import pandas as pd | |
import panel as pn | |
import numpy as np | |
import hvplot.pandas | |
from bokeh.models.widgets.tables import NumberFormatter, BooleanFormatter | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import seaborn as sns | |
sns.set(style='whitegrid', context='notebook') | |
#plt.rcParams[""] = "Latin Modern Sans" | |
### Data | |
def load_data(sel_token): | |
if sel_token == "virtual": | |
df = pd.read_pickle("server_data/virtual_fulltexts_cossim_all_slice=1.pkl") | |
df = df.drop("virtual") | |
elif sel_token == "boson": | |
df = pd.read_pickle("server_data/cossims_plural_slicewidth=1.pkl") | |
elif sel_token == "intermediate": | |
df = pd.read_pickle("server_data/intermediate_fulltexts_cossim_all_slice=1.pkl") | |
df = df.drop("intermediate") | |
topn = 1000 | |
df["sum"] = df.sum(axis=1) | |
df = df.astype("float32") | |
df = df.round(3) | |
df = df.sort_values("sum", ascending=False) | |
df = df.head(topn) | | = "token" | |
return df | |
sel_token = pn.widgets.Select( | |
name="Select dataset", | |
value="virtual", | |
options=["virtual", "intermediate", "boson"], | |
#description="Select the base token ", | |
) | |
df = pn.rx(load_data)(sel_token=sel_token) | |
### Table | |
table = pn.widgets.Tabulator( | |
df, | |
### functionality | |
#formatters= {col : NumberFormatter(format='0.000') for col in df.columns}, #tabulator_formatters, | |
header_filters = {'token': {'type': 'input', 'func': 'like', 'placeholder': 'search'}}, | |
selectable='checkbox', | |
### style | |
theme = "modern", # 'default', 'site', 'simple', 'midnight', 'modern', 'bootstrap', 'bootstrap4', 'materialize', 'bulma', 'semantic-ui', or 'fast' | |
page_size = 8, | |
page = 1, | |
frozen_columns = {"token" : "left", "sum" : "right"}, # Must give width, otherwise doesn't work! | |
width=1800, | |
### other | |
disabled = True # Whether the cells are editable | |
) | |
### Plot | |
def make_fig(): | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4)) | |
df_temp = load_data(sel_token.value) | |
if len(table.selection) > 0: | |
for i in table.selection: | |
df_temp.iloc[i][:-1].plot(ax=ax, label=df_temp.iloc[i].name, lw=2.2, marker=".") | |
#else: | |
#df.loc["particle"][:-1].plot(ax=ax, label="particle", lw=2.2, marker=".") | |
#plt.hist(np.random.random(10)) | |
plt.ylabel("Cosine Similarity", fontsize=12) | |
plt.xlim() | |
plt.legend() | |
plt.close() | |
return fig | |
def plot_data(event): | |
# selected rows as indices in table.selection | |
#token = df.iloc[table.selection[0]].name | |
#values = df.iloc[table.selection[0]][:-1] | |
canvas.loading = True | |
fig = make_fig() | |
canvas.object = fig | |
canvas.loading = False | |
button = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='Plot', | |
button_type='primary', | |
align="center", | |
width=100, | |
icon="snowman", | |
) | |
button.on_click(plot_data) | |
canvas = pn.pane.Matplotlib( | |
make_fig(), | |
format="svg", | |
#width=1000, | |
sizing_mode='stretch_width', | |
height=400, | |
tight=True) | |
### Serve | |
ACCENT = "teal" | |
pn.template.FastListTemplate( | |
title="Cosine Similarity for selected tokens", | |
sidebar=[], | |
main=[pn.Column( | |
pn.Row(sel_token), | |
table, | |
button, | |
canvas)], | |
main_layout=None, | |
accent=ACCENT, | |
).servable() |