43,Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities,,NULL,asynchronous
608,Welcome to Rise,,NULL,asynchronous
677,Rise Self Study Packs: Author Toolkit,,NULL,asynchronous
973,Critical Self Employment,This intensive critically analyses self-employment in the UK labour market and outlines what it takes to become self-employed. Students will learn how to become self-employed and train the skills and attitudes needed to be successful.,NULL,asynchronous
470,Social Enterprise,A practical guide on how to create and develop a start-up social enterprise.,NULL,asynchronous
1243,Social Media Management,,NULL,asynchronous
1882,Building Cultural Competence,,NULL,asynchronous
1974,Emotional & Mental Health in Children & Young People,,NULL,asynchronous
1784,Introduction to Statistics,,NULL,asynchronous
323,Alternative Perspectives on Education,Explore ways to engage with learning outside of mainstream and formal learning environments.,NULL,asynchronous
3137,How to be a Community Advocate and Make Change,,NULL,asynchronous
3148,Physical Computing,,NULL,asynchronous
3245,The iDEA Award,,NULL,asynchronous
1423,Building Effective Relationships,,NULL,asynchronous
2853,Carbon Literacy for Universities,,NULL,asynchronous
1425,Understanding Wellbeing,,NULL,asynchronous
1638,Podcast Production,,NULL,asynchronous
1576,App Design,,NULL,asynchronous
6344,Design Thinking 1 - Understanding,,NULL,asynchronous
7554,Netnography for beginners,,NULL,asynchronous
6638,Design Thinking 2 - Ideation,,NULL,asynchronous
8483,Demystifying Open Data,,NULL,asynchronous
8287,Community Languages,,NULL,asynchronous
9135,Video Production Basics,,NULL,asynchronous
4438,Introduction to Vlogging,,NULL,asynchronous
12050,Univariate Analysis,Take the first steps to become a skilled data analyst by completing this Self Study Pack. This pack will break down key terms and provide step-by-step guides to help you learn beginners' level statistics.,NULL,asynchronous
7821,World Languages,"Take the first step to learning a range of the languages spoken across the World, including French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Explore how language learning can enhance your employability, and the ways in which you can take that learning further.",NULL,asynchronous
6135,Behavioural Design,"Learn about the applied principles of Behaviour Design; the ways in which design principles can be used to positively change the behaviour of individuals, communities and societies.",NULL,asynchronous
14181,DIY Games,"A beginners guide to game design. Learn how to express your ideas and feelings through personal games by turning old games into new ones, using stuff you already have at home. Publish your games online so that you can play them over video-call.",NULL,asynchronous
14632,Introduction to Systems Thinking,Systems thinking gives us the tools we need to make sense of systems and analyse the context of problems - useful skills for those wanting to change things for the better. ,NULL,asynchronous
14712,So You're Thinking of a PhD?,,NULL,asynchronous
15072,Carbon Literacy for Local Authorities- Senior Leadership Course,,NULL,asynchronous
14582,Harnessing Heritage,,NULL,asynchronous
23432,Key Research Skills,Refresh your skills around academic research before embarking on a research project.,NULL,asynchronous
20320,Brand Design,Explore the basics of designing and launching a brand identity in reference to your audience and key competitors.,NULL,asynchronous
28690,, |
29690,Researching Race and Racism,A critical introduction to research that explores the historical and contemporary topics around race and how we research it.,NULL,asynchronous
34783,Learning to be a Mentor,,NULL,asynchronous
47251,Digital Research Methods (Content Analysis),,NULL,asynchronous
55376,Step up to Study 1: Introduction to studying in Higher Education: the differences and similarities,,NULL,asynchronous
55676,Step up to Study 4: Exploring Academic and Study Skills in a Social Context,This intensive will explore the wider purpose of higher education (HE) and the role of an active citizen in today’s world.,NULL,asynchronous
55394,Step up to Study 2: Practical Tips and Wellbeing in Higher Education: what to do to help you prepare.,,NULL,asynchronous
55717,Step up to Study 3: Your Academic Voice,,NULL,asynchronous
55818,Step up to Study 5: Beyond the Academy,,NULL,asynchronous
56209,Special Educational Needs and Disability,,NULL,asynchronous
58279,The Role of the Key Person,In this Intensive you will learn about The role of the key person in a child's life. ,NULL,asynchronous
37102,Supporting Early Reading,Find out more about the reading process and how we can support young readers as they get to grips with written language. Explore the many benefits of reading to support personal as well as academic development.,NULL,asynchronous
57527,Early Mathematics,"The aim of this intensive is to give you the knowledge to be able to support children’s early mathematical development and to be able to critically discuss the opportunities available for mathematics for children, from birth and consider the importance of laying these foundations upon success in later life.",NULL,asynchronous
66564,Maths Equivalency Support Programme,"This course aims to provide an insight into mathematics and allows students to build a secure foundation of knowledge of the mathematical requirements employers look for. It is aimed at any individual that has not experienced learning, nor gained a GCSE qualification in mathematics.",NULL,asynchronous
66300,Business & Sustainability,Explore the issues concerning business practice and sustainability challenges at a local and global level.,NULL,asynchronous
66508,PESTLE Framework in Business,Explore the PESTLE analysis tool to understand how different factors impact the world of business.,NULL,asynchronous
68646,Rise for Man Met Staff,A course for Man Met Staff to learn more about Rise and how they can use it with their students.,NULL,asynchronous
63859,Join the Anti-Slavery Movement!,We would like to invite you to join the anti-slavery movement. We hope that through this intensive you will gain a greater understanding of the challenges but also feel inspired to create positive change.,NULL,asynchronous
63814,Black Lives Matter and Business,Welcome to this Rise Self Study Pack focusing on Black Lives Matter and Business. It has been developed in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact Network UK.,NULL,asynchronous
68084,Introducing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals,Explore the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and discover the journey to reach the current goals.,NULL,asynchronous
71844,"Equality, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EEDIB)- working with children and young people","For some people the words equality, diversity, and inclusion may feel complicated, and outside of our experience or understanding. |
This intensive will introduce you to the language surrounding equality, diversity, and inclusion, which we abbreviate to EDI to make it easy to use in your practice and life.",NULL,asynchronous
74662,Decolonising and Decarbonising Digital Society,"Develop critical and decolonial perspectives on digitisation, automation, technology and the new economies they create.",NULL,asynchronous
75438,IAB Informed Certification,"An opportunity for any student to gain an external certification in digital marketing through the Internet Advertising Bureau and build their profile, CV and expert skills ",NULL,asynchronous
82078,Enterprise: The Legal Stuff,"This Self Study Pack will introduce you to some legal definitions and concepts that might affect you as a new, self-employed business.",NULL,asynchronous
82127,Enterprise: The Financial Stuff,"If you want to work for yourself, it's important to know if you can make money from your business idea! This Self Study Pack will introduce the fundamental tools you'll need to understand the viability of your business idea and give you some help in learning how to track your income, understand your tax obligation and plan your business to become financially stable and sustainable.",NULL,asynchronous
81815,Data Literacy,"Learn how to use data in everyday life, and understand how it can be used to support your stories.",NULL,asynchronous
83230,Questionnaire Design,Learn how to create questionnaires that will help you to answer your research questions!,NULL,asynchronous
77466,Engaging and Connecting with Refugees and Asylum Seekers,"There are more than 82 million forcibly displaced people in the world; over 20 million of whom have refugee status. Conflict, persecution and a well founded fear for their lives are some of the reasons why people leave their homes and countries. These people are looking for somewhere safe to rebuild their lives and start a new life free from persecution or threat. This self-study pack will explore the myriad of reasons why people leave, look at the journey they must undertake to find safety and unpack the challenges and barriers they face at different stages.",NULL,asynchronous
83724,The Art to Achieving Meaningful Co-Production with Young People,"Learn about the basics of co-production as part of participatory research, and apply your thinking to contexts working with young people.",NULL,asynchronous
84903,Rise Self Study Packs: Staff Toolkit,"Guidance on pitching, designing and creating a Rise Intensive.",NULL,asynchronous
63966,Studying sport at university,"Through this RISE Self Study Pack, Rebecca and Zoe will introduce prospective university students, their parents, and their school/college teachers to the life of a university sport student. In doing so, they provide information on some of the different disciplines you can study to degree level (including: sport science, exercise science, health science, sport coaching, and sport development) and the extracurricular sporting opportunities available when you go to university. ",NULL,asynchronous
85035,Enterprise: Marketing,"This self study pack is an introduction to marketing for enterprise, be that a side hustle, freelancing or business you are establishing. Start thinking about how you can successfully communicate your brand to reach the right people.",NULL,asynchronous
84837,"Enterprise: Ideas, Dream Big",This Self Study Pack will support you to surface your passions and motivations in order to generate and explore your idea. It will then cover testing and prototyping to validate if they could be the basis of a product or service enterprise.,NULL,asynchronous
86019,Microsoft Certification Scheme,"A fully-funded opportunity (worth up to £450) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers. Supported with a completely flexible self-study and examination process.",NULL,asynchronous
86052,Adobe Certification Scheme,"A fully-funded opportunity (worth up to £600) to gain external certification from Adobe to evidence competency in Video and Design apps. Whatever your starting point, sharpen your skills and evidence self-development with a completely flexible process.",NULL,asynchronous
85038,Enterprise: Planning,"There’s a perception that when going self-employed or setting up a side hustle that it’s necessary to produce a detailed, 50-page Business Plan before you can get going - but this isn’t necessarily true!",NULL,asynchronous
85037,Enterprise: Relationships,"Relationships are crucial for success in all sectors but particularly when you are running a business, collaborating as a freelancer or running a side hustle alongside your studies.",NULL,asynchronous
86792,Early Literacies ,,NULL,asynchronous
89056,Passport to Success: Silver Award,,NULL,asynchronous
89083,Passport to Success: Bronze Award,,NULL,asynchronous
89093,Passport to Success: Gold Award,,NULL,asynchronous
91822,Languages in the Community,"The Languages in the Community course is a practical introduction to language when working in culturally diverse settings, such as Greater Manchester. The course will provide strategies to support communication and work across language barriers. ",NULL,asynchronous
92710,How to be... A Data Scientist,Join the digital world by gaining coding and data analysis skills with Python.,NULL,asynchronous
92708,How to be... A Mental Health Advocate,Discover your voice in the world of mental health advocacy and start thinking about all the ways you can make a difference!,NULL,asynchronous
92705,How to be... A Sustainable Citizen,"As sustainability grows in importance and urgency, gain knowledge on sustainable aptitudes and practices that are relevant and applicable to academic and professional settings.",NULL,asynchronous
92701,How to be... A Design Thinker,This 'How to be...' course combines self-study and live group interaction to show you how you can design creative solutions to big problems.,NULL,asynchronous
95160,Autodesk Certification Scheme,"A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £550) to gain external certification from Autodesk which evidences your competency with their range of software. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers.",NULL,asynchronous
95251,Microsoft Fundamentals Certification Scheme,"A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £750) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with their range of Azure software. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers.",NULL,asynchronous
103321,International Buddy Scheme,This International Buddy Scheme has been created to help with the integration into university life and life in the UK.,NULL,asynchronous
103118,Compassionate Care,Working with adults who have care and support needs can be both challenging and rewarding. You will have an opportunity to reflect on the value of work in this field. ,NULL,asynchronous
104321,Introduction to Computer Aided Design and 3D Printing,"In this innovative unit, you will learn how to use simple software tools (computer aided design - CAD) to create designs that may then be turned into a physical form using 3D printing.",NULL,asynchronous
104757,Ethics and Health & Safety in Sport and Exercise Research,,NULL,asynchronous
116153,Templated Digital Fluency Resource,,NULL,asynchronous
116959,Kahoot!,Information about how to use Kahoot!,NULL,asynchronous
117003,Communicating Across Languages,"This course is a practical introduction to language when working in culturally diverse settings, such as Greater Manchester. The course will provide strategies to support communication and work across language barriers. ",NULL,asynchronous
118308,Future me plan,"Future me plan inspires you to think differently about your time at Manchester Met and beyond. |
Through programme-based activities and following the Future me plan framework, you will discover new opportunities and keep track of your experiences in your portfolio.",NULL,asynchronous
117768,Storytelling through Python,Learn the basics of Python and the fundamentals of storytelling to create your own text-based adventure game!,NULL,asynchronous
122030,Mental Health and Wellbeing,"Develop a stronger appreciation of the contexts and dimension of mental and emotional health in children and young people, with a strong applied focus. ",NULL,asynchronous
121775,Your Spoken Story Superpower,"The ability to craft great spoken stories is a superpower you can use across many aspects of your life, from job interviews, pitches and presentations through to building personal relationships and inspiring others.",NULL,asynchronous
118288,Volunteering & Service Learning Passport,"In this Self-Study Pack, we’ll be learning about what we mean by volunteering, its scale and scope and the contexts where it takes place.",NULL,asynchronous
122095,The Facilitation Workbook,An opportunity to develop workshop facilitation skills and design sessions based on your personal ideas,NULL,asynchronous
86566,Media and Misinformation,"Media literacy and misinformation is an urgent concern in today’s world. This self-directed RISE course will delve into the world of navigating information in the digital world, giving you the skills to feel confident and positive about using digital information.",NULL,asynchronous
124311,IC3 Certification Scheme,A fully-funded opportunity to gain an IC3 Digital Literacy certification (Internet Core Competency Certification). The IC3 certifications test concepts and skills that apply to almost any school or career pathway. ,NULL,asynchronous
120252,Child Development,,NULL,asynchronous
116645,Product Design with 3D Printing,"In this unit, you will learn to use 3D printing as a valuable tool to create a minimal viable product (MVP) to meet a specified design brief. ",NULL,asynchronous
125473,Cisco Certification Scheme,"Establish your career in IT with a fully funded opportunity to gain a work-ready, Cisco Certified Support Technician certification. ",NULL,asynchronous
125704,Project Management Institute Certification,"The PMI Project Management Ready certification will introduce and familiarize you to the concepts and field of project management, and the tools to apply this knowledge to a wide range of career paths.",NULL,asynchronous
124413,Enterprise: The Art of Selling,"For the makers, for the artists, for the creatives. This self-study kit will walk you through taking your creative passion and generating income so you can keep being creative and doing what you love.",NULL,asynchronous
121183,Firm Foundations - Supporting School Readiness,"This unit will consider School Readiness activities intended for children and adults across a range of situations including formal, informal, and home contexts. |
It will draw on contributions from fields of knowledge including psychology, sociology, education, and early childhood studies. ",NULL,asynchronous
134982,Compassionate Care in Practice,Working with adults who have care and support needs can be both challenging and rewarding. You will have an opportunity to reflect on the value of work in this field. ,NULL,asynchronous
124992,STRIVE 100,,NULL,asynchronous
200505,Digital Identity,Your digital identity is unique to you so knowing what you’re doing and how you’re doing online is a crucial and necessary skill in today’s digital world.,NULL,asynchronous
200911,Cite Them Right Harvard Referencing,,NULL,asynchronous
119453,"Speech, Language and Communication",,NULL,asynchronous
124793,Placement/Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Health and Education Faculty,This Self-Study Pack for Placement is intended for students to complete who will be taking part in placement or work integrated learning opportunities as part of their course or who are interested in taking part in Placement. ,NULL,asynchronous
209339,Introduction to Computer Aided Design and 3D Printing Short Course,"In this innovative unit, you will learn how to use simple software tools (computer aided design - CAD) to create designs that may then be turned into a physical form using 3D printing.",NULL,asynchronous
209780,Early Literacies Self Study Pack,,NULL,asynchronous
213853,Firm Foundations - Pre-Birth and Early Days,,NULL,asynchronous
210731,How to be… Effectively You,Learn how to bring your dreams to reality through self effectiveness.,NULL,asynchronous
216413,International Buddy Scheme 23/24,,NULL,asynchronous
212188,Rise Assessment Guidance 2023/4,"The Rise assessment is your way to convert your Rise experiences into academic credit, and this self-study pack is your route into that process.",NULL,asynchronous
221060,How to be… Effectively You,Learn how to bring your dreams to reality through self effectiveness.,NULL,asynchronous
202396,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,06/10/2023 14:30,synchronous
202419,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,20/10/2023 14:30,synchronous
202429,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,03/11/2023 14:30,synchronous
202432,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,17/11/2023 14:30,synchronous
202437,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,01/12/2023 14:30,synchronous
204942,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,15/12/2023 14:30,synchronous
202349,Climate Café with Force of Nature,"Climate change got you anxious? |
You're not on your own, 70% of young people feel climate anxious and 56% believe humanity is doomed. We urgently need spaces to navigate our climate emotions and translate them into action. |
Come along to this climate café to have a safe space to share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns on the climate crisis. |
Since their first symposium in June 2021, this online Seminar Series has offered a fabulous platform for PGRs/ECRs to share their research and for students from all disciplines to learn more about the long nineteenth century. |
Calling all students with a product to sell! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talent and entrepreneurial spirit at our upcoming Winter Market. |
",28/11/2023 09:00,synchronous
126205,Challenging menstrual stigma and supporting menstrual health in sport and education,"Welcome to this Rise project, where we look at menstrual health, menstrual experiences, and menstrual stigma in sport and education settings. |
In this project you will make an impact in the real world by creating your own iniatitive to tackle this stigma out in the school and/or sport environment for which you designed it.",04/10/2023 10:00,synchronous
205578,Ardwick Climate Action Community Bulb Planting and Climate Event,"Come and be a part of transforming urban greenspaces with Ardwick Climate Action and set a world record for group flower planting! |
",01/10/2023 12:00,synchronous
205549,Ecotech Explorers: Greener Computing Project,"When we enter the digital world, we leave as big of a carbon footprint there as we do anywhere else. |
This project explores this idea and challenges you to find and develop ideas or initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of computing at Manchester Met. |
You don't need to be an expert - this project is designed to help you learn! |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Engineering training workshops are your chance to come along and get training and experience on a variety of machines and devices. These workshops are open to students from any subject or level and are a great way to find out how the engineering workshop facilities may be able to help you with your own studies or activities. |
Are you passionate about tackling climate change? Do you want to play an important role in the University’s response to this crisis? If so, train to become a Carbon Literacy Session Assistant! |
Are you passionate about tackling climate change? Do you want to play an important role in the University’s response to this crisis? If so, train to become a Carbon Literacy Session Assistant! |
Come along to this workshop to learn how to cultivate your own culinary mushrooms at home. It will also cover food sustainability, reducing food waste and how we can transform local waste streams into edible mushrooms! |
All participants will leave with a bucket full of mushroom substrate, ready and waiting to produce KILOS of mushrooms for dinner! |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ONE DATE AND TIME ONLY - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
USE THE DROP DOWN MENU IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS PAGE TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE DATES AND TIMES - FREE session for Faculty of Science and Engineering 2nd year or above students and staff to gain your mental health certificate with St John Ambulance, our leading partner for wellbeing training. |
Green spaces are vital for human health and the health of our environment. Take part in this project to investigate how we can make the best use of our urban greenspaces to benefit communities and the environment! |
This is an opportunity to work with creative early years science educators and students from the University of Manresa in Spain. You will be supported by experts to develop a science education activity for young children. It is ideal for students of science, education, early years and/or Spanish. No expertise is required and everyone is welcome. |
This autumn, HOME Manchester will present ‘A Fine Toothed Comb’ an exhibition curated by Turner Prize-winning artist Lubaina Himid. |
The theme of this years Black History Month is 'Celebrating our sisters', so in honor of this theme LSBU are hosting Pauline Campbell for their first event of the month. |
Do you want to join a newly established society all about diversity, opportunities, and meeting new people? Then the Black Student Network is the right society for you! |
A fortnightly event to bring people together to learn, share and experience different cultures. |
A fortnightly event to bring people together to learn, share and experience different cultures. |
Global Cafe is a social event designed to bring together people from diverse cultural backgrounds to interact, share their unique experiences and learn about other cultures. |
Zebra Tribe Comic Festival - comic creators, comics & graphic novelsThe Zebra Tribe Comic Festival part of the Ubuntu Festival of Events for Black History Month. |
Showcasing black graphic novel and comic creators, illustrators, writers and allies for Black History Month. |
Black History Month in the UK is marked in October when we take the time to educate ourselves about Black history, and how this shapes the lives of Black people today. |
Since their first symposium in June 2021, this online Seminar Series has offered a fabulous platform for PGRs/ECRs to share their research and for students from all disciplines to learn more about the long nineteenth century. |
Why be Enterprising? Being Enterprising is not only related to being an Entrepreneur. In this session for Science and Engineering students, Innospace (the MMU business start-up space) will outline the key personality traits to develop to become an Enterprising individual, whether you start your own business or work for an organisation. |
There'll be plenty to get stuck in, with a variety of planting, tree health checks and wellness activities on Birley campus to help improve our Orchard area by the Brooks building.",04/10/2023 13:30,synchronous
207814,A Career as a Business Psychologist,"Guest speaker Maria Gardner from the Association of Business Psychologists (ABP) will share her insights about the work of business psychologists, including the diverse range of work possible as well as hints and tips about how to improve your chances of getting into this career. ",10/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
206858,UniCity 2030: A Pop Up Think/Do Tank by CrAFt,"An interactive, student-led event, which reimagines the role of universities in cities. We will re-envision universities as innovative and inclusive development centres, breaking down the boundaries between academia, city, and community. We will look to connect this to the local cultural and artistic aspects that make places beautiful.",17/10/2023 09:00,synchronous
207990,aAh! Magazine The FRESHERS Issue Social,"Join us to celebrate our latest issue, meet the team and find out how you can get involved with your student magazine.",05/10/2023 17:30,synchronous
208085,Business and Social Purpose Consultants: The Shed,Support a Tameside charity dedicated to supporting older men experiencing isolation to reimagine its next steps in operations and impact. ,30/10/2023 15:00,synchronous
208182,On Campus Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,18/10/2023 14:00,synchronous
208189,On Campus Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice test.,01/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
208192,On Campus Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,15/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
208199,On Campus Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,06/12/2023 14:00,synchronous
205653,Saturday Club Co-facilitators,"Interested in learning delivery & facilitation skills, running workshops and getting creative through subject specialist clubs for 13-16 yr olds? ",29/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
208633,Beyond Words: Mastering the Art of Email Communication,"Do you ever wonder how your emails come across to the people you send them to? |
Do you often feel you are misinterpreted? |
Do you want to boost your professionalism and make a lasting impression with every email you send? |
We have the solution! |
",22/11/2023 15:00,synchronous
208665,Become an Education Mentor with the Prince's Trust Mosaic Programme,,01/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
208855,SODA Film Editing Masterclass from Blackmagic Design (Online),Oscar nominated Thomas Engell is a hybrid talent in audio and image alike. Practicing and teaching in what he describes as the multiple dimensions in film editing. Classical storytelling-art and science paired with the possibilities of emerging software editing technologies.,20/10/2023 10:00,synchronous
87257,Comino Poet in Residence Pre-application Information session 1, |
,13/10/2023 15:30,synchronous
208636,Comino Poet in Residence 2023/24 (Re-wilding Words),,29/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
209697,Comino Poet in Residence Pre-application Information session 2, |
,18/10/2023 15:30,synchronous
209884,Remote Technology Co-Design Workshops,,22/11/2023 11:00,synchronous
210115,The Academy Workshop: The Certainty of Uncertainty - surviving and thriving from the unexpected,,01/11/2023 16:00,synchronous
210120,The Academy Workshop: AI Mastery - Unlocking Competitive Advantage,,07/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
209679,Develop: The Idea Boot Camp,Develop Your Plan. Develop Your Idea. Be Your Own Boss. Explore ideas to turn into a reality.,09/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
209666,Business Start Up Boot Camp,,10/11/2023 09:30,synchronous
209586,Saluting Our Sisters - Melanin Markets Pop-Up At The Horsfall,,21/10/2023 12:00,synchronous
209580,Saluting Our Sister Open-Mic Call-Out,,19/10/2023 18:30,synchronous
210409,Sign Language In Six Weeks - Tuesdays, |
,13/10/2023 12:00,synchronous
210402,Sign Language In Six Weeks - Mondays, |
,13/10/2023 12:00,synchronous
210499,Lab Tour with PrintCity at MMU (Faculty of Science and Engineering Enrichment),,25/10/2023 13:00,synchronous
210737,MRI Research Project - Jaw and Tongue Anatomy, |
,01/11/2023 12:00,synchronous
210724,Overcoming Imposter Syndrome,,26/10/2023 14:00,synchronous
210775,Empower Your Inner Self: Yoga for Confidence Session,,27/10/2023 14:00,synchronous
210850,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,19/10/2023 16:00,synchronous
210852,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,30/10/2023 16:00,synchronous
210651,,,19/10/2023 18:00,synchronous
211124,On Campus Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,07/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
211129,Does writing feel like a battleground?,A workshop to help you explore and improve your relationship with writing. ,07/12/2023 18:00,synchronous
211125,Does writing feel like a battleground?,A workshop to help you explore and improve your relationship with writing. ,06/12/2023 13:00,synchronous
75001,aAh! Magazine - Introduction to Journalism and Student Media,Build your journalism skills and find out more about how you can get involved with Manchester Met's arts and culture magazine.,11/10/2023 15:30,synchronous
166654,aAh! Magazine Open Team Meeting - Get involved,Get involved with Man Met's arts and culture magazine.,18/10/2023 15:30,synchronous
208005,aAh! Magazine Open Team Meeting - Get involved,Get involved with Man Met's arts and culture magazine.,01/11/2023 15:30,synchronous
211418,Get Certified: Microsoft Excel in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,08/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211429,Get Certified: Microsoft PowerPoint in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,08/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211437,Get Certified: Microsoft Word in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,08/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211489,Get Certified: Illustrator in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Adobe.,29/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211498,Get Certified: InDesign in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Adobe.,29/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211505,Get Certified: Photoshop in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Adobe.,29/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211515,Empowering Your Career: Alumni Stories of Diversity and Success,"Do you want to learn more about how to navigate equity, diversity, and inclusion in employment? Do you want to gain insight into overcoming obstacles and learn how to be a strong candidate or ally?",07/11/2023 15:00,synchronous
211525,Pop-up Thursday: Opportunity Expo,"Step into the world of endless possibilities at our 'Pop-up Thursday' event. Join us as we bring together a diverse range of university representatives and external organisations with unique opportunities to boost your employability. |
No bookings necessary - just stop by!",09/11/2023 11:30,synchronous
211457,Unlocking Success: How to Boost Your CV (Session 2),Join us for an engaging and informative session where you'll hear directly from fellow students who have kickstarted their CVs.,06/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
211444,Unlocking Success: How to Boost Your CV (Session 1),Join us for an engaging and informative session where you'll hear directly from fellow students who have kickstarted their CVs.,06/11/2023 11:00,synchronous
211473,"Try it Tuesday: CV, Cover Letter, LinkedIn, Professional Photography and RISE Drop-ins","Stop by on 'Try It Tuesday' to benefit from drop-in style activities and receive expert guidance from your Science and Engineering Careers team. |
No bookings necessary - just stop by!",07/11/2023 11:30,synchronous
211640,Postgraduate Studies Demystified,Eager to continue your educational journey after graduation? Or just want to know more about what it involves?,10/11/2023 15:00,synchronous
211621,How to Get a Graduate Job: Secrets from Employers (Session 1),"Eager to uncover the secrets to landing your dream graduate job? Join us for our ""How to Get a Graduate Job"" session, where our Careers team will guide you through the entire process, from finding the best opportunities to acing applications and interviews.",10/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
211623,How to Get a Graduate Job: Secrets from Employers (Session 2),"Eager to uncover the secrets to landing your dream graduate job? Join us for our ""How to Get a Graduate Job"" session, where our Careers team will guide you through the entire process, from finding the best opportunities to acing applications and interviews.",10/11/2023 12:00,synchronous
211565,"Industry Talks: Climate Emergency, Publishing & Print","Industry-leading print & publishing experts share their strategies and products for a sustainable future. Meet speakers from G.F Smith, FoilCo, Dizzy Ink & more and test their newest eco-friendly products.",15/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
211402,Join The Writing Lab,"The Writing Lab is a five-week programme, exploring why and how we write. Taking place over 5 Wednesdays on campus (7/2, 14/2, 28/2, 6/3, 13/3) 3.00-4.30pm. ",07/02/2024 15:00,synchronous
211780,Get Certified: Microsoft Excel in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,13/12/2023 10:00,synchronous
211782,Get Certified: Microsoft Word in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,13/12/2023 10:00,synchronous
211783,Get Certified: Microsoft PowerPoint in a Day,This is a fully-funded opportunity to train and receive an external certification from Microsoft - in only one day.,13/12/2023 10:00,synchronous
212269,Re Do Your Denim with Stitched Up,"Don’t chuck your holey jeans - mend them better! |
Drop-in for 2 minutes, 2 hours or any time in between. |
Beginner friendly. All equipment and material will be provided but feel free to bring your own denim!",09/11/2023 11:30,synchronous
212897,Making a Successful Application: A Masterclass From KTP,"Find out how to succeed in your job applications in this interactive workshop, in which you'll discover top tips for application forms, CVs and cover letters. You’ll also find out more about graduate opportunities available through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme. |
Asma will discuss being a STRIVE role model, undertaking work that has a positive impact on society. |
Grab a drink and a snack and join us for an informal chat about how your programme is going, how you are finding studying in Manchester, how are you managing independent learning? |
Get together with students from everywhere. Global café is a great place for UK and international students to relax with friends, meet new people and learn about other cultures. Free refreshments are provided with lots of games available. |
Start your own business venture, social enterprise or freelance journey with support from external facilitators, resources, mentoring and advice with time to reflect on the information. |
Get together with students from everywhere. Global café is a great place for UK and international students to relax with friends, meet new people and learn about other cultures. Free refreshments are provided with lots of games available. |
How can we make a fairer society through Carbon Literacy?: Languages, Information and Communications |
There'll be plenty to get stuck in, with a variety of planting, pruning and wellness activities on Birley campus to help improve our Woodland area by the Brooks building (Stretford Road).",08/11/2023 13:30,synchronous
213070,ATOS Employability with Laura Rutter,Laura Rutter is Head of Intelligent Collaboration Engineering & Lead STEM Ambassador.,23/11/2023 11:00,synchronous
213366,Meet the Assessment Team,Meet the Assessment Team as part of STRIVE 100.,22/11/2023 11:00,synchronous
213363,Wellbeing Chat and Chill,"Grab a drink and a snack and join us for an informal chat about how your programme is going, how you are finding studying in Manchester, how are you managing independent learning?",08/12/2023 14:00,synchronous
213364,Talk about race forum - Mubina Musa,"These forums are safe spaces for dialogue between you and other members of our STRIVE 100 community, to reflect on racialised experiences during the course and share experiences and learning with your peers and wider STRIVE 100 community members.",29/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
212866,Talk about race forum - Yahya Goga,"These forums are safe spaces for dialogue between you and other members of our STRIVE 100 community, to reflect on racialised experiences during the course and share experiences and learning with your peers and wider STRIVE 100 community members.",26/10/2023 14:00,synchronous
213057,TELLIN STORIES - Nazneen Ismail,"Discuss with Nazneen how to upload your values, make the most of your strengths and bring yourself and your identity to work.",21/11/2023 15:30,synchronous
213317,Utilising PivotTables and Charts effectively in MS Excel,Understand how to effectively utilise PivotTables and Charts in Microsoft Excel.,24/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
213357,Virtual Internship with Alia Alhirsi,"The virtual internships are amazing opportunities to learn about different roles, explore what it is like working for different companies and the skills, experience, capabilities and strengths that they are looking for.",28/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
210926,Supporting School Readiness - 6 week course,"Delve deep and analyse interventions that influence babies, children, and families! ",08/11/2023 18:30,synchronous
213606,Pre-birth and Early Days - 6 week course,"Delve deep and analyse interventions that influence babies, children, and families! ",07/02/2024 18:00,synchronous
213714,Gardening workshop: Orchard edition,"There'll be plenty to get stuck in, with a variety of wassail, pruning, tree ID and wellness activities on Birley campus to help improve our Ocrhard area by the Brooks building. |
There'll be plenty to get stuck in, with a variety of planting, foraging and nature connection wellness activities on Birley campus to help improve our Woodland area by the Brooks building (Stretford Road).",07/02/2024 13:30,synchronous
213605,Lab Tour with PrintCity (Faculty of Science and Engineering Enrichment),"Building the future, one layer at a time. In this session for the Faculty of Science and Engineering, PrintCity (the MMU 3D additive and digital manufacturing centre) will take you on an exclusive lab tour of innovative facilities, equipment and case studies.",15/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
213825,Want to be a Young Trustee or Board Member?,"Are you interested in becoming a trustee or belonging to a board? |
",09/11/2023 17:30,synchronous
213844,Storylab with Heard Storytelling,Unlock the superpower of storytelling! Learn to tell your story out loud and confidently in a Masterclass with Heard Storytelling. Attending this Storylab Session will also give you the chance to perform at a live storytelling event later on June. ,10/11/2023 14:30,synchronous
213843,Storylab with Heard Storytelling,Unlock the superpower of storytelling! Learn to tell your story out loud and confidently in a Masterclass with Heard Storytelling. Attending this Storylab Session will also give you the chance to perform at a live storytelling event later on June. ,10/11/2023 10:30,synchronous
214673,NHS Blood and Transport Laboratory Tours,"Sign up for a chance to see how human blood is processed from the donor to the clinically accurate blood component stored in the NHS laboratory. |
",08/11/2023 09:30,synchronous
214685,NHS Blood and Transplant Laboratory Tours,"Sign up for a chance to see how human blood is processed from the donor to the clinically accurate blood component stored in the NHS laboratory. |
",15/11/2023 09:30,synchronous
214686,NHS Blood and Transplant Laboratory Tours,"Sign up for a chance to see how human blood is processed from the donor to the clinically accurate blood component stored in the NHS laboratory. |
",22/11/2023 09:30,synchronous
214687,NHS Blood and Transplant Laboratory Tours,"Sign up for a chance to see how human blood is processed from the donor to the clinically accurate blood component stored in the NHS laboratory. |
",06/12/2023 09:30,synchronous
214693,NHS Blood and Transplant Laboratory Tours,"Sign up for a chance to see how human blood is processed from the donor to the clinically accurate blood component stored in the NHS laboratory. |
",29/11/2023 09:30,synchronous
214714,Student Focus Group (Faculty of Science and Engineering Enrichment),"A focus group for Science and Engineering students to discuss, give feedback on and inform future Faculty Enrichment activities and events with free pizza as a thank you!",29/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
214678,Student Focus Group (Faculty of Science and Engineering Enrichment),"A focus group for Science and Engineering students to discuss, give feedback on and inform future Faculty Enrichment activities and events with free pizza as a thank you!",22/11/2023 13:00,synchronous
215764,Produce a Hybrid Music Event (Art School Live),Work with a team of students from across the university to plan and produce a live-streamed music event within the School of Digital Arts. You will work to prepare a venue and a live-stream setup to capture a studio session with two professional bands. ,28/11/2023 10:30,synchronous
215781,"Industry Talks: Climate Emergency, Publishing & Print","Industry-leading print & publishing experts share their strategies and products for a sustainable future. Meet speakers from G.F Smith, FoilCo, Dizzy Ink & more and test their newest eco-friendly products.",15/11/2023 14:00,synchronous
215807,St John Ambulance - Student Volunteering and First Aid Society Launch,The Faculty of Science and Engineering in partnership with St John Ambulance is launching a Student Volunteering and First Aid Society and is looking for interested students to form the first members and lead the exec team.,24/11/2023 16:00,synchronous
215995,SODA DaVinci Resolve Masterclass from Blackmagic Design (online),See how Walt Disney Studios is utilising DaVinci Resolve's collaborative workflow to produce original content for its streaming service.,17/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
216249,Education & Self-Improvement in the Long Nineteenth Century,,23/11/2023 17:30,synchronous
216283,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,14/11/2023 16:00,synchronous
216295,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,05/12/2023 16:00,synchronous
216388,Towards an Active Learning Community?,,11/01/2024 09:45,synchronous
216411,Towards an Active Learning Community?,,07/02/2024 09:45,synchronous
216483,Every Job is a Green Job,,24/01/2024 09:00,synchronous
215473,Carbon Literacy Workshop: People and Performance,,25/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
114316,Fantastic Sustainable Plastics Materials Roadshow,,28/11/2023 10:00,synchronous
216258,Code First Girls: Introduction to Python and Apps, |
,15/11/2023 16:00,synchronous
216779,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,19/12/2023 16:00,synchronous
216728,Distributed Design with Fab Lab Barcelona, |
,23/11/2023 16:00,synchronous
216993,Creative Mavericks! Different pathways to make a living as a creative, |
,24/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
217072,Building your personal brand | Hosted by L’oreal,,23/01/2024 12:30,synchronous
217069,The secret to job applications | Hosted by Aldermore Bank,,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
214117,Meet the Creative Professionals: Speed Networking for Employment, |
,23/01/2024 13:30,synchronous
216843,Public Speaking Tips to Hook Any Audience, |
,23/01/2024 13:30,synchronous
217075,How do I sell my skills to employers? | Hosted by Footasylum,,23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
216811,Considering Teaching?,,24/01/2024 15:00,synchronous
216758,Tech Talks: Decode your Digital Future,,24/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
215268,Meet the Creative Professionals: Speed Networking for Freelancers & Makers, |
,25/01/2024 13:30,synchronous
217220,Applying for a Graduate Visa!,,25/01/2024 15:00,synchronous
216896,How to create social media content like a PRO!, |
,26/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
217079,Developing a growth mindset to be successful in your career | Hosted by Enterprise Mobility,,25/01/2024 12:00,synchronous
216892,What is Freelancing and How to Start,,25/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
217422,Guest Lecture with Stitched Up... 'Fighting the Fallout from Fast-Fashion',,06/12/2023 13:30,synchronous
217446,Faculty of Science and Engineering 5-a-side Mixed Football Tournament,The Faculty of Science and Engineering are hosting a 5aside mixed football tournament with the top team winning a £50 Amazon voucher each!,24/01/2024 14:45,synchronous
217091,Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer Programme,,22/01/2024 09:30,synchronous
217533,Successfully selling yourself in interviews | Hosted by the Civil Service Fast Stream,Join the Civil Service Fast Stream in this session which will help you to prepare yourself for interviews. Gain top tips from an employer perspective and give yourself the best chance for success. ,25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
216725,Maths Equivalency Support via RISE: is it for you?,,25/01/2024 15:00,synchronous
216277,Finding your Way with Reading at University,Reading at university is very different from the reading we do every day! This workshop will introduce core reading strategies that can help you make sense of academic texts and the critical questions we often need to ask when undertaking research.,25/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
216723,Maths Equivalency Support via RISE: is it for you?,,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
216720,Writing with Style: Build your confidence in writing for different academic purposes, |
,23/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
216722,“A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish”: Reflecting on the Planning Process,Developing academic skills is a process that takes time and reflection. This workshop will help you reflect on your academic skills and plan where you'd like to go next.,23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
216273,Speaking with Confidence: Creative Ways to Improve Your Speaking Skills,"In this workshop, you’ll practise strategies to enhance your speaking skills by engaging with a range of critical and creative techniques. The session will be partly held in the University's pioneering Poetry Library. |
Our University chaplains, of different faiths, will talk about their beliefs, traditions and cultures, and will create a space in which you can feel confident to ask questions and discuss issues which you might otherwise have felt unable to raise, no matter how big or small. |
Dept. Social Care & Social Work Black, Asian and ethnically diverse student networkThis is the second Department of Social Care and Social Work's Black, Asian ethnically diverse student network. This meeting is an opportunity to discuss an exciting opportunity to hear more about a BASW Social Work event in December 2023.",23/11/2023 18:00,synchronous
217836,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,22/03/2024 10:00,synchronous
217847,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,26/03/2024 11:00,synchronous
217848,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,05/04/2024 10:00,synchronous
217849,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,11/04/2024 10:00,synchronous
217850,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,17/04/2024 12:00,synchronous
217851,Rise Assessment Drop-In,Develop your Rise assessment ideas in an online workshop.,23/04/2024 13:00,synchronous
217156,Confidence and YOUR Future,"Come and meet inspirational Daisy Morris talk about building confidence in the real world, in a real way, so you can be your best YOU. ",14/02/2024 10:45,synchronous
211857,Future Me Game Jam,Take part in the Department of Computing and Mathematics Game Jam as part of this year's Future Me Week!,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
211862,Department of Computing and Mathematics Hackathon,,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
217817,LinkedIn Lab: Launch Your Profile - A Student Drop-In with Careers,Join us for an interactive drop in at the heart of 'Future Me Week'. Students can fine-tune their professional LinkedIn profiles or create a profile. Our LinkedIn Profile Computing Lab Drop-In is the perfect opportunity to update or craft your LinkedIn profile with expert guidance.,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218504,Digital Skills Festival - Talent Day 2024 | Manchester Digital,Talent Day is the largest digital and tech careers fair in the North and a must-attend event for those looking to start work in the industry or explore options for a future career pathway.,07/02/2024 10:00,synchronous
218541,Comino Poet in Residence #2 (Re-wilding Words),,02/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
212275,Project: Hack Your Assessment!,Join a student/staff collaboration to transform the way we understand and celebrate success in higher education.,14/02/2024 14:00,synchronous
218770,Exploring Industry Horizons: Your Journey Beyond the Classroom,This session aims to provide insights into the dynamic realm of industrial-regulated contract laboratories. This session seeks to inspire and inform individuals interested in pursuing careers or gaining a deeper understanding of the industrial-regulated laboratory landscape.,26/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
218582,3D Printing for Beginners, |
,26/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
208170,Making Great Communities Incubator,What does community mean to you? Do you have an idea to do good in your community and make change in places across Manchester? Well then! Lets make these ideas happen...,07/02/2024 12:00,synchronous
218999,Future Me Game Jam for Games Design Students,Take part in the Department of Computing and Mathematics Game Jam as part of this year's Future Me Week! This event sign-up page is only for students studying Games Design,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
219040,Rise Assessment Information Session,A chance to ask the Rise team questions about the Rise assessment,30/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
219076,Rise Assessment Information Session,A chance to ask the Rise team questions about the Rise assessment,05/02/2024 12:00,synchronous
219077,Rise Assessment Information Session,A chance to ask the Rise team questions about the Rise assessment,09/02/2024 10:00,synchronous
218478,Business & Law: Generative AI Prompt Engineering Workshop and Hackathon,"Join us for this exciting Generative AI Prompt Engineering Workshop and Hackathon (spaces limited)! |
Enhance your credentials by delving into the cutting-edge realm of Generative AI! Our upcoming workshop and hackathon is for students who want to enhance their skill set and stay ahead of the game! |
",22/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
219368,Make Your Mark Programme Tutor,"Make your Mark is The Brilliant Club's newest programme, and has been created to boost attainment for less advantaged young people. |
STRIVE role model, Naomi Alormele, talks about their experiences. |
STRIVE role model, Adwoa Amankona, talks about her experiences. |
Drop in session to find out more about Future me plan (formerly known as My Five Year Plan), and reflecting and sharing your experiences. |
Hear from experts to discover how you can use your experiences and share your story to shape your future. |
Join this session to explore your aspirations, find out what we mean by ‘change goals’, and learn how to create goals that are individual to you. |
Find out more about Future me plan (formerly known as My Five Year Plan), and how you can start setting and achieving manageable goals. |
How can we tell the difference between a good workplace and a bad one? How do we know how things should (or shouldn't) be at work? The session will explore meanings of good, respectful work, and the role of employment rights and the law in this. ",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218674,An Introduction to Blender,An introduction to using Blender to create 3D models and environments,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218670,CC Adobe Illustrator,"A basic intro to Illustrator: Layers, Selection tools, Working with Vector graphics, Colour & amp, Gradient fills, Pen tool, Pathfinder and Filters",23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218640,DSLR Cameras for Video,"Introduction to DSLR cameras for video (Canon 700D, 5D, Sony A7)",23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218679,Basic Camera Skills for Stills,"Basic use of stills cameras (Nikon Z30 or similar) with explanation of Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO. Also covers white balance, exposure compensation and file quality settings.",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218680,CC Adobe XD,"An introduction to Adobe XD. Adobe XD is a vector design tool for web and mobile application creation, this will introduce students to the world of UI and UX with an online live demo creating a simple mobile/tablet application.",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218678,DaVinci Resolve: Edit,"Introduction to editing in DaVinci Resolve, covering navigating the software, video editing concepts, tools, techniques, and media organisation",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218683,After Effects,"An introduction to the fundamentals of After Effects – covering Layers, Keyframes, Animation, Curves, Masks and using Animation Presets",25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218682,Photogrammetry – An Introduction,"Introduction to Photogrammetry covering equipment, techniques and RealityCapture software",25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218681,Production Audio - Recording Device,Principles & Fundamentals of using audio recording devices.,25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
218686,CC Adobe Audition,Introduction to Audition covering the interface and operation,25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218684,CC Adobe Photoshop,"A basic introduction to Photoshop: Layers, Selection tools, History, Channels and Paths, Colour space, and Adjustment Layers",25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218685,DSLR Cameras for Video,"Introduction to DSLR cameras for video (Canon 700D, 5D, Sony A7)",25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
219511,Technical Roles as a Career," |
An introduction into the variety of the career pathways within Technical Services. Learn about a job family embedded within Higher Education that can overlap research, delivery, and innovation. If you are thinking about what’s next, and think that a career working in education is purely teaching, come and learn about a career in Technical Services",25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
218654,Unity Engine Video Game Fundamentals,"Introduction to the basic Unit Engine UI and game creation through the creation of a simple 2D game. The activity will focus on the UI and using the editor itself, rather than teaching programming concepts. |
",26/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
219452,Introduction in to Punch Needle,"This session will cover the basics of needle punch, the tools its self and the materials to use. ",25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
217081,FUTUREPROOF!,"Concerned for the climate, anxious about AI, worried for work? |
The future can seem a scary place, this workshop will help you deconstruct those feelings and consider how you might convert your turn those fears into motivation and opportunity.",12/03/2024 10:30,synchronous
220123,Carbon Literacy Training for Computing Students,"Carbon Literacy is relevant climate change learning that leads to positivity and action towards reducing carbon emissions. |
It highlights the need for substantial change and supports you, to have a cascade effect on a much wider audience – whether it’s in your workplace, community, school, university, place of worship, or another setting. ",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
219549,Winter Warmer,"Come along to the Winter Warner event in the Faculty of Health and Education in Brooks building, participate in the student voice survey and grab a free coffee voucher. ",05/12/2023 12:00,synchronous
220161,Fairness in a Global World,In this session you will work with other students to deconstruct and challenge harmful cultural stereotypes used in educational resources.,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
220199,Workshopping your Assessment,Creating a comprehensive Rise assessment requires skills building to help you prepare. We invite you to join our practical experiential learning sessions where we will be exploring all key concepts that will support your assessment. ,13/02/2024 13:00,synchronous
221124,Winter in the Long Nineteenth Century,"Since their first symposium in June 2021, this online Seminar Series has offered a fabulous platform for PGRs/ECRs to share their research and for students from all disciplines to learn more about the long nineteenth century.",14/12/2023 17:30,synchronous
220543,aAh! Magazine Weekly Open Team Meetings,Get involved with Man Met's arts and culture magazine.,13/12/2023 15:30,synchronous
222044,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,12/01/2024 15:30,synchronous
222050,Online Certification Exam Session,Sit a certification examination following self-study of a LinkedIn pathway and a practice exam.,26/01/2024 15:30,synchronous
220284,Biodiversity Literacy Workshop,,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
222201,Greener Compute Club December Meeting,Electricity from fossil fuels is contributing to climate change. IT consumes vast amounts of electricity. So what can we do to minimise and reduce our impact on the planet but still use IT? The Greener Compute Club aims to explore these issues and is looking for volunteers to get involved.,13/12/2023 09:00,synchronous
222229,Get Certified...in Microsoft Excel,A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £450) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with Excel. Come and sit your exam - and walk away with an industry-recognised certification in one day.,10/01/2024 12:00,synchronous
222198,Future me Launch - In-Conversation with Team GB's Dame Sarah Storey and special guest panel!,"Discover your potential at Future me week. Hear from inspirational speakers and panels on how to achieve your goals and overcome challenges. Learn about the Future me plan, a tool to help you map, experience, reflect, and share your journey. Kickstart your career on Monday 22 January 2024. Book now!",22/01/2024 13:15,synchronous
222266,Future me Launch - In-Conversation with BBC Radio 1's Dean McCullough and special guest panel!,,22/01/2024 09:15,synchronous
222230,Plan and develop your career whilst you study as an International student!, |
,23/01/2024 09:00,synchronous
220163,Carbon Literacy Training Part 1 and Part 2, |
,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
219349,Going Big on Hand Painted Sublimation,Don't be restricted to A3 size prints! Learn how to use our heated roller press to transfer your hand painted design onto suitable fabric.,23/01/2024 09:30,synchronous
221090,Bedroom to Cellroom,"From bedroom to cell room is an all day, innovative simulation which focusses on extra familial harm, criminalisation of children and promoting positive outcomes for young people. ",23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
221120,The Flood - a multi agency response to a disaster: Tuesday Afternoon,"An interactive, simulated learning activity, exploring how multi agencies respond to a disaster. ",23/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
221130,The Flood - a multi agency response to a disaster: Thursday Morning,"An interactive, simulated learning activity, exploring how multi agencies respond to a disaster. ",25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
221131,The Flood - a multi agency response to a disaster: Thursday Afternoon,"An interactive, simulated learning activity, exploring how multi agencies respond to a disaster. ",25/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
219890,Beginners class in how to Crochet,This session will cover how to crochet for the very beginners.,23/01/2024 13:30,synchronous
220512,Facilitating Children and Young People's Participation, |
,23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
220514,Getting Creative: Sharing Your Learning,Come along to share your learning about how you can make education and social care fairer.,23/01/2024 15:00,synchronous
219896,Learn to sew - Japanese Knot Bag,Learn to sew in a morning and create your own Japanese Knot bag to take home with you. You will learn to operate the industrial sewing machine and iron,24/01/2024 09:00,synchronous
221536,Everything you want to know about Social Work,Find out about a career in social work from the experts. ,23/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
220515,Education Careers I Don't Know About,Find out about opportunities you might have never considered.,23/01/2024 13:00,synchronous
222413,Meet the Placement Students Q&A Panel (For Level 5 Students),"Meet past placements students, many of whom secured their placements in semester 2, and gain insight into their placement experiences and application process.",23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
222503,Aspiring Teachers 2024,"Are you interested in teaching? |
This opportunity supports talented Manchester Met students from all disciplines to transition towards a PGCE at Man Met and a career in Teaching.",03/06/2024 09:00,synchronous
222444,Meet the Placement Students Q&A Panel (For Level 4 Students),"Meet past placements students and gain insight into their placement experiences and application processes. |
You will hear from students who took on roles across various industry areas and sectors, and the impact this has had on their future career planning.",25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
220204,SCSW Research & Practice Twilight session,"This session focuses on the role of children's social workers. This session will be hosted by lecturer Camilla Ventre, a former team leader of a Children's Social Work team, and facilitated by Chris King, MMU Teaching Consultant, and Attia Hussain, practicing Social Worker and former Teaching Consultant at MMU.",19/12/2023 18:00,synchronous
222275,Learn a language: German Beginner,A six week-long programme allowing you to master the basics of the German language and explore German speaking cultures.,14/02/2024 15:00,synchronous
222233,Introduction to Spanish,"A 6-week programme allowing you to master some of the very basics of the Spanish language and explore Spanish speaking cultures. |
This course will give you an insight into the Spanish language and associated cultures, and prepare you to embark on your language learning journey if you wish.",13/02/2024 15:30,synchronous
222274,Introduction to Mandarin Chinese,"A 6-week programme allowing you to master some of the very basics of the Mandarin Chinese language and explore Mandarin Chinese speaking cultures. |
This course will give you an insight into the Mandarin Chinese language and associated cultures, and prepare you to embark on your language learning journey if you wish.",14/02/2024 10:00,synchronous
222267,Introduction to Japanese,"A 6-week programme allowing you to master some of the very basics of the Japanese language and explore Japanese speaking cultures. |
This course will give you an insight into the Japanese language and associated cultures, and prepare you to embark on your language learning journey if you wish. |
",12/02/2024 13:00,synchronous
222259,Introduction to French,"A 6-week programme allowing you to master some of the very basics of the French language and explore French speaking cultures. |
This course will give you an insight into the French language and associated cultures, and prepare you to embark on your language learning journey if you wish.",14/02/2024 10:00,synchronous
221451,Carbon Literacy Training - OTEHM,"Carbon Literacy® is a term used to describe an awareness of climate change, and the climate impacts of mankind’s everyday actions.",23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
221493,Carbon Literacy Training - OTEHM,"Carbon Literacy® is a term used to describe an awareness of climate change, and the climate impacts of mankind’s everyday actions.",24/01/2024 09:30,synchronous
222701,Project Chakra: Do you want to be social entrepreneur?,"Do you want to make a positive impact? |
Join this immersive workshop based on a social enterprise in India who are positively disrupting waste management and women’s empowerment. |
Use simulation role-play and gamification to enhance your entrepreneurial skills, solve real world problems, meet the UN SDGs and understand social entrepreneurship. |
",06/03/2024 12:00,synchronous
219558,Professional Presentations in Print,Get inspired by the bindery's vast publication archive and gather information about what is achievable. ,23/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
222369,,,18/01/2024 18:00,synchronous
220179,Art & Performance - Future Me Week 2024,Teresa Brayshaw will lead a mindful body-based session focussed on developing awareness through movement.,25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
220271,Deep Currents 1: Unlocking your Superpower., |
,25/01/2024 09:00,synchronous
223334,Engaging and Networking with HR professionals, |
,25/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
223416,L’Oréal BOOST,,08/01/2024 12:00,synchronous
223905,Master course AUC,A master course opportunity for our top ten level 5 students.,18/12/2023 11:00,synchronous
220160,Moving with ease – applying the Feldenkrais Method,Teresa Brayshaw will lead a mindful body-based session focussed on developing awareness through movement.,26/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
223906,Workshop: Handling job interviews,,23/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
223934,GoGlobal Internships,This is an opportunity for our international students to gain an internship to provide valuable experience on their CVs. ,18/12/2023 12:05,synchronous
223923,Art & Performance - Future Me Week 2024,Performance and Social Change presentation and workshop,25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
223924,Assistant Football Coach (MMU Sport Football Club),Develop your skills as a future coach by assisting our team of lead football coaches in the delivery of high quality coaching sessions within our MMU Sport Football club programme.,29/09/2024 12:00,synchronous
224106,Art and Performance - Submerge Festival,Employability and creativity practice presentation and workshop,25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
223977,Football Analyst,Develop your skills as a future performance analyst by supporting our lead football coaches in the delivery of high quality coaching sessions and match preparation within our Men's and/or Women's Football club programme.,29/09/2024 12:00,synchronous
224133,Deep Currents 2: Understanding Ocean Threats, |
,25/01/2024 10:00,synchronous
224136,Careers in Sustainability: Alumni panel and round table discussion,Are you interested in making a positive impact on the fashion industry within your career? (We hope so!) As part of Future Me Week we invite you to join a panel discussion and round table informal chat with our Alumni doing great things in this area.,25/01/2024 12:30,synchronous
224134,Deep Currents 3: How to turn your ideas into action, |
,25/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
224135,Expert Panel EDI: Why the fashion industry needs YOU!,We are bringing together 3 exciting external panellists from a broad range of backgrounds and heritage's - to vibrantly discuss why industries need diversity to thrive.,25/01/2024 14:30,synchronous
218852,Find Your Unique Story,You and Your Personal Brand,14/02/2024 13:00,synchronous
224481,Engineering | Meet the Employers Careers Fair 2024,"This event is a great way for you to meet employers in the Engineering sector – ask questions, discover work experience opportunities, learn about graduate roles on offer, and so much more! |
Rather than just meeting an employer at interview, this is a unique opportunity to network with key industry figures in a relaxed and friendly setting.",25/01/2024 14:00,synchronous
224461,Media and Misinformation,"This session will empower participants to navigate the dynamic digital landscape! Addressing the impact of misinformation on careers, this session will enable you to discern reliable sources, critically evaluate content, and enhance media literacy skills. |
",25/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
224498,Sport and Exercise Sciences | Meet the Employers Careers Fair 2024,"This event is a great way for you to meet employers in Sport and Exercise Sciences – ask questions, discover work experience opportunities, learn about graduate roles on offer, and so much more! |
Rather than just meeting an employer at interview, this is a unique opportunity to network with key industry figures in a relaxed and friendly setting.",25/01/2024 11:00,synchronous
224566,Understanding where to find key information when applying for jobs!,"This session highlights library and external resources for insights on organisations, companies, and industries. It will allow you to gain an awareness of current trends, priorities, and challenges. You'll also gain an understanding of what enhances job applications, and how to showcase your organisational and sector knowledge in interviews. |
A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £450) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers. |
A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £450) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers. |
A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £450) to gain external certification from Microsoft which evidences your competency with Word, Excel and/or PowerPoint. Support your IT skills in your studies, and evidence your capabilities and self-development to future employers. |
A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £600) to gain external certification from Adobe to evidence competency in Video and Design apps. Whatever your starting point, sharpen your skills and evidence self-development with a completely flexible process. |
A fully funded opportunity (worth up to £600) to gain external certification from Adobe to evidence competency in Video and Design apps. Whatever your starting point, sharpen your skills and evidence self-development with a completely flexible process. |