louiecerv's picture
history blame
1.29 kB
import streamlit as st
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
# Connect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('users.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Create a function to retrieve user prompts from the database
def get_user_prompts(username=None):
if username:
c.execute('SELECT * FROM user_prompts WHERE username=?', (username,))
c.execute('SELECT * FROM user_prompts')
user_prompts = c.fetchall()
return user_prompts
# Create a function to convert user prompts to a Pandas DataFrame
def user_prompts_to_df(user_prompts):
df = pd.DataFrame(user_prompts, columns=['id', 'username', 'prompt_time', 'prompt_type'])
return df
# Create a Streamlit page
st.title("User Prompts Summary")
# Retrieve all usernames from the database
c.execute('SELECT username FROM userstable')
usernames = [row[0] for row in c.fetchall()]
# Add a selectbox to filter user prompts by username
username_filter = st.selectbox("Filter by username", ["All"] + usernames)
# Retrieve user prompts based on the selected username
if username_filter == "All":
user_prompts = get_user_prompts()
user_prompts = get_user_prompts(username_filter)
# Convert user prompts to a Pandas DataFrame
df = user_prompts_to_df(user_prompts)
# Display the DataFrame