louiecerv's picture
improved the interface
import streamlit as st
import google.generativeai as genai
import os
import tempfile
MODEL_ID = "gemini-2.0-flash-exp"
model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL_ID)
chat = model.start_chat()
# Initialize session state variables
if 'essay_question' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.essay_question = ""
if 'scoring_rubric' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.scoring_rubric = ""
if "subject" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.subject = ""
if "topic" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.topic = ""
def generate_essay_question(subject, topic, difficulty):
prompt = f"Create an essay question on the topic '{topic}' in the context of {subject} with a {difficulty} difficulty level. Output the essay question only. Do not provide any other information."
response = model.generate_content(prompt)
return response.text
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
def generate_scoring_rubric(essay_question):
return f"Scoring Rubric for the essay question: {essay_question}\n\n1. Clarity: 10 points\n2. Argument Strength: 10 points\n3. Grammar: 10 points\n4. Creativity: 10 points\n5. Relevance to Topic: 10 points\n\nTotal: 50 points"
def capture_exam_photo():
img_file_buffer = None
image_path = ""
# Use the camera to capture an image
img_file_buffer = st.camera_input("Take a picture")
if img_file_buffer is not None:
# Save the image to a temporary file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".jpg") as temp_file:
image_path = temp_file.name
return image_path
st.warning("Please capture an image of the exam paper.")
return None
def main():
# Streamlit UI
st.title("πŸ“ AI Assisted Essay Scoring App")
about = """# Essay Grading System πŸŽ“
Welcome to the **Essay Grading System**! This interactive app helps educators generate essay questions, create scoring rubrics, and automate grading using AI.
## πŸ“Œ Features
βœ… **Essay Question Generator** – Select a subject, topic, and difficulty to generate thought-provoking essay questions.
βœ… **Scoring Rubric Builder** – Automatically generate a rubric and refine it as needed.
βœ… **AI-Powered Grading** – Upload a photo of an exam paper and let AI assess it based on the rubric.
## 🎯 How It Works
1️⃣ **Go to the "Essay Question" tab** – Choose your subject, enter a topic, and set the difficulty.
2️⃣ **Switch to "Scoring Rubric"** – A grading rubric is generated based on the question, and you can edit it.
3️⃣ **Move to "Grading Outputs"** – Upload an image of a handwritten essay, and the AI will grade it based on the rubric.
πŸš€ **Enhance efficiency and accuracy in grading with this AI-assisted tool!**
### πŸ“Œ About the Creator
**Created by:** *Louie F. Cervantes, M.Eng. (Information Engineering)*
**(c) 2025 West Visayas State University**
with st.expander("How to Use this App"):
tabs = ["Essay Question", "Scoring Rubric", "Grading Outputs"]
selected_tab = st.sidebar.radio("Select a Tab", tabs)
if selected_tab == "Essay Question":
st.header("Generate Essay Question")
if st.session_state.subject != "":
subject = st.text_input("Enter Subject", st.session_state.subject)
subject = st.text_input("Enter Subject")
if st.session_state.subject != "":
topic = st.text_input("Enter Topic", st.session_state.topic)
topic = st.text_input("Enter Topic")
difficulty = st.selectbox("Select Difficulty", ["Easy", "Moderate", "Difficult"])
st.session_state.subject = subject
st.session_state.topic = topic
if st.button("Generate Question"):
if subject and topic and difficulty:
st.session_state.essay_question = generate_essay_question(subject, topic, difficulty)
st.success("Essay question generated successfully!")
st.warning("Please provide the subject and topic.")
if st.session_state.essay_question:
st.subheader("Generated Essay Question:")
elif selected_tab == "Scoring Rubric":
st.header("Scoring Rubric")
if not st.session_state.essay_question:
st.warning("Please generate an essay question first.")
if not st.session_state.scoring_rubric:
st.session_state.scoring_rubric = generate_scoring_rubric(st.session_state.essay_question)
st.subheader("Generated Scoring Rubric:")
st.session_state.scoring_rubric = st.text_area("Edit Rubric", st.session_state.scoring_rubric, height=200)
elif selected_tab == "Grading Outputs":
st.header("Grading Outputs")
if not st.session_state.essay_question or not st.session_state.scoring_rubric:
st.warning("Please generate both an essay question and a scoring rubric first.")
exam_image_path = capture_exam_photo()
mime_type = "image/jpeg"
if exam_image_path is not None:
# Upload the file with the correct MIME type
file_data = genai.upload_file(exam_image_path, mime_type=mime_type)
multimodal_prompt = f"Extract all the text from the image. Score the essay exam response to the Essay Question: {st.session_state.essay_question}\nScoring Rubric: {st.session_state.scoring_rubric}. Provide feednack on the essay response."
# Send file and prompt to Gemini API
response = chat.send_message(
st.subheader("AI Grading Response:")
# Display Gemini response
if __name__ == "__main__":