numbers at many booths in Lohardaga (ST), Palamu (SC) and Chatra constituencies, where voting began at 7 am, election officials said.People of MP will vote for BJP to teach Congress a lesson: Shivraj ChouhanFormer Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that there were two major issues in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections - National security and welfare of people.“Only the leadership of PM Narendra Modi could help create a stable government. The Congress government that came in four months ago in the state has created a chaotic environment in the state and people are also feeling that they have done a mistake by not electing a BJP government. People will surely vote for BJP to teach a lesson to the Congress government in the state,” the former Madhya Pradesh CM said.18.39% voter turnout recorded till 11 am in Maharashtra18.39% voter turnout recorded on 17 parliamentary constituencies in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections, till 11 am.The last 17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats are voting on Monday, with political heavyweights, their family members, and Marathi and Hindi film actors in the fray.Over 21% voting recorded till 11 am in UPAn estimated 21.15 per cent voters exercised their franchise till 11 am in 13 constituencies of Uttar Pradesh in the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections Monday, reported news agency PTI.Seats where polling is underway are Shahjahanpur (SC), Kheri, Hardoi (SC), Misrikh (SC), Unnao, Farrukhabad, Etawah (SC), Kannauj, Kanpur, Akbarpur, Jalaun (SC), Jhansi and Hamirpur.Polling in this phase is specially important for the ruling BJP as it is aiming for a clean sweep by winning all 13 seats, including Kannauj which was the only seat the Samajwadi Party had managed to win in 2014.17% polling in Odisha as EVM glitches mar polling processVoting for the fourth and final phase of polling for 6 Lok Sabha and 41 Assembly constituencies in Odisha began this morning amid reports of technical glitches in Electronic Voting Machines and Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPATs) machines leading to severe disruption.Officials in Chief Electoral Officer said 17% of the voters had cast their votes by 11 am.Kangana Ranaut casts vote in Mumbai’s KharActor Kangana Ranaut cast her vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Khar.\\xa0#Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut after casting her vote at a polling booth in Khar. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/L4nXhMbyvj29.40% voting recorded till 11 am in RajasthanOver 29 per cent voting was recorded in the first four hours of polling in 13 Lok Sabha constituencies in Rajasthan which began at 7 am on Monday.The Barmar parliamentary constituency recorded the maximum voter turn out of 33.53 per cent, while the overall voting percentage at 11 am was 29.40 per cent, according to the office of the chief electoral officer.Priya Dutt casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraPriya Dutt cast her vote at a polling booth at St. Anne’s High School in Mumbai’s Bandra for the 4th phase of Lok Sabha elections, She is the Congress candidate from the Mumbai North Central Lok Sabha seat. Poonam Mahajan is the BJP candidate from the constituency.\\xa0Mumbai: Priya Dutt after casting her vote at a polling booth at St. Anne\\'s High School in Bandra for the 4th phase of #LokSabhaElections2019 She is the Congress candidate from the Mumbai North Central LS seat, Poonam Mahajan is the BJP candidate from the constituency. pic.twitter.com/3Ac7qg9babFirst time voter casts vote in Rajasthan’s Kota despite undergoing ligament tear surgeryA first time voter cast his vote in Rajasthan’s Kota despite undergoing ligament tear surgery.The Congress and BJP are going to face each other again Rajasthan in the Lok Sabha election after the grand old party came back to power following a tight contest in last year’s assembly polls in one of the key states in the Hindi heartland.In the last general election, the Bharatiya Janata Party won all the 25 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan and in the 2018 November-December assembly poll the Congress bagged 100 out of the 200 state seats and BJP 73.11% voting recorded in Madhya Pradesh till 10 amMadhya Pradesh recorded around 11.39 per cent voting in the first three hours of polling for the six Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh on Monday till 10 a.m., officials said. In Sidhi, 11.24 per cent voting was recorded, Shahdol saw 11.90 per cent, Jabalpur 10.96 per cent, Madla 10.87 per cent, Balaghat 12.14 and Chhindwara 11.51 per cent.In 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Party had won five seats barring Chhindwara, which was won by Congress’ Kamal Nath.Manish Malhotra, Imran Hashmi, Gulzar cast their votesFashion designer Manish Malhotra, actor Imran Hashmi and Gulzar cast their votes in Mumbai’s Bandra. Clashes erupt between BJP workers and CISF jawans in KanpurClashes erupted between BJP workers and CISF jawans who stopped them for asking people to vote fpr BJP inside the polling centre.BJP leader Achal Gupta was issued a red notice, which means that he would stay back home.Actor Anupam Kher casts his vote in Mumbai’s JuhuActor Anupam Kher cast his vote at polling booth no.235-240 in Mumbai’s Juhu. \\xa0#Mumbai: Actor Anupam Kher casts his votes at polling booth no.235-240 in Juhu. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/o7ZGITSzrFActors Bhagyashree and Sonali Bendre also cast their votes at a polling booth in Vile Parle. \\xa0#Mumbai: Actors Bhagyashree and Sonali Bendre after casting their votes at a polling booth in Vile Parle. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/cJFwpTtgKAWoman cop helps 80-year-old voter to E-shed polling booth in Mumbai’s BycullaA woman police officer was seen helping an 80-year-old Indubai Shingar to the polling booth at E-shed in Darukhana, Byculla in Mumbai. Shingar said she cast her vote for the first time 40-45 years ago and has never missed a single election since.E-shed is one of the critical polling stations in Mumbai South. Congress moves SC over alleged poll code violations by PM Modi, Amit ShahCongress MP Sushmita Dev has filed a petition before the Supreme Court, seeking urgent and necessary directions to the Election Commission to take a decision on the complaints filed against PM Modi and BJP President Amit Shah over alleged violations of electoral laws.BJP to meet EC over poll violence during polling in BengalBJP delegation including Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Vijay Goel & Anil Baluni will meet Election Commission today over the issue of poll-related violence during polling in West Bengal.BJP candidate Babul Supriyo’s car was vandalised during poll related violence in Bengal’s Asansol on Monday. There were also reports of clash between Trinamool workers and security personnel at a polling booth in Asansol.EVM glitch in Maharashtra’s PatlipadaAn EVM glitch has been reported from Maharashtra’s Patlipada. The machine was replaced after one hour. However, most of the voters went home after waiting for an hour.Another EVM snag was reported in Mumbai’s Panvel where an EVM stopped working at Gujarati Shala pool booth. It was replaced in an hour.Woman poll staffer dies of heart attack in Madhya PradeshA 50-year-old woman poll staffer died after suffering a heart attack ahead of voting in Chhindwara Lok Sabha seat of Madhya Pradesh, an official said on Monday.Sunanda Kotekar, who was deployed at Lodhikheda polling booth in Saunsar area of Chhindwara, felt uneasy on Sunday night, Chief Electoral Officer V L Kantha Rao said.She died of the heart attack even before she could be provided any medical assistance, he added.Actor Dia Mirza casts her vote at Khar Danda polling booth in MumbaiActor Dia Mirza cast her vote at Khar Danda polling booth in Mumbai. Maharashtra is holding elections in 17 seats in the fourth round of the seven-phased general election on Monday.This phase includes three parliamentary constituencies from western Maharashtra, four from Konkan region, four from north Maharashtra and six seats from Mumbai. Polling in 31 seats has already been held in the first three phases.Also Read | Priyanka Chopra, Anil Ambani among early voters in Mumbai10.27% voter turnout recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 9am10.27% voter turnout has been recorded in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls till 9am across 9 states.6.82% polling in Maharashtra (17 seats), 11.11% polling in Madhya Pradesh (6 seats), 9% polling in Odisha (6) and 16.90% in West Bengal (8 seats) have been recorded till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections.Amir Khan casts vote at polling booth in Mumbai’s BandraAmir Khan with wife Kiran Rao casting their votes at polling booth in Mumbai’s Bandra. Polling percentage till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha polls6.82% polling in Maharashtra (17 seats), 11.11% polling in Madhya Pradesh (6 seats), 9% polling in Odisha (6) and 16.90% in West Bengal (8 seats) have been recorded till 9 am in phase 4 of Lok Sabha elections.Clash erupts between TMC workers and security personnel in BengalA clash has erupted between TMC workers and QRF and security personnel outside polling booth number 125-129 in Asansol, after disagreement erupted between BJP & CPI(M) workers after TMC workers insisted on polling despite absence of central forces, reported news agency ANI.Markets closed due to elections in MumbaiAll major markets, including BSE, National Stock Exchange, forex and money markets are closed Monday due to elections in Mumbai.‘TMC wants to confine me to a single place’: Babul Supriyo“They (TMC) want to confine me at a single place. I have to move to other places. Even those residing in buildings in front of the polling station could not cast their votes,” alleged Babul Supriyo after his car was vandalised outside a polling booth in Barabani in Asansol Lok Sabha constituency.Union minister Babul Supriyo’s car vandalised in AsansolUnion minister Babul Supriyo’s car has been vandalised outside a polling station in West Bengal’s Asansol. Supriyo is the BJP candidate from Asansol. A clash has broken between TMC workers and security personnel at polling booth number 199 in Asansol. A TMC polling agent said, “no BJP polling agent was present at the booth.”\\xa0West Bengal: BJP MP candidate from Asansol, Babul Supriyo\\'s car vandalised in Asansol. A TMC polling agent says, there is no BJP polling agent here. pic.twitter.com/kBNmpXCvPD\\xa0#WATCH Clash between TMC workers and security personnel at polling booth number 199 in Asansol. A TMC polling agent said, \\'no BJP polling agent was present at the booth.\\' BJP MP candidate from Asansol, Babul Supriyo\\'s car was also vandalised outside the polling station. pic.twitter.com/goOmFRG96LVoting yet to begin at a booth in Rajasthan’s Kannauj due to EVM glitchVoting is yet to begin at booth number 35&435 of Chhibramau area in Kannauj. People waiting in queue at the polling station say, “Voting has not started because of a glitch in EVM.”The Congress state party control room in Rajasthan has received 140 complaints of EVM malfunctioning so far.\\xa0#LokSabhaElections2019 : Voting is yet to begin at booth number 35&435 of Chhibramau area in Kannauj. People waiting in queue at the polling station say, \"Voting has not started because of a glitch in EVM.\" pic.twitter.com/CDddeijNOiPolice baton charge agitators at a polling booth in Bengal’s BardhamanPolice baton charged agitators at a polling station in Bardhaman’s Jemua in Durgapur Lok Sabha constituency in West Bengal.A section of the voters in the polling booth were agitating since morning saying therewill be no polling if sufficient central forces were not deployed. They also alleged that only five central forces personnel were deployed for five booths.Rapid Action force, state police personnel and central force personnel reached the polling station to restore law and order. situation“We are confident of winning. Those who are not confident (read Trinamool Congress) are creating trouble,” said BJP candidate Babul Supriyo about the agitation.Oldest person in Mumbai’s Chembur casts her voteOldest person in Mumbai’s Chembur Swarnambal Krishnaswamy cast her vote.She is 103 years old.Shankar Mahadevan casts vote at Vashi in Navi MumbaiSinger Shankar Mahadevan along with his wife cast his vote for Lok Sabha Election 2019 at Vashi in Navi Mumbai. Film director Vishal Bharadwaj cast his vote at Andheri. “This is the only time in five years when we can bring a change in this country. Everyone should understand the importance of this,” Vishal Bhardwaj said after voting in Andheri.Urmila Mataondkar casts vote in Mumbai’s BandraCongress MP candidate from Mumbai North, Urmila Mataondkar casted her vote at polling booth number 190 in Bandra.\\xa0#Mumbai: Congress MP candidate from Mumbai North, Urmila Mataondkar casts her vote at polling booth number 190 in Bandra. pic.twitter.com/caqMEX9NjkEVM glitch in Mumbai’s Malad WestVoting is yet to begin at booth number 162 of Malad West in Mumbai after a glitch in EVM was detected.Earlier, EVM glitches were reported in polling booths in Rajasthan’s Pali, Deoli, and Bhinai in Ajmer district.Polling suspended at polling station in Asansol’s Jemua in BengalVillagers at Asansol’s Jemua polling booth number 222&226 are boycotting polls citing absence of central forces at the polling station. Polling has been suspended at the polling station as voters are protesting. West Bengal: Villagers boycott polls at Jemua\\'s polling booth number 222&226 in Asansol due to absence of central forces at the polling station. Polling has been suspended at the polling station as voters are protesting. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/ZlelPIKMB0Kanhaiya Kumar arrives to cast his vote in Bihar’s BegusaraiCPI candidate from Begusarai, Kanhaiya Kumar arrived to cast his vote at a polling centre in the city, says, “Those who defame Begusarai will be defeated.” He is contesting against BJP leader Giriraj Singh in Begusarai.Kamal Nath casts vote in Shikarpur in MP’s ChhindwaraMadhya Pradesh CM Kamal Nath has cast his vote at polling booth number 17 in Shikarpur, Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh.\\xa0#LokSabhaElections2019 :Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath casts his vote at polling booth number 17 in Shikarpur, Chhindwara. pic.twitter.com/4liBH70BYbWith 29 seats, and a direct contest between the two national parties, Madhya Pradesh is emerging as the big battleground of Lok Sabha 2019 as polls enter the fourth phase. In 2014, the BJP swept the state winning 27 seats. Four years later, it lost power at the state-level to the Congress. And thus the question that animates voters in MP is whether 2019 will be a repeat of 2014, or a replication of 2018.‘Every vote is a voice that counts’: Priyanka Chopra after casting her vote“This is the moment that matters.... Every vote is a voice that counts,” tweeted actor Priyanka Chopra after casting her vote in Mumbai’s Versova.\\xa0This is the moment that matters....\\xa0 Every vote is a voice that counts. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/L0AHJLL4uYVoters in Chacha village in Rajasthan boycott polling demanding divider on highwayThe villagers of Chacha village near Pokaran in Rajasthan are boycotting polling demanding a divider on highway.Rajasthan is going to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.‘Vote to create an Ayushman Bharat’: Amit ShahYour vote helps in securing a leadership in realising the dream of a prosperous India. Every poor house, every household gets toilets, electricity, gas and water through your vote. I appeal to the voters of the fourth phase to vote to remove darkness from the lives of millions of countrymen and create an Ayushman Bharat,” tweeted BJP chief Amit Shah.Ravi Kishan waits in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in GoregaonRavi Kishan was seen waiting in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in Mumbai’s Goregaon.\\xa0#Mumbai: BJP MP candidate from UP\\'s Gorakhpur, Ravi Kishan waits in queue to cast his vote at a polling booth in Goregaon pic.twitter.com/Ji85dcyKNt‘Water first, vote later’: People demonstrate outside polling booth in Rajasthan’s TonkSome people are demonstrating outside a polling booth in Tonk with their demand for water. They are saying ‘water first, vote later’.Veteran actor Rekha casts her vote at polling booth in Mumbai’s BandraVeteran actor Rekha cast her vote at polling booth number 283 in Mumbai’s Bandra.\\xa0#Mumbai: Veteran actor Rekha casts her vote at polling booth number 283 in Bandra. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/z14VraA06WRBI Governor Shaktikanta Das waits in queue to cast his vote in Mumbai’s Peddar roadReserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das was seen waiting in queue to cast his vote at polling booth number 40 & 41 at Peddar Road. \\xa0#Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das waits in queue to cast his vote at polling booth number 40 & 41 at Peddar Road. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/OGJMvQUE6AEVM glitches reported in Rajasthan polling boothsEVM glitches have been reported in polling booths in Rajasthan’s Pali, Deoli, and Bhinai in Ajmer district.30 complaints of EVM glitch have been reported in 40 minutes.Rajasthan is going to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.Vasundhara Raje, her son cast their vote at JhalawarFormer Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje, her son and sitting BJP MP Dushyant Singh cast their vote at a polling booth in Jhalawar.Jodhpur BJP candidate and sitting MP Gajendra Singh Shekhawat has also cast vote along with his family.\\xa0Rajasthan: Former Rajasthan CM and BJP leader Vasundhara Raje Scindia casts her vote at polling booth number 33 in Jhalawar. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/9iNp9geKtQCong candidate in Baharampur constituency alleges district authorities working to help TMC candidateCongress candidate in Baharampur constituency Adhir Chowdhury arrived at a polling station before 7 am so that his party’s polling agents could enter the booths. He alleged that the district authorities are working to help the Trinamool Congress candidate.Anil Ambani casts vote at voting centre in Mumbai’s Cuff ParadeAnil Ambani cast his vote at voting centre number 216 at GD Somani School in Mumbai’s Cuffe Parade. \\xa0Mumbai: Anil Ambani casts his vote at voting centre number 216 at GD Somani School in Cuffe Parade. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/II9VZJvjmVGiriraj Singh casts his vote at polling booth in Bihar’s BarahiyaUnion Minister and sitting MP from Nawada Giriraj Singh cast his vote at polling booth number 33 in Barahiya of Lakhisarai district. \\xa0Bihar: Union Minister and sitting MP from Nawada, Giriraj Singh, cast his vote at polling booth number 33 in Barahiya of Lakhisarai district. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/babrOKVG36‘Your vote will help shaping of a New India’: Rajnath Singh“The polling for the 4th phase of General Elections begins today. I appeal to the voters to ensure a record turnout. Your vote will not only strengthen the pillars of democracy but it will also help shaping of a New India, tweeted Rajnath Singh.\\xa0The polling for the 4th phase of General Elections begins today. I appeal to the voters to ensure a record turnout. Your vote will not only strengthen the pillars of democracy but it will also help shaping of a New India.Voters queue outside polling booth in South MumbaiVoters are queuing outside polling booth number 40 and 41 in South Mumbai parliamentary constituency.\\xa0#Mumbai: Voters queue outside polling booth number 40 & 41 in South Mumbai parliamentary constituency. #LokSabhaElections2019 pic.twitter.com/tRnHiTURvoSeventeen seats in Maharashtra will vote on Monday, which is the largest among the states going to polls in the fourth phase. The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) won all of these seats in 2014, an increase of 11 seats from its 2009 tally.Voters begin to queue up outside polling booth in KannaujVoters have begun to queue up outside polling booth number 256 in Kannauj. Thirteen parliamentary constituencies in the state go to polls in the fourth phase of general elections.\\xa0#LokSabhaElections2019 : Voters begin to queue up outside polling booth number 256 in Kannauj. 13 parliamentary constituencies in the state go to polls in the fourth phase of general elections. pic.twitter.com/GWOaBzBAca‘Break voting records of previous three phases’: PM’s message to voters“Another phase of the General Elections begins today. I hope those voting today do so in large numbers and break the voting records of the previous three phases. A special appeal to young voters to head to the polling booth and exercise their franchise,” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.\\xa0Another phase of the General Elections begins today. I hope those voting today do so in large numbers and break the voting records of the previous three phases. A special appeal to young voters to head to the polling booth and exercise their franchise.Also Read | PM Modi tweets as India votes in phase 4Rajasthan to go to polls for 1st time in ongoing 7-phase general electionsRajasthan will go to polls for the first time in the ongoing seven-phase general elections, with 13 of its 25 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs on Monday.The high-profile seats of Barmer, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Rajsamand will be among the parliamentary constituencies that will vote in the fourth phase of the 17th general election.First 3 phases have seen polling in 303 of 543 seats in Lok SabhaThe first three phases have seen polling in 303 of the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha.A total of 963 candidates from across parties in the nine states will be testing their luck. Among these 963 candidates, 210 are facing criminal charges with 158 having serious cases and 12 of them being convicted in criminal cases.Final six out of 21 Lok Sabha seats in Odisha will go to polls todayThe final six out of 21 Lok Sabha seats in Odisha will go to polls on Monday, alongside the remaining 42 out of 142 assembly seats. The Lok Sabha constituencies where polling will be conducted include Balasore, Mayurbhanj, Kendrapara and Jajpur.The region going to the polls is considered a stronghold of the ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD), which had won all six Lok Sabha seats and 37 of the 42 assembly seats in the 2014 elections.17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats to vote todayThe last 17 of Maharashtra’s 48 Lok Sabha seats will vote on Monday, with political heavyweights, their family members, and Marathi and Hindi film actors in the fray.Squabbles between alliance partners Shiv Sena and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Maharshtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray’s anti-BJP campaigning in the state have made this an eventful election so far.Voting on 72 Lok Sabha seats in phase 4 to begin shortlySeventy-two seats across nine states will go to polls in the fourth phase of 2019 general elections on Monday.Get our daily newsletterGet free access to newsletters, alerts and recommendations. lok sabba election 2019', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='lok sabba election 2019', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='8511', evidence=\"\\nSep 08, 2021-Wednesday\\n \\n\\nMetro cities - Delhi, Mumbai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tChennai,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tKolkata\\n\\nOther cities - Noida,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tGurgaon,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tBengaluru, Hyderabad, Bhopal\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t, Chandigarh , Dehradun,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tIndore,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tJaipur,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tLucknow,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPatna,\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tRanchi\\n\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tPowered by \\nPeople across India on Sunday switched off lights in their homes and instead lit earthen lamps, candles for nine minutes at 9 PM in response to prime minister Modi's call to mark fight against coronavirus.Nine-minute lights-out event didn't impact on electricity grid functioning: Power MinisterAll students from Class 1 to 8 in Haryana to be promoted without exams: CM Khattar75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of Covid-19, Punjab toll rises to 7: OfficialsPresident Kovind, first lady joins nation, light diya'Power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW during the lights off: Power MinisterPM Modi lights diya at his residencePM Modi's mother lights earthen lamp at 9PMDelhi, Noida cops switch on mobile torches in solidarity with countryLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights diaysCrackers being burst as lights are switched offBJP President JP Nadda lights diyasUP CM Yogi lights diyas to form 'Om' in response to PM's callIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callSec 144 extended for 9 days in Gautam Budh Nagar districtDeath toll in Maharashtra due to Covid-19 climbs to 45The total number of Covid-19 cases in the country rose to 3,577 by Sunday evening. Of these, there were 3,219 active cases, 83 deaths, 274 cured / discharged and one migrated case, according to the health ministry.Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call, people across the country switched off lights in their homes at 9 pm for nine minutes and lit earthen lamps, candles or switched on the torches and mobile phone lights in a show of solidarity in fight against the coronavirus pandemic.Follow live updates on coronavirus here:Nine-minute lights-out event didn't impact on electricity grid functioning: Power MinisterNine-minute lights-out event went smoothly; no impact on electricity grid functioning: Power Minister R K SinghAll students from Class 1 to 8 in Haryana to be promoted without exams: CM KhattarHaryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar says all students from classes 1 to 8 will be promoted without having to appear for exams as schools are closed due to lockdown: PTI75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of Covid-19, Punjab toll rises to 7: Officials75-year-old woman from Pathankot died of coronavirus at an Amritsar hospital, taking the death toll in Punjab to 7, says officials:PTIPresident Kovind, first lady joins nation, light diyaPresident Ram Nath Kovind with the First Lady and members of his family joined citizens in demonstrating collective solidarity and positivity by lighting candles at 9 PM. He expressed his gratitude towards every Indian for showing resolve in fight against COVID19: President’s Secretariatराष्ट्रपति कोविन्द ने, भारत की प्रथम महिला व परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ रात्रि 9 बजे मोमबत्ती जलाकर, सभी देशवासियों की सामूहिक एकजुटता और सकारात्मकता का परिचय दिया। COVID-19 का सामना करने में हर भारतीय के अदम्य साहस और दृढ़ संकल्प के लिए राष्ट्रपति ने सभी का आभार व्यक्त किया। pic.twitter.com/od4grQ73Pm'Power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW during the lights off: Power MinisterMinister of Power (Independent Charge) R K Singh, along with Power Secretary and other senior officers are monitored the power grid operations from National Power Monitoring Centre in Shram Shakti Bhawan on Sunday evening when people across India switched off the lights in their homes at PM Modi's call. The minister said there was huge response to Prime Minister's call as power demand went down from 117 GW to 85.3 GW within a span of 4-5 minutes. This was handled very very well by engineers across all levels.Congratulating the engineers, the minister said a ramp up was also done very smoothly as Demand/supply is back to 110 GW.PM Modi lights diya at his residencePM Narendra Modi lights a lamp after turning off all lights at his residence. Iशुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा ।शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥ pic.twitter.com/4DeiMsCN11PM Modi's mother lights earthen lamp at 9PMPM Modi's mother, Heeraben, also lighted an earthen lamp after turning off all lights at her residence.Gujarat: Mother of PM Modi, Heeraben, lights an earthen lamp after turning off all lights at her residence. India switched off all the lights for 9 minutes at 9 PM today & just lit a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus as per PM's appeal. pic.twitter.com/qPQqXAB6JfDelhi, Noida cops switch on mobile torches in solidarity with countryDelhi and Noida police personnel at the Delhi-Noida border near Mayur Kunj in New Delhi flashed the lights of their mobile phones for nine minutes at 9 pm to show solidarity with the rest of the countryLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights diaysLok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lighted earthern lamps along with family.Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla lights up earthern lamps along with family. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes,& just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/cRSaJBnxxjCrackers being burst as lights are switched offPeople also burst crackers during the 9 minutes that they turned off lights and lit earthen lampsBJP President JP Nadda lights diyasBJP President JP Nadda turned off all the lights of his residence and lighted earthen lamps at 9 PM.Delhi: BJP President JP Nadda turns off all the lights of his residence & lights earthen lamps. PM had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, & just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/jnvexQtBiZUP CM Yogi lights diyas to form 'Om' in response to PM's callUP CM Yogi Adityanath lights earthen lamps to form an 'Om', at his residence. PM Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against coronavirus: ANILucknow: UP CM Yogi Adityanath lights earthen lamps to form an 'Om', at his residence. PM Modi had appealed to the nation to switch off all lights of houses today at 9 PM for 9 minutes, and just light a candle, 'diya', or flashlight, to mark India's fight against #Coronavirus. pic.twitter.com/QXrj2oTsVuIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callIndia switches off lights to ‘challenge Covid-19 darkness’ at PM Modi’s callSec 144 extended for 9 days in Gautam Budh Nagar districtGautam Buddh Nagar police extends for another nine days restrictions imposed in the district under Section 144 of CrPC in view of the nationwide lockdown which will continue till April 14.Death toll in Maharashtra due to Covid-19 climbs to 45The death toll in Maharashtra, due to coronavirus has gone up to 45 after 13 new deaths were reported today - eight in Mumbai, three in Pune and one each in Kalyan, Dombivali and Aurangabad: Maharashtra Health DepartmentFirst published: Apr 05, 2020 05:16 IST. a woman in a purple sari sitting at a table\", evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='a woman in a purple sari sitting at a table', classification=None),\n", " Evidence(evidence_id='5443', evidence='The Supreme Court on Friday deferred shifting of the Unnao rape survivor, injured in an accident last week, to a hospital in Delhi while ordering that her uncle be shifted from a Rae Bareli jail to Tihar in the national capital.The survivor and her lawyer were critically injured, while her two aunts died, in an accident that is now being probed by the CBI as the kin had alleged that BJP MLA Kuldeep Sengar was behind the conspiracy to kill the girl. Sengar, 52, is also accused of raping the girl in 2017.“So far as the movement of victim and lawyer for medical treatment is concerned there appears to be hesitation on the part of the family members, so we shall defer giving orders to Monday,” the top court said.Also read: Lawyer wrote to authorities about threats: Unnao rape survivor’s relativeThe survivor’s lawyer earlier told the court that the mother was of the view that for the present the survivor should remain in the hospital since she was unconscious. But the mother wanted to reserve the right to seek her shifting outside Lucknow. “Mother says the doctors must at least provide her with a daily medical bulletin,” the lawyer said.Both the survivor and the lawyer’s kin, however, sought daily health bulletins from Lucknow’s KGMU hospital, where the two are being treated.The top court also ordered that the survivor’s uncle, who is in Rae Bareli jail in a two-decade old attempt to murder case, be shifted to Delhi’s Tihar and sought a compliance report by the state on Monday. The counsel of the Uttar Pradesh government, earlier, contended that the survivor’s uncle was safe and secure in Rae Bareli jail and that the state had no objection if the court wanted to move him.The four-time lawmaker, Sengar is accused of raping the girl when she went to meet him along with a neighbour to seek his help in getting a job in June 2017.This was followed by two years of ordeal that saw the girl going missing for almost 10 days, accusing police of not letting her name the MLA in her complaint, her father being beaten up and dying in custody and a key witness dying in 2018.The case was finally handed over to the CBI in 2018 and it booked Sengar, his brother and five others in the case.In the past few weeks, preceding the rape survivor’s road accident, she and her family had written several letters to the police, CBI, government officials and the CJI alleging threat to life from the MLA. They accused the MLA and his henchmen of intimidating them and asking them to withdraw the case.Get our daily newsletterGet free access to newsletters, alerts and recommendations. a close up of a man in a white shirt with his arms crossed', evidence_image=, evidence_image_caption='a close up of a man in a white shirt with his arms crossed', classification=None)]" ] }, "execution_count": 48, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "execution_count": 48 }, { "metadata": {}, "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "execution_count": null, "source": "", "id": "28d4793cac708a83" } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.6" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }