from tabulate import tabulate | |
from ansi_utils import ansi_color_str | |
from attr_utils import get_class_attributes | |
def transpose_dict(d): | |
return {k: [dic[k] for dic in d.values()] for k in d.keys()} | |
def format_data_as_table(data, headers=None, tablefmt='grid', **kwargs): | |
if kwargs.get('use_color', False): | |
# Apply color to headers if applicable | |
if headers: | |
headers = [ansi_color_str(header, fg="yellow") for header in headers] | |
return tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt) | |
def format_property(name, data, headers=None, tablefmt='simple_grid', use_color=False): | |
colored_name = ansi_color_str(f"===[{name}]<{type(data).__name__}>===", fg="yellow") if use_color else f"===[{name}]<{type(data).__name__}>===" | |
return f'{colored_name}\n{format_table(data, headers, tablefmt, use_color=use_color)}' | |
# note: pretty sure transpose doesn't work correctly | |
def format_table(data, headers=None, tablefmt='simple_grid', **kwargs): | |
if not data: | |
return "" | |
if isinstance(data, dict): | |
return format_dict_as_table(data, headers, tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
elif isinstance(data, (list, set)): | |
# transpose = list(zip(*data)) | |
return format_list_as_table(data, headers, tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
elif hasattr(data, '__dict__'): | |
return format_obj_as_table(data, headers, tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
else: | |
use_color = kwargs.get('use_color', False) | |
if use_color: | |
return ansi_color_str(str(data), fg='bright_yellow') | |
else: | |
return str(data) | |
def format_list_as_table(data, headers=None, tablefmt='simple', **kwargs): | |
if not headers: | |
headers = ["Index", "Value"] if kwargs.get('show_indexes', False) else [] | |
if kwargs.get('show_indexes', False): | |
out_dict = {i: item for i, item in enumerate(data)} | |
return format_table(out_dict, headers, tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
else: | |
formatted_str = ansi_color_str(f" | len={len(data)} | ", fg='bright_cyan') if kwargs.get('use_color', False) else f" | len={len(data)} | " | |
formatted_str += "[" | |
for i, item in enumerate(data): | |
formatted_str += format_table(item, [], tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
if i < len(data) - 1: formatted_str += kwargs.get('delimeter', ', ') | |
formatted_str += "]" | |
return formatted_str | |
def format_dict_as_table(data, headers=None, tablefmt='simple_grid', **kwargs): | |
if kwargs.get('transpose', False): | |
if not headers: | |
headers =list(data.keys()) | |
#Transpose the dictionary: each key-value pair becomes a column | |
transposed_data = [list(value) for key, value in zip(list(data.keys()), zip(*data.items()))] | |
#intended for values of the same lenth | |
#transposed_data = [headers] + [list(row) for row in zip(list(data.values()))] | |
return format_data_as_table(transposed_data, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt) | |
else: | |
if not headers: | |
headers = ["Key", "Value"] | |
# Convert the dictionary into a list of lists | |
table_data = [[key, format_table(value, [], 'simple',**kwargs)] for key, value in data.items() if value is not None] | |
# Format the table | |
return format_data_as_table(table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt=tablefmt) | |
def format_obj_as_table(data, headers=None, tablefmt='fancy_grid', **kwargs): | |
verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True) | |
fancy = kwargs.get('fancy', True) | |
use_color = kwargs.get('use_color', True) | |
attributes_dict = get_class_attributes(data, verbose=verbose) | |
class_name = data.__class__.__name__ | |
variables = [*attributes_dict['variables'].values()] | |
methods = [*attributes_dict['methods'].values()] | |
# Check if headers are provided, if not, construct them | |
if not headers: | |
headers = [class_name] | |
if variables: | |
headers.append('variables') | |
if methods: | |
headers.append('methods') | |
# Initialize an empty list to store the formatted table data | |
table_data = [] | |
# formatted_vars = [] | |
# for v in variables: | |
# format_v = format_arg(v, use_color=use_color, fancy=fancy) | |
# formatted_vars.append(format_v) | |
# Add variables and methods data to the table data | |
table_data.append([format_table(variables, ['variables'], 'simple', **kwargs) if variables else None, | |
format_table(methods, ['methods'], 'simple', **kwargs) if methods else None]) | |
table_data = list(zip(*table_data)) | |
# Return the formatted table | |
return format_data_as_table(table_data, headers, tablefmt, **kwargs) | |
def print_table(msg, data, headers=None, tablefmt='fancy_grid'): | |
print(f'==={msg}==>\n{format_table(data, headers, tablefmt)}') | |
def format_square_layout(data): | |
if isinstance(data, (list, set)): | |
result_count = len(data) | |
rows, columns = calc_best_square(result_count) | |
table_data = [data[i:i + columns] for i in range(0, len(data), columns)] | |
return format_table(table_data) | |
elif isinstance(data, dict): | |
items = [(k, v) for k, v in data.items()] | |
result_count = len(items) | |
rows, columns = calc_best_square(result_count) | |
table_data = [items[i:i + columns] for i in range(0, len(items), columns)] | |
return format_table(table_data) | |
elif hasattr(data, '__dict__'): | |
items = [(k, v) for k, v in data.__dict__.items()] | |
result_count = len(items) | |
rows, columns = calc_best_square(result_count) | |
table_data = [items[i:i + columns] for i in range(0, len(items), columns)] | |
return format_table(table_data) | |
else: | |
return format_table(data) | |
def print_square_layout(msg, data): | |
print(f'==={msg}==>\n{format_square_layout(data)}') | |
def print_as_square(strings): | |
# Calculate the number of strings in the input list | |
result_count = len(strings) | |
# Calculate the best square layout dimensions based on the result count | |
rows, columns = calc_best_square(result_count) | |
# Create a grid with empty strings filled in for each cell | |
grid = [[' ' for _ in range(columns)] for _ in range(rows)] | |
# Iterate over the strings and populate the grid with them | |
for i, string in enumerate(strings): | |
# Calculate the row and column index for the current string | |
row = i // columns | |
col = i % columns | |
# Ensure the row and column indices are within the valid range of the grid dimensions | |
if row < rows and col < columns: | |
# Place the string in the corresponding cell of the grid | |
grid[row][col] = string | |
# Determine the maximum width of each column in the grid | |
max_widths = [max(len(cell) for cell in row) for row in grid] | |
# Print the grid, ensuring each cell is left-aligned and padded to its maximum width | |
for row in grid: | |
print(' '.join(cell.ljust(width) for cell, width in zip(row, max_widths))) | |