import streamlit as st
from utils.vector_base import KnowledgeBase
from utils.embedding import Embeddings
from utils.llm import LLM
from config import config
import json
def get_emdedding_model():
return Embeddings()
def get_llm(api_key):
return LLM(api_key)
def get_metadata(path):
titles, texts = [], []
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
metadata = json.load(file)
for data in metadata:
return texts, titles
def combine_docs(indexes, texts):
result = ""
for i, index in enumerate(indexes):
result += " [" + str(i + 1) + "] " + texts[index]
return result
def create_prompt(query, docs):
system_prompt = f"""You are a language model integrated into a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) system.
Your task is to answer the user's query strictly based on the provided documents. Do not invent, speculate, or include any information not found in the documents.
If the required information is available in the documents, use it to construct your response and cite the source by indicating the document number in square brackets. For example:
DL stands for Deep Learning, a subset of Machine Learning that involves learning complex non-linear relationships between large datasets [6].
If the information required to answer the query is not available in the documents, explicitly state:
"The required information is not available in the provided documents."
Ensure that:
- The response is entirely based on the content of the documents.
- Citations are accurate and directly linked to the information being cited.
- No assumptions, speculations, or fabricated details are included.
User query: {query}
return system_prompt
def main(query, search_types, llm_api_key):
model, llm = get_emdedding_model(), get_llm(llm_api_key)
texts, titles = get_metadata(config.PATH_METADATA)
embedding = model.get_query_embedding(query)
knowledge_base = KnowledgeBase(config.PATH_FAISS, config.PATH_PREPROCESSING_TEXT)
vector_search = []
bm25_search = []
if "Vector" in search_types:
vector_search = knowledge_base.search_by_embedding(embedding, 5)[0].tolist()
if "BM25" in search_types:
bm25_search = knowledge_base.search_by_BM25(query, 3)
docs = combine_docs(vector_search + bm25_search, texts)
prompt = create_prompt(query, docs)
response = llm.generate_response(prompt)
return response, docs
# Streamlit Interface
if __name__ == '__main__':
st.subheader("RAG system for scientific papers with selectable search types")
query = st.text_input("Enter your query")
search_types = st.multiselect(
"Select search types",
options=["Vector", "BM25"],
default=["Vector", "BM25"]
llm_api_key = st.text_input("Cohere API Key", type="password")
if st.button("Get Response"):
if query and llm_api_key:
response, docs = main(query, search_types, llm_api_key)
st.subheader("LLM Response:")
st.text_area("Response", value=response, height=300)
st.text_area("Documents", value=docs, height=300)
st.error("Please enter both a query and an API key.")